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This paper describes a mycetoma of the fourth tarsal bone of a 5-year-old spayed Corgi-cross bitch caused by the eumycete Curvularia geniculata. The condition was treated successfully by surgical excision, followed by chemotherapy using iodine, trimethoprim-sulphadiazine, amphotericin B. dimethyl sulphoxide. thiabendazole and nystatin. An attempt was made to establish the in vitro minimum inhibitory concentration of various antifungal drugs on the causative organism. No clinical or radiological evidence of recurrence was found 3 years after initiation of treatment, despite the original poor prognosis.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old spayed mongrel dog was referred with repeated intercurrent hematochezia and anal bleeding. The dog was vigorous and had a normal appetite, and the fecal test showed no abnormal signs. Despite treatment primarily with sulfasalazine, the condition did not improve and unilateral blindness developed. A Prototheca zopfii infection was identified by further examination with bowel culture on Sabouraud's agar without cyclohexane and antibiotics. Subsequent to a vision loss in the other eye, the dog died showing signs of neurological disorder.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 6.2 kg, 8-year-old, spayed female Australian Terrier was presented with weight loss, inappetence, lethargy and a 2-day history of intermittent vomiting.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: The dog had cranial abdominal pain and there was melaena present on digital rectal examination. Haematology revealed a marked, acute leucogram.

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT: Fasting serum gastrin levels were markedly elevated and gastrinoma was suspected. Treatment was initiated with omeprazole, ranitidine and sucralfate. The dog remained clinically normal for 26 months, at which time exploratory surgery was undertaken and the dog subsequently euthanised due to extensive metastases. Histopathology and immunocytochemistry confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic gastrinoma.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is a rare condition infrequently reported. Although the number of cases treated with omeprazole are too few to draw firm conclusions, it would appear that proton pump inhibitors are useful and should be considered for cases of gastrinoma managed medically. Long-term prognosis is poor, and survival times range from 1 to 147 weeks. Many treatment options are discussed in the medical literature though not all are feasible in veterinary patients.  相似文献   

A case report of a male 6-day-old male layer chick featuring incomplete polymelia of the hind limbs and hindgut malformations is presented. The chick was submitted to computed tomography (CT) examination and subsequent anatomical dissection. Apart from the two supernumerary hind limbs, the anatomical dissection revealed additional hindgut alterations: three uniform-sized caeca flanked the ileum, and the rectum branched into paired cloacae. The supernumerary hind limbs were localized caudal to the normal hind limbs in an inverted position and were attached to pelvic girdle elements and to a curtate pygostyle. They featured a prominent unpaired femur besides paired tibiotarsi, tarsometatarsi and species-specific phalanges of the toes. Additionally, two separate bones attached to the caudoventral aspect of the regular hip bones were developed. The supernumerary limbs were in part mobile and received nerve and vascular supply. Digital 3D-reconstruction based on the CT datasets revealed the osseous components of the malformed body parts. The possible morphogenesis including an in-depth literature review and the clinical implications of the reported malformations are discussed.  相似文献   

Primary adrenocortical atrophy is reported in a 3-year-old female Gordon Setter and a 2-year-old spayed female German Shepherd dog.
Résumé. On rapporte un cas d'atrophie adréno-corticale primaire chez une chienne Gordon Setter de trois ans et un autre chez une femelle castrée de la ram Berger Allemand, âgée de deux ans.
Zusammenfassung. Primäre adrenocorticale Atrophie wurde bei einer dreijährigen Gordon-Setter Hündin und einer zweijahrigen kastrierten Schaferhündin festgestellt.  相似文献   

A 5.5-year-old Siamese presented for evaluation of a three-day history of anorexia and lethargy. Upon physical examination, the cat was depressed, dehydrated, pyrexic, had injected conjunctiva and sclera, pale mucous membranes, and a grade II/VI systolic heart murmur. Thoracic radiographs revealed moderate to severe, diffuse, bronchointerstitial pulmonary changes with enlarged and tortuous pulmonary vessels. With continued hospitalization, the cat became dyspneic and died. The postmortem cytopathological examination of the liver, spleen, and lung impressions revealed reticuloendothelial cell infection with Cytauxzoon felis.  相似文献   

A pheochromocytoma had partially replaced the left adrenal gland of a mature, grade Hereford cow and had penetrated the caval wall with resultant production of an intravascular nodule having a diameter of 2 cm. A few small neoplastic emboli were in thin-walled capsular and trabecular blood vessels. Metastasis to other tissues was not demonstrated.  相似文献   

Canine rheumatoid arthritis—a review and a case report   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The literature on canine rheumatoid arthritis is reviewed and current concepts of its aetiology in man and animals discussed. A case of polyarthritis in a young male Shihtzu is presented. Moderate titres of rheumatoid factor were found, and radiographie changes similar to those occurring in classical rheumatoid arthritis in man were noted.
Résumé. Observation d'un cas de myélome multiple chez une chienne bâtarde de 3 ans. Le diagnostic a été fait d'après les données histopathologiques après autopsie. La tumeur formait des masses nodulaires au niveau de la 4éme cóte gauche et des vertèbres L 3 et L 4; elle intéressait aussi les ganglions lymphatiques parasternaux, la rate, le foie et les reins. La présence de dépóts amyloïdes dans le rein n'apportait aucun renseignement complémentaire.
Zusammenfassung. Diese Abhandlung beschreibt einen Fall von multiplem Myelom bei einer 3 Jahre alten Bastardhündin. Die Diagnose beruhte auf der histopathologischen Untersuchung von Autopsiematerial. Der Tumor bildete nodulare Massen an der vierten Rippe links und am dritten und vierten Lendenwirbel; er involvierte auch die sternalen Lymphknoten, Milz, Leber und Nieren. Der Nachweis von Amyloidablagerungen in der Niere war nicht überzeugend.  相似文献   

Q fever is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii. The clinical manifestations of Q fever include endocarditis, pneumonitis and hepatitis. Disease awareness and evolving diagnostic tests have enabled the recognition of unusual manifestations of Q fever. We report a case of Q fever osteomyelitis. A 51-year-old patient was admitted to hospital because of fever, leg weakness, and asthenia. His past medical history included surgery and a bone graft for the treatment of a giant cell tumor on the distal part of the femur. Blood and bone biopsy cultures were negative. Bone histological examination was consistent with a sub-acute or chronic inflammatory reaction that involved foci of epithelioid and gigantocellular infiltrates and necrosis. Serology testing revealed high antibody titers to C. burnetii antigens (phase I: IgG 3200; IgA 200; phase II: IgG 6400; IgA 400), which is indicative of chronic Q fever. The specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of the abscess sample from the femoral region was positive for C. burnetii. The patient was treated for chronic Q fever with doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine for 18 months and recovered gradually without recurrence of pain or functional impairment. Q fever osteomyelitis is a rare and most likely underestimated disease. Epithelioid and gigantocellular granulomatous osteomyelitis in the context of culture-negative bone specimens should raise suspicion of Q fever. Serological tests, specific PCR and cell culture can provide evidence of a C. burnetii infection. Although bone diffusion may be a concern, the currently recommended treatment for Q fever was effective in this case.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old castrated Cocker Spaniel with tympanic paraganglioma was presented. The tumour was resected twice with an interval of 120 days. The dog presented with tetraparesis 130 days after the second operation and had radiologic evidence of metastasis to the C5 vertebra. On pathologic examination, metastasis of the tumour was found in the myocardium, lungs, kidney, and C5 vertebra. The tumour, which is being described for the first time in the dog, was highly vascular, and was characterized by various-sized groups of medium-sized cells separated by vascular stroma. The neoplastic cells were round or polyhedral with moderately hyperchromatic nuclei, scattered chromatin, indistinct nucleoli, and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. The metastatic lesions were histologically similar to the primary tumour.  相似文献   

A 10-month-old, neutered male Saint Bernard presented for evaluation of acute, severe vomiting. A soft-tissue mass was noted within the stomach on survey abdominal radiographs. The diagnosis of pylorogastric intussusception was made during exploratory celiotomy. The intussusception was manually reduced at surgery, the pyloric antrum was enlarged, and the duodenum was permanently affixed to the abdominal wall in an attempt to prevent recurrence of the intussusception. The dog recovered, has gained weight (5 kg), and has had only one isolated episode of vomiting during the one year since discharge from the hospital. This report documents the fourth reported case of pylorogastric (i.e., duodenogastric, gastrogastric) intussusception in the veterinary literature and is the first report that details the surgical management of the disease.  相似文献   

Brucella (B.) canis was isolated from ejaculate of a 4-year old Korthals-Griffon male dog after occurrence of epididymitis and orchitis. Despite several trials of therapy with different antibiotics relapes occurred, with B. canis being isolated from ejaculate, blood and urine samples, respectively. Bacteriological examinations were added by serological testing over a period of about 1.5 years. During the study SAT serum titre steadily dropped from 1:200 to 1:50. By CFT, B. canis antibodies were detectable at the beginning with a titre of 1:320 and to the end of the study with titres between 1:80 and 1:160.  相似文献   

Rickets is a metabolic bone disease associated with failure of endochondral ossification and impaired osteoid mineralization in growing animals. As a consequence, affected individuals can develop gross and microscopic bone malformations. The most common causes of rickets in domestic species include vitamin D and phosphorus deficiency. Rickets has been described in multiple species; however, comprehensive postmortem characterizations with confirmatory histopathology in equids have not been published. A 6-mo-old, Thoroughbred-cross foal was diagnosed with rickets based on gross autopsy findings and microscopic examination of the ribs and long bones. Grossly, all costochondral junctions of the ribs were enlarged with a “rachitic rosary” appearance, and there were multiple fracture calluses in the rib bodies. Epiphyses and metaphyses of the long bones appeared widened on sagittal section, and their physes were irregularly thickened. Histologically, there were poorly organized columns of hypertrophic chondrocytes within the physes of affected bones, islands of chondrocytes embedded within the primary and secondary spongiosa, and faintly eosinophilic seams of poorly mineralized osteoid within the bone trabeculae. Areas of focally increased osteoclastic activity were observed in some of the sections, perhaps pointing to a more complex metabolic bone disease in a growing animal. Low serum concentrations of calcium and 25-hydroxyvitamin D were detected in an antemortem sample. The pathogenesis of these imbalances was not definitively established, but lack of sunlight exposure, low concentration of vitamin D precursors in the diet (perhaps secondary to malnutrition), or both, were suspected; a genetic basis cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Four cases of canine granular cell tumour (myoblastoma) were diagnosed at the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory between 1977 and 1981. Two of the tumours occurred in the tongue, one in the lip and one in the larynx. Three cell types were found in the tumours. Granular cells, with abundant periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive cytoplasmic granules, were most numerous. Interstitial cells resembled fibroblasts and were often adjacent to collagen fibrils. Angulate body cells contained PAS-positive, ovoid cytoplasmic inclusions composed of microtubular subunits. Review of these and reported cases indicates no breed or sex predisposition for this rare tumour. The tongue is the most common site and all but one tumour have occurred in or adjacent to the oral cavity. There have been no reports of recurrence or metastasis of granular cell tumours except the recurrence of a disputed case in the subcutis of a dog.  相似文献   

The author has reviewed the literature relating to normal and abnormal parturition in the bitch.
Résumé. L'auteur a fait la critique de la documentation ayant trait à la parturition normale et anormale chez la chienne.
Zusammenfassung. Der Verfasser hat nochmals die Literatur, die sich auf normales und anormales Gebären in Hündinnen bezieht, überprüft.  相似文献   

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