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Urban and suburban forests provide important recreational values to the public and can also contain high levels of biodiversity even though management regimes of such forests often include the clearing of bushes, shrubs and small trees to make them more attractive to people. In a field experiment, we studied the importance of bush canopies as foraging sites for insectivorous birds. In suburban forests, the canopies of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus) were net-enclosed for two months at three study sites in SW Sweden. We compared abundance, biomass and body size distributions of arthropods between experimental and control canopies of rowan and alder buckthorn and found the effects to be strong. Biomass of arthropods was generally an order of magnitude higher on canopies protected from bird predation than on controls. Dermaptera contributed most to the biomass estimated in net-enclosed bushes. In certain taxa, however, the biomass was not significantly affected by the experimental treatment, possibly in part due to on-going reproduction during the experimental period. Furthermore, median body size in net-enclosed bushes was 1.3–3.0 times the control, excluding Araneae. The relative difference in arthropod biomass due to the experimental treatment was related to the density of breeding insectivorous birds at each site. We concluded that bush canopies are important foraging sites for birds in suburban forests, although we cannot rule out trait-mediated effects. Management regimes that include clearing of the ground may affect the bird community negatively.  相似文献   

南方酸性土壤交换性钙、镁和钾测定方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过南方酸性土壤交换性钙、镁、钾和速效钾不同提取方法和不同振荡时间的测定结果的比较分析,得出同一处理液(即:5克土样加50ml1N乙酸铵振荡5 min)可同时测定交换性钙、镁、钾和速效钾.此方法与GB7865-87, GB7856-87 ,GB7856-87测定结果无显著差异,却更加简单、快速、准确,分析成本大大降低,是一个值得推广普及的方法.  相似文献   

Arthropod assemblages and decomposition rates were compared in the litter of pure and mixed Quercus(Quercus petraea L.) and Fagus(Fagus orientalis L.)stands.Litter was sampled on a monthly basis for 1 year and stored in litterbags of different mesh sizes.The experimental objective was to test the effect of mesh size on litter decomposition,decomposition rates of litter,and diversity of the invertebrate fauna between the two types of stands.Decomposition rates were measured by filling three fiber litterbags of different mesh sizes with pure Quercus litter(3 g) left in the pure Quercus stand,and litterbags with Fagus litter(3 g) were left in the pure Fagus stand.Mixed litter samples were prepared by mixing of equal amounts of each litter in the same litterbag and leaving them in the mixed stand.The residual mass of litter from the pure Quercus stand was significantly lower in fine-and coarse-mesh bags than in the medium-mesh bags in pure the Fagus stand.Carbon and nitrogen levels in the pure Quercus litter were significantly different among the mesh sizes at the end of the incubation period.Macroarthropods from 27 taxa were collected from pitfall traps every month.Their relative numbers differed significantly between the pure and mixed-stand litter samples.Litter-dwelling Isotomidae(Collembola) and Mesostigmata(Acarina),and soil-dwelling Mesostigmata were the most numerous in the mixed stand.It is significant that the abundance of macroarthropods contributed to the mass loss of litter in both the medium and coarse mesh sizes in the mixed stand,but did not significantly affect the mass of litter in the pure stands.In the mixed stand,there was a negative correlation between litter mass loss and total number of microarthropods in all mesh sizes.Mixed-stand litter decomposed more slowly than pure-stand litter.  相似文献   

Taking different forests in Aershan of Inner Mongolia as sample plots,diversity and dominant species of arthropods were studied.The results show that two classes,17 orders,68 families,130 species and 3742 individuals were identified and 92.31% of total species appeared in natural forests,and 75.38% of total species appeared in plantations.The orders of Lepidoptera,Coleop-tera,Diptera and Hymenoptera covered most of the collected arthropods.In different forest types,diversity indices is natural mixed forests...  相似文献   

Biomass and carbon pools of disturbed riparian forests   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quantification of carbon pools as affected by forest age/development can facilitate riparian restoration and increase awareness of the potential for forests to sequester global carbon. Riparian forest biomass and carbon pools were quantified for four riparian forests representing different seral stages in the South Carolina Upper Coastal Plain. Three of the riparian forests were recovering from disturbance (thermal pollution), whereas the fourth represents a mature, relatively undisturbed riparian forest. Above and belowground carbon pools were determined from linear transects established perpendicular to the main stream channels and spanning the width of the riparian area. The objective of this study was to quantify the biomass and carbon pools in severely disturbed, early successional bottomland hardwood riparian forests and to compare these values to those of a less disturbed, mature riparian forest.

Aboveground biomass in all four riparian forests increased during the 2.5-year investigation period. The total carbon pool in these South Carolina Coastal Plain riparian forests increased with forest age/development due to greater tree and soil carbon pools. The mature riparian forest stored approximately four times more carbon than the younger stands. The importance of the herbaceous biomass layer and carbon pool declined relative to total aboveground biomass with increasing forest age. As stands grew older fine root biomass increased, but an inverse relationship existed between percentages of fine root biomass to total biomass. The root carbon pool increased with forest age/development due to a combination of greater fine root biomass and higher root percent carbon.

Aboveground net primary production (NPP) in young riparian forests rapidly approached and exceeded NPP of the more mature riparian forest. As a woody overstory became established (after 8–10 years) annual litterfall rate as a function of NPP was independent of forest age and litterfall amount in the young riparian forests was comparable to mature riparian forests. Biomass in the riparian forest floor and carbon pool declined with increasing riparian forest development. Woody debris in these riparian forests comprised a relatively small carbon pool. An understanding of bottomland hardwood riparian forest carbon pools at different stages of succession allows us to assess how time since disturbance influences these pools, leading to a better understanding of the recovery processes.  相似文献   

Advance regeneration in 52 mature mixed-oak stands was analyzed and described. Red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was the most abundant species in the study area. Among oak (Quercus) species, northern red oak (Q. rubra L.) was the most abundant within the Allegheny Plateau physiographic province, whereas chestnut oak (Q. montana L.) was the most abundant within the Ridge and Valley physiographic province. Sixteen stands, for which data are available through the fourth growing season following harvest, were used to describe stand development. Cumulative height, a composite measure of size and density, was used to describe early stand development. Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.) and black birch (Betula lenta L.) had dramatic increases in stand density and cumulative height after overstory removal. Cumulative height of northern red oak and chestnut oak showed a faster positive response to overstory removal than red maple. Oak retained its dominance in cumulative height for at least 4 years after harvest. Red maple nevertheless remained the most abundant tree species after overstory removal. Our results suggest that the principal advantage of red maple regeneration is its ability to accumulate in large numbers prior to harvest.  相似文献   

The article, in relation to the importance of canopy cover as stand density and biodiversity indicator, describes the main related field measurement techniques. In particular the authors emphasize the distinction between canopy cover and canopy closure when forest cover is usually measured through the current techniques. After a conceptual clarification the study focuses on the comparison of three ground-based canopy cover estimation techniques and two ground-based canopy closure estimation techniques, analyzing the data collected in a test carried out on Alpine stands. As expected, the results indicate that some techniques [GRS densiometer, visual estimation and hemispherical photographs (HP) assessed with a narrow angle of view] are more suitable to measure canopy cover, while others (spherical densiometer and HP with a wide angle of view) are more adapted to estimate canopy closure. In general, the techniques that use a wide angle of view tend to overestimate the canopy cover.
Alessandro PalettoEmail:

Canopy gaps play a significant role in maintaining structure and composition of tropical forests. This study was carried out in tropical evergreen forests of central Western Ghats in India to understand the influence of canopy gap size and the relationship of gap regime attributes to diversity measures and regeneration. The average gap size in the study area was found to be 396 m2 and around half of gaps were 4–8 years old. Gaps created by natural single tree fall were smaller in size but significantly higher in number. Diversity and regeneration of woody species were compared with canopy gaps and intact vegetation. Species richness and diversity was higher in gaps than in intact vegetation. Macaranga peltata, a shade intolerant species dominated gaps while intact vegetation was dominated by shade tolerant Kingiodendron pinnatum.Gap size significantly influenced species diversity and regeneration. Gap area and age were significantly and negatively correlated with diversity measures but positively correlated with regeneration. Among all the attributes of gaps, regeneration was significantly positively correlated with light intensity. Gaps maintained species diversity and favored regeneration of woody species. In addition to gap size and age, other gap ecological attributes also affected species diversity and regeneration.  相似文献   

This study developed regional overstory-understory models for four forest types in southeastern Alabama and tested the ability of these models to predict understory vegetation using overstory data from southern and southwestern Alabama. Cross-sectional data from the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis Unit Multiresource Survey of Alabama was used to analyze the relationship between timber stand characteristics and herbaceous cover under planted pine, natural pine, mixed pine-hardwoods, and upland hardwoods. Herbaceous cover was significantly related to total growing stock volume of timber in all forest types. Stand characteristics and management activities that affected herbaceous cover varied by forest type. The models for planted pine, mixed pine-hardwoods, and upland hardwoods captured a significant amount of the variation in the original data. Extrapolation of southeastern Alabama overstory-understory relationship to southern and southwestern forests was not possible with these models.  相似文献   

Gap-associated spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) regeneration in Sphagnum-Myrtillus stands of south taiga forests (Central Forest Biosphere reserve, Tver region, Russia) was studied to evaluate the role of different disturbances in spruce dynamics. Sampled gaps (n=70) ranged from 40 m2 to 1.7 ha in size, and from 1 to 70 years since disturbance moment. Formation of gaps lead to increase in the number of stems per ha in all gap size classes (small: 40–200 m2, medium: 200–3000 m2, and large: >3000 m2 gaps). Spruce was the most important species in gap refilling, although its role was not the same in different gap classes. The highest values of relative abundance (compared to other species) were recorded in small gaps, and much lower values – in middle and large gaps. However, as refilling of gaps proceeded, spruce showed rather active regeneration in middle and large gaps and partly regained its abundance in middle-age disturbances. In general, all types of gaps studied supported spruce regeneration into the forest canopy. Almost perfect correlation between predicted outcome of spruce dynamics in gaps and its current role in the canopy of Sphagnum-Myrtillus stands suggests a good adaptation of this species to the current disturbance regime and a steady state of the these forests.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) are essential macro-nutrients, but little is known about how they are cycled within plants. Stable isotope studies have shown that the internal cycling of nitrogen (N) is independent of current nutrient supply in temperate tree species. This is ecologically significant because it allows trees to produce rapid shoot growth in spring independent of current soil N uptake. We used stable isotopes to quantify N, K and Mg in new shoots of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedlings and to compare the relative contributions from current uptake and internal cycling. Two-year-old Sitka spruce seedlings were labeled with (15)N, (41)K and (26)Mg in an abundant or a limited supply for one growing season. The trees were repotted in the subsequent dormant season to prevent further root uptake of enriched isotopes and provided with an abundant or a limited supply of unlabeled nutrients until they were harvested in early summer of the following year. The supply was switched for half the trees in the second year to create four nutrient regimes. Enrichment of (15)N, (41)K and (26)Mg in current-year growth was attributed to internally cycled N, K and Mg uptake from the previous year. The internal cycling of N, K and Mg in new growth was significantly affected by the first-year nutrient treatments. The second-year nutrient supply affected the growth rates of the trees, but had no effect on the amounts of N, K or Mg contributed from internal cycling. Thus, internal cycling of K and Mg in Sitka spruce are, like that of N, independent of current nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Hale  Sophie E.; Brown  Nick 《Forestry》2005,78(4):365-371
The canopy-scope was recently introduced as a cheap, robust,portable and easy to use instrument for assessing canopy opennessin forests. In this study, the method was tested in predominantlyconiferous plantation forests, which were different in speciesand structure to the forests where the instrument was originallytested. The relationship between canopy openness (calculatedfrom hemispherical photography) and canopy-scope score at individualpoints, despite being statistically significant, showed considerablescatter, especially at low values. Consequently, the canopy-scopeis not recommended for obtaining estimates of canopy opennessat a single point within plantation conifer stands. However,good results were obtained when values were averaged acrossa plot. Eight to 10 canopy-scope measurements in 0.25 ha werefound to be sufficient to estimate canopy openness.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of edge structure (i.e. side-canopy openness based on tree, sapling and shrub characteristics, and the composition of tree species) on the understorey vegetation at mesic urban conifer-dominated forest edges in southern Finland. Forest edge structure had an effect on understorey vegetation, and on the spatial extent of the edge effect into the forests. At open edges the edge effect (in terms of the abundances of understorey vegetation) penetrated at least up to 30 m into the forest patches whereas closed edges may prevent these effects. A multilayered canopy with saplings and shrubs at the edge is important to alleviate the effects of the edge. We found that 225–250 m3 ha−1 of trees (diameter at breast height (dbh) > 5 cm) is adequate to restrict the edge effect near the edge. However, the number of broad-leaved trees may be high at edges which, in turn, diminishes the abundance of mosses and favours herb species, thus changing the original natural understorey vegetation composition. Therefore we recommend that conifers be favoured at the edges of mesic conifer-dominated forest patches if the purpose is to restrict the extent of the effects of habitat edges. The appropriate proportion of conifers at these edges should be 80% or more.  相似文献   

Regeneration of tree species associated with canopy gaps in broad-leaved Korean pine forests was investigated. Species diversity in gaps and under closed canopy was compared, the relationship between biodiversity and gap structure was analyzed. Results indicate that there were significant differences between tree species diversity in gaps and that under canopy (p<0.01). In terms of Shannon-Wiener index, evenness index, and abundance index, the biodiversity in gap community were higher than those under forest canopy in regeneration layer. In terms of Simpson’s dominance index, the dominance of certain species in the regeneration layer increased from gaps to closed canopy (p<0.01). In contrast, trends of biodiversity changes of succession layer in gaps and under closed canopy were opposite. Tree species diversity of different layers reacted directly to the change of gap size class. For example, Shannon-Wiener index and abundance index is higher and Simpson’s dominance index is the lowest in succession layer of medium-size gap (100–250 m2) in the broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains. Shannon-Wiener index reached the highest in a size of ≥250 m2 and <100 m2, reached the lowest in a size of 200–250 m2 in the regeneration layer. Simpson’s dominance index reached its maximum when the gap size was between 200 and 250 m2. Generally, species of different layers reacted differently to the changes of gap size classes. The gap size class with more seedlings did not correspond to size class containing more medium-size trees. Tree species diversity indices in the two layers behaved reciprocally during the development process of forest gaps. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(12): 2,236–2,240 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(12): 2,236–2,240]  相似文献   

Silvicultural canopy gaps are emerging as an alternative management tool to accelerate development of complex forest structure in young, even-aged forests of the Pacific Northwest. The effect of gap creation on available nitrogen (N) is of concern to managers because N is often a limiting nutrient in Pacific Northwest forests. We investigated patterns of N availability in the forest floor and upper mineral soil (0–10 cm) across 6–8-year-old silvicultural canopy gaps in three 50–70-year-old Douglas-fir forests spanning a wide range of soil N capital in the Coast Range and Cascade Mountains of western Oregon. We used extractable ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3) pools, net N mineralization and nitrification rates, and NH4+ and NO3 ion exchange resin (IER) concentrations to quantify N availability along north-south transects run through the centers of 0.4 and 0.1 ha gaps. In addition, we measured several factors known to influence N availability, including litterfall, moisture, temperature, and decomposition rates. In general, gap-forest differences in N availability were more pronounced in the mineral soil than in the forest floor. Mineral soil extractable NH4+ and NO3 pools, net N mineralization and nitrification rates, and NH4+ and NO3 IER concentrations were all significantly elevated in gaps relative to adjacent forest, and in several cases exhibited significantly greater spatial variability in gaps than forest. Nitrogen availability along the edges of gaps more often resembled levels in the adjacent forest than in gap centers. For the majority of response variables, there were no significant differences between northern and southern transect positions, nor between 0.4 and 0.1 ha gaps. Forest floor and mineral soil gravimetric percent moisture and temperature showed few differences along transects, while litterfall carbon (C) inputs and litterfall C:N ratios in gaps were significantly lower than in the adjacent forest. Reciprocal transfer incubations of mineral soil samples between gap and forest positions revealed that soil originating from gaps had greater net nitrification rates than forest samples, regardless of incubation environment. Overall, our results suggest that increased N availability in 6–8-year-old silvicultural gaps in young western Oregon forests may be due more to the quality and quantity of litterfall inputs resulting from early-seral species colonizing gaps than by changes in temperature and moisture conditions caused by gap creation.  相似文献   

Analysing data from 903 permanent sample plots situated in medium-moist and moist forests in the southern Cape, South Africa, we explored factors controlling forest structure. Pronounced subcanopy stem density persistence (well-stocked subcanopy forest matrix) and stem density packing (comparatively high stem densities of relatively large-sized trees) were found in the moist, less seasonal (quasi-tropical) Tsitsikamma forests. These attributes of structure were linked to the prevailing dystrophic, less seasonal conditions and the associated metabolic vertical growth orientation. The cool, moist and seasonal (quasi-temperate) Knysna forests had lower densities of relatively large-sized trees at the canopy level (stem density intolerance). This was attributed to the lateral growth mode and extended persistence of the trees involved. The warm, seasonal (quasi-subtropical) Outeniqua forests, on relatively nutrient-rich soils, had high stem densities at the canopy level relative to the subcanopy stratum; due to a combination of low subcanopy tree persistence, fast ingrowth of trees into the canopy stratum, which were then lost to mortality before they reached large sizes (high canopy tree turnover). Persistence of the multi-species subcanopy forest matrix supported asynchronous establishment and death of individual trees. Typical for tropical-type forests, the development of trees towards maturity (phase) was associated with a spatially fine-grained disturbance regime. A metabolic performance trade-off model was developed and provided an ecophysiological framework for the interpretation of forest structure and its underlying dynamics. This explanatory model indicated causal links between intraspecific metabolic tactics of trees in response to their edaphoclimatic environment and associated attributes of forest structure. Some implications of the findings for tropical forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

The species composition and diversities, and soil properties under canopy gaps in broad-leaved Pinus koraiensis forests were studied in the Changbai Mountains. The results indicated that the species composition and diversities in gap were different from those under canopy. The Shannon-Wiener index, evenness index, and abundance index in gap were higher than those under canopy in the seedling layer, while the community dominance in the seedling layer increased in closed canopy. The physicochemical properties of soil changed with the change of space and resource availability in gaps. The thickness, standing crop, and water holding capacity of the litter layer under canopy were significantly (p<0.01) higher than those in gap. The content of total nitrogen and total potassium of litter in gap were 10.47% and 20.73% higher than those under canopy, however, the content of total phosphorus and organic carbon under canopy were 15.23% and 12.66% more than those under canopy. The water content of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm of soil layer in gap were 17.65% and 16.17% more than those under canopy. The soil buck density of 0–10 cm were slightly higher under canopy than that in gaps, but there was no significant difference in the soil buck density of the 10–20 cm soil layer. The soil pH values were 5.80 and 5.85 in gap and under canopy, respectively, and were not significantly different. The content of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total potassium in gap were 12.85%, 7.67%, and 2.38% higher than those under canopy. The content of NH4 +-N, available phosphorus, available potassium, and total phosphorus in soil under canopy were 13.33%, 20.04%, 16.52%, and 4.30% higher than those in gap. __________ Translated from Forest Research, 2006, 19(3): 347–352 [译自: 林业科学研究]  相似文献   

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