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M Batista T Niño D Alamo F González M Santana N Rodríguez F Cabrera A Gracia 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2009,44(1):83-87
Pregnant goats were induced to parturition on day 145 of pregnancy, with three different protocols: group Cl (n = 19) was injected intramuscularly (IM) with 75 μg of the prostaglandin analogue R‐Cloprostenol; group L (n = 20) was treated IM with 7.5 mg of the prostaglandin analogue Luprostiol; group L50 (n = 18) was injected IM with 3.75 mg of Luprostiol (IM); in addition, Group S (Control, n = 15) was injected IM with 1 ml of saline solution. Thereafter, goats were continuously observed to record the following parameters: parturition, dystocia incidence, placental delivery and kid and maternal survival. Moreover, blood sampling was performed around kidding and plasma progesterone concentrations were analyzed. The interval from injection to parturition (mean ± SEM) was not significantly different among the experimental groups: 35.1 ± 1.5 h, 33.3 ± 0.9 h and 34.1 ± 1.8 h (groups Cl, L and L50, respectively). In the control group, time to parturition was 99.4 ± 12.1 h (range: 34–166 h). All the goats expelled the foetal membranes within the first 2 h after the induction. The incidence of dystocia due to foetal posture was not significantly different between induced and control goats (21.1%, 20.0%, 22.0% and 20%, for groups Cl, L, L50 and S, respectively). The percentage of live kids was practically similar between induced goats (93.9%, 94.9% and 92.1%, for groups Cl, L and L50, respectively); in addition, there was a case of maternal mortality in control group (6.7%; 1/15), whereas there was no mortality in induced goats (0%; 0/57). Plasma concentrations of progesterone showed an intense drop (<2 ng/ml) at 24 h after induction. This study confirms the effectiveness of the luprostiol to induce the parturition in goats, within a narrow range (30–40 h) in most of the induced females (80.0%, 7.5 mg; 77.8%, 3.75 mg). 相似文献
诱导妊娠母猪白天分娩及其机理的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
用氯前列烯醇对妊娠后期母猪作一次性肌注,从注射前至分娩开始,以12小时为间隔采血,然后用放射免疫法分析血样,发现注射前血浆孕酮含量较高(15.95ng/ml),以后逐渐显著下降,分娩时降低到最低(5.39ng/ml)。这说明外源性氯前列烯醇对母猪分娩前妊娠黄体有溶解作用,可导致母猪分娩提前发动。实验发现,在妊娠期110天、111天和112天处理母猪的白天分娩率分311为90%(18/20)、88.24%(15/17)和75%(12/16);不同处理剂量(0.05mg。0.1mg、0.2mg)的白天分娩率分别为86.96%(20/23)、87.5%(14/16)和78.57%(11/14);实验组的平均白天分娩率(84.91%,45/53)显著高于对照组(45.65%,21/46);处理至分娩间隔时间平均为24小时24分钟。 相似文献
A Fontbonne E Fontaine X Lévy R Bachellerie F Bernex S Atam-Kassigadou M Guffroy E Leblond E Briant 《Reproduction in domestic animals》2009,44(S2):170-173
The objective of this study was to confirm in various breeds of dogs the efficacy and safety of a parturition induction treatment described to be successful in Beagle dogs. Parturition was induced in seven various sized pregnant bitches of different breeds, with 15 mg aglepristone per kg at day 59–61 post-estimated ovulation day, followed 24 h later by 0.15 IU oxytocin per kg subcutaneous injections every 2 h. Two bitches were small-sized bitches (<10 kg), three bitches were large-sized bitches (30–40 kg) and two bitches were giant bitches (>40 kg). The results were compared to a control group (n = 6), in which bitches underwent a natural delivery in the same environmental conditions as the induced group. In the induced group, parturition was successfully induced in 7/7 bitches. The first pup in a litter was born on average 25.9 ± 3.29 h after aglepristone administration (21–30 h). Two of seven bitches from the small-sized group delivered some of their pups before the first administration of oxytocin. The mean duration of parturition was 9.6 ± 5.4 h vs 8.0 ± 4.8 h in the control group. The mean interval between two successive pups being delivered was 115.6 ± 82.8 min (34–265) vs 68.8 ± 24.5 min in the control group (p < 0.03). The mean weight at parturition did not differ significantly between the two groups. One litter of four Yorkshire Terrier pups in the induced group were premature at the time of birth and died between 19 and 29 h post-delivery. This study, although on a very limited number of dogs, confirms the efficacy of the aglepristone/oxytocin protocol to induce parturition in dogs. 相似文献
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical applications and limitations of daily low-dose oxytocin injections for the induction of parturition in pregnant at term mares, the attention was focussed on the efficacy of the treatment and on its possible negative effects on mare and foal. Three-hundred and fifty pregnant full term Standardbred mares were used: 176 were allowed to foal spontaneously, 174 were treated daily with 3.5 IU of oxytocin i.m. when mammary secretion showed a calcium concentration ≥ 200 ppm. For each mare, gestational length, outcome and duration of foaling, placenta expulsion time were recorded. Physical and behavioural characteristics of each foal were also recorded. Administration of oxytocin resulted in the delivery of a normal foal within 120 min in 68.9% of treated mares: 51.3% responded to the first oxytocin administration, 14.2% to the second and 3.4% to the third. No significant difference between treated and control mares was observed in the gestational length (340 ± 8 days vs 337 ± 7 days), duration of foaling (10 ± 5.6 min vs 11 ± 4.9 min), incidence of dystocia (1.4% vs 1.7%) and failure of rupture of the allantochorion (0% vs 0.6%). No significant difference was observed in the incidence of placental retention between treated and control groups (8.1% vs 6.3%). Physical and behavioural characteristics were normal in foals of both groups. In conclusion, daily injections of low doses of oxytocin in at term mares showed only moderate efficacy for inducing parturition. However, the easy applicability and the complete safety for both mare and foal, of this method of foaling induction makes it a useful tool to simplify the management of mares in commercial stud farms. 相似文献
本试验用德国长白与德国汉普夏杂种母猪进行诱导分娩试验。 87头青年母猪和 2 0 7头经产母猪妊娠至1 1 3d随机分成 3组 :第 1组为D 氯前列烯醇组 ,每头母猪肌注 75 μgD 氯前列烯醇 ;第 2组为氯前列烯醇组 ,每头母猪肌注 1 75 μg氯前列烯醇 ;第 3组为对照组 ,每头母猪肌注 2mL生理盐水。结果D 氯前列烯醇和氯前列烯醇组处理至分娩开始的间隔明显短于对照组 (P <0 .0 1 )。氯前列烯醇组的处理至分娩的间隔比D 氯前列烯醇组短约2h ,但差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。对照组的产程明显比诱导分娩组的长 (P <0 .0 5 )。D 氯前列烯醇和氯前列烯醇组的死胎率比对照组低 (分别为 4 .0 %,4 .7%和 5 .5 %) ,但差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。结果表明 :D 氯前列烯醇和氯前列烯醇一样 ,能用来诱导母猪同期分娩 ,并能缩短母猪产程 ,降低死胎率。诱导分娩对仔猪的成活率没有影响 相似文献
临产英系大白母猪66头,随机分为两组,试验组36头,用氯前列烯醇诱导母猪分娩;对照组30头,自然分娩。结果试验组在用药后24.08±9.18h(小时)开始分娩,白天分娩比例,平均妊娠期、胎衣排出时间间隔分别为80.56%、114.47±0.70d、24.92±31.99min。对照组分别为53.33%、115.27±1.70d、41.97±42.68min,差异均达到显著水平;而在产程、产仔间隔、初生窝重、活仔均重、产仔数、死胎数、弱仔数、木乃伊数及活仔数等方面,两组间差异不显著。试验结果表明,应用氯前列烯醇诱导可使母猪分娩高度同期化,对新生仔猪无不良影响,经济效益显著。 相似文献
应用不同剂量氯前列烯醇对100头妊娠112-113d的健康大约克母猪进行分娩控制试验,结果表明;耳后肌注0.05,0.1和0.2mg氯前列烯醇可分别使90%、95%和90%的母猪在用药后16-28h内分娩,用药后各母猪的产程明显缩短。试验还对母猪用药后的生产性能进行了测定,结果显示该药的使用对母猪的生产性能没有明显的影响。 相似文献
Inhalt: Durch die parenterale Verabreichung von 2.0, 5.0 oder 10.0 mg Flumethason (6α-9α-Difluoro-16α methylprednisolon) konnte bei Kühen in den letzten 2 Wochen der Gravidität die Geburt ausgelöst werden. Von 26 zwischen dem 268. und 270. Tag der Trächtigkeit behandelten Tieren kamen 23 innerhalb von 38 bis 62 Std. nach der Medikation zur Geburt. In 19 Fallen trat eine Retentio secundinarum ein. 3 Tiere, bei denen die Wirkung nach 72 Std. noch ausgeblieben war, hatten nur 2,5 mg Flumethason erhalten. In dieser Phase der Trächtigkeit beendete die Injektion von 5 mg Flumethason die Graviditdt. Der Unterschied der Trächtigkeitsdauer zwischen behandelten und unbehandelten Tieren ist signifikant (P < 0,001). Weniger sicker war die Wirkung von oral verabreichtem Flumethason (5 und 10 mg), da nur 7 von 11 Tieren mit einer Spontangeburt reagierten. Die tägliche orale Applikation von 10 mg Chlormadinonacetat, beginnend am 268. Tag der Gravidität and die Injektion von 5 mg Flumethason am 270. Tag bewirkte eine Geburtseinleitung bei 6 von 8 Tieren; doch kam es auch hier zur Nachgeburtsverhaltung. 相似文献
在夏季应用氯前列烯醇诱导流产山羊发情的研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
选择2~5岁繁殖正常、体况中等的黄淮山羊空怀母羊10只为对照组,妊娠60 d母羊4只注射己烯雌酚流产后3~5 d为试验组,应用氯前列烯醇诱导发情。结果表明,试验组羊雌二醇、孕酮1~9d均呈上升趋势;9d雌二醇与1d比较呈显著性差异(P<0.05);而4d孕酮高于1d和14d,呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。在整个试验期,试验组孕酮含量均低于对照组(P>0.05)。PGc二次处理试验组96 h内发情率50%,均为异常发情。综合分析认为,夏季母羊流产后12~14d卵巢出现产后首次卵泡波,流产早期不适合诱导发情。 相似文献
In bitches, the length of gestation is highly variable when measured from the day of mating, thus prediction of parturition may be greatly inaccurate when determined from this point. The ability to precisely predict the duration of pregnancy is of practical importance for managing parturition or planning caesarean section and this review analyses the methods that can be used to accurately forecast the day of parturition. At the time of breeding, determination of the luteinizing hormone surge and the initial rise in progesterone provide reliable information on gestational length of the bitch, but when pregnancy is ascertained, ultrasonography is the most useful tool to predict the delivery day. In fact, by ultrasonographic measurements of the extra-foetal and foetal structures an accurate prediction can be made both in early and late pregnancy. 相似文献
选择南江黄羊、南江黄羊×本地黄羊的F1代黄羊以及本地黄羊母羊的生长发育资料,分别对其体重、日增重和体尺等指标进行对比分析,研究南江黄羊对杂交改良效果。结果表明,F1代黄羊体重明显高于本地黄羊(P〈0.05);F1代黄羊与本地黄羊初生-6月龄日增重差异极显著(P〈0.01),初生-12月龄日增重差异显著(P〈0.05);F1代黄羊与本地黄羊6月龄体长、24月龄胸围差异显著(P〈0.05),12月龄体高差异极显著(P〈0.01)。试验结果显示,南江黄羊杂交改良本地黄羊母羊在生长早期效果明显,显著高于本地黄羊。 相似文献
对新疆石河子某牛场66头胚胎移植受体黄牛的产犊情况进行了详细的观察和记录,针对所出现的情况进行了统计和分析,并对牛胚胎移植技术的广泛应用和实践做出了初步评价,为规模化胚胎移植牛场的养殖管理技术提出参考建议。 相似文献
利用细管冻精进行布尔山羊人工授精,其受胎率总是徘徊在40%左右,与牛人工授精90%的受胎率相比差异甚大,从而严重制约了布尔山羊的快速发展。为解决这一难题,现从理论上重点阐述进行细管冻精人工授精的综合操作技术以提高布尔山羊受胎率。 相似文献
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of aglepristone 15 mg kg−1 for induction of parturition in bitches, 22 pregnant beagle bitches were injected subcutaneously on day 60 post-estimated LH surge, and again 24 h later with aglepristone and subsequently were given 0.15 IU kg−1 oxytocin at hourly intervals until delivery of the last puppy. Six pregnant beagle bitches were used as a non-treated control group. In the control group, parturition occurred at 63.2 ± 0.5 days, 29 pups were born and the average expulsion time per puppy was 1.0 ± 0.6 h. In the treated group, parturition was obtained on average 29.7 ± 5.6 h after aglepristone administration, 121 pups were born and average expulsion time per pup was 1.1 ± 0.4 h. The percentage of live puppies, 7 weeks after birth, was 86.1% (25/29) and 86.8% (105/121) for the control and treated groups, respectively. No significant difference was observed between the control and treated groups for the average expulsion time per live puppy and for the percentage of live puppies at birth, 48 h, 7 days or 7 weeks after birth (p > 0.05). This study confirms previous results and demonstrates that the combination of aglépristone and oxytocin can be safely and reliably used to induce parturition in beagle bitches, at 60 days post-estimated LH surge. 相似文献
A trial was conducted to evaluate the ability of a prostaglandin analog, Luprostiol (LP), to synchronize estrus in Brahman cows and heifers. Animals were injected with either 0, 3.75, 7.5, 15 or 30 mg LP or 500 micrograms cloprostenol (CLP) on d 8 or 9 after estrus (d 0). All concentrations of LP (greater than 0 mg) and CLP caused luteolysis in cows and heifers, as indicated by a decline (P less than .01) in serum progesterone concentration after injection. Animals receiving 0 or 3.75 mg LP had a longer (P less than .04) interval to estrus after injection than did animals in other treatment groups. The proportion of animals exhibiting estrus by 120 h after injection was influenced by dose of LP (P less than .0001; 0, 3.75 mg less than 7.5, 15 and 30 mg and CLP) but not by age. Cows had a lower (P less than .01) progesterone concentration than heifers on d 10, 11 and 12 after LP-induced estrus. Progesterone concentration was lowest (P less than .01) on d 10, 11 and 12 after LP-induced estrus in cows given 15 mg LP or CLP. First-service conception rate was similar between cows and heifers, but it was lower (P less than .01) in animals given 15 or 30 mg LP. Both estrogen and LH concentrations were decreased (P less than .01) at the time of estrus by the 15 and 30 mg of LP. Luprostiol can cause luteolysis and estrous synchrony in Brahman cattle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献