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A technique of mandibular condylectomy and menisectomy is described. Unilateral condylectomy and menisectomy were performed in two horses, and two horses were treated by bilateral condylectomy and unilateral meniscectomy. Minor temporary alterations in mastication occurred following unilateral condylectomy; more severe and longer lasting abnormalities of prehension and mastication occurred following bilateral condylectomy. Malocclusion occurred in all horses following surgery but was only clinically significant in one horse that developed occlusion of the lower incisor teeth 3 mm caudal to the upper incisor teeth following bilateral condylectomy. Maximal mouth opening was normal following unilateral condylectomy and increased following bilateral condylectomy, both immediately following surgery and after 16 weeks. Maximal lateral deviation of the mandible was increased immediately following unilateral and bilateral condylectomy; 16 weeks following surgery one joint had increased, and two had normal and three had decreased maximal lateral deviations. On radiographic, gross, and histological evaluation, the condylectomy sites underwent remodelling and bony proliferation to produce "pseudo" condyles. At necropsy, 16 weeks following surgery, five of the six operated temporomandibular joints contained fibrous tissue with single or multiple cavities lined by synoviocytes. The nonoperated temporomandibular joints were normal. Functional use of the mandible was good in three horses; the fourth horse developed significant malocclusion and had satisfactory function following bilateral condylectomy.  相似文献   

Permanent tracheal stomas were created in seven sedated, standing horses with severe upper airway obstruction. After local anesthesia, a 3-cm by 6-cm rectangle of skin was removed from the ventral surface of the neck, 3 cm distal to the cricoid cartilage. The sternothyrohyoideus muscles were clamped proximally and distally, then transected to expose the tracheal rings. The ventral third of four tracheal rings was dissected from the tracheal mucosa that was then incised in a double "Y." Two layers of suture were used to achieve mucocutaneous closure. Stomas healed without serious complications; two mares subsequently foaled, and three horses were used for riding.  相似文献   

Five horses with fractures of the supraglenoid tubercle (tuber scapulae) were presented from 6 weeks to 1 year after injury. Clinical signs included lameness characterized by a shortened cranial phase of the stride and shoulder muscle atrophy. Radiographically, the fractures differed in the degree of cranioventral displacement of the fragment as well as the extent of joint involvement. Three horses were treated by resection of the fractured tubercle, including one using a new grid approach to the area of the fracture. Two of these horses have returned to athletic activity and one was euthanized due to postoperative infection. One horse with minimal displacement and joint involvement was treated with rest and raced successfully. One horse seen with a fracture of 1 year duration also was treated with rest and was a pasture sound broodmare.  相似文献   

Postoperative laryngeal webbing in four dogs was corrected with a mucosal flap technique using mucosa harvested from the lateral wall of the laryngeal ventricle. Airway obstruction caused by the webbing was relieved in all dogs. Follow-up time was 3 months to 5 years. The technique allowed mucosal apposition without undue tension on the suture line.  相似文献   

Urinary calculi are not uncommon in many domestic animals and man. Urethral calculi, however, occur infrequently in horses relative to other domestic species. Of 14 cases of urinary calculi in horses admitted to the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital during the past eight years, nine had cystic calculi, one had a ureteral calculus, and five had urethral calculi. One case had a cystic and a urethral calculus. The clinical findings, medical and surgical management, and postoperative results in five cases of urethral calculi are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate propofol for induction and maintenance of anesthesia, after detomidine premedication, in horses undergoing abdominal surgery for creation of an experimental intestinal adhesion model. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: Twelve horses (424 +/- 81 kg) from 1 to 20 years of age (5 females, 7 males). METHODS: Horses were premedicated with detomidine (0.015 mg/kg i.v.) 20 to 25 minutes before induction, and a propofol bolus (2 mg/kg i.v.) was administered for induction. Propofol infusion (0.2 mg/kg/min i.v.) was used to maintain anesthesia. The infusion rate was adjusted to maintain an acceptable anesthetic plane as determined by muscle relaxation, occular signs, response to surgery, and cardiopulmonary responses. Oxygen (15 L/min) was insufflated through an endotracheal tube as necessary to maintain the SpO2 greater than 90%. Systolic (SAP), mean (MAP), and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures, heart rate (HR), electrocardiogram (ECG), respiratory rate (RR), SpO2 (via pulse oximetry), and nasal temperature were recorded at 15 minute intervals, before premedication and after induction of anesthesia. Arterial blood gas samples were collected at the same times. Objective data are reported as mean (+/-SD); subjective data are reported as medians (range). RESULTS: Propofol (2.0 mg/kg i.v.) induced anesthesia (mean bolus time, 85 sec) within 24 sec (+/-22 sec) after the bolus was completed. Induction was good in 10 horses; 2 horses showed signs of excitement and these two inductions were not smooth. Propofol infusion (0.18 mg/kg/min +/- 0.04) was used to maintain anesthesia for 61 +/- 19 minutes with the horses in dorsal recumbency. Mean SAP, DAP, and MAP increased significantly over time from 131 to 148, 89 to 101, and 105 to 121 mm Hg, respectively. Mean HR varied over time from 43 to 45 beats/min, whereas mean RR increased significantly over anesthesia time from 4 to 6 breaths/min. Mean arterial pH decreased from a baseline of 7.41 +/- 0.07 to 7.30 +/- 0.05 at 15 minutes of anesthesia, then increased towards baseline values. Mean PaCO2 values increased during anesthesia, ranging from 47 to 61 mm Hg whereas PaO2 values decreased from baseline (97 +/- 20 mm Hg), ranging from 42 to 57 mm Hg. Muscle relaxation was good and no horses moved during surgery: Recovery was good in 9 horses and acceptable in 3; mean recovery time was 67 +/- 29 minutes with 2.4 +/- 2.4 attempts necessary for the horses to stand. CONCLUSIONS: Detomidine-propofol anesthesia in horses in dorsal recumbency was associated with little cardiovascular depression, but hypoxemia and respiratory depression occurred and some excitement was seen on induction. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Detomidine-propofol anesthesia is not recommended for surgical procedures in horses if dorsal recumbency is necessary and supplemental oxygen is not available (eg, field anesthesia).  相似文献   

The case histories of 2 horses that required surgery within the orbit are described. In 1 horse, severely comminuted fractures of the left facial area and orbit were repaired in 2 stages, the first consisting of elevation and wiring of the depressed fractures. In the second stage, an autogenous tendon graft from the lateral digital extensor tendon of the left front leg was used to reconstruct the orbital floor and elevate the globe in the orbit. In the second horse, a retrobulbar tumor causing exophthalmos and prolapse of the nictitans was removed by creating a bone flap of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone for exposure.  相似文献   

Objective— To report a technique for incisional hernioplasty in horses using laparoscopic placement of a prosthetic mesh.
Study Design— Case series.
Animals— Horses (n=5) with ventral median abdominal incisional hernia.
Methods— A telescope and 2 instrument portals were established bilaterally, lateral to and distant from the hernia margins. After exposure of the internal rectus sheath by removal of retroperitoneal fat with endoscopic scissors and monopolar cautery, a prosthetic mesh was introduced into the abdomen and secured intraperitoneally using transfascial sutures with or without supplemental endoscopic hernia fixation devices.
Results— Successful placement of the prostheses was achieved without major intra- or postoperative complications. Repairs were intact in all horses (follow-up range: 6–23 months) without evidence of adhesion formation. Cosmetic results compared favorably with those typically achieved using conventional, open hernioplasty techniques.
Conclusion— Incisional hernia repair in horses can be successfully achieved with a laparoscopic intraperitoneal mesh onlay technique.
Clinical Relevance— Laparoscopic mesh hernioplasty has promise as a safe and effective method for repair of incisional hernias in horses.  相似文献   

A carbon dioxide laser, used in a rapidly pulsed mode, was evaluated for intra-articular use in horses. Under arthroscopic guidance, a lensed 5 mm laser probe attached directly to a hand-held carbon dioxide laser was inserted into one intercarpal joint of eight horses. In four horses, a cartilage crater 1 cm in diameter was created to the level of the subchondral bone of the articular surface of the third carpal bone. In four horses, the laser was directed perpendicular to the articular surface of the third carpal bone and activated to penetrate the cartilage and subchondral bone. The intercarpal joint of the opposite carpus in each horse was subjected to arthroscopic examination and insertion of the laser probe for an equivalent time. The laser was not activated and these joints served as sham operated controls. The horses were evaluated clinically for 8 weeks, then euthanatized, and the joints were examined radiographically, grossly, and histologically. Pulsed carbon dioxide laser vaporized cartilage readily but penetrated bone poorly. Cartilage vaporization resulted in no greater swelling, heat, pain on flexion, lameness, or synovial fluid reaction than the sham procedure. Laser drilling resulted in a shallow, charred hole with a tenacious carbon residue, and in combination with the thermal damage to deeper bone, resulted in increased swelling, mild lameness and a low-grade, but persistent synovitis. The carbon dioxide laser is a useful intra-articular instrument for removal of cartilage and has potential application in inaccessible regions of diarthrodial joints. It does not penetrate bone sufficiently to have application in subchondral drilling.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed of 181 horses that underwent an exploratory celiotomy because of acute abdominal disease. Forty-four horses died or were euthanized during surgery. Of the 137 horses that recovered from anesthesia, 72 died of associated diseases or complications, 86 were discharged from the hospital of which 60 survived at least 7 months. Horses with disorders affecting the small intestine had a significantly lower survival rate. Causes of death early in the postoperative period included long bone fracture, shock, ileus, gastric rupture, and peritonitis. After discharge from the hospital, deaths were attributed to colic of unknown cause, malabsorption syndrome, adhesive small bowel obstruction, small and large intestinal volvulus, perforated bowel, and laminitis. Of the 60 horses that were alive at the time of survey, 93.3% had returned to their previous use. A second occurrence of the initial acute abdominal disease was not documented in any horse.  相似文献   

A Large Frontonasal Bone Flap for Sinus Surgery in the Horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large frontonasal bone flap was created to treat diseases of the paranasal sinuses in 14 horses. The bone flap was made as wide as possible within the confines of the nasolacrimal duct so the floor of the frontal sinus and the dorsal and ventral conchae could be opened. These openings exposed the nasal passages, maxillary sinuses, and ventral conchal sinus thereby facilitating removal of diffuse and localized lesions from these sites. Diseases treated were ethmoid hematomas (4 horses), sinus cysts (5 horses), cryptococcal granuloma, osteoma, hemangiosarcoma, pus in the ventral conchal sinus, and periapical infection of a second molar. Four horses were euthanatized during or after surgery, one because of postsurgical pleuritis and pneumonia (horse with osteoma) and three because of their primary problems (cryptococcal granuloma, hemangiosarcoma, pus in the ventral conchal sinus). Skin suture abscesses that responded to treatment developed in four horses. Ten horses returned to their intended uses, the sinus flaps healed without blemish, and the original problems did not recur. The frontonasal flap technique provided greater access to all paranasal sinuses than methods described previously.  相似文献   

Surgical Treatment of Sand Colic Results in 40 Horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective study of 40 horses that underwent surgical treatment for sand colic was performed. Three horses were euthanatized and one died during surgery. Of the 36 horses that recovered from anesthesia, five died before discharge from the hospital and seven died after discharge. Twenty-four horses survived at least 12 months. Sand impaction of the right dorsal colon was present in 26 horses. In addition to sand impaction, 10 horses also had colonic displacement or volvulus.  相似文献   

Objective —To describe an alternative technique for large colon resection and anastomosis in horses.
Study Design —Retrospective study of clinical patients.
Animal Population —37 horses that had ventral midline celiotomies between July 1, 1990, and July 1, 1994.
Methods —Large colon resection and anastomosis was performed using a modification of previously described techniques. Modifications include mesocolon ligation with a stapling device and an end-to-end apposition of the right ventral and right dorsal colon.
Results —Twenty-one of the 37 horses were discharged from the hospital without complications. Two horses were euthanatized immediately after recovery from anesthesia because of hindlimb fracture. Fourteen horses were euthanatized in the initial postoperative period because of persistent endotoxemia and abdominal pain.
Conclusions —The described technique is a safe, reliable method for large colon resection and anastomosis in horses.
Clinical Relevance —The described technique is fairly simple to perform and requires less surgical time compared with other techniques.  相似文献   

Cancellous bone was collected from the fourth or fifth sternebra of six horses aged 12 to 36 months, and compared quantitatively and qualitatively with cancellous bone collected from the tuber coxa, proximal tibia, and rib at the time of necropsy, 28 to 49 days after surgery. Cancellous bone collected from the sternum was equivalent in amount and in microscopic appearance to that collected from the other three sites.
Cancellous bone also was collected from the sternum for use during clinical orthopedic surgery in 18 horses. Wound dehiscence occurring in two horses healed uneventfully by second intention. In each horse, an adequate amount of cancellous bone was obtained from one sternebra, with the exception of one horse where cancellous bone from two sternebra was used. Major complications with the donor sites were not encountered.  相似文献   

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