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陆地棉品种根系特性与耐旱性关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了不同陆地棉品种棉花根系特性与耐旱性的关系。结果表明,耐旱型较非耐旱型棉花品种根系发达,主根长,各级侧根数量多且长,总根系长度长;一级侧根数、侧根总长、根系总长度与耐旱性呈显著或极显著正相关;棉花根系重量与生物学产量、子棉产量、皮棉产量呈极显著正相关。单位主根长度一级侧根着生密度可作为棉花耐旱性鉴定和选育的指标。  相似文献   

Drought tolerance is an increasingly important trait in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) due to the reduction in water resources, a shift in production areas and increasing input costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate 29 genotypes for drought tolerance under drought stress (DS) and reduced stress treatments in Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. The use of DS and reduced stress treatments facilitated the identification of drought tolerant germplasm that also had good yield potential under more optimal conditions. Based on the results of seed yield under DS and reduced stress conditions, and DS indices, including the geometric mean (GM), stress tolerance index (STI) and percent yield reduction (YR), genotypes were identified with greater yield potential under the tested environment. Based on average GM over the 2 years, the superior common bean genotypes identified were SEA 5, G 21212, A 686, SEN 21 and SER 21. These genotypes performed well in both years and under both treatment conditions and thus may serve as parents for DS improvement and genetic analysis.  相似文献   

王姣  张永清 《作物杂志》2016,32(6):112-38
采用盆栽人工控水的方法,研究不同小豆品种根系对干旱胁迫的响应。结果表明,干旱胁迫抑制了小豆根系的生长,随着干旱胁迫的加剧,小豆的最大根长呈先增加后减少的趋势,根重、总根长、根表面积、根体积、株高、茎粗和叶面积呈减小的趋势,根冠比呈增加的趋势;不同品种小豆对干旱胁迫的响应存在差异,抗旱型品种的根重、总根长、根表面积、根体积、株高、茎粗和叶面积随干旱胁迫的加剧下降幅度小,根冠比显著加大。重度干旱胁迫下,品种间最大根长、根重、根体积、株高、茎粗、叶面积和根冠比差异在整个生育期间达显著水平。抗旱型品种冀红8937的根系更为发达,根冠比较高,中度干旱胁迫下,最大根长的增加幅度较大,随着干旱胁迫的加剧,其根重、总根长、根表面积、根体积、株高、茎粗和叶面积下降幅度较小,根冠比显著增加。  相似文献   

Improving wheat production in drought‐prone areas is the key to meet the increasing global demand. The importance of root traits, especially, the structural traits such as root volume and rooting depth, has been well recognized to confer drought tolerance in wheat. However, generation of knowledge on root water uptake efficiency and its application in drought adaptation breeding had lagged behind. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the relevance of the root water uptake efficiency to biomass production under acute soil water deficit in six wheat genotypes. Pot experiments were conducted under polythene rainout shelters at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, in 2010 and 2011. Under drought that was measured as smaller critical fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW), the root systems with less reduction water uptake efficiency were found to postpone the relative transpiration decline. This study also showed the existence of substantial genotypic variation on the root water uptake efficiency among the wheat genotypes. The expression of hydrophobic root morphology under drought environments, however, did not explain the results obtained on the relative root water uptake efficiency, indicating other regulative mechanisms in operation for the regulation of transverse water flow in the roots. These findings provide new understanding of drought adaptation in wheat through variations in the root water uptake efficiency.  相似文献   

Improving white clover drought tolerance by selecting for more developed roots is controversial, labour‐consuming and complicated by the adventitious root system. This study aimed at assessing: (i) the value of thicker stolons as an indirect selection criterion for increasing root development, (ii) the relationship between root development and drought tolerance, and (iii) the consistency of population response for root and shoot traits between swards derived from seedlings or stolon cuttings. Thick‐ and thin‐stolon populations obtained by one cycle of divergent phenotypic selection within one ladino landrace, and one ladino natural population, were evaluated in metal containers (0.55 m × 0.12 m × 0.75 m deep) in a 1‐year experiment including vegetative material (seedling or stolon cutting) and drought stress (absent or present) as additional factors. Aerial dry weight (DW) was also assessed across two summer harvests under irrigated and rainfed field conditions for the thick‐stolon selection, two breeding populations selected from the same landrace regardless of stolon thickness, and the drought‐tolerant ladino ‘Brown Loam Synthetic no. 2’. The thick‐stolon selection had greater root DW (+21 %) than the thin‐stolon selection besides thicker stolons (+23 %). The natural population combined thinnest stolons with lowest root DW. Differences between populations were consistent across vegetative material. Primary and adventitious root systems did not differ for root DW in deeper soil horizons (>23 cm), above‐ground biomass and its reduction due to drought stress. Root DW increased under stress, particularly in deeper horizons. Aerial DW variation among populations evened up or narrowed much under stress, with no cross‐over interaction leading to an advantage of thick‐stolon material or ‘Brown‐Loam Synthetic no. 2’.  相似文献   

The ability of a plant to modify its root distribution to exploit deeper stored soil water may be an important mechanism to avoid drought. This study aimed at assessing root distributions, variations in root length density (RLD) and percentage of root distribution, and the relevance of root traits for yield of drought‐resistant peanut genotypes under different available soil water levels. The experiment was conducted in the dry season during the years 2003/04 and 2004/05. Eleven peanut genotypes (ICGV 98300, ICGV 98303, ICGV 98305, ICGV 98308, ICGV 98324, ICGV 98330, ICGV 98348, ICGV 98353, Tainan 9, KK 60‐3 and Tifton‐8) and three soil moisture levels [field capacity (FC), 2/3 available soil water (AW) and 1/3 AW] were laid out in a split‐plot design with four replications. Roots were sampled by a core sampler at 37, 67 and 97 days after sowing (DAS). Root length was determined by a scanner and the WINRHIZO Pro 2004a software. RLD was calculated as the ratio of root length (cm) and soil volume (cm3). Graphical illustration of root distribution was constructed by merging RLD in the first and second soil layers (0–40 cm) as upper roots and pooling RLD at the third, fourth and fifth layers (40–100 cm) as lower roots. Pod yield, biomass and harvest index (HI) were recorded at harvest. A drought tolerance index (DTI) was calculated for each parameter as the ratio of the parameter under stress treatment to that under well‐watered conditions. Variations in RLD in 40 to 100 cm layer (RLD40 to 100 cm) were found under well‐watered conditions, and the peanut genotypes could be readily identified as high, intermediate and low for this trait. Changes in RLD in the 40 to 100 cm soil layer were found at 2/3 AW and were more evident at 1/3 AW. ICGV 98300, ICGV 98303, ICGV 98305, ICGV 98308 and KK 60‐3 were classified as drought responsive as they increased RLD in the deeper subsoil level in response to drought. In general, RLD under drought conditions was not related to biomass production. The ability to maintain the percentage of RLD (DTI for %RLD) was related to pod yield, DTI for pod yield and DTI for HI. ICGV 98300, ICGV 98303, ICGV 98305 exhibited high DTI (RLD40 to 100 cm) which may explain their high pod yield, DTI (PY) and DTI (HI). Based on these observations we classified them as drought‐avoiding genotypes.  相似文献   

普通菜豆抗旱生理特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验,以抗旱性较好的品种跃进豆、260205和敏感品种奶花芸豆为试材,设置干旱和正常供水2种处理,测定产量、产量构成因素及相关生理生化指标,分析干旱胁迫下参试品种各性状及生理指标的变化及对干旱胁迫的生理响应。结果表明,干旱处理36 d,跃进豆和260205的根干重为总生物量的20.2%和20.6%,荚干重为总生物量的30.0% 和28.9%,而奶花芸豆的根干重和荚干重仅为总生物量的10.6%和17.1%,光合产物向根系和籽粒的有效分配与普通菜豆抗旱性关系密切;跃进豆在干旱胁迫后期的水分利用效率较对照增加 230.5%,而奶花芸豆的增幅仅为84.3%,较高的水分利用效率有利于CO2的有效扩散和高效固定;其他生理特性分析表明,抗氧化酶与光呼吸共同作用有效降低了膜脂过氧化程度,减少了叶片的损伤;脯氨酸和可溶性糖是普通菜豆主要的渗透调节物质,能够较好地保持自身叶片的水分平衡。普通菜豆抗旱性是多种生理调节机制协同作用的结果,主要包括形态调节、气孔调节、渗透调节以及抗氧化能力的调节等。  相似文献   

As water for irrigation purposes becomes increasingly scarce because of climate change and population growth, there is growing interest in regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) as a way to improve efficiency of water usage and farm productivity in arid and semi‐arid areas. Salinity is also becoming an important problem in these same regions. Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of RDI and salt stress on two legumes crops, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek); previous work showed contrasting responses to RDI by these two crops under field conditions. The seed and biomass yields of both crops were reduced as a result of increasing water deficit stress; however, mungbean was able to maintain the same proportion of its biomass in reproductive structures and maintain its harvest index under stress, whereas common bean’s decreased. In addition, photosynthesis in mungbean was higher than in common bean and higher at the same levels of transpiration. Finally, salinity stress did not affect the water potential, harvest index or the specific leaf weight of either crop. There were no interactions between salinity and crops or RDI levels, which suggest that the two crops do not differ in their response to salinity stress, and that RDI levels do not modify this response.  相似文献   

类芦根系对不同强度干旱胁迫的形态学响应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了探讨类芦根系对干旱胁迫逆境的响应规律,为其在水土流失区推广和应用提供科学理论依据,以水土保持先锋植物类芦为研究对象,通过4个不同干旱强度胁迫的盆栽试验,测定不同干旱处理对类芦根系生物量和根系形态指标。结果表明:不同干旱强度胁迫处理,类芦根系总长度、表面积、平均直径、根系生物量的差异明显,而根体积差异较小。在不同程度干旱胁迫下,根体积、根平均直径随着干旱胁迫程度增加逐渐减小,且均比充足供水的小;而类芦根系总长度、根表面积、根系生物量、根冠比均比充足供水的大,中度干旱胁迫条件下(田间持水量40%±5%),类芦的根系长度、根表面积、根系生物量、地上部生物量、根冠比均为最大。类芦具有庞大的根系,抗旱和耐旱能力强;类芦根系增强延伸能力、扩大与土壤接触面积是对干旱逆境的形态学响应机制之一。  相似文献   

不同磷效率大豆基因型根形态构型对低磷胁迫的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彦丽 《中国农学通报》2010,26(14):182-185
探讨大豆根系形态构型指标在低磷胁迫下的适应性反应,研究根系形态构型指标与磷效率的关系。本试验选用3个“磷低效”大豆基因型D3、D17和D18及“磷高效”大豆基因型D34、D37和D38,采用田间试验,设高、低磷两个处理,对大豆基因型磷效率与根形态构型指标的关系进行了研究。结果表明,在高磷处理下,供试大豆根系各形态构型指标和根干生物量均无显著差异,在低磷处理下,各基因型间差异达到显著水平。相关分析表明,根长、根表面积和根生物量与地上部干生物量达到显著或极显著正相关,根直径与磷效率相关系数未达到显著水平。低磷胁迫时,根长、根表面积与根生物量影响植物的磷效率,而根直径对磷效率的影响较小。因此可以把根长、根表面积作为大豆磷效率筛选的重要指标,把根生物量作为辅助筛选指标。  相似文献   

研究绿豆芽期抗旱指标,为绿豆品种抗旱性鉴定和品种筛选提供理论依据。本试验采用15%的PEG-6000高渗溶液对58份绿豆品种(系)进行干旱模拟胁迫,测定其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数和相对根长等指标。结果表明:在15%的PEG浓度条件下,绿豆的各指标均受到不同程度的抑制,发芽势受抑制最大,下降30.62%;而相对根长受抑制较小,仅下降5.63%。且各指标的变异系数均有增加,说明绿豆生理指标在干旱胁迫下变化更显著。利用隶属函数分析法,筛选出1份高抗和4份抗性品种。  相似文献   

研究干旱胁迫和氮素形态对豌豆根系生长的影响,以期为旱农区豌豆的生长调控提供理论依据。采用盆栽方法,研究了2 种氮素形态下55%的土壤相对含水量进行15 天干旱胁迫对不同时期豌豆根系生长的影响。结果表明,氮素对根系生长的影响因形态而异,硝态氮有利于促进正常供水下根系的伸长生长,铵态氮有利于提高不同水分条件下的根直径。干旱胁迫对根系生长的影响也因氮素形态而异,3 种胁迫方式均显著降低了胁迫期间及花荚盛期硝态氮营养下的根长、根体积、根表面积;干旱胁迫有利于降低成熟期根系的衰败速率,产生了等量补偿或超补偿效应。综上所述,硝态氮营养有利于促进豌豆根系生长,孕蕾期干旱胁迫后复水对成熟期根系生长的补偿效果最好。  相似文献   

植物渗透调节研究进展及与棉花耐旱遗传改良   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渗透调节是植物在干旱胁迫下降低渗透势,抵抗逆境胁迫的一种重要方式,是植物的一种重要抗逆生理机制.渗透调节物质合成相关基因在植物中的超表达可提高植物的耐旱性,在棉花耐旱遗传改良方面有着广阔的应用前景.本文综述了近年来几种主要的有机渗透调节物质的研究进展,及其对棉花耐旱遗传改良的意义.  相似文献   

间作和双接种对玉米和菜豆生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了验证菜豆玉米间作的可行性及双接种丛枝菌根真菌和根瘤菌在此间作体系中的影响。通过采用盆栽试验的方式,测定了不同栽培及接种方式下玉米和菜豆的一些生理指标如:生物量、氮磷钾元素的含量及吸收量、叶绿素SPAD值、菌根侵染率等。结果表明:单接种时,单作下的玉米和菜豆的总生物量分别是间作下的3.26 倍和1.25 倍;双接种时也分别达到了3.08 倍和1.25 倍。然而单接种时玉米和菜豆间作后每盆的吸氮量和吸磷量分别是间作下的1.11 倍和1.05 倍;双接种时则均为1.16 倍。接种丛枝菌根真菌后玉米及菜豆的生物量、氮磷钾元素的含量及吸收量、叶绿素含量等差异均不显著,而菜豆的根瘤数却降低了。试验研究表明:间作抑制了菜豆及玉米的生长,但促进了二者对氮磷元素的吸收利用;接种丛枝菌根真菌对玉米及菜的生长无促进作用,对二者吸收利用氮磷钾元素也无明显促进,而且还抑制了根瘤菌侵染菜豆。  相似文献   

Plant genotypes with higher drought tolerance through improved root characteristics are poorly studied in orchardgrass. In the current research, 30 orchardgrass genotypes were polycrossed and the resulting half‐sib families evaluated under both normal and water stress environments. Under water stress conditions, values for most root traits decreased at 0–30 cm soil depth, while at 30–60 cm depths, the root length (RL), root area (RA), root volume, percentage of root dry weight (RDW) and the ratio of root to shoot were increased. We identified drought‐tolerant genotypes with a high combining ability for root characteristics and a high yield potential. High estimates of heritability as well as genetic variation for root traits indicated that phenotypic selection would be successful in order to achieve genetic progress. Indirect selection to improve dry matter yield was most efficient when selecting for RL and RDW under water stress conditions. Significant associations between a drought tolerance index and RL, RA and root volume confirmed the importance of these traits in conferring drought tolerance of orchardgrass.  相似文献   

O. P. Yadav 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(2):208-210
The crop cultivars targeted for drought prone areas need to combine drought tolerance and high yield. The present study was conducted to assess the performance of three selected pearl millet landraces, four exotic elite populations and their 12 crosses. They were evaluated for yield, yield components and a drought susceptibility index that was calculated using yield data from drought and non‐drought environments. In the non‐drought season, the exotic populations had significantly higher grain yield than landraces. However, in the severe drought season, the landraces produced significantly greater biomass, grain and stover yields than elite populations. There was a strong relation between panicle size and ability to produce panicles and delay in flowering under severe stress. The biomass and stover yield of crosses was significantly better than parental populations under both drought stress and near‐optimum conditions. The elite populations were most sensitive to drought while crosses were as drought tolerant as landraces because they combined larger panicle size of exotics and lesser delay in flowering of landraces. The results indicated that it is possible to combine drought adaptation with high yield potential through hybridization between adapted landraces and elite genetic materials.  相似文献   

Lack of water during vegetative and/or reproductive growth stages is one of the most limiting factors for bean growth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of water stress applied during two phenological stages (flowering and pod filling) on growth, yield and yield components. Two genotypes of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were used in this study, cv. Carioca, an indeterminate Brazilian landrace, and cv. Prince, a determinate cultivar grown in Europe. Carioca appears to be generally stress-tolerant while Prince is intolerant. Plants were grown in large plastic pots covered with a black plastic sheet to protect the soil from rain and evaporation. The water stress treatments were: control (well-watered plants), WSFS (water stress during flowering stage) and WSPFS (water stress during pod-filling stage). Water stress reduced yield and yield components at both flowering and pod-filling stages. The parameters affected were seed weight, number of seeds per plant and number of pods per plant. Number of seeds per pod and seed weight were not affected. No effects of water stress were detected on harvest index. Time to maturity was slightly prolonged, especially for WSFS. Water stress at both stages resulted in lower accumulated water loss compared to the control plants. Water stress during both phenological stages reduced other growth parameters, the number of trifoliate leaves, stem height, number of main branches and number of nodes on the main stem.  相似文献   

Brazil is the world's largest producer of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Drought stress harms the morphological and agronomic traits of beans. This study evaluates the reaction to water deficit in five genotypes of black beans. The experiment was conducted in the IDR-IAPAR-EMATER in Londrina-PR, Brazil. A split-plot design was used, with three replications. The genotypes were included in the subplots and the treatments with or without water deficit in the plots. Water deficit was induced on the pre-flowering stage and maintained for 20 days in the plots submitted to drought stress. For the growth analysis, plants were collected at 35, 54 and 70 days after emergence. At the stage of physiological ripeness, several morphological and yield traits were evaluated. The genotypes IPR Uirapuru and BRS Esplendor can be considered tolerant and used as a tolerant source to water deficit in common bean germplasm banks. The line LP 08-90 has morphological and agronomic adaptations efficient to overcome water deficit's effects, presenting a higher grain yield in both crop conditions, which indicates the success of black beans breeding to deal with water deficit.  相似文献   

Legumes' sensitivity to salt is exacerbated under growth conditions requiring nitrogen fixation by the plant. Phosphorus (P) deficiency is widespread in legumes, especially common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L). To examine the performance of P. vulgaris under salt stress conditions, a field experiment was conducted using two recombinants inbred lines (RILs) 115 (P‐deficiency tolerant) and 147 (P‐deficiency susceptible), grown under different salinity levels (L) (1.56, 4.78, and 8.83 dS m?1 as LI, L2, and L3, respectively) and supplied with four P rates (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha?1 P as P0, P30, P60, and P90, respectively) in order to assess the impact of P on salt tolerance. Results indicate that growing both RILs at P60 or P90 under all salinity levels (especially L1) significantly increased total chlorophyll, carotenoids, total soluble sugars, total free amino acids, and proline. Increasing P supply up to P60 under all salinity levels significantly induced higher accumulation of P, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ leaves in both RILs. Based on quadratic response over all locations, the maximum seed yield of 1.465 t ha?1 could be obtained at application of P 81.0 kg ha‐1 in RIL115, while seed yield of 1.275 t ha?1 could be obtained with P rate of 78.3 kg ha?1 in RIL147. RIL115 exhibited more salt‐tolerance with positive consequence on plant biomass and grain yield stability. Improved salt tolerance through adequate P fertilization is likely a promising strategy to improve P. vulgaris salinity tolerance and thus productivity, a response that seems to be P‐rate dependent.  相似文献   

Drought stress may affect sucrose accumulation of sugar beet by restricting leaf development and storage root growth. The objective of this study was to identify changes occurring in the storage root of Beta beets in growth characteristics and ions and compatible solutes accumulation under drought with regard to sucrose accumulation. Two pot experiments were conducted: (1) sugar beet well supplied with water (100 % water capacity), under continuous moderate (50 %) and severe drought stress (30 %), (2) sugar beet and fodder beet well supplied with water (100 %) and under continuous severe drought stress (30 %). Under drought stress, the ratio of storage root to leaf dry matter of sugar beet decreased indicating a different partitioning of the assimilates. The sucrose concentration of the storage root was reduced. In the root, the number of cambium rings was only slightly affected, although drought stress was implemented already 6 weeks after sowing. In contrast, the distance between adjacent rings and the cell size was considerably restricted, which points to a reduced expansion of existing sink tissues. The daily rate of sucrose accumulation in the root showed a maximum between 16 and 20 weeks after sowing in well‐watered plants, but it was considerably reduced under drought stress. The concentration of compatible solutes (K, Na, amino acids, glycine betaine, glucose and fructose) decreased during growth, while it was enhanced because of drought. However, when sucrose concentration was added, a constant sum of all examined solutes was found throughout the vegetation period. It was similar in sugar beet and in fodder beet despite different concentrations of single solutes, and the total sum was not affected by water supply. A close negative relationship between the concentration of compatible solutes and sucrose occurred. It is therefore concluded that the accumulation of compatible solutes in the storage root of Beta beets under drought might be a physiological constraint limiting sucrose accumulation.  相似文献   

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