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在哺乳动物卵巢中,约有99%的卵泡经历一个"闭锁"的退化过程,在卵泡发育期间仅有少数发育、排卵.多数未知的分子机制(包括细胞死亡配体-受体系统)是控制哺乳动物闭锁卵泡上颗粒细胞凋亡的主要因素,在猪卵巢颗粒细胞的报道中至少有5种细胞死亡配体-受体系统.文章阐述了猪卵泡闭锁期间凋亡因子对颗粒细胞的影响.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究在培养液中添加不同浓度的NO供体硝普钠(sodium nitro-prusside,SNP)(0、0.001、0.01、0.1、1.0 mmol/L)处理,研究培养4 d后的腔前卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡情况。结果表明,1.0 mmol/L SNP组凋亡率显著高于其他各组(P0.05),而0.001 mmol/L SNP组凋亡率显著低于其他各组(P0.05)。说明高浓度的SNP对猪腔前卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡起促进作用,低浓度的SNP起抑制作用。  相似文献   

为探究不同直径有腔卵泡中猪卵巢颗粒细胞的生理机能差异,以期为后续生殖毒理学研究奠定基础。采用剖剪法获取猪卵巢内三种直径范围的有腔卵泡(小型〈2mm,中型2-5mm,大型≥5mm)并获得颗粒细胞,台盼蓝染色方法计算细胞存活率,倒置显微镜下观察细胞形态并计算细胞纯度,实时定量方法检测促卵泡刺激素受体基因(FSHR)及促黄体生成素受体基因(LHR)的表达进一步鉴定颗粒细胞,四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)法测定细胞生长曲线。结果显示从大中小三种不同直径有腔卵泡中获得的猪卵巢颗粒细胞存活率分别为68%、75%、72%,纯度分别为97%、95%、90%;细胞生长曲线表明,从24h开始进入对数生长期,并于120h达到最大值,且中型卵泡中获得的颗粒细胞生长增殖状态最佳;实时定量结果显示FSHR在猪三种直径的有腔卵泡颗粒细胞中均表达阳性,且呈现差异。  相似文献   

卵巢是家禽的重要繁殖器官,会产生大量卵泡,而卵泡在生长发育的各个阶段中都可能因为不同因素的调控而发生闭锁,最终导致繁殖性能衰退。颗粒细胞对卵泡的生长发育有重要调控作用,其凋亡会诱导卵泡发生闭锁。诱导颗粒细胞发生凋亡的因素较多,包括激素、细胞因子、氧化应激、线粒体及其他体外因素。颗粒细胞凋亡主要由线粒体途径导致,其涉及到半胱天冬酶(Caspase)家族参与,当线粒体裂解时会释放细胞色素C (Cyt-C),随后形成凋亡小体激活Caspase-3和Caspase-8,最终激活Caspase-9导致颗粒细胞凋亡;当颗粒细胞发生凋亡,家禽体内卵泡丧失生物功能并且卵泡细胞之间的调控失衡,促使卵泡内卵母细胞和膜细胞凋亡,最终导致卵泡发生闭锁;颗粒细胞在存活状态下所分泌的生长因子、性腺类固醇、细胞因子能减少卵母细胞氧化损伤,防止细胞内活性氧(ROS)水平过高导致的线粒体DNA损伤,从而避免线粒体功能障碍而造成的颗粒细胞凋亡。作者从颗粒细胞凋亡及其影响因素、颗粒细胞凋亡和卵泡闭锁的关系、颗粒细胞凋亡对卵泡闭锁的影响3个方面进行阐述,以期为减少卵泡闭锁、提高家禽繁殖性能提供理论依据。  相似文献   

miR-18a通过靶向结合CTGF调控猪颗粒细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究miR-18a对猪卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡的调控作用,利用生物信息学分析、荧光素酶活性检测和体外培养颗粒细胞试验验证miR-18a对CTGF的靶向作用及其在猪颗粒细胞中对CTGF基因表达的影响,并通过流式细胞技术检测其对猪卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡的调控作用。生物信息学分析结果表明,CTGF是miR-18a的潜在靶基因,荧光素酶活性检测进一步验证了miR-18a与CTGF的结合。在培养的颗粒细胞中转染miR-18a模拟物后,qRT-PCR和Western blot结果显示CTGF的mRNA和蛋白水平均显著降低,流式细胞技术检测表明miR-18a显著促进颗粒细胞的凋亡。而转染miR-18a抑制剂后,猪颗粒细胞的凋亡率显著降低,共转染miR-18a抑制剂和CTGF的干扰RNA后,颗粒细胞的凋亡率呈现回升。试验结果表明miR-18a通过靶向结合CTGF基因调控猪颗粒细胞的凋亡。  相似文献   

细胞凋亡一直是生物学研究的热门课题.卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡引起的卵泡闭锁是卵巢衰退的原因之一,揭示卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡的分子机制有助于降低细胞的凋亡率,延长卵巢寿命.本文对细胞凋亡的过程与调控机制以及影响啮齿类动物卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡的因素进行阐述,为进一步研究细胞凋亡调控机制奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

为了解猪miR-1307序列和结构特征,阐明其在猪卵巢颗粒细胞周期中的作用,利用生物信息学方法分析猪miR-1307的序列特征、染色体定位和潜在的生物学功能;在体外培养的猪卵巢颗粒细胞中转染miR-1307模拟物(mimics)和抑制剂(inhibitor),利用流式细胞术检测细胞周期。结果显示:猪miR-1307前体序列长度为80 bp,其核苷酸序列(包括成熟序列和种子序列)和基因组定位等与哺乳动物其他物种高度一致;功能富集分析发现miR-1307靶基因富集在rRNA分解代谢进程和蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶活性等多个重要的生物学进程和分子功能中;在猪卵巢颗粒细胞中,过表达miR-1307可使G0/G1期细胞比例增加,S期细胞比例显著降低(P<0.05);抑制miR-1307可使G0/G1期细胞比例降低,S期细胞比例显著增加(P<0.05)。结果表明:miR-1307是猪卵巢颗粒细胞周期的重要调节因子。  相似文献   

颗粒细胞对卵泡发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卵泡发育是一个复杂的生理过程,通过间隙连接,颗粒细胞在卵母细胞的生长发育过程中起营养作用,并促进卵母细胞的成熟;颗粒细胞和膜细胞的相互作用是卵泡发育和维持正常功能的重要条件。作为卵泡发育的标志,颗粒细胞的生长分化是原始卵泡启动和生长的关键,并通过受体介导途径调控生长期卵泡的发育及卵泡闭锁,从而在卵泡发育过程中起重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

采用TUNEL原位法和DNA梯度电泳法等方法对卵巢上闭锁卵泡中凋亡的颗粒细胞类型和分布状况等进行研究.结果表明,辽宁绒山羊闭锁卵泡是细胞凋亡引起的.DNA梯状电泳表明,不同健康程度卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡程度不同;而颗粒细胞TUNEL原位标记表明,健康卵泡、轻度闭锁卵泡及闭锁卵泡中颗粒细胞凋亡比例分别为13.21%±1.23%、32.13%±2.13%、51.31%±3.02%;不同健康程度卵泡中类固醇激素水平不同,健康卵泡中E2水平较高,孕酮浓度较低;闭锁卵泡中E2浓度较低,P4浓度较高,健康、轻度闭锁和闭锁三类卵泡中E2/P4比值分别是2.62±0.03、0.074±0.000 3、0.028±0.000 4.  相似文献   

猪卵泡颗粒细胞总RNA提取方法改进的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RNA是一类非常有用的生物大分子,在分子生物学研究领域正发挥越来越重要的作用。本文介绍一种改进过的从动物组织提取总RNA的方法,实践证明,该方法重复性好,实用性强。用此方法提取的猪卵泡颗粒细胞总RNA,无DNA污染物等问题,完全满足分子克隆、基因表达等分子生物学研究的需要。  相似文献   

以原代培养的猪卵巢颗粒细胞为模型,设立玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEA)对照组(0.0 mg/L)及高(80.0 mg/L)、中(20.0,40.0mg/L)、低(0.2,2.0mg/L)剂量组,比较不同质量浓度ZEA对体外培养猪卵巢颗粒细胞的影响。形态学观察发现,随着ZEA质量浓度的增加,颗粒细胞呈散在生长,体积缩小变圆,数量减少;高剂量组(80.0mg/L)中,76.96%细胞均已脱壁死亡。MTT法表明,ZEA对卵巢颗粒细胞具有生长抑制作用;免疫荧光结果显示随ZEA质量浓度的增加,细胞凋亡率逐渐升高,高质量浓度组细胞增殖率仅为1.01%;Western blot检测结果显示经ZEA处理,Fas、FasL、FADD、Caspase-10的表达量均明显上调,且存在质量浓度-效应关系。结果表明,ZEA能诱导卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡,并显著上调Fas、FasL、FADD、Caspase-10的表达,可通过死亡受体通路介导卵巢颗粒细胞发生凋亡。  相似文献   

The aim of our studies was to compare the roles of leptin and ghrelin in the direct control of proliferation, apoptosis, and secretory activity by porcine ovarian cells. In our in vitro experiments, we analyzed the effects of leptin and ghrelin treatments (at 0, 1, 10, or 100 ng/mL medium) on the accumulation of proliferation-related peptides (PCNA, cyclin B1, MAP kinase [MAPK]) and apoptosis-associated peptides (Bax, caspase 3, p53), and on progesterone secretion by cultured porcine granulosa cells, using immunocytochemistry, SDS PAGE-Western immunoblotting, and radioimmunoassay (RIA). Leptin stimulated proliferation (PCNA, cyclin B1, MAPK), apoptosis (Bax, p53), and progesterone secretion. Ghrelin promoted proliferation (PCNA, cyclin B1, MAPK) and progesterone secretion but suppressed apoptosis (Bax, caspase 3, p53). These observations suggest that both leptin and ghrelin directly control proliferation, apoptosis, and secretory activity by porcine ovarian cells. At the level of the ovary, in contrast to the hypothalamo-hypophysial system, leptin and ghrelin may have similar action in promoting granulosa cell proliferation and progesterone secretion, but they may be antagonistic to one another (leptin, stimulator; ghrelin, inhibitor) in controlling apoptosis.  相似文献   

Morphological profiles of porcine granulosa cells incubated with 10 mM Tris-HCl containing 1 M urea and 5 mM EDTA (urea-EDTA solution) were investigated. The percentages of granulosa cells incorporating the dye, trypan blue on incubation with urea-EDTA solution did not change during the initial 30 min. Thereafter, granulosa cells gradually took up the dye throughout the incubation. The amount of protein released from granulosa cells increased dramatically during initial 15 min of incubation, but decreased during the following 15-30 min of incubation. Thereafter, the amount of proteins released from granulosa cells increased gradually again. The releasing profile of 51Cr-bounded substances in granulosa cells increased markedly during the initial 15 min of incubation, and decreased during the next 15 min of incubation. Subsequently the amount of 51Cr released was enhanced. The min of incubation. Subsequently the amount of 51Cr released was enhanced. The plasma membranes of granulosa cells remained intact at 30 min of incubation, although chromatin clusters of granulosa cells disappeared. Thereafter, a number of cells showed signs of degeneration, including broken plasma membrane and cytolysis. The present study revealed that urea-EDTA solution is useful in extracting materials from porcine granulosa cells. The majority of the materials extracted from granulosa cells during the initial 30 min of incubation with urea-EDTA solution is considered to be from the cell surfaces and/or intercellular matrix.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of granulosa cells affects follicular atresia and reproduction and is regulated by miRNAs and the expression of certain genes. For the present study, we investigated the regulatory relationship between microRNA‐222 (miR‐222) and THBS1 in porcine follicular granulosa cells (pGCs) and its effects on apoptosis to provide empirical data for developing methods to improve pig fecundity. Results revealed that miR‐222 promotes the proliferation of pGCs. MiRNA mimics and luciferase reporter assays revealed that miR‐222 functions as an anti‐apoptotic factor in pGCs. MiR‐222 mimics in pGCs result in the upregulation of the anti‐apoptotic BCL‐2 gene, down‐regulation of the proapoptotic caspase‐3 gene, and inhibition of apoptosis. MiR‐222 inhibitors reduced BCL‐2 and had no significant effect on caspase‐3. MiR‐222 mimics promoted estrogen levels. Inhibition of THBS1 inhibited pGC apoptosis. Transfection of THBS1‐siRNA reduced the proapoptotic BAX gene. MiR‐222 can directly target the 3′‐untranslated region of the THBS1 gene. MiR‐222 mimics suppressed THBS1 mRNA and proteins, but these were upregulated by the miR‐222 inhibitor. Transfection of THBS1‐siRNA resulted in the inhibition of the miR‐222 inhibitor, which suggests that miR‐222 inhibits pGC apoptosis by targeting THBS1. These findings suggest that miR‐222 and THBS1 play important roles in follicular atresia, ovarian development, and female reproduction.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old mare, with a foal at foot, was inseminated on foal heat with frozen semen, with the resultant pregnancy lost between days 34 and 41. The right ovary developed a large anovulatory follicle that was non-responsive to multiple doses of ovulating agents. The follicle eventually appeared to luteinise, although plasma progesterone concentrations did not reflect this. Another follicle developed, responded to GnRH and resulted in a pregnancy from frozen semen that went to term with a healthy foal. When the mare was examined after foaling, the structure on the right ovary appeared to be a granulosa cell tumour; the left ovary was smaller than normal and non-functional. Surgical removal of the right ovary before increasing photoperiod resulted in a return to function of the left ovary and a pregnancy to frozen semen on the second cycle following removal. Figures showing concentrations of inhibin, progesterone, androstenedione, oestradiol and testosterone are presented for this entire period. Unusual ovarian activity in the mare might be a prelude to the development of a granulosa cell tumour.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old mare, with a foal at foot, was inseminated on foal heat with frozen semen, with the resultant pregnancy lost between days 34 and 41. The right ovary developed a large anovulatory follicle that was non-responsive to multiple doses of ovulating agents. The follicle eventually appeared to luteinise, although plasma progesterone concentrations did not reflect this. Another follicle developed, responded to GnRH and resulted in a pregnancy from frozen semen that went to term with a healthy foal. When the mare was examined after foaling, the structure on the right ovary appeared to be a granulosa cell tumour; the left ovary was smaller than normal and non-functional. Surgical removal of the right ovary before increasing photoperiod resulted in a return to function of the left ovary and a pregnancy to frozen semen on the second cycle following removal. Figures showing concentrations of inhibin, progesterone, androstenedione, oestradiol and testosterone are presented for this entire period. Unusual ovarian activity in the mare might be a prelude to the development of a granulosa cell tumour.  相似文献   

Zearalenone(ZEA) is widely derived from moldy cereal grain, which has adverse effects on animal reproduction. In particular, pigs are more sensitive to ZEA-induced toxicity than other animals. Isorhamnetin has extensive pharmacological activity. However, the role of isorhamnetin in ZEA-induced cytotoxicity remains unclear. This study was designed to investigate the therapeutic effect of isorhamnetin on ZEA-induced damage in porcine ovarian granulosa cells and elucidate its molecular mechanism. T...  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究淫羊藿苷(ICA)对猪卵泡体外培养过程中颗粒细胞凋亡的影响。设置不同浓度ICA(0、01、1、10μg/mL)添加组,体外培养猪3~5 mm健康有腔卵泡12 h和24 h后,分别收集各组卵泡颗粒细胞,流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡率,RT-PCR检测凋亡相关基因Caspase-3、Bcl-2和Bax mRNA相对表达水平。结果表明,猪卵泡体外培养12 h和24 h,添加1μg/mL ICA组颗粒细胞凋亡率较对照组显著降低(P005),1μg/mL组的Caspase-3、Bax mRNA表达量最低,Bcl-2 mRNA表达量最高,且显著高于对照组(P005)。研究结果提示,ICA在卵泡闭锁过程中可明显抑制颗粒细胞凋亡,这一作用可能主要是通过抑制线粒体凋亡途径而实现的。  相似文献   

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