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Thoroughbred racehorses are produced by mating small numbers of Arabian stallions and native British mares, and have been improved by selection of horseracing performance for about 300 years. While these improvements led to good performance as racehorses, they exposed horses to numerous medical disorders, aggravated by extensive exercise. Fractures are frequent medical disorders in Thoroughbred racehorses. In this study, fracture heritability was estimated using 3,927 Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses to elucidate the risk of racehorse fractures. The heritability estimates of all examined fractures were low (h2 = 0.06), while those of fractures in carpal bone and carpus (carpal bone plus distal radius) were moderate (h2 = 0.37, 0.24, respectively). Fracture occurrence age for carpal bone and distal radius was both 3.3 years old and was younger than that for other fractures. These results indicated that a larger proportion of the variation in the studied population was due to genetic factors for carpal fractures than for other fractures, while the fractures at other bones were largely affected by environmental factors, correlated with the athlete period (number year in racing). These findings contribute to develop a management plan for suppressing racehorse fractures and improving horseracing safety.  相似文献   

The training programme for Thoroughbred flat racehorses is intense, with pressure to limit nontraining days. Fracture of the dorsal spinous processes is a traumatic event that affects a horse's ability to train and race, with little information available regarding short‐term treatment and long‐term outcomes for elite racing horses. Using a retrospective cohort study of the Hong Kong Jockey Club's veterinary clinical records, cases of wither fracture were identified radiographically, with clinical features, treatment and subsequent return to training and racing described. The prevalence of wither fracture was 0.152% and in 6 out of 8 cases, the fracture occurred following identified trauma. Clinical signs varied from mild swelling and pain of the affected region to acute, severe forelimb lameness with spinal deformation. Prognosis for recovery was excellent, with all horses returning to a level of racing performance equal to or better than before the injury. The time from injury to return to ridden work was <2.5 months and return to racing was 9 months, with horses that returned to training sooner after injury having more favourable outcomes. The period of rest identified in this study was shorter than previously reported, with the median interval between injury and first gallop <2.5 months and most horses back racing within 6 months.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is increasing evidence that exercise early in life has a positive effect on musculoskeletal health. At present, there is little whole population research investigating the effect of racing as 2‐year‐olds on future racing career. Objectives: To investigate the association between attaining training milestones as 2‐year‐olds with length of career and racing success in Thoroughbred horses in New Zealand. Methods: Retrospective data were obtained of the 2001/02‐born Thoroughbred foal crop. The 3 training milestones were: registered with a trainer, trialled and raced. The association of the training milestones with career length was measured using the outcomes: number of race starts and number of years raced, in a Cox regression model. Logistic regression models analysed the association of the training milestones with the outcomes: won or placed in a race. Linear regression was performed to assess the association of training milestones with total career earnings. Results: Of 4683 horses in the population; 3152 horses were registered with a trainer, 2661 horses trialled and 2109 horses raced. Horses that raced as 2‐year‐olds had significantly (P<0.001) more race starts than those first raced as 3‐year‐olds or older, this was also true when the 2‐year‐old year data were omitted. Horses that raced as 2‐year‐olds had significantly (P<0.001) more years racing. Horses registered with a trainer, trialled or raced as 2‐year‐olds were more likely to have won or been placed in a race than those that achieved the milestones as 3‐year‐olds or older. Horses that first trialled and raced as 2‐year‐olds had greater total earnings than those that first trialled or raced at a later age. Conclusions and potential relevance: Two‐year‐old training milestones had a strong association with positive racing career outcomes. Horses in training or racing as 2‐year‐olds may have better musculoskeletal health throughout life than horses that are first in training or racing at a later age.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Sudden death adversely affects racehorse welfare, jockey safety and the public perception of horseracing. Objective: To describe the risk of racing‐associated sudden death in Thoroughbred racehorses in the UK from 2000 to 2007, to identify whether there were risk factors uniquely associated with sudden death and to improve the understanding of the pathogenesis of racing‐associated sudden death by identification of risk factors for such cases. Methods: A sudden death was defined as an acute collapse and death, in an apparently healthy Thoroughbred racehorse, during or immediately after racing, in the absence of clinical data indicative of a catastrophic orthopaedic injury. The retrospective study included 201 case race starts and 705,712 control race starts. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression were used to identify risk factors for sudden death at any one start. Results: In the multivariable model, age, distance, race type, season and number of starts in the 60 days prior to the race were associated with sudden death. Conclusions: The risk factors identified in this study are not uniquely associated with sudden death and have been also been identified in studies using all causes of fatality as the outcome. These data suggest that a generic approach to reduce fatal musculoskeletal injury and sudden death may be possible. Potential relevance: The identification of risk factors allows speculation on the underlying mechanisms of sudden death in racing. This may stimulate hypothesis‐led investigations into the pathogenesis of exercise‐related arrhythmias, exercise‐induced pulmonary haemorrhage and blood vessel rupture. See also correspondence by Cook  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The success of combined prosthetic laryngoplasty with ipsilateral ventriculocordectomy (LPVC) has not been compared to that of partial arytenoidectomy (PA) in a clinical population. Hypotheses: In Thoroughbred (TB) racehorses: 1) earnings after LPVC are unaffected by the severity of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN) (laryngeal grade III vs. grade IV); 2) LPVC and PA yield similar results in the treatment of grade III RLN; 3) performance outcome following PA is independent of diagnosis (RLN vs. unilateral arytenoid chondritis [UAC]); and 4) neither LPVC nor PA returns horses to the level of performance of controls. Methods: Medical and racing records of 135 TB racehorses undergoing LPVC or PA for the treatment of grade III or IV RLN or UAC were reviewed. Racing records of age and sex matched controls were also reviewed. Results: After LPVC, horses with grade III RLN performed better compared to those with grade IV RLN. Furthermore, horses treated for grade III RLN by LPVC showed post operative earnings comparable to controls. Rate of return to racing were similar for PA and LPVC, although LPVC resulted in higher post operative earnings. Performance after PA was similar regardless of diagnosis (UAC or RLN). Finally, neither LPVC when performed for grade IV RLN, nor PA performed for either diagnosis restored post operative earnings to control levels. Conclusions: Thoroughbred racehorses treated by LPVC for grade III RLN show significantly better post operative earnings compared to horses treated for grade IV disease. In grade III RLN, LPVC returns earning potential to control levels. PA and LPVC lead to similar success in terms of rate of return to racing, but PA leads to inferior earnings after surgery. Potential relevance: Laryngoplasty should be recommended for all TB racehorses with grade III RLN to maximise return to racing at a high level. This contradicts the common approach of waiting for complete paralysis.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations for body measurements and conformation and functional traits in foals and studbook horses with racing traits were estimated in the Finnhorse and Standardbred. Genetic response and accuracy were estimated using records of animal, half‐sibs and parents in selection scenarios for racing traits, for foal and racing traits, for studbook and racing traits, and using records of animal, half‐sibs and parents for foal traits and racing traits of parents. Racing time and earnings were the breeding objective. Low‐to‐moderate genetic correlations for body measurements and racing traits indicated that selection favours bigger horses at all ages. Being mainly favourable for the breeding objective, genetic correlations for conformation and functional traits with racing traits were highest for the foal traits of type, trot and overall grade and for the studbook traits of character and movements. Genetic correlations for foal and studbook conformation with racing traits were low in the Finnhorse and moderate to high in the Standardbred. In foals, the highest genetic correlations were for trot with racing time (?0.54) and with earnings (0.52) in the Finnhorse, and for overall grade with racing time (?0.54) and with earnings (0.54) in the Standardbred. In studbook horses, genetic correlations were high for character with racing time and earnings in the Finnhorse (?0.68, 0.61) and in the Standardbred (?0.63, 0.70), and for movements with racing time and earnings in the Finnhorse (?0.70, 0.69) and in the Standardbred (?0.90, 0.88). To increase accuracy of conformation and functional traits, foal traits would be more useful in the index with racing traits, as being less preselected than studbook traits. The foal traits (type, trot, overall grade) having moderate heritability and genetic correlations with racing traits would be useful in multi‐trait index before a racing career, where the greatest gain is because of a shorter generation interval. It would be feasible to implement for AI stallions.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is limited information regarding the number of races and the period for evaluation of outcome which is critical for assessment of SDF tendonitis treatments. Objective: To evaluate the re‐injury rate and racing performance of Thoroughbred racehorses that sustain SDF tendonitis in relation to matched controls in terms of number of races post treatment and maximum racing performance ratings before and after injury. Study design: Clinical records and racing histories of 401 racehorses with a first occurrence of SDF tendonitis diagnosed by ultrasonography. Controls were of the same age, sex and were horses training in the same establishment at the time of injury as the case horses and where the trainer reported that the horse had not had a previous SDF tendon injury or treatment. Results: Eighty percent of both case and control horses returned to racing after the date of injury, and the re‐injury proportion within 3 years of treatment was 53%. The difference in Racing Post Rating(max) (RPR(max)) and the Racing Post Rating in the race immediately before the treatment date was significantly smaller in case horses (mean = 9.6 lbs; range = 0–75) compared to control horses (mean = 17.0 lbs; range = 0–79). No significant decrease in RPR(max) was noted post injury. No difference between case and control horses was found for return to racing and racing 3 times, but control horses were significantly more likely to compete 5 races post treatment date than case horses. Conclusion and clinical relevance: Injury was associated with an individual's pre‐injury maximum performance level and return to racing and completion of 3 races are not useful indicator of the outcome of horses with SDF tendonitis. The assessment of the outcome of horses with an SDF injury in a population of racehorses using the number of races post injury requires a minimum of 5 races post injury to be a useful indicator. Further, a re‐injury proportion in a population of horses in training for 3 years post treatment.  相似文献   

REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: No data exist on the effects of conditioning exercise at foal age on workload and subsequent clinical injury rate during their 2- and 3-year-old racing careers. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of subjecting TB foals to conditioning exercise prior to the start of race training on: the workload required to reach a level of fitness sufficient to compete; and the prevalence of orthopaedic injury during the first 2 seasons of their racing careers. METHODS: Twenty 18-month-old TBs, 12 subjected to conditioning exercise at foal age (CONDEX) and 8 exercised spontaneously at pasture only (PASTEX) were trained and entered in competitive events. Workload was quantified using the cumulative workload index (the product of average velocity and distance at a specific gait) and the animals were monitored clinically and radiographically for signs of musculoskeletal disorders. RESULTS: Workload to reach the desired fitness level was similar for CONDEX and PASTEX. CONDEX performed more prerace training sessions as 2-year-olds (P<0.05). The incidence of orthopaedic injuries was low in both groups and there were no differences in the occurrence of orthopaedic ailments. PASTEX animals tended to show signs of musculoskeletal disorders earlier than CONDEX animals. This time difference was significant for metacarpophalangeal joint pain on flexion, reduced carpal flexion and hindlimb lameness (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Subjecting TB foals to conditioning exercise early in life does not have adverse effects on racing careers at ages 2 and 3 years, and does not influence the workload needed to reach a fitness level that is sufficient for racing. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The lack of negative effects and the indications of some positive effects of early conditioning exercise in the Thoroughbred encourage further large-scale comparative studies.  相似文献   

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