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This article examines alternative forest harvesting regimes when ecosystem services in terms of water quality, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation are included in the analysis. The harvesting regimes are whole-tree harvesting with stump removal and conventional stem-only harvesting. The harvesting regimes are evaluated under two alternative climate policy contexts. The first alternative is a carbon neutral bioenergy policy, which assumes the carbon dioxide (CO2) neutrality of bioenergy and produces substitution benefits, as bioenergy replaces fossil fuels. The second alternative climate policy, a carbon non-neutral bioenergy policy, takes into account the fact that bioenergy causes carbon dioxide emissions, producing substitution costs, and that harvested woody biomass affects the ability of a forest to act as a carbon sink. We extend the traditional Faustmann (1849) rotation model to include nutrient load damage, biodiversity benefits, and climate impacts. The empirical analysis is based on Finnish data from a catchment experiment carried out on drained peatland forests. The empirical results show that under a carbon neutral bioenergy policy, whole-tree harvesting with stump removal produces the highest net social benefits. However, if a carbon non-neutral bioenergy policy is assumed, the net social benefits are greater under stem-only harvesting.  相似文献   

Whole-tree harvesting (WTH), where logging residues are removed in addition to stems, is widely practised in Fennoscandian boreal forests. WTH increases the export of nutrients from forest ecosystems. The extent of nutrient removals may depend on tree species, harvesting method, and the intensity of harvesting. We developed generalized nutrient equations for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karsten), and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) stands to be able to calculate the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium in stems and above-ground biomass (stem and crown) as a function of stand volume. The equations were based on Fennoscandian literature data from 34 pine, 26 spruce, and 5 birch stands, and they explained, depending on the tree species and nutrient, 61–99% and 56–87% of the variation in the nutrient amounts of stems and above-ground biomass, respectively. The calculations based on the equations showed that nutrient removals caused by stem-only harvesting (SOH) and WTH per harvested stem m3 were smaller in pine than in spruce and birch stands. If the same volume of stem is harvested, nutrient removals are, in general, nearly equal at thinnings and final cuttings in SOH, but larger in thinnings than final cuttings in WTH. If the principal aim is to minimize the nutrient removals per harvested stem m3, the harvesting should be done at mature pine stands. The effect of biomass removal on overall site nutrient status depends on site-specific factors such as atmospheric deposition, weathering of minerals, and the size of the nutrient pools in the soil.  相似文献   


Tree stumps could be a source of renewable energy, contributing to a reduced dependence on fossil fuels. In Finland, stumps are currently harvested when the ground is not frozen to avoid co-removal of large amounts of soil and stones. Hence, the machinery used for stump extraction is not operated year-round. On peatlands, stumps could potentially be harvested when the ground is frozen. However, peatlands are highly sensitive to ground disturbance. There is, therefore, a need to identify equipment that causes low ground disturbance. In this study, peatland ground disturbance at stump level caused by stump harvesting using either a stump drill or a conventional stump rake was evaluated and compared in winter conditions. Results show that the stump drill caused up to 90% less ground disturbance per harvested stump than the conventional stump rake, but harvested 32–53% of the stump wood. Additionally, the size and shape of the disturbed areas changed between the harvesting year and following year, indicating that frost heaving plays a role in filling holes caused by stump extraction. The stump drill also consumed similar time to the conventional stump rake when harvesting Scots pine stumps on mineral soils, but far more when harvesting Norway spruce stumps.  相似文献   


Effects of stump harvesting on the properties of surface soil and on the density, structure and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands were estimated in a field trial in western Finland. The experiment was established in 1977 and measured in 2010. Stems and logging residues were harvested after clear-cutting, and stumps were lifted and removed from half of the experimental area. Sixteen plots were planted with pine seedlings and 16 with spruce. The main effects of stump harvesting were improved survival of planted trees and an increase in natural regeneration. No clearly negative effects were noted in the stand development. Stump harvesting had no or minimal effects on the properties of the organic layer and those of the 0- to 10-cm mineral-soil layer. Soil properties did not differ between tree species. Pine production was higher on plots with stump removal compared to plots without soil treatment.  相似文献   

The decomposition of harvest residues (brash) in managed forests has an important influence on the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks of these ecosystems. The brash input from thinning events in a 25-year-old Sitka spruce plantation was determined. A litter-bag method was used to determine the mass loss and decomposition rate of brash left on the forest floor. The changes in C and N concentrations and the C:N ratio of the needles and branches were also monitored as decomposition progressed for 2.5 years. Using the decomposition rate (k b) and estimated brash inputs, we then determined the total cumulative stock of C that the brash could supply to the deadwood pool over a 41-year rotation period. The three thinning events resulted in the addition of 37.99 t C ha?1 and 0.61 t N ha?1 to the forest floor. A significant mass loss of 44 % was recorded from brash decomposition bags after 2.5 years, with a rapid loss of 35 % in the first year, after which the rate of decomposition slowed. The k b-value and residence time (95 % decomposition) were 0.311 year?1 and 9.6 years, respectively. There was a 69 % increase in the N concentration of needles after 1.5 years, while an increase of 185 % in the N concentration of branches was recorded after 2.5 years. The C concentration (48.55 ± 0.20 %) did not differ significantly between the needles and branches over time. The accumulated C stock from decomposing brash at clearfell was estimated at 18.51 t C ha?1.  相似文献   

Effects of whole-tree clearcutting are being studied in three major forest types in the northeastern United States: a spruce-fir forest in central Maine, a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, and a central hardwood forest in Connecticut. At each site we sampled total and extractable nutrient capitals, inputs and outputs of nutrient ions in precipitation and streamflow, nutrient removals in harvested products, and nutrient accumulation in regrowth. Depending upon location, combined losses of nutrients in harvested products and increased leaching to streams were in the ranges of 374–558 kg ha−1 for Ca, 135–253 kg ha−1 for K, 50–65 kg ha−1 for Mg, 248–379 kg ha−1 for N, and 19–54 kg ha−1 for P. Opportunities for replacing these losses over the next rotation are best for N. Data on inputs in precipitation versus outputs in streamflow indicate that, once effects of harvest subside, most N in precipitation will stay within the forest. By contrast, Ca shows a net output of 8–15 kg ha−1 year−1 from uncut watersheds, and the added leaching losses due to harvest may have a serious impact on Ca capital. This is especially the case for the Connecticut site, where total site capital for Ca is only about 4000 kg ha−1.  相似文献   

The short-term impacts of prescribed burning were determined for the physical and chemical properties of a forest soil on a clear-cut in western Newfoundland, Canada. The experimental site was predominantly covered by black spruce trees (Picea mariana Mill.) that were harvested in 1996. In August 1998, prescribed burning removed most of the logging residues left on the site after harvesting, all above-ground surface vegetation, and parts of the upper humus layer. In October 1998, field samples were taken from four replicated burned plots and four replicated unburned plots. In each study plot, soil samples were taken from the organic layer (F+H) and from the top 10 cm of the mineral soil. In the burned treatments, mass of the humus layer (F+H) was reduced by 24% and, because of the accretion of basic ash materials, acidity of the humus layer was also reduced by up to 1 unit. In the organic layer and the mineral soil, total contents of Mg, Ca, and P, extractable Mg and Ca, available P, sum of NH4Cl-extractable cations, and C/N ratios were increased by burning, while total C and N as well as total and extractable K remained unaffected by burning.  相似文献   

ATZMON  NIR; HENKIN  ZALMAN 《Forestry》1998,71(2):141-146
The study evaluates the establishment performance of four treespecies (Ficus carica, Fraxinus syriaca, Salix acmophylla, Platanusorientalis) 3 years after planting in the peatland in the HulehValley. To develop good tree establishment and avoid uprooting,two types of soils were tested as alternatives for the rhizosphere.For each tree 6 m3 of soil (2 x 2 x 1.5 m) were replaced withriver bed alluvium or terra-rossa, in which the tree was planted.Control trees were planted directly in the peat. Changing therhizosphere soil type to river bed alluvium significantly improvedthe establishment and performance of Salix acmophylla and Fraxinussyriaca (survival, height, diameter and canopy shade area).Ficus carica was not affected by changing the soil in the rhizosphere,while Platanus orientalis was affected mainly in canopy shadearea. Terra-rossa improved establishment only of Salix acmophylla;it did not affect the other species.  相似文献   

A non‐linear programming algorithm was combined with a stand simulator consisting of individual‐tree, distance‐dependent diameter growth, mortality and thinning models, and a distance‐independent height growth model. The Hooke and Jeeves’ direct search method was used for determining the optimum thinning schedule and rotation length. The optimum solutions for both deterministic and stochastic optimization, with stochastic growth predictions, were calculated. In the optimization, stand density was regarded as a function of the distance to ditch. On the rather infertile site, it was most profitable to keep the stand about twice as dense near ditches and the extraction road, which was placed midway between two adjacent ditches. Stochasticity did not affect the optimum regimes markedly nor did it increase the expected returns of the optimum regimes.  相似文献   

保证森林采伐与天保工程有机的统一.首先要提高采伐与天保工程统一性的认识;然后要合理采伐.大力培育速生护林;其次要处理好当前与长远的关系。  相似文献   

The effects of wood harvesting and extraction machinery traffic on sensitive forest sites with peat soils were characterised with the objective of quantifying the threshold levels beyond which significant site impacts (compaction and rutting) would occur. The treatments involved running the machines in selected extraction racks (i.e., 3 m wide machine routes) while conducting normal wood thinning and extraction operations comprising one and two passes by the harvester and the forwarder with full payload, respectively. Soil disturbance thresholds were established by testing the level of significance of the difference in induced soil damage and compaction before and after machine traffic treatments. For volumetric soil water content lying between 10.0 and 14.9%, threshold cone penetration resistance levels for two 600/55–30.5 tyres were found to range from 594 to 640 kPa for deep-raised peat soil with initial strength lying between 524 and 581 kPa. In general, the proportion of the total rut depth data in each rack that exceeded the threshold level of 21.5 cm was about 5%. The threshold value corresponds to sinkage equivalent to 15% of the overall wheel diameter of the harvester, above which machine mobility would be hampered considerably. In addition, after harvester traffic the mean rut depth per unit rack length was 10.2×10−2 cm/m, and it ranged from 0.7 to 24.7×10−2 cm/m.  相似文献   

Forest drains and streams on blanket peatland in western Ireland were sampled weekly, 1996–2000, using continuous, depth-proportional passive sampling, and analysed for molybdate-reactive phosphorus (MRP) by the acid–antimony-molybdate method. The study area was largely clearfelled and partly reforested with wind-rowing, drainage, planting, and aerially applied rock phosphate equivalent to 70 kg P/ha. Further felled areas were not wind-rowed, drained or fertilised for reforestation. Catchment areas were of the following orders: 1 ha (two forest drains); 10–20 ha (two semi-permanent drains, one permanent stream); 1–3 km2 (three permanent streams). Streamwater from three undisturbed closed-canopy-forest catchments had pre-felling median concentrations of MRP (all values are μg MRP l−1) of 9 (catchment approximately 1 km2), 13 (1 ha) and 93 (1 ha). Clearfelling was associated with large increases (maxima 305, 4164 and 3530 μg MRP l−1) in MRP concentrations in each case. Following protracted mechanical operations in four other catchments of ca. 1 km2, 20, 10 and 10 ha, with apparently existing elevated MRP concentrations (medians 41, 328, 102, 214 μg MRP l−1) fertilising gave major rises (maxima 218, 2723, 806, 2323 μg MRP l−1). The three smaller catchments showed subsequent exponential-type declines, while the 1 km2 catchment had sustained high values (median 74 μg MRP l−1) over the remaining study period. The higher values in this one larger stream were seasonally cyclical, with a late summer maximum. Annual median MRP values above 70 μg l−1 represent a seriously polluted state for these streams, which qualify as waterways under relevant statutes, but it is not clear what implications these results have for downstream river-water quality in larger channels.  相似文献   

We measured the change in above- and below-ground carbon and nutrient pools 11 years after the harvesting and site preparation of a histic-mineral soil wetland forest in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The original stand of black spruce (Picea mariana), jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and tamarack (Larix laricina) was whole-tree harvested, and three post-harvest treatments (disk trenching, bedding, and none) were randomly assigned to three Latin square blocks (n = 9). Nine control plots were also established in an adjoining uncut stand. Carbon and nutrients were measured in three strata of above-ground vegetation, woody debris, roots, forest floor, and mineral soil to a depth of 1.5 m. Eleven years following harvesting, soil C, N, Ca, Mg, and K pools were similar among the three site preparation treatments and the uncut stand. However, there were differences in ecosystem-level nutrient pools because of differences in live biomass. Coarse roots comprised approximately 30% of the tree biomass C in the regenerated stands and 18% in the uncut stand. Nutrient sequestration, in the vegetation since harvesting yielded an average net ecosystem gain of 332 kg N ha−1, 110 kg Ca ha−1, 18 kg Mg ha−1, and 65 kg K ha−1. The likely source for the cations and N is uptake from shallow groundwater, but N additions could also come from non-symbiotic N-fixation and N deposition. These are the only reported findings on long-term effects of harvesting and site preparation on a histic-mineral soil wetland and the results illustrate the importance of understanding the ecohydrology and nutrient dynamics of the wetland forest. This wetland type appears less sensitive to disturbance than upland sites, and is capable of sustained productivity under these silvicultural treatments.  相似文献   

Review of literature indicates that many uncertainties and assumptions exist in predicting the impacts of a climate change on forest ecosystems. However, current knowledge is sufficient to encourage any measures that are combating climate change, that is to reduce first and foremost the release of harmful substances to the atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.  相似文献   

Determining the magnitude of carbon (C) storage in forests and peatlands is an important step towards predicting how regional carbon balance will respond to climate change. However, spatial heterogeneity of dominant forest and peatland cover types can inhibit accurate C storage estimates. We evaluated ecosystem C pools and productivity in the Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF), in northern Minnesota, USA, using a network of plots that were evenly spaced across a heterogeneous 1-km2 mosaic composed of a mix of upland forests and peatlands. Using a nested plot design, we estimated the standing C stock of vegetation, coarse detrital wood and soil pools. We also estimated aboveground net primary production (ANPP) as well as coarse root production. Additionally we evaluated how vegetation cover types within the study area differed in C storage. The total ecosystem C pool did not vary significantly among upland areas dominated by aspen (160 ± 13 Mg C ha−1), mixed hardwoods (153 ± 19 Mg C ha−1), and conifers (197 ± 23 Mg C ha−1). Live vegetation accounted for approximately 50% of the total ecosystem C pool in these upland areas, and soil (including forest floor) accounted for another 35–40%, with remaining C stored as detrital wood. Compared to upland areas, total C stored in peatlands was much greater, 1286 ± 125 Mg C ha−1, with 90–99% of that C found in peat soils that ranged from 1 to 5 m in depth. Forested areas ranged from 2.6 to 2.9 Mg C ha−1 in ANPP, which was highest in conifer-dominated upland areas. In alder-dominated and black spruce-dominated peatland areas, ANPP averaged 2.8 Mg C ha−1, and in open peatlands, ANPP averaged 1.5 Mg C ha−1. In treed areas of forest and peatlands, our estimates of coarse root production ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 Mg C ha−1. Despite the lower production in open peatlands, all peatlands have acted as long-term C sinks over hundreds to thousands of years and store significantly more C per unit area than is stored in uplands. Despite occupying only 13% of our study area, peatlands store almost 50% of the C contained within it. Because C storage in peatlands depends largely on climatic drivers, the impact of climate changes on peatlands may have important ramifications for C budgets of the western Great Lakes region.  相似文献   


Even though stumpwood may become a significant part of the future fuel mix for combined heat and power plants in Sweden, the harvesting of stumps after regeneration felling is still only performed on a trial basis. Results from time studies on two, 23 tonne, excavators fitted for stump lifting, together with follow-up data on stump lifting and forwarding, are presented. Lifting, splitting, and piling the stumps accounted for 17, 32, and 32%, respectively, of the total productive work time. A predictive model was developed to estimate operational times and productivities when lifting pine and spruce stumps. Stump diameter, species, and terrain conditions contributed significantly to the fit of the model. The model predicts that productivity of stump lifting in spruce sites with easy terrain conditions and average stump diameters of 20 and 40 cm will be 1.23 and 4.19 oven-dry tonnes (ODT) per productive work hour, respectively. This is 43% higher than in pine sites with difficult terrain conditions and the same diameters. In the follow-up data, the productivity in stump lifting varied from 1.5 to 2.9 ODT per productive work hour while the cost for lifting and extraction to roadside varied from 37.8 to 59.4 €/ODT.  相似文献   


Stump harvesting is one way of increasing the amount of bioenergy, but little is known about the consequences of tree-stump harvesting on the carbon balance in the forest. Therefore, soil-surface CO2 flux (soil respiration, R s) was determined two years after clear-cutting for common soil disturbances occurring after patch scarification, harrowing and stump harvest in southern Sweden. R s from intact soil was found to be of the same magnitude as emissions from areas of mixed humus, indicating only small effects of disturbance. Elevated mounds produced lower emissions than in the intact soil during the second year despite larger amounts of organic matter, probably due to low soil moisture. The lowest R s was found in soil surfaces with exposed mineral soil. The treatment effects on R s were estimated considering the actual area of different disturbances. During the first year, there was no difference in R s among the treatments, whereas in the second year the flux was 10% higher after harrowing and stump harvesting than after patch scarification, implying that the effects on CO2 flux after stump harvest were comparable to conventional harrowing. However, it is unclear whether this finding basically applies to regions where decomposition is limited by soil moisture during the summer.  相似文献   


Total and soluble nutrients in peat were studied after ash fertilization on an oligotroph peatland in southeast Norway. Plots 15?m?×?15?m in size were fertilized with 0, 4, 7, and 10 tons ha1 of wood or peat ash in 1944. Chemical analyses after 18, 35 and 48 years showed a gradual reduction of phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) from the 0 to 10?cm surface peat layer. Some of the leached Ca was recovered in the layers 10–20 and 20–40?cm, while hardly any of the lost P was recovered in this way. The amount of potassium (K) in the surface layer declined by 75% over the first 18 years, and remained stable thereafter. Nothing of the lost K was recovered in deeper layers. The pH reflected the Ca levels. Over the years, an increasing proportion of the applied P, K and Ca was retrieved in the trees. Needle analyses indicated that declining tree vigor on plots fertilized with 4 and 7 tons of ash ha?1 was due to P limitations. After 48 years, the peat content of P and Ca was still significantly higher in fertilized than in control plots, thus demonstrating the long-lasting effect of ash fertilization.  相似文献   

The influence of canopy composition on litterfall and throughfall was investigated in a mixed spruce beech forest in central Germany. We hypothesised that different parts of the mixed canopy created distinct patterns of element inputs via litterfall and throughfall. The investigation was carried out in two plots, representing the most contrasting cases of mixed forests: a stand greatly dominated by spruce (SDP) and a stand greatly dominated by beech (BDP). The canopies of the two plots were classified in four categories: pure beech, pure spruce, mixed canopy and gap. Amounts of throughfall water were lower and major element fluxes were higher under spruce than under beech in both plots, indicating that the nutrient inputs under the canopies of individual trees are driven by species-specific properties of the canopies and are quite independent of the degree of admixture. With the exception of K+, mixed canopies showed intermediate element inputs via throughfall, compared with pure canopy classes. The K+ input was significantly greater under mixed canopies, and these differences were more pronounced in the SDP than in the BDP. Results suggest that individual spruce trees in the BDP induce greater spatial heterogeneity of throughfall input than individual beech trees in the SDP. Nutrient inputs via foliar litterfall were similar among the different canopy classes, but the Mg input was lower under spruce canopy. This effect was balanced by higher Mg input via spruce throughfall. In our study, throughfall was the main source of heterogeneity in nutrient inputs, while foliar litterfall had a homogenising effect.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management (e.g. partial cut harvesting) attempts to mimic natural forest dynamics and maintain structural complexity, and this less intense harvesting may minimize the impact on forest floor fauna and help maintain soil system biodiversity. We tested how different experimental harvesting regimes affect the diversity, abundance and composition of Oribatida at the sylviculture et aménagement forestiers écosystémique (SAFE) research forest located in the Abitibi region in NW Québec. Litter and soil were sampled in June 2006 in the mixedwood boreal forest at SAFE where the following treatments were applied and replicated three times: clear cut harvest, 1/3 partial cut harvest, 2/3 partial cut harvest, prescribed burn (after clear cut harvest) and uncut control. Eight years after harvest, partial cuts had more similar species composition to the uncut control within their respective blocks; however, burned habitat showed a shift in species dominance patterns and harboured a relatively distinct composition and species richness compared to treatments. With the exception of samples from clear cuts, species composition of the harvesting treatments was more similar within blocks than among blocks, suggesting that for less intense harvesting practices, spatial scale (i.e. regional factors) could have a greater influence in structuring oribatid assemblages than harvesting regime, but in more severe disturbances such as burn-after-clear cut harvest, habitat is altered enough to affect oribatid biodiversity.  相似文献   

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