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紫菜养殖中绿藻的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿藻滋生是紫菜生产中颇棘手的问题之一。绿藻是笼统的说法,它包括浒苔(Enteromorpha)、绿丝藻(Chlorodesmis)。它们中有些种类与紫菜同步生长。春夏季节,紫菜丝状藻丝在贝壳内生长阶段,绿藻也能钻入贝壳生长。秋末冬初季节,紫菜叶  相似文献   

<正> 启东县在紫菜养殖和加工生产中,经常遇到由于加工机器的故障,临时性停电和紫菜生长旺盛季节收割的数量大于加工机器的能量等原因,造成已采收回来的鲜紫菜不能及时加工而引起腐烂变质,或海里该收的紫菜不能及时采收,遇有大风流急,造成大量  相似文献   

坛紫菜是我国特有的品种,也是闽、浙两省紫菜人工养殖生产的唯一种类,它生长快、产量高。自然分布在长江以南,北移江苏启东吕泗、山东青岛后,丝状体育苗自然水温低于27℃,不能成熟,需要采取升温措施。叶状体冬季生长缓慢,3月份温度回升后,虽仍能生长,但菜质较差。利用坛紫菜耐高温的特性,在北方9~11月养坛紫菜,其后养条斑紫菜,可望实现两茬生产。  相似文献   

研究了在不同温度、盐度和光照强度下皱紫菜(Porphyracrispata)生长及藻体生理成分的变化。结果表明,适合皱紫菜生长温度为17~23℃,最适宜温度为17~20℃,在此温度下藻体可以保持较快相对生长速率,温度高于23℃时其生长受到抑制,并出现溃烂现象,说明皱紫菜耐受低温能力要比耐高温能力强。适合皱紫菜生长的盐度范围为25~35,最适宜盐度范围为30~35,在此盐度下藻体可以保持较快相对生长速率,低于15或高于35其生长缓慢甚至受到抑制,并出现发白、腐烂现象,说明皱紫菜的耐高盐能力表现强于耐低盐。适合皱紫菜生长的光照强度为4000~7500lx,光照强度过低时其光合作用降低,而过高则影响藻体的新陈代谢、生长速度及其光泽度,从而影响皱紫菜的品质。  相似文献   

<正>条斑紫菜为我国引进日本紫菜品种,世界主要产地分布在日本、韩国和中国,我国条斑紫菜生长于江苏省沿海。条斑紫菜经加工烘干后作为海苔食用,价格较福建、浙南沿海养殖的坛紫菜高。海安县条斑紫菜养殖加工起步于1992年,经过20年的培植、发展和壮大,海安县成为全国条斑紫菜重点生产基地,紫菜产业已成为该县海洋经济的支柱性产业。同时,随着紫菜生产规模的不断扩大,从事紫菜产业的企业越来越多,产业发展暴露出来的问题也越来越多,出现产量和效益下滑现象。为此,我  相似文献   

王洪斌 《科学养鱼》2007,(12):42-43
条斑紫菜壳孢子生长和附着的好坏与生产有密切的关系,壳孢子阶段是紫菜栽培当中最重要的一步,壳孢子附着受多种生态因子的影响,本文探讨了pH值、离子组成、浑浊度、海水比重、光照强度五种生态因子对条斑紫菜壳孢子附着率的影响,以期对条斑紫菜育苗生产提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

早在20世纪90年代初,江苏各大紫菜生产企业就开始试制条斑紫菜收割机,进行机械化采收试验.苍南县是全国坛紫菜养殖大县之一,养殖面积高达5万亩,产值近2亿元,但是紫菜收割仍然停留在传统手工作业阶段,劳动强度大,且费工费时,生产效率低下,从而阻碍了紫菜产业的发展.自90年代末以来,苍南县引进紫菜插杆式养殖方式,逐渐改变了传统的支柱式(或称半浮动式)养殖方式,由于插杆养殖方式的筏架与全浮流筏架相似,因此在苍南县开展紫菜机械化收割是可行的.苍南县水产研究所积极引进、创新及推广紫菜机械化收割技术,取得了较好的效果.现总结如下.  相似文献   

坛紫菜养殖病烂的原因探析及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建省平潭县是坛紫菜的发源地,坛紫菜养殖是该县海水养殖主导产业之一。坛紫菜养殖的好坏与其病烂防治有密切关系。2008年9月中旬以来,由于受异常气候的影响,全县大部分紫菜养殖区遭受了严重的自然灾害,出现了不同程度的烂苗现象和大面积生长障碍。严重地影响了紫菜产量和质量。本人利用科技入户机会,根据现场观察和调查掌握的情况,  相似文献   

<正>近日来,一条名为"紫菜是废旧塑料做的"的视频在网络上快速传播,该视频由一位女士自己拍摄,主要指出其购买的一款圆饼干紫菜产品经冷水泡发后韧性强,拉抻不断,进而得出该紫菜是黑色废旧塑料袋冒充的结论。这纯粹是误解,而且不排除恶意诋毁、造谣之嫌。紫菜是生长在海洋里的一种大型经济红藻类,汲取海水中的氮、磷、二氧化碳等多种营养物质,通过光合作用而生长的具有优质高蛋白、低脂肪的海洋食品。我国主要生产的品种为条斑紫菜和坛紫菜,条斑紫菜  相似文献   

<正> 国家级江苏紫菜良种 场建设项目通过评审 在大型海藻栽培中,紫菜具有重要地位。中国年产紫菜1.3万t,排名世界第二,主要栽培品种是条斑紫菜和坛紫菜,其中条斑紫菜3000t,而它的年产值占紫菜总产值的50%以上。 紫菜独特的繁殖和生长习性显示,紫菜虽有大量配子发生,但仍具有高度自交或近交的倾向,在人工栽培条件下,无意的或习惯性的生产操作,可迅速使栽培种质的遗传多样性丧失,二三年  相似文献   

条斑紫菜泛素结合酶基因的cDNA序列克隆与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
泛素蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitinproteasomes system,UPS)是真核生物重要的翻译后修饰系统,参与了许多重要的生理反应,同时也参与了蛋白质的质量控制和细胞的稳态维持,因此研究条斑紫菜UPS有助于阐明条斑紫菜在逆境胁迫下通过UPS降解异常蛋白和调节蛋白的生物学活性。泛素结合酶(ubiquitinconjugating enzyme,E2)是UPS的重要组成部分。根据电子克隆结果指导RT-PCR实验,成功克隆了条斑紫菜泛素结合酶基因(PyE2)的cDNA序列(GenBank accession:FJ232910)。该cDNA序列含有长444 nt的完整ORF,编码蛋白(PyE2)的分子量16.6 ku,长147 AA。PyE2与其它物种的E2具有高度的一致性和相似性,反映出E2在进化上相当保守。PyE2含有E2活性位点的保守序列及半胱氨酸残基,其三维结构与人的I类E2高度一致。PyE2不含C端和N端延伸结构,所以在条斑紫菜E2家族中属于I类E2。  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen fertilizer (NF) and phosphorus fertilizer (PF) on the growth as well as protein amino acid (PAA) and free amino acid (FAA) contents of Porphyra yezoensis in sea water were investigated. Single NF application did not improve P. yezoensis growth, but significantly increased its amino acid content. Single PF application significantly increased P. yezoensis growth, but decreased its amino acid content. Combined application of NF and PF could significantly promote the P. yezoensis growth, increase its amino acid content (including flavour amino acid) and thus improve its edible quality. Results indicate that combined application of NF and PF contributed to the growth and quality of P. yezoensis.  相似文献   

To construct high-quality 16S rDNA clone libraries for microbial communities associated with Porphyra yezoensis and to minimize the detection of rDNA from leafy gametophytes of P. yezoensis, we designed a new 16S rDNA universal primer (75F). Of the clones prepared using 75F, which was designed to distinguish between bacteria and P. yezoensis, 95% were classified into four groups, namely, β-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, Lentisphaerae, and Flavobacteria. PCR-based analysis of the 16S rDNA primer constructed in this study can be used to implement 16S rDNA-based methodologies for the investigation of microbial community composition and diversity related to the Porphyra group.  相似文献   

紫菜的生殖与生活史研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
紫菜(Porphyra sp.)是目前世界上人工养殖海藻中经济价值较高的种类。紫菜通过不同的生殖方式来完成生活史,从而达到繁衍后代的目的。紫菜的生殖主要有无性生殖和有性生殖,单性生殖是一种特殊的有性生殖。紫菜生殖方式的多样性决定了生活史的多样性,这是进化过程中对不同环境做出的不同反应。紫菜的生殖和生活史受基因控制属遗传基础研究,它对紫菜的育种应用起着重要的指导作用。本文对紫菜生殖和生活史的研究状况以及研究中存在的问题进行评述,旨为紫菜的育种的研究和应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Nets in traditional Porphyra mariculture are seeded with conchospores derived from the conchocelis phase, and spend a nursery period in culture tanks or calm coastal waters until they reach several centimeters in length. Some species of Porphyra can regenerate the foliose phase directly through asexual reproduction, which suggests that the time, infrastructure, and costs associated with conchocelis culture might be avoided by seeding nets with asexual spores. Here, we present work from a short-term mariculture study using nets seeded with asexual spores (neutral spores) of a native Maine species of Porphyra. Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) Kützing was selected for this proof of concept research because of its reproductive biology, abundance across seasons in Maine, and evidence of its promise as a mariculture crop. We studied the maturation, release, and germination of the neutral spores to develop an appropriate seeding protocol for nets, followed by development of a nursery raceway to provide an easily manipulated environment for the seeded nets. Neutral spores were produced throughout the year on the central Maine coast; however, there was a temporal variability in the number and survival of released neutral spores, depending upon thallus position in the intertidal zone. Small thalli were strictly vegetative, but most thalli reproduced by neutral spores; sexual reproduction was absent. Neutral spores germinated quickly at 10 and 15 °C, but germination was delayed at 5 °C. Unlike some algal zygotes and spores, neutral spores of P. umbilicalis required light to germinate; however, irradiances of 25 and 100 μmol photons m− 2 s− 1 were equally sufficient for germination. Rafts of seeded nets were deployed in Cobscook Bay, Maine, at two distances from salmon aquaculture pens and at a control site on a nearby, fallow aquaculture site (no salmon). There was no difference in nitrogen content of harvested thalli; however, both the density and the surface area of harvested thalli were different among the sites. The possible causes of these differences are discussed in the context of potential use of P. umbilicalis in IMTA.  相似文献   

贾威  黄林彬  严兴洪 《水产学报》2013,37(10):1495-1502
为鉴别条斑紫菜不同品系的种质,使用相关序列扩增多态性(sequence-related amplified polymorphism,SRAP)标记对条斑紫菜的5个选育品系和1个野生品系进行遗传分析,结果从35对引物组合中筛选出可扩增出稳定清晰条带的组合11对,共获得131个扩增位点,其中多态性位点125个,多态性比例高达95.42%。6个品系 间的遗传距离为0.364 3~0.867 9,平均为0.593 0。用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,结果将6个品系分为2个群,所反映的亲缘关系与各品系的来源基本一致,说明SRAP 标记技术可以成为条斑紫菜品系间遗传分析的有效工具。在131个多态性位点中,选择扩增出的4个位点构建了6个品系的指纹图谱。另外,通过ME1/EM6引物组合 扩增得到耐高温品系TM-18的特异性条带,经回收测序和重新设计引物,该条带在其丝状体和叶状体DNA中均能稳定地被扩增出来,可用于该品系的种质鉴别 。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study Gloiopeltis furcata spore culture with different substrates in the nonreproduction season. Using spores discharged by fertile G. furcata frozen for storage, two experiments were conducted during the nonreproduction season. In the first experiment, G. furcata spores were collected and incubated in aquariums using palm line, polythene line, vinylon line, and three types of plastic sheets (white, ripple, and transparent polymethyl methacrylate) as substrates. In the second experiment, G. furcata spores were collected and incubated in a plastic tank using plastic sheets of different materials (PP, PE, and transparent PVC) and plastic even nets of different mesh sizes (3, 2, and 0.5 cm) as substrates. At the end of the experiment (after 60 d), discs with raised thallus were found on different plastic sheets and white plastic even nets, but no discs were visible on any type of line or on the black plastic even net (3‐cm mesh). The white plastic even net was found to be a suitable substrate for G. furcata spore culture in farms and for sporeling culture in sea. Results presented in this study are expected to aid in the progress of the artificial seeding of Gloiopeltis.  相似文献   

The reproduction of Holothuria floridana in Campeche bay, southern Gulf of Mexico, was investigated over a period of 12 months by macroscopic and histological examination of the gonad and gametogenesis. A total of 1938 specimens were collected. Their body gutted weight and body gutted length ranged from 15 to 225 g and 5 to 21 cm, respectively. Percentage of the gonad weight to the gutted body weight (gonad index, GI) increased steadily from December to April, rapidly declined in May, and remained low during the following months. GI displayed a negative correlation with temperature of the habitat and no correlation with salinity. The gonad maturity scale with five stages was developed from macroscopic and microscopic observations; I, recovery; II, growing; III, early mature; IV, mature and V, spent. Stages III to V were observed all around the year, suggesting that this species displays continuous reproduction with two peaks of spawning events; from March to April and in September. The presence of viscera regurgitated individuals caused high variability in GI. The sex-ratio varied from 1:1 (December 2013 to June 2014), to 1.37:1 (November 2013); we suggest that this may be the consequence of unintentional selective fishing. The body length and body weight at the first maturity were calculated to be 13.4 cm and 87.0 g, respectively. For resource management it will be necessary to address some reference points like harvest season and avoidance of catches shorter than length at first maturity.  相似文献   

The freshwater clupeid Limnothrissa miodon was transplanted with success from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Kivu during 1958–1960. An artisanal fishery to exploit the clupeid stock started in the beginning of 1980. Based on the results of this artisanal fishery a minimum sustained yield of 4,000 tons/year was estimated for the Rwandese territorial waters of Lake Kivu. Biological research revealed information about growth rate, condition factor K, fat content, migration, distribution and reproduction of Limnothrissa. An obvious relation was found between fat content and sexual activity with the seasonal fluctuations of plankton production. The main spawning peak coincided with a plankton bloom caused by the turnover of the lake at the end of the dry season in September. At that time a small percentage of the clupeids had fat in their body cavity. It is stated that horizontal migration is mainly induced by reproduction, while the vertical migration is determined by feeding habits. Socio-economic benefits of the artisanal fishery using trimarans and lift nets were compared with those of the semi-industrial purse seining.  相似文献   

高温胁迫下条斑紫菜叶状体HSP70基因的表达谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术检测了条斑紫菜叶状体在25℃高温胁迫下PyHSP70-1基因的相对表达量变化。定量分析显示PyHSP70-1基因表达受到高温胁迫的显著诱导。在持续高温胁迫下,PyHSP70-1表达量在8 h时达到最大,此后一直维持在较高水平,且与对照差异显著。在短暂高温胁迫结束后PyHSP70-1表达量最大,随着恢复时间的增加,其mRNA量逐渐减少,在恢复的24 h时间内,mRNA量仍然显著高于对照。结果表明PyHSP70-1是诱导型HSP,受热激诱导表达,在热激胁迫中维持细胞蛋白与膜的稳定,对细胞具有重要的保护作用。  相似文献   

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