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Height growth equations for dominant trees are needed for growth and yield projections, to determine appropriate silvicultural regimes, and to estimate site index. Red alder [Alnus rubra Bong.] is a fast-growing hardwood species that is widely planted in the Pacific Northwest, USA. However, red alder dominant height growth equations used currently have been determined using stem analysis trees from natural stands rather than repeated measurements of stand-level top height from plantations, which may cause them to be biased. A regional dataset of red alder plantations was complied and used to construct a dynamic base-age invariant top height growth equation. Ten anamorphic and polymorphic Generalized Algebraic Difference Approach (GADA) forms were fit using the forward difference approach. The Chapman–Richards anamorphic and Schumacher anamorphic model forms were the only ones with statistically significant parameters that yielded biologically reasonable predictions across a full range of the available data. The Schumacher model form performed better on three independent datasets and, therefore, was selected as the final model. The resulting top height growth equations differed appreciably from tree-level dominant height growth equations developed using data from natural stands, particularly at the younger ages and on lower site indices. Both the rate and shape parameters of the Schumacher function were not influenced by initial planting density. However, this analysis indicates that the asymptote, which is related to site index, may be reduced for plantations with initial planting density below 500 trees ha−1. The final equation can be used for predictions of top height (and thus) site index for red alder plantations across a range of different growing conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing species can dramatically increase soil acidity and organic matter content, and potentially alter biogeochemical P dynamics. We compared ecosystem P cycling in adjacent stands of N2-fixing red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and non-fixing Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) in order to determine whether P-cycling rates within stands were related to soil P forms as measured by sequential P fractionation. Above-ground annual P uptake was 61% greater in the red alder stand, although soil available P, as measured by Bray (NH4F–HCl) extraction, was only 10% of that found in the Douglas-fir stand. Total ecosystem P in the alder stand was only 69% of that found in the Douglas-fir stand, and could indicate a pre-establishment difference between stands. However, the percentage of total soil P released by Bray or NaOH extraction was also lower in the alder stand, which suggests that differences in total P alone did not control the patterns observed in P fractions. Concentrations of inorganic P sorbed to Fe and Al minerals and contained in Fe minerals and apatite were greater under Douglas-fir, while organic P was slightly greater under red alder. While fluxes of P in litterfall, uptake and resorption were 94, 60 and 292% higher in the alder stand, soil extractable fractions meant to represent available P were lower under alder. Static measures of available P do not appear to adequately reflect P supply, and the development of techniques to assess P turnover is needed to better understand cycling and plant availability of P.  相似文献   

Long-term patterns in nutrient cycling in regrowing Douglas-fir (Pseudosuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) and red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) on native soils plus soils previously occupied by other species were simulated using the nutrient cycling model. Simulations of regrowing stands were also compared with observations of nutrient cycling in mature Douglas-fir and red alder. We hypothesized that (1) prolonged presence of red alder will cause a depletion in soil base cations due to increased nitrification and NO3 leaching; (2) lower base cation availability under red alder will ultimately cause biomass production to decline; (3) high N availability in red alder soils will favor regrowth of Douglas-fir; (4) higher base cation and P status of the Douglas-fir soils will favor growth of red alder both in the short- and long-term, since N is not limiting to red alder; and (5) in regrowing red alder, NO3 leaching will increase with time as a result of increased N fixation. All hypotheses were confirmed, but the effect of soil type on biomass production was minimal both for red alder and Douglas-fir. The higher soil organic matter content in the mature red alder stand most likely reflected previous occupation by old-growth Douglas-fir and also a large litter input from the understory vegetation. In general, the nutrient cycling model simulated differences in nutrient cycling patterns at least qualitatively between Douglas-fir and red alder and was helpful in identifying potential gaps in the understanding of biogeochemical cycling as well as uncertainties in the data. The nutrient cycling model did not fully elucidate differences in P cycling between Douglas-fir and red alder and overestimated weathering rates under Douglas-fir. Uncertainties in the data included: (1) temporal patterns in N fixation in the regrowing stands; (2) understory litterfall; and (3) site history and, consequently, presence of pre-existing differences in site conditions.  相似文献   

Although much is known about drivers of productivity in Douglas-fir and red alder stands, less is known about how productivity may relate to stand transpiration and water use efficiency. We took advantage of a 15-year-old experiment involving Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and red alder (Alnus rubra) in the western Cascade Range of western Oregon to test the following hypotheses: (a) more productive stands transpire more water, (b) the relationship between productivity and transpiration differs between species, and (c) the relationship between productivity and transpiration differs between sites varying in soil moisture and fertility. Furthermore, the experimental design included alder, a facultative nitrogen-fixing species, which could also affect fertility. Fixed area plots (20 × 20 m) were planted as monocultures of each species or in mixtures at a common density (1100 trees ha−1) in a randomized-block design. Transpiration of Douglas-fir and red alder was measured using heat dissipation sensors installed in eight trees per plot and scaled to the plot level based on sapwood basal area for each species. Although up to 53% of the variability in tree transpiration was explained by basal area, irrespective of species or site conditions, the two stands with the highest biomass and sapwood basal area did not transpire the most. Instead of more productive stands transpiring more water, the greatest variability in both productivity and transpiration was determined by site conditions and to a lesser degree, species composition. For example, 70% of the variation in tree biomass increment (TBI) was determined by leaf area index, which was much higher at the site with higher fertility and soil moisture (p < 0.05). Despite marked phenological and physiological differences, Douglas-fir and red alder performed similarly. Only 19% of annual water use of Douglas-fir occurred between October and March when alder was leafless. Also, there was no evidence of a fertilization effect of the nitrogen-fixing red alder on the Douglas-fir: the nitrogen concentration and N-isotopic ratio of Douglas-fir needles did not differ whether trees were grown in monoculture or in mixtures with red alder. We conclude that lower soil fertility and contrasting microclimate at one site relative to the other suppressed NPP while maintaining higher transpiration, thus reducing water use efficiency.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable evaluation of site suitability for the cultivation of selected species and availability of potential timber yield information is vital for the assessment of afforestation projects. This study examined the relationship between site index and environmental factors in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) plantations in the province of Firenze (central Italy). The aim was to predict site index by readily measurable factors. The influence of climatic (temperature and rainfall), topographic (elevation, aspect, topographical exposure, etc.) and soil (pH, texture, etc.) on Douglas-fir site index was evaluated by multiple regression analysis exploiting data from 71 plots distributed across the study area. Approximately 58% of the observed site index variation is explained by annual rainfall, water surplus, clay content, calcium-carbonate content and east–west component of aspect. Climatic factors directly related to water balance have a greater influence on the productivity of examined Douglas-fir plantations than examined topographic and soil factors. Results of the study are ecologically sound and of practical value for field foresters, with reference to the study area. The precision of the model may be only indicative for assessing site index for single sites. At a landscape mapping level, estimate reliability is quite appropriate.  相似文献   

A red alder planting spacing study was used to compare three modeling approaches that have been successfully used for other tree species. These three approaches predict stand structure and dynamics in plantations that are 7 to 16 years old, with planting densities of 976 to 13 899 trees/ha. The diameter-distribution-prediction approach tended to over-predict the diameter at breast height (dbh) for larger trees in stands planted at low density and to under-predict dbh for smaller trees in stands planted at high density. This approach may be useful for comparing planting densities when a tree list is not available. The stand-table-projection approach tended to under-predict dbh for smaller trees in young stands planted at low density and to over-predict dbh for smaller trees in young stands planted at high density. This approach, however, provided consistency between stand- and tree-level growth projections, and should be useful for comparing planting densities when a tree list is available. The individual-tree-growth approach provided the best representations of observed diameter distributions at all planting densities, stand ages, and growth intervals. This approach may be best suited for stands that have been thinned, stands with mixtures of species, and stands with heterogeneous size classes.  相似文献   

Simulating the influence of intensive management and annual weather fluctuations on tree growth requires a shorter time step than currently employed by most regional growth models. High-quality data sets are available for several plantation species in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, but the growth periods ranged from 2 to 12 years in length. Measurement periods of varying length complicate efforts to fit growth models because observed growth rates must be interpolated to a common length growth period or those growth periods longer or shorter than the desired model time step must be discarded. A variation of the iterative technique suggested by Cao [Cao, Q.V., 2000. Prediction of annual diameter growth and survival for individual trees from periodic measurements. Forest Sci. 46, 127–131] was applied to estimate annualized diameter and height growth equations for pure plantations of Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and red alder. Using this technique, fits were significantly improved for all three species by embedding a multi-level nonlinear mixed-effects framework (likelihood ratio test: p < 0.0001). The final models were consistent with expected biological behavior of diameter and height growth over tree, stand, and site variables. The random effects showed some correlation with key physiographic variables such as slope and aspect for Douglas-fir and red alder, but these relationships were not observed for western hemlock. Further, the random effects were more correlated with physiographic variables than actual climate or soils information. Long-term simulations (12–16 years) on an independent dataset using these annualized equations showed that the multi-level mixed effects models were more accurate and precise than those fitted without random effects as mean square error (MSE) was reduced by 13 and 21% for diameter and height growth prediction, respectively. The level of prediction error was also smaller than an existing similar growth model with a longer time step (ORGANON v8) as the annualized equations reduced MSE by 17 and 38% for diameter and height growth prediction, respectively. These models will prove to be quite useful for understanding the interaction of weather and silviculture in the Pacific Northwest and refining the precision of future growth model projections.  相似文献   

The self-thinning rule (the —3/2 power rule) has been used frequently to describe the competition-regulated relationship between size and density in plant populations. Because the parameters of the self-thinning rule and principles are easily derived, the application of this rule to tree stands could simplify the development of stand density management guides. This paper briefly examines the structure and development of the few existing stand density management guides which are based on the self-thinning rule. The self-thinning rule is then applied to seven existing data sets to develop a guide for red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). The self-thinning line for red alder has a slope of -1.5 and a (y-intercept (average stem volume) of 3.3 m3 (1.175 × 102 ft3). The density unit is stems ha−1. The other two lines on the density management diagram, the line of imminent competition mortality and the lower thinning limit, are placed at relative densities of 55 and 30%. The relative-density values for crown closure, mortality and the lower thinning limit correspond to those for other species. It was not possible to use a seedling alder study to determine the intercept of the self-thinning line for trees.  相似文献   

In Indonesia, Acacia mangium plantations exceed 1.6 Mha contributing approximately 3.5% of the country’s GDP. The viability of these plantations is increasingly threatened by fungal pathogens, insect pests, squirrels, monkeys, elephants and wind damage. Studies indicate that the problem is growing and in some areas, fungal pathogens such as Ganoderma and Ceratocystis species have contributed up to 50% tree mortality by the fourth rotation. Multiple statistical procedures were employed to examine the influence of soil and topographical properties on tree survival (trees ha?1), wood production (m3 ha?1), and mortality associated with Ganoderma root rot, Ceratocystis wilt and by wind. Soil family level was found to be a good indicator of tree mortality. Plots with fine-loamy Typic Kandiudult soils had the highest tree survival and mortality associated with species of Ganoderma and Ceratocystis, but had the lowest incidence of mortality by wind. The degree of association between soil and topographic variables with tree survival, wood production and the cause of mortality were poor and inconsistent. Tree survival was slightly higher on upslope areas away from valley bottoms, and drier mid-slopes, ridges and hilltops, and very low pH (<3.3) soils. Wood production was also slightly higher in drier, elevated locations, away from valley bottoms. Mortality by wind was slightly higher in moist, poorly drained, low-lying valley bottoms and topographically flat areas. Our ability to further pinpoint the influence of topography and soil attributes on wood production and cause of mortality was greatly compromised by the lack of site-specific soil data, and potential misclassification of the cause of mortality. This study could not reliably or consistently relate tree survival, wood production or the cause of mortality to any one, or combination of, soil and topographic variables.  相似文献   

Tests were conducted to assess rootability of red alder softwood cuttings from shoots of young trees and epicormic sprouts of mature individuals. Ortets were 3 to 34 years old, and treatments with and without indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were compared. The extent of rooting and root vigor on the cuttings varied greatly among ortets and treatments. Among nonterminal cuttings, the best overall rooting success, with and without IBA, was obtained with cuttings of the youngest ortet. Average rooting of terminal and nonterminal cuttings of one clone were 100% and 64%, respectively. Although cuttings of some trees rooted well without IBA, the IBA treatment appeared to be generally beneficial. For all nonterminal cuttings of all clones, best results (80.0%/x) were obtained with a 10-sec dip in 2,000 or 4,000 ppm IBA. Vigorous planting stock was obtained from the rooted cuttings of all clones. Using epicormic sprouts from mature trees of proven performance will presumably allow propagation of superior trees and establishment of new plantations with improved stock.  相似文献   

This work presents the results from the initial model development of a simulator to predict vegetation dynamics in young plantations growing in a Mediterranean environment. The simulator can predict growth dynamics for coniferous crop trees as well as competing hardwoods and shrubs. Model specification included conifer, shrub, and hardwood competition expressed at the plot-level. The system employs water-holding capacity as an indicator of productivity. Growth data were obtained from 109 plantations, ranging in age from 3 to 25, in southern Oregon and northern California. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco), the most common conifer species, was observed in 80 of the sampled stands. These observations were used for model development of the primary driving functions, which forecast 2-year basal diameter increment, height increment, and crown width increment. Parameters for all three dynamic expressions for growth were estimated using weighted, nonlinear three-stage least squares. This estimation method provided a predictive model with slight improvements in standard errors for two of the three equations (an average of 3% for height and diameter growth) and no improvement for crown width, when compared with two-stage least squares. The system includes competition from shrubs and hardwoods in predictions of height growth, diameter growth and crown width increment. This allows individual-tree/distance-independent simulator architecture to be extended to young plantations in southern Oregon and northern California.  相似文献   

Ritchie GA 《Tree physiology》1997,17(3):161-168
In a greenhouse experiment, potted coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were grown in miniature "Nelder" (Nelder 1962) plots where growing space varied from 265 to 2555 cm(2) per plant. After thirty weeks, mean plant height, crown biomass and branch number increased significantly (P = 0.0141) with decreasing growing space (increasing plant density). Differences in height growth became apparent about six weeks after sowing. Furthermore, horizontally reflected radiation measured within the Nelder plots showed a decrease in red:far-red ratio (R:FR) from 1.2 at the lowest density to 0.71 at the highest. Plant height was strongly inversely correlated with estimated phytochrome photoequilibrium values (r(2) = 0.893). Field measurements made in a three-year-old variable density plantation also showed a decrease in R:FR with increasing planting density from 300 to 3,000 trees ha(-1). These results support the hypothesis that young Douglas-fir seedlings are able to detect, through the phytochrome system, the presence of nearby seedlings owing to the depletion of R relative to FR in the spectra reflected by the foliage of the adjacent plants. They then adjust their growth allometry in a way that reduces the possibility of being over topped by these future competitors.  相似文献   

Static models of individual tree crown attributes such as height to crown base and maximum branch diameter profile have been developed for several commercially important species. Dynamic models of individual branch growth and mortality have received less attention, but have generally been developed retrospectively by dissecting felled trees; however, this approach is limited by the lack of historic stand data and the difficulty in determining the exact timing of branch death. This study monitored the development of individual branches on 103 stems located on a variety of silvicultural trials in the Pacific Northwest, USA. The results indicated that branch growth and mortality were significantly influenced by precommercial thinning (PCT), commercial thinning, fertilization, vegetation management, and a foliar disease known as Swiss needle cast [caused by Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (T. Rohde) Petr.]. Models developed across these datasets accounted for treatment effects through variables such as tree basal area growth and the size of the crown. Insertion of the branch growth and mortality equations into an individual-tree modeling framework, significantly improved short-term predictions of crown recession on an independent series of silvicultural trials, which increased mean accuracy of diameter growth prediction (reduction in mean bias). However, the static height to crown base equation resulted in a lower mean square error for the tree diameter and height growth predictions. Overall, individual branches were found to be highly responsive to changes in stand conditions imposed by silvicultural treatments, and therefore represent an important mechanism explaining tree and stand growth responses.  相似文献   

Recent advances in traditional forest growth models have been achieved by linking growth predictions to key ecophysiological processes in a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both empirical and process-based models. A hybrid model was constructed for intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations in the Pacific Northwest, USA, by embedding components representing fundamental physiological processes and detailed tree allometrics into an empirical growth model for projecting individual tree and stand development. The simulated processes operated at a variety of scales ranging from individual branches to trees and stands. The canopy structure submodel improved predictions of leaf area index at the stand level when compared to allometric and other empirical approaches (reducing mean square error by 30–42%). In addition, the hybrid model achieved accuracy in short-term volume growth prediction comparable to an empirical model. Biases in 4-year stand growth predictions from the hybrid model were similar to those from the empirical model under thinning, fertilization, and the combination of these treatments; however, volume growth predictions in unmanaged plantations averaged approximately 36% less bias. These improvements were attributed to detailed information on crown structure (i.e. size, location, and foliage mass of primary branches), simple representation of key physiological processes, and improved site characterization. Soil moisture, temperature, and nitrogen mineralization predicted by the hybrid model also agreed closely with observed values from several previous studies. Overall, the model framework will be helpful for future analyses as it can lend insight into the influence of weather and site edaphic factors on growth, help identify mechanisms of response to silvicultural treatments, and facilitate the design of sound management regimes for Douglas-fir plantations across the Pacific Northwest region.  相似文献   

Trade-offs among wood production, wood quality and ecological characteristics in the management of harvested forest stands are explored through model simulation of various silvicultural regimes. Long-term production of merchantable wood, production of various types of high-quality wood, and the level of certain quantitative ecological indicators are projected for coniferous forests of Pacific Northwestern USA. The set of ecological indicators used is based on the species composition and physical structure of old, unlogged forest stands. Simulations are performed with an ecological model of forest stand dynamics that tracks the fate of live and dead trees. Short rotations (<50 years) produce the least amount of high-quality wood over the multi-century simulation period. They also fail to generate ecological attributes resembling those of old forest stands. Production of high-quality wood is moderate to high under all rotations of 80 years or more; however, most ecological indicators require longer rotations unless alternatives to clearcutting are applied. Alternatives examined include retention of 15% cover of live tree canopy at each harvest in combination with artificial thinning between harvests. Thinning from below can expedite the development of large live and dead trees, and canopy height diversity without greatly diminishing wood quantity or quality. Proportional thinning retains understory stems, thereby expediting the recruitment of shade-tolerant trees. A possible drawback to thinning, particularly proportional thinning, is the diminished production of clean-bole wood at rotations of 150 and 260 years. It is concluded that most wood quantity, wood quality and ecological objectives can be met with long rotations (ca. 260 years). Certain objectives can be met with shorter rotations (80–150 years) when treatments of thinning and canopy tree retention are applied.  相似文献   

Underplanting conifers beneath thinned hardwood stands could shorten conversion to a more valuable crop species. Thinning the hardwoods to final crop-tree spacing could increase growth and marketable volume while releasing the site resources necessary to support conifers planted in the understory. In western Oregon, an experimental thinning of a 14-year-old red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) stand provided an opportunity to test this concept. Initial efforts were directed toward testing survival and growth of wilding seedlings of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla [Raf.] Sarg.) planted in thinned and unthinned alder stands. Survival averaged 78% and 52% after the first and fifth growing seasons. Fifth-year height growth of surviving seedlings averaged from 38 to 49 cm under various thinning regimes but only 9 cm in the unthinned. Wildlife browsing and the pinning of seedlings by falling debris reduced growth and survival.  相似文献   

Two- to four-week stratification of red alder seeds slightly increased the speed of germination but did not improve total germination under alternating warm temperatures (30°C/20°C), yet significantly improved speed and total germination under cool temperatures (15°C/5°C) that simulated early spring outdoor nursery bed conditions. Only seeds that received four-week stratification achieved complete germination at the cooler temperatures. Strong seed source variation in response to seed treatments was observed at the cool regime. The Yacolt source germinated well regardless of seed treatments, even without stratification, while five other sources needed two to four weeks of stratification to achieve above 50% germination. Possible reasons for this variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecosystem fertility and fallow function in the humid and subhumid tropics   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
The regeneration of natural vegetation (fallowing) is a traditional practice for restoring fertility of agricultural land in many parts in the tropics. As a result of increasing human population and insufficient fertilizer inputs, the ecosystem fertility functions of traditional fallows must now be improved upon via the use of managed fallows. Interactions between vegetation and soil determine nutrient losses and gains in crop—fallow systems and are influenced by fallow species, patterns and rates of biomass allocation, and crop and fallow management. Nutrient losses occur through offtake in crop harvests during the cropping phase and through leaching, runoff, and erosion in the cropping phase and the initial stage of fallows $#x2014; when nutrient availability exceeds nutrient demand by vegetation. Gains in nutrient stocks in later stages of fallow are generally more rapid on soils with high than low base status due to greater quantities of weatherable minerals and lack of constraints to N2 fixation, deep rooting, and retrieval of subsoil nutrients by fallow vegetation. On low base status soils (exchangeable Ca < 1 cmolc kg–1), N2 fixation and atmospheric inputs are likely to be the main sources of nutrient additions. On high base status soils limited by N, gains in N stocks by inputs from N2 fixation and retrieval of subsoil nitrate can occur relatively rapidly; hence short-term fallows can often improve crop performance. Large losses of Ca associated with soil organic matter (SOM) mineralization and soil acidification during cropping and fallow establishment, combined with chemical barriers to root penetration, suggest that long-duration fallows (> 5 yr) are needed for recovery of cation stocks and crop performance on low base status soils. On both soils, however, residual benefits of fallows on crop yields usually last less than three crops.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Time series of carbon fluxes in individual Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were constructed based on biomass measurements and information about component-specific turnover and respiration rates. Foliage, branch, stem sapwood, heartwood and bark components of aboveground biomass were measured in 117 trees sampled from 17 stands varying in age, density and site fertility. A subsample of 32 trees was measured for belowground biomass excluding fine roots. Biomass of fine roots was estimated from the results of an earlier study. Statistical models were constructed to predict dry mass (DW) of components from tree height and basal area, and time derivatives of these models were used to estimate biomass increments from height growth and basal area growth. Biomass growth (G) was estimated by adding estimated biomass turnover rates to increments, and gross photosynthetic production (P) was estimated by adding estimated component respiration rates to growth. The method, which predicts the time course of G, P and biomass increment in individual trees as functions of height growth and basal area growth, was applied to eight example trees representing different dominance positions and site fertilities. Estimated G and P of the example trees varied with competition, site fertility and tree height, reaching maximum values of 22 and 43 kg(DW) year(-1), respectively. The site types did not show marked differences in productivity of trees of the same height, although height growth was greater on the fertile site. The G:P ratio decreased with tree height from 65 to 45%. Growth allocation to needles and branches increased with increasing dominance, whereas growth allocation to the stem decreased. Growth allocation to branches decreased and growth allocation to coarse roots increased with increasing tree size. Trees at the poor site allocated 49% more to fine roots than trees at the fertile site. The belowground parts accounted for 25 to 55% of annual G, increasing with tree size and decreasing with site fertility. Annual G and P per unit needle mass varied over the ranges 1.9-2.4 and 3.5-4.0 kg(DW) kg(-1), respectively. The relationship between P and needle mass in the example trees was linear and relatively independent of competition, site fertility and age.  相似文献   

分别以土壤化学分析法和酶分析法对银合欢和山毛豆幼林地的土壤养分及酶活性进行测定。结果表明:土壤p H为银合欢幼林地山毛豆幼林地对照,处理间差异显著。银合欢和山毛豆幼林地的土壤有机质、全N和全K含量均大于对照,而碱解N、有效P和有效K含量均显著大于对照。银合欢幼林地的土壤全P含量小于对照,山毛豆幼林地的土壤全P含量与对照无显著差异。山毛豆幼林地的土壤脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著大于银合欢幼林地的,而后者显著大于对照。  相似文献   

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