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Tropical Animal Health and Production - Bovine dermatophilosis has undoubtedly been a limiting factor in livestock improvement programmes in Ghana. The disease affects about 10% of the cattle...  相似文献   

A study was made of bovine dermatophilosis on 540 animals at a high altitude (2400–2500 m above sea level) in Ethiopia. Eighty-two (15.4%) of the animals were affected by the disease which was more prevalent in local animals than was previously assumed. There was a significant (p<0.05) difference in the prevalence among different age groups. However, the difference in the prevalence of the disease between males and females was not significant (p>0.05). Associated risk factors included the relatively high average annual rainfall and humidity, tick infestation (76%) and management, related to the mixed crop-livestock production system. The possible impact of the disease on Ethiopian agriculture is indicated.  相似文献   

This study shows a representative stratified cluster sample survey of the prevalence of comparative intradermal tuberculin test in cattle from four regions in Ethiopia. Using a cut-off for positivity of 2 mm, it assesses possible risk factors for tuberculin-positive reaction in cattle. Seventy-three villages in 24 kebeles (administrative units) were randomly selected, from which 2216 cattle from 780 owners were tested. In addition, 450 of these cattle owners were interviewed for risk factor assessment. Ninety-nine percent of the tested cattle in this rural livestock production system were traditional zebus. The individual overall prevalence of cattle bovine tuberculosis (BTB)e was 3%, with the highest found in Meskan Mareko, in Central Ethiopia (7.9%) and the lowest in Woldia, in the North East edge of the Rift Valley (1.2%). Generalised Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) with random effect on kebeles was used to analyse risk factors of cattle reactors and human tuberculosis (TB) infection. Purchase of cattle and presence of other livestock in the herd were statistically significant, with OR: 1.7, p-values of 0.03 and OR: 2, p = 0.05, respectively. Family members diagnosed with TB or showing clinical signs of extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB) were reported in 86 households (19%). None of the assessed potential risk factors of disease transmission between cattle and human (food consumption, livestock husbandry and presence of BTB-positive cattle) were statistically significant.  相似文献   

The screwworm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), is the most serious insect pest of cattle in the New World. It has recently been recorded in Libya, where it appears to have become established. This article documents these recent finds, and provides background information on the recognition of the fly, its biology, distribution and importance.  相似文献   

Livestock fulfill different functions. Depending on their livelihood strategies, households differ in their choice of what type of animal to keep and on accumulation of the chosen animal overtime. Using a panel data of 385 rural households in a mixed farming system in northern Ethiopia, this paper investigates the dynamic behavior of rural households’ livestock holding to identify determinants of choice and accumulation of livestock overtime. Choice is analyzed for a principal animal, the animal that constituted the largest value of livestock assets a household possessed, using a multinomial logit model. Results indicate that rural households differ in their choice of what type of animal to keep. Agro-climatic conditions, sex and age of household head, presence of an adult male member in a household, and liquidity are the major factors that influence the type of principal animal households keep. Conditional on the principal animal selected, we analyzed the factors that determine the accumulation of the chosen animals by correcting for selection bias. Area of land cultivated is the most significant factor that explains the number of animals households keep. Other factors include sex of household head, diversification into nonfarm self-employment, and shocks.  相似文献   

The importance of main streaming gender issues in development programmes is now recognized by governments and development agents. This paper evaluates the role of gender in smallholder livestock production using Zimbabwe as a case study. It draws on several studies and assesses the gender dimension in terms of access and control, decision making and, division of labour. It is shown that for mainly traditional and historical reasons men continue to dominate livestock production although the situation is gradually changing. Men eclipse women in terms of ownership of more valuable stock, the making of decisions and the control of livestock production. This suggests that gender is important in livestock production and must be considered among other factors. The complexity of the system is noted but more gender disaggregated quantitative data is required if gender is to be effectively mainstreamed in livestock development programmes.  相似文献   

Commercial poultry production is one of the flourishing ventures of animal production in Ethiopia. It has been providing to the demands of proteins at least to the urban population, though concurrent health constraints are hampering its intended potential. This study reports the influence of infectious diseases in commercial broiler farms in central Ethiopia. In this study, clinical signs, gross lesions, laboratory tests (serology, bacterial culture, histopathology and parasitology) and farm management data were used to identify major causes of outbreaks in an age specific manner in broiler chickens in three poultry farms in Debre Zeit, Central Ethiopia. The outbreaks detected in the farms were due to mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, coccidiosis and infectious bursal disease. It is observed that the occurrence of concurrent diseases in the farms significantly affects the productivity and health status of broilers. The risk factors that predispose birds to the various infections in the different farms studied were also recorded. In addition, recommendations were also provided.  相似文献   

所谓“生产系统”,就是将投入要素转变成预期产出的过程。作为“农业生产系统”子系统一“畜牧业生产系统”,就是将畜牧业生产各要素转变成畜产品的过程。  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from 46 domestic ruminants comprising of 23 trypanosomiasis infected and 23 uninfected control groups to study some biochemical and haematological effects of trypanosomiasis under natural condition. The effect of trypanosome infection in ruminant animals showed that infected animals had significantly lower (P<0.05) packed cell volume, erythrocyte count and higher (P<0.01) mean cell volumes than uninfected animals. Leucocytosis, reticulocytosis and thrombocytopenia were also observed. The infection also produced a decrease in albumin (P<0.001), significant increase in total protein and bilirubin levels. These changes were not seen in the animals that were not infected. The outcome of the work shows that herds are severely affected by the disease, and therefore supports the prospect of routine check as an epidemiologic tool in trypanosomiasis based on its abnormal effects in blood.  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,尤其是对优质营养、卫生安全、方便多样的肉、蛋、奶及其制品的需求逐步加大,畜禽产品的营养质量和卫生安全问题已成为制约畜牧业发展的重要因素,也成为畜禽产品进入国内、外市场的瓶颈。其中突出的问题是畜禽产品中农药、兽药、杀虫剂、添加剂的残留,有毒物质、霉菌、有害微生物超标,放射性元素的污染及畜禽疫病等问题。这些都严重影响我国畜禽产品对外贸易信誉度和对外贸易的畜禽产品价格。绿色畜禽产品以优质营养、卫生安全、无污染、无疫病而日益显示出强大的生命力、竞争力,被誉为“…  相似文献   



Madam:— In a clinical communication to your journal in 1985, Allworth et al. (1) Allworth, M.B., West, D.M. and Bruere, A.N. 1985. Ovine dermatophilosis in young sheep associated with the grazing of Brassica spp. crops. N.Z. vet. J., 33: 210212. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] described four outbreaks of dermatophilosis in five-month-old lambs grazing Brassica crops in wet humid conditions. The lesions were thick crusty accumulations of inflammatory exudate at the base of the fleece closely attached to the epidermis. Histologically, there was invasion of hair follicles by Dermatophilus, extensive accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the dermis and lifting of the epidermis from the dermis in severely affected areas.  相似文献   

针对酸化剂的种类、优缺点及其在畜禽生产中的应用和存在问题与发展方向进行介绍。  相似文献   

<正>紫花苜蓿是豆科苜蓿属多年生草本植物,是世界上栽培最早,分布面积最大的牧草品种。它寿命很长,抗异性强,适应性广,条件适宜时能生长数十年,某些品种生长寿命可达二、三十年,一般生产利用年限为4~7年。紫花苜蓿产草量高,适口性好,营养价值列牧草之首,所以又称为牧草为王。除含有丰富的蛋白质、矿物质和维生素等  相似文献   

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