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Temperature during seed maturation can induce an epigenetic memory effect in growth phenology of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) that lasts for several years. To quantify the epigenetic modifications induced by natural climatic variation, common garden experiments with plants originating from different provenances and seed years were performed. Plants from warmer seed years showed delayed phenology with later bud flush, bud set and growth cessation. This effect was quantified by linear models of phenology traits as a function of climate indices for the origin and seed year of the plants. Significant effects of the temperature during seed production (seed year) was found for the bud set in seedlings in their first growing season and for bud flush and growth cessation in the 7th-8th growing season from seed. The models suggest that growth start and growth cessation are delayed 0.7–1.8 days per 100 additional degree days experienced by the seed during embryo development and seed maturation. Models that include factors that are known to induce epigenetic effects could be used to better predict future performance of forest reproductive material.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that soil chemistry is a main constraint for the vigour of Norway spruce trees on calcareous soils is scrutinised based on data from 60 existing and new intensive study sites in the Bavarian Alps, where comprehensive information on soils, climate, foliar nutrient concentration, ground vegetation, and tree growth is available. We characterised ecological gradients of the response variables site index (SI), foliar nutrient level and needle weight by constrained ordination, identified nutrient limitations based on regression trees and modelled SI based on vegetation-based mean Ellenberg indicator values. Our study confirms the assumption that soil development and concurrent acidification are key determinants for the vitality and growth of spruce in the Bavarian Alps, which surpass the importance of climate on nutrition and growth. Pools and availability of P and N are limiting nutrition and growth of spruce in this region. We hypothesize that N-limitation persists despite considerable deposition inputs because N tends to be locked up in organic horizons with low biological activity. K and trace elements, especially Fe, can also be deficient in some cases but do not appear as major limiting factors. High foliar Mn concentrations are a reliable indicator of mature soils and favourable site conditions in the Bavarian Alps, but Mn itself is usually not limiting. P must be regarded as the most critical macronutrient in the Bavarian Alps, particularly in the face of biomass harvesting. Consequently, at sites with shallow soils forest, management should focus on sustaining or restoring humus stocks. SI of spruce can be predicted from composition of ground vegetation and Ellenberg indicator values with remarkable precision (R 2 = 0.75).  相似文献   

Investigations on root and crown status of spruce and beech were carried out on selected trees in the ‘Werdenfelser Land’ area (Bavarian Alps, Southern Germany). In addition, the association of fine root pathogens of the genera Phytophthora and Pythium with the trees’ rhizosphere was studied. In a variety of stands representing various site conditions, soil and root samples were taken from 12 spruce (Picea abies) pairs and eight beech (Fagus sylvatica) pairs. Each pair consisted of a healthy and a declining tree as indicated by crown transparency. The root status was characterized using a set of parameters, and correlations between crown and fine root status were observed. In spruce, most parameters decreased significantly with increasing crown transparency, whereas in beech, correlations were less pronounced. The total number of lateral roots per cm small root (diameter 2–5 mm) was significantly lower in both species for declining trees compared to healthy trees. Pythium spp. were isolated from 15 of 24 soil samples taken from under spruce, and from eight of 16 samples from under beech. Phytophthora citricola was found in two beech stands only. Among the isolated species, Pythium anandrum, Pythium inflatum and Pythium acrogynum were identified according to morphological features. After polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, residual Pythium isolates were assigned to four different groups. No crown transparency‐dependent differences in isolation frequency were found. In soil infestation tests, all species tested caused root damage on both young spruce and beech plants, with P. citricola being the most aggressive pathogen. Additionally, Pythium‐infected beeches showed severe leaf chloroses and necroses. Due to their low isolation frequency, Phytophthora spp. are not considered to play a major role in the decline of spruce and beech in the investigated area. Pythium spp., however, were isolated frequently, showed pathogenicity towards the fine roots of spruce and beech, and are therefore considered to be at least contributing factors in the decline of Bavarian mountain forests.  相似文献   

Trees must respond to many environmental factors during their development, and light is one of the main stimuli regulating tree growth. Thinning of forest stands by selective tree removal is a common tool in forest management that increases light intensity. However, morphological and anatomical adaptations of individual shoots to the new environmental conditions created by thinning are still poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated shoot morphology (shoot length, needle number, projected leaf area) and anatomy (tracheid lumen area, tracheid number, tracheid dimensions, xylem area, potential hydraulic conductivity) in three Norway spruce (Picea abies/L./Karst.) families exposed to different thinning regimes. We compared shoot characteristics of upper-canopy (i.e. sun-exposed) and lower-canopy (i.e. shaded) current-year shoots in a control plot and a plot thinned to 50 % stand density the previous year. One tree per family was chosen in each treatment, and five shoots were taken per canopy position. We found that upper-canopy shoots in both plots had higher values than lower-canopy shoots for all studied parameters, except lumen roundness and tracheid frequency (i.e. tracheid number per xylem area). Thinning had little effect on shoot morphology and anatomy 1 year after thinning, except for small but significant changes in tracheid dimensions. Needles were more sensitive to altered light conditions, as projected leaf area of shoot, needle number and leaf hydraulic conductivity changed after thinning. Differences between upper- and lower-canopy shoots did not seem to be influenced by thinning and were almost the same in both plots. Our results suggest that lower-canopy shoots require several years to modify their morphology and anatomy to new light conditions following thinning. The slow light adaptation of the lower canopy may be of practical importance in forest management: thinned stands may be predisposed to drought stress because newly exposed shoots experience increased illumination and transpiration after thinning.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of tree species on soil N dynamics in temperate forest ecosystems, total N (Nt), microbial N (Nmic), net N mineralization, net nitrification, and other soil chemical properties were comparatively examined in beech (64–68 years old) and Norway spruce (53–55 years old) on sites 1 and 2, and beech and Scots pine (45 years old) on site 3. The initial soil conditions of the two corresponding stands at each site were similar; soil types were dystric Planosol (site 1), stagnic Gleysols (site 2), and Podzols (site 3). In organic layers (LOf1, Of2, Oh), Nmic and Nmic/Nt, averaged over three sampling times (Aug., Nov., Apr.), were higher under the beech stands than under the corresponding coniferous ones. However, the Nmic in the organic layers under beech had a greater temporal variation. Incubation (10 weeks, 22 °C, samples from November) results showed that the net N mineralization rates in organic layers were relatively high with values of 8.1 to 24.8 mg N kg–1 d–1. Between the two corresponding stands, the differences in net N mineralization rates in most of the organic layers were very small. In contrast, initial net nitrification rates (0.2–17.1 mg N kg–1 day–1) were considerably lower in most of the organic layers under the conifer than under the beech. In the mineral soil (0–10 cm), Nmic values ranged from 4.1–72.7 mg kg–1, following a clear sequence: August>November>April. Nmic values under the beech stands were significantly higher than those under the corresponding coniferous stands for samples from August and April, but not from November. The net N mineralization rates were very low in all the mineral soils studied (0.05–0.33 mg N kg–1 day–1), and no significant difference appeared between the two contrasting tree species.  相似文献   

A common method to determine the vitality of fine root tissue is the measurement of respiratory activity with triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). The colorless TTC is reduced to the red-colored triphenyl formazan (TF) as a result of the dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. However, measurements with woody fine roots of adult Norway spruce and European beech trees showed that dead control roots had a high potential to react with TTC. High reactivity was found in boiled fine roots and the bark of coarse roots, but not in the boiled wood of coarse roots. By sequential extraction of dried and ground adult Norway spruce fine roots, reactivity with TTC was reduced by about 75% (water extraction), 93% (water/methanol extraction) and 94% (water/acetone extraction). The water extract reacted with TTC in the same way as polyphenols such as lignin, catechin and epicatechin. Boiling did not affect the extent to which fine roots of adult trees reduced TTC, whereas it greatly reduced TTC reduction by seedling roots. Application of the TTC test to roots of spruce seedlings subjected to increasing drought showed a progressive decrease in TTC reduction. The decrease in TTC reduction was paralleled by a reduction in O(2) consumption, thus supporting the conclusion that for roots with a low polyphenol content the TTC test provides a valid assessment of tissue vitality. Our results suggest, however, that the TTC test should not be applied to the fine roots of adult trees because of their high content of polyphenolic compounds whose reaction with TTC masks changes in TTC reduction due to changes in the respiratory capacity of the tissue.  相似文献   

Axial water transport in trees is mainly determined by the gradient of negative water pressure and the structure of conductive xylem elements (i.e. conduits) connecting the fine roots with the foliage. There is still an essential lack of knowledge concerning the relationship between wood structure and hydraulic properties, especially of coarse roots. To this end, the study aimed (1) to work out a novel approach, based on the combination of computer tomography (CT) and light microscopy (LM), for determining the cumulative cross-sectional lumen area of conduits involved in the water transport of coarse roots in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) and (2) to demonstrate its adequacy in quantifying the functional relationship between sapwood anatomy and ascending water mass flow in the xylem. The cross-sectional sapwood area of coarse roots was assessed through CT. The cumulative cross-sectional lumen area of conduits in the sapwood (i.e. the lumen area of conductive conduits) was measured by LM in combination with interactive image analysis. The new approach was developed with coarse roots of both the tree species growing in a 60-year-old mixed forest in Bavaria, Germany. The combination of the two methods unveiled spruce to possess a distinct sapwood/heartwood boundary in small-diameter roots, whereas such roots of beech reflected a gradual transition zone; only large-diameter roots displayed a distinct boundary in beech. Additionally, the cumulative lumen area of conductive conduits was found to be approximately 12% of the total coarse root cross-sectional area in both the tree species. The new approach of measuring the conductive lumen area of coarse-root conduits yielded levels of specific sap flow (i.e. axial conductivity) that substantially differed from those derived from commonly applied methods, which were based on sap flow per unit of total cross-sectional root area or xylem cross-sectional area of individual roots. The combination of CT and LM will facilitate functional comparisons of woody roots differing in diameter and of tree species of different anatomical xylem structure.  相似文献   

Direct seeding and planting of European beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) are two common techniques for the conversion of pure Norwayspruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stands into mixed stands. Thisstudy tested whether the growth of sown beech seedlings differsfrom that of planted seedlings of two stock types. Thereforeat two experimental sites repeated measurements were made ofheight, stem and first order branch diameter on sown and plantedseedlings over a period of nine years. The results showed thatthe growth responses of planted and sown seedlings to the environmentalconditions below the canopy of overstorey Norway spruce wererather similar. No differences between planted and sown seedlingswere found in their diameter and their estimated abovegrounddry weight. For all three batches the ratio between the estimatedbranch dry weight and the estimated main stem dry weight (branch-shoot-ratio(BSR)) was increased with age. Due to intraspecific competitionBSR was lowest for the sown seedlings irrespective of theirage. Differences in growth dynamics between planted and sownseedlings were found. For example, differences in the heightor the estimated aboveground woody dry weight between sown andplanted seedlings at a given age were not constant. Height,diameter and estimated dry mass of the seedlings in relationto age could be modelled precisely by a second-order polynomialfunction in the hitherto studied period.  相似文献   

High-resolution measurements of stem radius variations provide information about the tree water status with changing climate conditions by swelling and shrinking due to the reduction of xylem water potential and to the exceedance of leaf transpiration over root water uptake. The aim of this study was to analyze daily stem radius variations of Norway spruce and European beech in intra- and interspecific neighborhood. The experimental plots are part of a rainfall exclusion experiment. These variations are species-specific, i.e. spruces have a higher phloem thickness and higher amplitudes during a day than beeches. The amplitudes were significantly higher at the rainfall exclusion plots, but the amplitudes of spruces decreased above 27°C with increasing drought due to reduced transpiration rates and exhausted soil water reserves. The shrinking amplitude was observed for spruces in intraspecific neighborhood from a soil volumetric water content of 0.21?m3?m?3. In interspecific neighborhood, a shrinking amplitude for spruces could not be observed and revealed a lesser tree water deficit than in intraspecific neighborhood. Beeches showed minor differences with a higher tree water deficit in interspecific neighborhood. Consequently, stem radius variations give insights into a tree's water supply, which could help to understand changes in tree growth.  相似文献   

Longevity of trees is known to be associated with growth rates, but also with tree morphology and spatial influences. However, very little quantitative information is available on the effects of these biotic and abiotic influences on maximum ages of trees. The objectives of this study were to investigate the trade-off between longevity and growth rates of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and to quantify the effects of tree morphology and abiotic site conditions on longevity of this species. Data were collected along different topographical and climatic gradients in a 20?×?25?km study area in the northern part of the Swiss Alps (Glarus). The ages of the more than 100 sampled dead Norway spruces ranged between 50 and 367?years. Longevity of these trees was negatively related to tree growth, i.e. slow-growing trees tended to grow older than fast-growing trees. Tree height was positively associated with longevity for both upper and lower storey trees. Longevity of lower storey trees was increased with large crown diameter, but decreased with long crown length. Upper storey trees growing at higher altitude tended to get older than at lower altitude. We conclude that the combined effects of growth rates, variability in site conditions and different traits of tree morphology determine tree longevity of Norway spruce in the Swiss Alps. Because longevity is tightly linked to mortality rates of tree populations, our study may improve our understanding of long-term processes of forest dynamics under current and future climate.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of climate warming on Heterobasidion root rot in boreal forests by measuring respiration activity of pure cultures of Heterobasidion parviporum in Norway spruce (Picea abies) sawdust and by linking these data to temperature data obtained from three spruce forests located along a north‐south transect stretching from northern Germany to northern Finland. The pure cultures applied in this investigation were homokaryotic, but in a separate investigation, we found no significant difference between the activity of homo‐ and heterokaryotic isolates. We also found that the temperature response curves of growth and respiration rates of this fungus were similar and propose that respiration reflects the general activity of H. parviporum. The respiration data were scaled up to annual cumulative respiration activity using daily temperature measurements from soil and air in the spruce forest sites. The annual respiration activity of H. parviporum showed a linear relationship with the average annual air temperature. An increase in the annual air temperature by 5°C would raise the annual activity of H. parviporum in spruce roots in northern Finland, southern Finland and northern Germany by 91%, 53% and 40%, respectively. This increase remains below the predicted increase in forest growth in northern Finland but exceeds considerably the predictions for southern Finland. According to the previous literature, a number of other decay fungi show a similar activity response to temperature as H. parviporum, suggesting that this result can be generalized to decay fungi with similar ecological habits.  相似文献   

Litterfall was investigated in three even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies), sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands on a nutrient poor-soil in Southern Denmark. Dry weights and N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Na, Al, and Fe concentrations and fluxes were examined in litterfall fractions. Foliage litter amounted to 90% of total litterfall. The tree stands showed a similar mean annual litterfall. In the spruce stands, annual litterfall was correlated negatively with the current year increment and positively with the previous year increment. Annual litterfall in beech was constant during the 6 study years whereas Norway spruce and sitka spruce showed large fluctuations between years caused by drought, spruce aphid infestations and probably sea salt stress. Norway spruce responded with a long lasting elevated needle loss. Sitka spruce responded to infestations with premature needle loss during short periods. The presence of a large syrphid (Coccinellidae) population was important in regulating aphid (Elatobium abietinum) population density. The between-year variation in element concentrations of litterfall was small whereas variations during the year were large. Interspecific levels were recognized: Norway spruce>beech>sitka spruce. High concentrations in Norway spruce were ascribed to a combination of drought, sea salt stress and elevated transpiration. In sitka spruce, aphid infestations reduced the litterfall N content. Sitka spruce showed the smallest amount of base cation fluxes with litterfall. In contrast, spruce and beech exhibited even litterfall element fluxes. Litterfall studies revealed reduced vitality in the non-native spruce stands and underlined the perception of a healthy stand of native beech.  相似文献   

  • ? Understanding tree mortality processes across time requires long term studies. Spatiotemporal patterns of mortality in a 200 years-old mono-layered Norway spruce stand were evaluated to determine what factors affected individual-tree mortality.
  • ? We performed an analysis on two surveys (1993 and 2005) in a 1-ha permanent plot in the Paneveggio forest (Eastern Italian Alps). Tree diameter and age distribution between surveys were compared. We examined spatial patterns of living and dead trees before 1993, in 1993 and in 2005 using univariate and bivariate Ripley’s K(d) function, and a kernel estimator of local crowding. A logistic model was used to assess the effects of diameter, age, recent growth and competitive pressure on tree mortality.
  • ? Spatial pattern analysis indicated mortality was associated to tree neighbourhood (neighbour effect at 2–5 m). An increment of regularization of tree spatial pattern occurred due to density-dependent mortality. Logistic regression showed tree diameter and recent growth were determinant on mortality risk during the monitoring period.
  • ? Even if the stand is relatively aged, mortality dynamics are those typical of stem exclusion stage. Mortality was related to competitive dynamics, and small suppressed trees with slow growth rate had higher probability to die.
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    Mini-plug transplant seedlings of Norway spruce have been cultivated in closed growth systems, so-called plant factories, for few years. The aim of the experiment was to define a short-day treatment (SD) that harden seedlings to sustain 3 months of cold storage, but does not have adverse effects on growth, morphology, and vitality. The seedlings were subjected to one of the following treatments: (1) 12?h photoperiod + 3 weeks duration; (2) 8?h photoperiod + 3?wk duration; (3) 12?h photoperiod + 5?wk duration; and (4) 8?h photoperiod + 5?wk SD. All the SD treatments yielded healthy seedlings that grew well after the cold storage. The frost hardiness of the seedlings improved when the photoperiod was reduced from 12 to 8?h, and when the SD duration was increased from 3 weeks to 5 weeks, but reducing the photoperiod from 12?h to 8?h caused growth reductions. The root and shoot regrowth after cold storage was highest in seedlings that had received 12?h photoperiod and 5?wk duration. However, 12?h photoperiod and 3?wk duration may be an adequate practice for nurseries that treat multiple crops in their SD facilities.  相似文献   

    Physiological reactions of 25-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees to drought were examined during 2009 vegetation period. During the second half of summer, the decrease in soil water content was observed and irrigation was applied to a group of spruce trees, while the second group was treated under natural soil drought. The response to water deficit was recorded at the level of leaf water potential (ΨL). However, it appears that ΨL plays minor role in early stomata regulation of Norway spruce as CO2 assimilation rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g S) were reduced already before water potential decrease. Leaf water potential decreased significantly only in case when soil water content was low in the long run and when transpiration losses were simultaneously relatively high. Almost complete stomatal closure even of the irrigated trees was caused by the increase in the vapour pressure deficit of the air (D) above the value of approximately 1.5?kPa. Low values of D were accompanied by partial stomata opening of drought-treated trees. In non-irrigated spruce trees, the values of P N decreased by 35–55% in comparison with irrigated trees. No drought-induced significant changes were found either in chlorophyll and carotenoid concentration (chl a?+?b, car) or in maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (F v/F m). High rates of sap flow (F) did not always lead to stomatal closure during midday. It?appears that high transpiration rates do not control stomatal response to D.  相似文献   



    Waterlogging is predicted to become more common in boreal forests during winter and early spring with climate change. So far, little is known about the waterlogging tolerance of boreal tree species during their winter dormancy.


    The aim was to quantify the degree of waterlogging tolerance of 1-year-old dormant Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings.


    The seedlings were exposed to waterlogging in a growth chamber at temperature of 2 °C for 4 weeks and then allowed to recover for 6 weeks during the growth stage. Shoot and root responses were monitored by physiological and growth measurements.


    No effect was found in the seedling biomass, but root mortality increased slightly during the early growth stage following waterlogging. The water potential of the needles became less negative at the end of the waterlogging and the early growth stage. The ratio of apoplastic to symplastic electrical resistance (R e/R i) of the needles was lower after waterlogging, indicating changes in the proportions of symplastic and apoplastic space. No differences were found between the treatments in the dark-acclimated chlorophyll fluorescence (F v/F m) of the needles. Slightly greater accumulation of starch and temporary reductions of some mineral nutrients in needles were found after waterlogging.


    We conclude that in late winter and early spring, Norway spruce seedlings potentially tolerate short periods of waterlogging.  相似文献   

    The effect of heating (23–25°C) and cooling (9–11°C) on regular cambial activity and xylem and phloem formation in the stem portion of Norway spruce was investigated. Adult trees were sampled at 21-day intervals during the 2005 vegetation period. Continuously elevated temperatures increased the rate of cell division in the first part of the growing season, but did not significantly prolong cambial activity at the end of the vegetation period in the heated tree. Low-temperature treatments shortened regular cambial activity and slowed down cell production. The xylem growth ring was wider in the heated sample and narrower in the cooled sample compared to the control. The temperature in the cambial region was only negligibly transferred along the stem from the site of its application. In general, the temperature in the cambium was affected by a long-term rise or drop in air temperatures. Both experiments affected the structure and width of phloem growth increments. The tangential band of the axial parenchyma was not continuous in the cooled sample. The number of late phloem cells was reduced in the cool-treated sample and increased in the heat-treated sample. Our experiments confirmed the effect of constantly increased or decreased temperatures on regular cambial activity in Norway spruce.  相似文献   


    One of the main objectives of thermal modification is to increase the biological durability of wood. In this study the fungal resistance of Norway spruce and Scots pine, thermally modified at 195°C and 210°C, was studied with a lap-joint field test. Untreated pine and spruce and pine impregnated with tributyl tin oxide (TBTO) and copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) were selected as reference materials. The evaluations were carried out after 1, 2 and 9 years of exposure. After 1 and 2 years of exposure mainly discoloration was detected. Only the untreated pine was slightly affected by decay fungi. There were significant differences in the decay ratings of untreated and thermally modified wood materials after 9 years in the field. While the untreated wood materials were severely attacked by decay fungi or reached failure rating, only small areas of incipient decay were detected in the thermally modified samples. Thermally modified pine was slightly more decayed than thermally modified spruce. The only wood material without any signs of decay was CCA-treated pine, since some of the TBTO-treated pine samples were also moderately attacked by fungal decay. The results of the lap-joint test had a good correlation with mass losses in a laboratory test with brown-rot fungi.  相似文献   

    The aim of the presented research project is to fit a site index model capable for predicting changes in site-productivity in a changing climate. A generalized additive model is used to predict site index as a function of soil and climate variables. The climate parameter values are estimated using the regional climate model WETTREG, based on global climate simulations with the global circulation model ECHAM5/MPI-OM for the reference period from 1961 to 1990. The climate values are further regionalized on a 200 m × 200 m grid. The generalized additive model quantifies the partial linear and non-linear effects of the predictor variables on site index. The model is parameterized for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Lower Saxony, Germany. Two case studies investigate the model's ability to generate information in order to support forest management planning decisions under a changing climate. One example analyzes the possible shift in site index of spruce along a precipitation gradient under the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenario A1B in the period from 2041 to 2050. The other case study shows possible future changes in site index of beech along a temperature gradient.  相似文献   

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