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Porencephaly was observed in a female cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) aged 5 years and 7 months. The cerebral hemisphere exhibited diffuse brownish excavation with partial defects of the full thickness of the hemispheric wall, and it constituted open channels between the lateral ventricular system and arachnoid space. In addition, the bilateral occipital lobe was slightly atrophied. Histopathologically, fibrous gliosis was spread out around the excavation area and its periphery. In the roof tissue over the cavity, small round cells were arranged in the laminae. They seemed to be neural or glial precursor cells because they were positive for Musashi 1 and negative for NeuN and GFAP. In the area of fibrous gliosis, hemosiderin or lipofuscin were deposited in the macrophages, and activated astroglias were observed extensively around the excavation area.  相似文献   

Four stumptail Macaque monkeys (Macaca arctoides) were each inoculated with approximately 1010 organisms from a culture of Brucella canis. Two animals were inoculated via the oral and conjunctival route and the other two monkeys were inoculated intravenously with the organisms. A fifth animal served as a control. Blood samples were taken at weekly intervals for hematological, serological and bacterialogical studies. The monkeys were killed at five and ten weeks post-inoculation and tissues taken from a variety of organs for bacterial culture. B. canis was isolated from the peripheral blood of inoculated monkeys for up to seven weeks post inoculation and all infected monkeys developed significant neutralizing antibody titers to the organism. The bacterium was isolated from some tissues, including the uterus of one monkey, in the two animals killed at five weeks post-inoculation. Focal granulomatous lesions were sometimes observed in the liver, spleen and lymphoid tissue of inoculated monkeys. Such lesions are similar to those described in other brucella infections. Human infections with B. canis have occurred and the possible dangers entailed in exposure to the organism should again be emphasized.  相似文献   

Two cases of spontaneous focal hepatic hyperplasia were observed in young female cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Grossly, a single raised nodule was observed in the left hepatic lobe. Histopathologically, the nodule compressed surrounding normal tissue; however, the hepatic cords within the nodule continued to those in the nor mal area except in part. Extensive fibrosis and absence of a normal hepatic triad were observed in the nodule. Thin fibrous septa radiating from the dense central stellate scarring and distended vessels were apparent in one animal. Hepatocytes in the nodule lacked cellular atypia, showed frequent PAS-positive eosinophilic inclusions in the cytoplasm and showed higher positive ratios for PCNA. The present cases resembled focal nodular hyperplasia reported in humans and a chimpanzee.  相似文献   

The purpose of our publication is to widely communicate pictures of spontaneous findings occurring in cynomolgus monkeys. Focal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration is commonly seen in the general organs. The frequency and severity of these lesions may be influenced by the administration of drugs with an effect on the immune system. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in the lamina propria of the stomach is also frequently seen in cynomolgus monkeys, and it is caused mainly by a Helicobacter pylori infection. Various degrees of brown pigments are observed in various organs, and it is possible to distinguish the material of the pigments by its morphological features and site. A focal/segmental glomerular lesion is occasionally seen in a section of the kidney, and the minimal lesion has no influence on the urinalysis. We showed the common glomerular lesions in HE-stained sections, as well as in PAM- or PAS-stained sections, for understanding the details. Young and pubertal monkeys are usually used in toxicity studies; therefore, understanding various maturation stages of the genital system is important. In particular, the female genital system needs to be understood in the morphology, because their cyclic changes are different from other laboratory animals. Thus, we present the normal features of the cyclic changes of the female genital organs. Furthermore, we provide more information on spontaneous findings in cynomolgus monkeys for exact diagnoses in toxicity studies.  相似文献   

本文采用NADPH-d酶组织化学的方法,对成年恒河猴脊髓各段内一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性进行观察。结果显示恒河猴脊髓NOS阳性神经元主要分布在中间部外侧核、中央管周围灰质、后角的Ⅲ和Ⅳ层。前角也有NOS阳性神经元分布。各部位NOS阳性神经元着色深度有所差异。NOS阳性神经纤维主要分布在后角浅层和中间带。恒河猴脊髓阳性神经元及阳性纤维的分布与人类及其它实验动物相似。  相似文献   

旨在对猕猴肠道内的小袋纤毛虫进行形态学观察及基于ITS1-5.8SrRNA-ITS2序列的分子生物学鉴定分析。收集猕猴的新鲜粪便,经直接涂片、碘液染色、吖啶橙染色和苏木素染色后镜检进行虫体形态学观察;提取粪便总DNA,针对ITS1-5.8SrRNA-ITS2序列设计特异引物进行PCR扩增、测序,经Blast进行同源性分析,并应用MEGA7.0绘制系统发育进化树。虫体形态学观察显示,镜检可大致判断该虫属于小袋纤毛虫;经碘液染色后可见虫体外周排列致密均匀的纤毛以及清晰可见的胞口;吖啶橙染色后可见一个肾形的大核;苏木素染色后滋养体大核、液泡结构明显;ITS1-5.8SrRNA-ITS2测序结果与GenBank中已公布的结肠小袋纤毛虫序列相似性高达96%以上。利用形态学观察和基于ITS1-5.8SrRNA-ITS2序列的分子生物学分析,鉴定该寄生虫为结肠小袋纤毛虫(Balantidium coli),研究结果对猕猴肠道寄生虫的鉴定与分析具有重要的临床诊断意义。  相似文献   

Malignant lymphoma in a colony of Macaca arctoides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Malignant lymphoma occurred in six Macaca arctoides from a colony of 83 animals during a 30-month period. The cells of two neoplasms had T cell markers. Concurrent disease processes included atypical mycobacterial disease in four macaques and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in one.  相似文献   

Abnormal hepatic copper storage in a teleost fish (Morone americana)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excessive copper storage in livers of feral white perch (Morone americana) from the Chesapeake Bay is described. Age-related, progressive accumulation of hepatic copper in levels often exceeding 1,000 micrograms/g wet weight was associated with peribiliary fibrosis and inflammation, bile duct hyperplasia, prominent, enlarged melanomacrophage centers, and disruption of hepatic architecture in older fish. Levels of zinc were mildly elevated compared to striped bass (Morone saxitilis) and adult rats. Cholangiomas were found in two perch. Rubeanic acid-stained liver had abundant copper-positive cytoplasmic granules in hepatocytes and cells of melanomacrophage centers. Subcellular fractionation showed that 90% of hepatocellular copper was in nuclei/cell debris fractions (which also contain tertiary lysosomes). Using electron probe microanalysis, high copper levels were localized in hepatocellular cytoplasmic bodies. Resolution of hepatic cytosol by gel permeation chromatography indicated that approximately 50% of the cytosolic copper in the white perch was bound to non-specific high molecular weight proteins, with the remaining 50% eluting at a peak where rat metallothionein is located. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant lysosomes, increased size and number of peroxisomes, and increased density and numbers of mitochondrial matrix granules. This study indicates that white perch may be a model for studying effects of excessive copper accumulation and cellular mechanisms which control copper kinetics.  相似文献   

Phenylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (PGBG) is a synthesized analogue of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG), which has demonstrated anti-parasitic activity in rabbits. The pharmacokinetic behaviour of PGBG after intravenous administration (10 mg/kg bodyweight) was studied in five rabbits. Plasma concentrations of PGBG were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Plasma PGBG concentrations decreased rapidly and were not detectable beyond 90 min after treatment. The mean [+/- standard deviation (SD)] volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) was 2.19 +/- 0.47 l/kg and the mean plasma clearance value (Cl) was 29.99 +/- 3.98 ml/min kg. This drug is rapidly eliminated from the body in rabbits, having a short elimination half-life (0.93 h) and mean residence time (1.21 h).  相似文献   

The suckling behaviour in four consecutive litters of a captive female Dendrohyrax arboreus is described. The young showed teat constancy which was established by day four of age without aggressive interactions, and maintained until weaning in all multiple litters. A preference for the more productive inguinal teats was apparent. Frequency of suckling bouts decreased with time but their duration increased. Most suckling occurred shortly after dawn and before dusk. The female showed decreasing maternal care in each successive litter.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) was examined for weight loss and hematochezia, and was subsequently diagnosed with gastrointestinal lymphosarcoma. Abnormal hematological findings included marked leukocytosis with lymphocytosis and atypical circulating lymphocytes. This report represents the first documentation of hemogram abnormalities associated with gastrointestinal lymphosarcoma in this species.  相似文献   

1. Three sets of experiments were performed on two batches of ostrich chicks to investigate the factors affecting the pecking and feeding behaviour of grouped individuals.

2. Chicks showed no significant alteration of their feeding behaviour in response to raising pen walls in the rearing facility from 30 to 60 cm.

3. Further analysis on a different set of birds revealed consistent short term individual differences in the frequency of feeding and non‐feeding pecks.

4. There were significant pen effects on behaviour suggesting the possible development of a pen ‘culture’ of pecking behaviour.

5. Pecking behaviours in 26 to 33 d‐old chicks, with the exception of drinking, were generally negatively correlated, so any non‐food pecking by a chick was generally associated with fewer pecks targeted at food.

6. By the age of two months chicks were pecking at food on the floor to a far greater extent than at any food presented in food trays.  相似文献   

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