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Till date, the remote sensing research on crop nutrient monitoring has focused mainly on biomass and nitrogen (N) estimation and only a few attempts had been made to characterize and monitor macronutrients other than N. Field experiments were undertaken to study the remote detection of macronutrient status of rice using hyperspectral remote sensing. The variability in soil available N, phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) and their content in plants were created using artificial fertility gradient design. The leaf and canopy hyperspectral reflectance was captured from variable macronutrient status vegetation. Linear correlation analysis between the spectral reflectance and plant nutrient status revealed significantly (p < 0.05) higher correlation coefficient at 670, 700, 730, 1090, 1260, 1460 nm for the nutrient under study. Published and proposed vegetation indices (VIs) were tested for canopy N, P and S prediction. The results of the investigation revealed that, published VIs (NDVI hyper and NDVI broadbands) could retrieve canopy N with higher accuracy, but not P and S. The predictability of the visible and short wave infrared based VI NRI1510 ((R1510 ? R660)/(R1510 + R660)) was the highest (r = 0.81, p < 0.01) for predicting N. Based on the outcomes of linear correlation analysis new VIs were proposed for remote detection of P and S. Proposed VI P_670_1260 ((R1260 ? R670)/(R1260 + R670)) retrieved canopy P status with higher prediction accuracy (r = 0.67, p < 0.01), whereas significantly higher canopy S prediction (r = 0.58, p < 0.01) was obtained using VI S_670_1090 ((R1090 ? R670)/(R1090 + R670)). The proposed spectral algorithms could be used for real time and site-specific N, P and S management in rice. Nutrient specific wavelengths, identified in the present investigation, could be used for developing relatively low-cost sensors of hand-held instruments to monitor N, P and S status of rice plant.  相似文献   

To investigate whether the presence of R-genes is associated with higher late blight resistance of potato cultivars, we modified an earlier described SCAR marker for the R1 gene and developed a new SCAR marker for the R3 gene. We demonstrated the significant input of R1 transferred from Solanum demissum and probably S. stoloniferum into foliage and tuber resistance; the effect of R3 introgression was less conclusive.  相似文献   

Screening of accessions from the collection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry for resistance to the tan spot pathogen (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) and an evaluation of the resistance of spring and winter wheat varieties being tested at Northwest Russia state crop testing stations showed a higher frequency of resistant winter than spring varieties. Another species of the genus Pyrenophora was discovered on spring wheat in 2007, namely, Pyrenophora teres. A high correlation was found in the indices of resistance of the varieties to P. tritici-repentis and P. teres. A hybridological analysis of resistance to P. tritici-repentis revealed that in winter wheat varieties this trait is controlled by a greater number of genes than in spring wheat.  相似文献   

As one member of the tyrosinase-related family directly involved in the production of melanin, TYRP1 is involved in not only melanogenesis but also prevention of melanocyte death, stabilizing tyrosinase and helping determine the shape of melanosomes, etc. Multi-species sequence comparisons showed that there were two evolutionally conserved non-coding regions (from −1306 to −733 and from −642 to −515 according to AL138753) upstream of translational initiation sites, representing putative regulatory regions subject to subsequent experimental tests. Coding sequence length variation and genetic diversity analysis showed that Felis catus, Homo sapiens and Canis familiaris had more genetic diversities than the other species for TYRP1, especially Felis catus that could be a better choice for studying the TYRP1-associated genetic basis underlying the color diversity. As a 75 kDa type-1 transmembrane glycoprotein, mature TYRP1 possesses about 17 kDa modifying components, whose function predominantly depends on the existing glycosyl-groups and the Cu components. In addition, the mutated amino acids within species and the highly conserved amino acids among species were listed in our paper.  相似文献   

Inheritance of flower homostyly of self-fertile buckwheat species Fagopyrum tataricum have been studied in interspecific crosses. This species is homozygous for recessive allele s, an analogue of which determines long-styled (pin) type of flowers of heterostylous species F. cymosum. Interspecific differences are determined by a system of modifier genes with a polymeric effect.  相似文献   

The effects of supplemental energy sources (corn or saturated fatty acids) and trans-10, cis-12CLA on milk yield and composition were investigated in the present study. Four multiparous Holstein cows (560±31 kg BW, 98±10.5 DIM) were designated to a 2×2 factorial 4×4 Latin Square experiment. Treatments were isoenergetic supplementation of corn or calcium salt of saturated fatty acids (CaFA) with or without calcium salt of CLA. Both milk yield and composition were affected by sources of supplemental energy. Compared to CaFA supplementation, corn supplementation increased the milk yield, the lactose yield, and the content and yield of milk protein but decreased the yield and content of milk fat. Plasma insulin was higher, plasma glucose tended to be higher, and plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) was lower when corn rather than CaFA was supplemented. CaCLA supplementation did not affect milk yield and the yield of measured milk components, but increased the content of milk protein and decreased the content of total solids. Plasma glucose was decreased by CaCLA supplementation. Content and yield of short and medium chain fatty acids (⩽16 carbon atoms) in milk fat increased or remained unchanged while those of long chain fatty acids (> 16 carbon atoms) decreased or remained unchanged by corn supplementation. CaCLA supplementation failed to increase the content and yield of trans-10, cis-12CLA in milk fat, which explained the unobserved depression of milk fat synthesis by CaCLA supplementation. Yields of de novo synthesized fatty acids in the mammary gland were increased rather than decreased by corn supplementation. The decreased milk fat yield by corn supplementation could be exclusively attributed to reductions in preformed fatty acids, which might be a result of depressed lipolysis by stimulated insulin secretion.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic analysis (SSR-PCR) of various codling moth (Cydia pomonella) populations using three microsatellite loci (Cp1.63, Cp2.39, and Cp2.157) is carried out with determination of genetic diversity indices, number of alleles per locus, heterozygosity, etc. Significant differences in the molecular genetic structure of the populations are revealed and a decrease in genetic polymorphism and heterogeneity of C. pomonella populations from Russian compared with samples of the insects from Ukraine is noted.  相似文献   

This research is performed for evaluating the morphogenesis responses of thin cell layers (TCL) of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Karysary) hypocotyls. TCLs (0.1–0.5 mm) were obtained from sterile hypocotyls that were cultured to SH medium containing various combinations of 2,4-D and kin (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mg/l). Unexpectedly, the percentage of callus induction (PCI) and Callus diameter (CD) were not affected by different concentrations of 2,4-D and kin. PCI was 100% without any correlation to hormonal combinations. Significantly the difference between concentrations of 2,4-D and kin for percentage of somatic embryogenesis (PSE) was observed (p < 0.01) so that, the maximum PSE occurred with 1.5 mg/l 2,4-D and without kin. The 2,4-D and kin interaction was not significant for PSE showing that each of these hormones affected by PSE independently. The number of embryoids (NE) was significantly different on the various concentrations of 2,4-D (p < 0.05) and maximum NEs were observed on 1.5 mg/l 2,4-D and without kin.  相似文献   

Introduction of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrical (L.) Verdc.) in the Lower Volga region is the possibility of using this culture for agricultural production, fodder production, and expanded range of food products. Selection for earliness in the model population of cowpea should be accompanied by the identification of genotypes with high intensity of biomass accumulation in the shoots-flowering interphase period.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to develop a molecular marker for the detection of alien chromatin, an allele-specific primer targeting pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHA1) gene was used to analyze 12 taxa representing different basic genomes in Triticeae. Ampli....cation products with different sizes were generated among species. The sequence alignments indicated that the PDHA1 genes contained some deletions/insertions of Miniature Inverted-repeat Terminal Elements (MITE) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs), thus suggesting that the Triticeae genomes have been rapidly evolving during speciation. The genome-specific amplicons and chromosomal location of PDHA1 gene on Triticeae genomes can be used to trace the corresponding alien chromatins from Aegilops, Secale and Dasypyrum species in wheat background.  相似文献   

Donors and sources of resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses that are promising for use in breeding varieties and clonal rootstocks for adaptability under North Caucasus conditions are identified. Peach adaptability donors selected and bred at the Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station are recommended.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the suitability of laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measurements to detect the nitrogen (N) supply of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at canopy level under ambient conditions. In 2002, a plot trial was carried out as a randomised block design. Increasing amounts of N fertiliser were applied to induce variations in the N uptake of the canopies. Different cultivars with varying growth habit and leaf colour were chosen to cover a wide range of canopy characteristics. Biomass was harvested at characteristic growth stages to determine aboveground dry matter yield, N concentration in dry matter and N uptake. Measurements with a hand-held chlorophyll sensor showed a strong correlation between the sensor signal and the N uptake thus indicating that the system is suitable for assessing the nutritional status of the plants. A clear differentiation between the N treatments was evident even at the beginning of stem elongation. The cultivar and the growth stage significantly influenced the sensor signal. Both factors need to be considered when predicting the N uptake of the canopy using laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measurements.  相似文献   

The responsiveness of common vetch varieties to inoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar-viciae of different genotypes and applications of molybdenum and boron micronutrients has been revealed. It is shown that the effect of interactions between molybdenum and boron on the plants at the joint application is nonadditive. The artificial colonization of seeds by the complementary strains of root nodule bacteria and the molybdenum treatment are expedient to increase the efficiency of the symbiotic interactions between rhizobia and common vetch varieties. Inoculation with strain no. 145 and supplementation with molybdenum improved the seed yields of the common vetch Valentina and Lugovskaya-98 varieties by 20% and 17%, respectively.  相似文献   

Information about the genetics of callus formation is needed for efficient in vitro selection. Hybrid breeding has been proposed for genetic improvement in the crop, but there isn’t enough information on heterosis for callus growth in crosses among crop genotypes in Iran. In the present study, genetic analysis of three in vitro characters (percentage of callus induction, callus diameter, callus fresh weight) for five inbreed line of rapeseed such as Orakel, ACSN1, P504588, P704591 and Boanty were carried out through a 5 × 5 diallel analysis using calli derived from mature embryo cultures of Brassica napus L. in MS medium. Positive heterosis was noticed for all these characters. Variance component due to specific combining ability (dominance) were larger than general combining ability (additive) for each traits. High broad-sense (70.12 to 89.43) and low narrow-sense (3.49 to 23.01) heritability values suggested that dominance gene action was more important in the genetic control of the characters studied. Orakel, among the five pure lines, was found to have the best genetic background for callus growth rate.  相似文献   

A method is developed for studying the antagonistic activity of the spore probiotics Sakhabactisubtil and Irilis in vivo against a virulent Rhodococcus equi. Intraperitoneal injection of sterile filtrates of these spore probiotics into mice that received the antibiotic Ampiox and were infected with a lethal dose of the virulent R. equi strain promotes the survival of 70–100% of the animals and reduced the number of rhodococci in internal organs by 6–9 times.  相似文献   

The prevalence of viruses in honeysuckle plants depends on the location of the plantation and the variety composition. TBRV virus had the maximal prevalence (28–60%) in most blue-berried honeysuckle stands. Prevalence of the ArMV virus ranged from 0 to 26%, that of the RpRSV virus ranged from 6 to 17%, and that of the SLRSV virus ranged from 7 to 25%. Most varieties of honeysuckle (67%) were infected with a complex of viruses, whereas no viruses were detected in certain varieties. The varieties produced at the Lisavenko Research Institute for Selection and Seedage had a higher degree of viral infection than those produced at the All-Russia Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Breeding. The viruses found in blue-berried honeysuckle plants were mostly in the latent form, but green leaf mottle and interstitial chlorosis were observed on individual bushes from a number of varieties. A tendency for virus infection accumulation with the extension of plant life was observed. TBRV and SLRSV transmission through seeds was registered, which is indicative of the need for improvement of the hybrid forms involved in the breeding process. The duration of dry air thermotherapy of honeysuckle plants should not exceed 30–45 days. Combined use of thermotherapy and meristem culture provided for an 80% yield of healthy plants.  相似文献   

Examination of seed germination rate is of great importance for growers early in the season to determine the necessity for replanting their fields. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of using unmanned aircraft system (UAS)-based visible-band images to monitor and quantify the cotton germination process. A light-weight UAS platform was used, which carried a consumer-grade red, green, and blue camera stabilized by a built-in gimbal system. In order to obtain ultrahigh image resolution during the germination stage, the UAS platform was flown at an altitude of approximately 15–20 m above ground. By applying the structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm, the images were rectified and orthographically mosaicked with a ground sampling distance of approximately 6–9 mm/pixel. A novel solution was then developed for calculating the average plant size and the number of germinated cotton plants according to the leaf polygons extracted from the orthomosaic images. By using the estimated number of germinated cotton plants, the plant density and the cumulative germination rate can also be estimated in a straightforward manner using field-specific parameters. An assessment of the proposed solution was conducted by comparing the estimated number of the germinated cotton plants against ground observation data collected from six cotton row segments. The results demonstrated that the average estimation accuracy achieved 88.6% in terms of identifying the number of the germinated cotton plants. The accuracy may be further improved if images with near infrared band are employed.  相似文献   

The seeds of two soybean cultivars viz., Pusa-16 and PK-1042 were treated with 15, 30, and 45 kR of gamma rays, three concentrations of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) (0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3%), and their combinations. Various morphological mutants were recorded in M2 and M3 generations. These morphological mutants were named on the basis of the part of the plant body affected. Eight different morphological mutants, i.e., tall, dwarf, gigas, black pod, smooth pod, black spotted seed, bold seeded, and early maturing were isolated. Among them, early maturing and bold seeded mutants had the potential to be incorporated into breeding programs.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for evaluating the transmitting ability of bulls based on the frequencies of the distribution of offspring in a variational series with respect to milk productivity, making it possible to select sires with desirable alleles of genes, which is confirmed by testing the method by means of the DGAT1 gene.  相似文献   

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