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甘南藏族自治州羊泰勒虫病流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用传统的调查方法,查出甘南藏族自治州羊泰勒虫病的流行地区是碌曲、夏河、卓尼、临潭、迭部、玛曲等县及合作市,羊泰勒虫病的传播媒介是青海血蜱。发病季节主要是3-5月,9-10月有少量羊只发病。绵羊羔和从非疫区引进的羊只发病率高,平均发病率为60.8%,致死率为81.48%;山羊羔的发病率平均为40%,致死率为85.71%;成年绵羊发病率为17.12%,致死率为65.83%;成年山羊发病率为8.06%,致死率为73.33%。  相似文献   

本文报道了沈阳市郊爆发的一起牛瑟氏泰勒虫病的流行病学调查和诊断情况及应用贝尼尔(5~7mg/kg)、焦虫片(磷酸伯氨喹啉,3mg/kg)治疗,连用3天,效果明显。文中还对虫体的各种形态及所占的比例作了描述。  相似文献   

为了解羊泰勒虫病在吉林省珲春地区流行情况,本试验应用PCR方法对珲春地区130份羊的血液样本进行了羊泰勒虫病的流行病学调查,并与血液涂片染色镜检法进行了比较。结果该地区羊泰勒虫病的PCR方法检测阳性率为29.23%,而血涂片染色镜检法的阳性率为15.38%。不同牧地,不同年龄和不同品种间的感染率则无显著差异。通过调查表明,吉林省珲春地区是羊泰勒虫病的流行地区。  相似文献   

牛东方泰勒虫病是由泰勒科、泰勒属的东方泰勒虫寄生在牛的红细胞及淋巴细胞中,从而引起的一种具有传播性的血液原虫病,以高烧、贫血、出血、异常消瘦以及体表淋巴结肿大等症状为主要临床特征。为了掌握牛东方泰勒虫病在吉林省龙井市地区的流行情况,本试验采用血涂片染色镜检与PCR检测相结合的方法对该地域的牛血液样本进行牛东方泰勒虫病的流行病学调查,并利用等位特异型引物对该病进行分型。试验结果表明,龙井地区牛东方泰勒虫PCR检测样本阳性率为32.08%(17/53),C-型的阳性率和I-型的阳性率均为13.21%(7/53),而B-型仅为7.55%(4/53),且存在两种基因型的混合感染,B型和I型混合感染率为1.87%(1/53),B型和C型混合感染率1.87%(1/53)。  相似文献   

羊泰勒焦虫病,具有独立的流行病学特性,为掌握其发生规律,对阿克苏地区羊泰勒焦虫病的流行情况及媒介蜱的种类进行了调查.  相似文献   

承德市羊泰勒虫病流行和防治情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来 ,我市部分县区多次发生牛、羊的泰勒虫病 ,造成较大经济损失 ,特别是1 999年春季 ,我市南部的宽城、平泉、兴隆、承德 4个县区普遍流行羊的泰勒虫病 ,发病率高达 30 %~ 40 % ,发病羊死亡率达 2 0 %以上 ,给群众的养殖积极性造成很大影响。为此 ,我们对发病较重的宽城等县流行和防治情况进行了细致的调查。报告如下。1 流行情况和特点1 .1 流行情况 流行最严重的宽城县 1 998年底存栏羊 1 7万只 ,初步统计今春得病羊 3万余只 ,死亡 40 0 0余只。发病严重的有龙须门等 4个乡镇。发病率最高达 40 %。平泉县有 4个乡镇流行该病。发…  相似文献   

牛泰勒虫病在我省流行已久,主要用药物治疗。1972—1976年,中国农科院兰州兽研所和宁夏兽研所共同研制成功牛环形泰勒虫裂殖体胶冻细胞苗(以下简称细胞苗),经试验,免疫效果可靠,较好地解决了该病的免疫  相似文献   

山羊泰勒焦虫病是一种传播病.但不同于传染病.不能接触感染.必须通过适当的蜱作为传播媒介才能将病原感染动物.由于地域自然环境的不同.蜱的种类和分布是有地区性的.蜱的发育史随季节性而活动.因而焦虫病的发生和流行规律具有明显的地区性和季节性。[第一段]  相似文献   

2004年8月我省武乡县发生以高热、体表淋巴结肿大、消瘦和贫血为特征的疾病,经流行病学调查、病原体检查和临床检查,确诊为牛泰勒虫病。现将本病的流行与防治情况报告如下。  相似文献   

牛泰勒虫病主要是由环形泰勒虫寄生在牛体内而引起的一种牛的血液原虫病,该病主要通过中间宿主蜱传播,以春季多发。  相似文献   

为了解吉林省部分地区羊泰勒虫病的流行情况,试验采用PCR方法对采自吉林省部分地区羊血液样本235份进行羊泰勒虫检测,并对部分阳性样本进行测序分析,建立系统发育树。结果显示,羊泰勒虫阳性率为28.08%,为吕氏泰勒虫单独感染,没有检测到尤氏泰勒虫和绵羊泰勒虫感染。系统发育树分析表明,吉林省吕氏泰勒虫与青海分离株分布于同一分支,亲缘关系最近,与绵羊泰勒虫、尤氏泰勒虫亲缘关系较远。此次调查为吉林省羊泰勒虫病的综合防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

用ELISA方法对三明市2016年随机抽取的牛群血清样品进行检测,检测内容包括牛病毒性腹泻、牛白血病、牛传染性鼻气管炎、牛布鲁氏菌病。本次调查共检测样品204份。其中检测规模场7个,样品116份;检测散养户14个,样品88份。结果表明:检测牛病毒性腹泻病毒血清204份,检出阳性血清65份;检测牛白血病血清188份,检出阳性血清34份;检测牛传染性鼻气管炎血清184份,检出阳性血清64份;检测牛布鲁氏菌病血清204份,检出阳性血清0份。说明三明地区牛群存在多种疫病感染,应采取相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Theileria annulata infection (tropical theileriosis) is a disease of serious economic importance in Morocco. Epidemiological and vaccination studies have...  相似文献   

An outbreak of tropical theileriosis (T. annulata infection) is reported in artificial insemination Holstein bulls in Kabul (Afghanistan). The diagnostic work at the Central Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is described and the treatment given and results obtained by the Kabul Animal Health Clinic are reported. This case report constitutes the first account of the disease in Afghanistan where diagnostic confirmation has been made from material sent to internatinational reference centres.  相似文献   

为了分析副猪嗜血杆菌病在江苏区域流行现状,选取江苏省不同地区疑似发病猪场,进行临床症状分析、病理学变化观察、病原分离鉴定、血清学检测等试验。结果显示:317份病料中副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophlius parasuis, HPs)阳性率为11.54%~27.55%,平均感染率为20.50%;从发病猪场共分离到HPs 43株,其中优势血清型为12型(37.21%)、4型(16.28%)和5型(13.95%),未定型菌株9株(20.93%),分型菌株占所有菌株的79.07%;PCR检测显示,HPs与猪圆环病毒(PCV2)、猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)存在混合感染现象,感染率达30.77%。研究结果为江苏地区副猪嗜血杆菌病的防制提供了参考。  相似文献   

牛瑟氏泰勒虫病PCR诊断方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
为建立特异、敏感、快速的诊断方法,根据本实验室已测得的瑟氏泰勒虫P33表面蛋白基因序列,设计一对特异性引物,扩增出大小为499 bp的基因片断,经克隆、测序分析,与已知基因序列同源性为100%。用该对引物建立的牛瑟氏泰勒虫病PCR诊断方法,通过对75份牛血液样本检测,检出率为72%(54/75)。该方法具有特异性好、敏感性强等优点,可用于牛瑟氏泰勒虫病的诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

Summary Susceptible Ankole (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) and crossbred Ankole x Jersey (B. taurus) and Ankole x Sahiwal (B. indicus) cattle derived from a farm in Rwanda with no recent history of theileriosis, were infected withTheileria parva stocks from Rwanda either by feeding infectedRhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks on the ears, inoculation of tick derived stabilate or natural exposure to tick challenge. The Ankole cattle originated from local stock born and bred in East Coast fever (ECF) endemic areas of Rwanda. Disease, followed by spontaneous recovery, was observed in 49 of the 72 Ankole cattle after infection withT. parva (68%); the other 23 animals (32%) died of ECF. In contrast 21 of the 33 infected crossbred cattle (64%) died of ECF. It is concluded that the partialTheileria tolerance of the Ankole is, to a great extent, genetic. The basis of this partial tolerance seems to be their ability to limit the explosive multiplication of macroschizonts during the acute phase of the disease.
Resumen Se infectó ganado Ankole susceptible (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) y ganado cruzado Ankole x Jersey (Bos taurus) y Ankole x Sahiwal (Bos indicus) proveniente de una finca en Rwanda sin historia reciente de theileriosis, conTheileria parva procedente de Rwanda, mediante la adhesión en la oreja deRhipicephalus appendiculatus infectado, inoculación de estabilados derivados de garrapatas, o exposición natural a la enfermedad a través del vector. El ganado Ankole era originario de un área endémica de theileriosis en Rwanda. Se observó la enfermedad seguida de recuperación, en 49 de 72 animales Ankole infectados conT. parva (68%); los otros 23 animales murieron (32%). En contraste, 21 de los 33 animales cruzados infectados (64%), murieron. Se concluye, que la tolerancia parcial del ganado Ankole es de origen genético. Las bases de ésta tolerancia genética, parece debida a la habilidad para limitar en cierto modo la multiplicación explosiva de macroesquizontes, durante la fase aguda de la enfermedad.

Résumé On a infecté du bétail sensible, de race Ankolé (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) et des croisés Ankolé x Jersey (B. taurus) et Ankolé x Sahiwal (B. indicus), provenant d'une ferme au Rwanda sans cas récents de theilériose, avec des souches deTheileria parva du Rwanda, par l'application de tiques (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) infectées sur les oreilles, par inoculation de stabilat de tiques infectées ou par l'exposition à un challenge naturel de tiques. La souche d'Ankolé était originaire du cheptel local Rwandais, né et élevé dans les régions où la theilériose est endémique. La maladie suivie par la guérison spontanée fut observée dans 49 des 72 Ankolés (68%), les autres 23 animaux (32%) ont succombé à la theilériose. Par contre 21 des 33 croisées infectées (64%) ont succombé à la theilériose. Nous concluons que la tolérance partielle des Ankolés contre la theilériose, est génétique. La base de cette tolérance semble être leur capacité de limiter la multiplication explosive des macroschizonts pendant la phase aigu de la maladie.

A longitudinal study of tropical theileriosis was performed on 12 farms in the Doukkala region of Morocco during 1990. Adult Hyalomma detritum detritum were collected between March and early October and a peak in numbers was observed at the end of June. Nineteen percent (24/127) were infected with Theileria species and, amongst these, over 50% had five or more sporoblasts in their salivary glands (range 1-151). Hyalomma d detritum larvae and nymphs were found on cattle between September and early December with the highest numbers in late October. The prevalence of T. annulata piroplasm carriers at the beginning of the year was 48.5% (47 positive out of 97) and there were 14 new infections during the disease season (March to September) of which five developed into clinical cases. The incidence rates of new infection and clinical disease were 0.156 and 0.056 per animal-season, respectively. Differences were observed between age categories of cattle in both tick and parasite infections. A significantly lower number of adult H.d. detritum were collected from calves than from adult cattle. The prevalences of piroplasm carriers before the disease season were 0%, 36% and 76%, respectively, in (a) calves which had been born since the previous disease season, (b) calves born before then and (c) adults. However, the incidence rates of infection and disease for uninfected animals in the two categories of calves were approximately the same: 0.299 and 0.378 new infections, and 0.085 and 0.126 clinical cases per animal-season for (a) and (b), respectively. The date predicted for the appearance of adult H.d. detritum, based on published tick development times and local temperature records, was within 2 weeks of the study visit when the highest number of adults were collected from cattle. However, the date predicted for the appearance of larvae was 6 weeks earlier than the observed peak populations and may indicate that H.d. detritum delays either egg laying in the summer or larval host searching in the autumn.  相似文献   

Five experiments were carried out to determine the efficacy of immunization against theileriosis in an endemic area of Kenya using artificial infection with a mixture of stabilates of Theileria parva stock or natural infection and treatment with parvaquone or several formulations of oxytetracyclines. For the first four experiments, introduced, susceptible Sahiwal/Friesian crosses were used and in the fifth, calves of Boran/Maasai zebu crosses born on the site. Cattle were infected either artificially with sporozoite stabilates of local isolates of T. parva parva derived from cattle and T. parva lawrencei derived from African buffalo or exposed to natural tick challenge on the ranch mostly derived from buffalo. The cattle were then given various treatment regimens using either parvaquone or long- and short-acting formulations of oxytetracycline. Treatment of natural infections, although it can be effective, was not considered a practical method on a large scale because of the need for intensive monitoring in the case of parvaquone treatment and the possibility of cattle not becoming infected in the case of prolonged application of long-acting formulations of oxytetracycline. Both methods were relatively expensive. Artificial infection treatment proved more practical and methods were developed where the monitoring of cattle was not required during the immunization procedure. Out of a total of 16 drug regimens investigated, one (consisting of two treatments of a short-acting formulation of oxytetracycline at 10 mg kg-1 body weight on Days 0 and 3 or 4 after infection) was found to be the most efficacious and the cheapest, and has now been used on a routine basis. This method can be used successfully on calves greater than 1 month of age.  相似文献   

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