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通过对集约化奶牛场春夏秋冬四季节所采集的污水样进行分析,测定了四季节污水样的pH值、化学需氧量、氨氮、总磷、铜、锌等主要指标,对每个指标在各个季节差异性进行了比较分析。结果显示集约化奶牛场四季节污水中各个指标呈现了一定的变化规律。  相似文献   

近年来通过农七师一三一团奶牛场的生产发展.不断对生产中的技术、管理、工作等进行规范.制定统一的标准共同遵守和执行.以科学、技术和经验的综合成果为基础,经过4年的发展,牛场发展成集全混合TMR饲喂车饲喂、智能化集中挤奶、全机械化清粪、资料报表动态信息化管理等相互协助的科学化、标准化生产体系,实现最佳的生产和经营效益,为农七师及周边地区的集约化奶牛养殖提供了标准化管理生产参考。  相似文献   

当前,南方养牛是黄金时期,因为喝鲜奶的人多了,市场需求增大,近期饲养奶牛有利润,我们牧场已经有40年的历史,在养奶牛工作中,有教训,有经验。1改善劳动力的使用,提高劳动效率农牧业相对第二、三产业而言是劳动力密集型,也正因为如此而减员增效潜力大。199...  相似文献   

本文通过对本地区发生亚硝酸盐超标的集约化奶牛场进行实地调查,经过对比分析及采取应对措施,并对其进行整改和调整。有效的控制了硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐在牛奶中的含量,杜绝了硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐超标现象,保障了牛奶的品质,确保了食品的安全。  相似文献   

奶牛如果年产1胎,可使其产奶量增加到最大限度。但实际情况并非如此,产犊间隔期往往在1年以上,延迟产犊所付出的经济代价是较高的。繁殖效率低的原因主要是三个方面:一是遗传缺陷;二是生理和病理的因素;三是管理上的因素。本文着重讨论奶牛繁殖的管理,希望能给奶...  相似文献   

集约化牛场奶牛乳腺炎发生原因与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 病原原因 1.1 机械性原因目前国内具有一定规模的奶牛场已使用机械榨乳。机械榨乳时的抽力、榨乳频率、乳杯大小、机械配套、乳杯内壁弹性等因素是引发奶牛乳腺炎的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过对集约化奶牛场四季泌乳牛奶样采集分析,从而计算出四季牛奶的磷含量,并对各季节5组奶样磷含量进行比较分析。结果显示,四季每头奶牛奶样磷含量及5头奶牛磷平均磷含量差异均不显著,集约化奶牛场牛奶中磷全年平均含量0.09%,四季泌乳牛奶样磷含量差异不显著。  相似文献   

西宁市某奶牛场围产期奶牛脂肪肝的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对西宁市某奶牛场45头10-22月龄的青年荷斯坦奶牛的脂肪肝进行了调查,结果:有6头奶牛呈现轻度的脂肪肝,发病率为13.33%,其中怀孕中期和怀孕后期分别为2头和4头,发病率分别为25%和57.14%,39头怀孕前期和未怀孕奶牛不呈现脂肪肝状态;呈现轻度脂肪肝奶牛血液葡萄糖含量明显低于正常值(P<0.05),谷草转氨酶和游离脂肪酸含量显著高于正常值(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

奶牛场的规划与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,伴随着现代化养殖业的迅速发展,奶牛的饲养规模不断扩大,大规模、高强度、集约化的奶牛场不断建成。但随着奶牛养殖业的快速发展,在牛场的设计、饲养、管理、防疫等方面暴露出一些问题,这直接影响了奶牛业的发展。本文就奶牛场的规划及管理作一综述。  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare udder health in groups of organically and conventionally managed cows, using data from a longitudinal study in a Swedish dairy-research farm. Management of the groups was identical except for feed composition and the feeding regimen. Our dataset included all lactating cows calving from 1 September 1990 to 31 August 2001 (145 organically and 151 conventionally managed cows). Udder health was assessed by the geometric average somatic-cell count (SCC) within 150 days after calving, by the number of monthly SCC tests >200,000 cells/ml within 150 days after calving and by presence of lactations with veterinary-treated cases of clinical mastitis. The effect of animal group was analysed by multivariable linear, Poisson and logistic-regression models, controlling for factors such as lactation number, breed, year, season and milk yield. The groups did not differ in any measure of udder health. We had power to rule out differences of at least 33,000 cells/ml in the geometric average somatic-cell count, an incidence rate ratio of 0.65 in the incidence of high-SCC milk-testing occasions, and an odds ratio of 0.43 in veterinary treated cases of mastitis.  相似文献   

郭荣  连文生 《饲料广角》2007,(23):32-34
本试验对天津里自沽和红光两个奶牛场奶牛的乳汁、脓汁、渗出液、病变组织进行采集,通过细菌学和生化试验,对病原微生物进行了分析和鉴定。分析鉴定结果显示:其病原微生物分别是金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌和大肠杆菌,这些病原微生物引起奶牛乳房炎、子宫内膜炎等多种疾病。同时对病原微生物进行了药敏试验,药敏试验结果表明:这些病原微生物对临床上常用的庆大霉素、克林霉素已形成了不同程度的耐药性,而对强力霉素、氧氟沙星则表现较高的敏感性。试验结果可为奶牛场选择用药提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目前,养猪业正逐步由农户分散养殖向规模化养殖转变,而规模化养殖的难题之一是治理环境污染.规模化猪场污染物治理技术示范与推广项目就规模化猪场的选址、规模大小及污染物治理模式进行研究,并在选点示范的基础上进行大面积推广,取得了显著效果,确保了养殖经济与生态环保同步发展.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out on 38 dairy farms in the Netherlands to determine the relationship between mastitis and fertility management with 305-day milk production and gross margin. Questionnaires were used to get insight into the farmers' management. Out of 150 variables related to mastitis and fertility management, and technical and economic results, 44 variables were selected based on correlation of ≥0.25 or ≤−0.25 with milk production and/or gross margin. These variables were used in two separate partial least-squares (PLS) analyses. PLS has the advantage that it can handle a large number of variables in relation to the number of cases. The PLS-model of 305-day milk production had R2 = 0.54 and showed a positive relation between 305-day milk production and awareness of the farmer regarding bulk somatic-cell count (BSCC), the goal level of the farmer for BSCC, and hygiene of the milking parlour. Fertility was negatively related to 305-day milk production, in spite of a relatively good fertility management on high-producing farms. R2 = 0.46 for gross margin. The aspiration level of fertility did not seem to affect gross margin, but awareness of BSCC and calving interval (CI) had positive effects. Such awareness seemed a general parameter for good economic results, because it was correlated with different aspects of gross margin.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if farmer awareness of longevity can explain why the longevity of dairy cows does not increase in Sweden, despite the fact that the genetic trend for longevity in Swedish dairy cattle is positive. In this study, farmers’ decisions were put in the forefront through a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews. The results showed that farmers seemed well aware of biological factors related to cow longevity, that they think the demands on dairy cows have increased over time and that they correlate the higher demands to shorter longevity. However, the farmers had not worked explicitly with longevity of their own herd. There are subjective management decisions behind a culling of a dairy cow, and the reporting of culling reasons does not mirror the farmer’s reasoning behind the decisions, which is a key factor determining longevity.  相似文献   

本文认为猪场污水的处理与利用是集约化、现代化养猪业发展的必然要求。文中分析了猪场污水环境的危害及其程度、造成危害的原因及应采取的措施和对策等。指出遵循生态学原理,通过食物链加环,建立猪场污水生态工程处理利用系统,实现猪场污水变废为宝、资源化和多级利用,是适合我国国情的经济的有效途径。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out from May to September 2011 on 35 smallholder dairy farms in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to identify the quarter, cow, and farm factors that relate to intramammary infections (IMI) from major specified pathogens, compared to infections from minor pathogens. Data on general farm management, milking management, and dry cow management were recorded for each herd. Quarter milk samples were collected from either clinical or subclinical mastitis quarters. Dependent variables were binary data defining the specified major pathogens, including Streptococcus agalactiae (7.1 %), Streptococcus uberis (9.4 %), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (4.0 %), and other streptococci (16.7 %), as a case, and all minor pathogens as a control, in each dependent variable. The occurrence of S. agalactiae IMI was lower in first-parity cows and cows with short milking time. Cows with body condition score (BCS) <2.5 had higher occurrence of S. agalactiae IMI. The occurrence of S. uberis IMI was higher in quarters with California mastitis test (CMT) score 2, score 3, and having clinical mastitis and in farms with increasing age of vacuum system. Quarters with CMT score 3, having clinical mastitis, cow with manual milking after detaching milking cluster, and farms with high bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMSCC >500,000 cells/ml) had higher occurrence of S. dysgalactiae IMI. For other streptococci, quarters having clinical mastitis, BCS <2.5, and pulling down of milking cluster while milking increased occurrence of other streptococci IMI relative to minor pathogen IMI. These results highlight the importance of individual cow factors, milking characteristics, and BMSCC in determining the risk of IMI from major pathogens.  相似文献   

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