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The changes of hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) metabolism and antioxidant enzyme activities in a hybrid poplar(Populus simonii ×P.pyramidalis ‘Opera 8277') in response to mechanical damage(MD) and herbivore wounding(HW) were investigated to determine whether H2O2 could function as the secondary messenger in the signaling of systemic resistance.Results show that H2O2 was generated in wounded leaves through MD and HW treatments and systemically in unwounded leaves around the wounded leaves.The activities of antioxida...  相似文献   

以早实核桃‘鲁果1号’、‘绿岭’、‘上宋6号’为材料,研究了不同日灼程度(0级、Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级)对果实青皮超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量和果实品质的影响.结果表明:日灼对核桃青皮SOD、POD、CAT活性及MDA含量和果实品质有显著影响.‘鲁果1号’、‘绿岭’、‘上宋6号’青皮SOD活性分别以Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ级最高;POD活性均以Ⅳ级最高;CAT活性以Ⅲ、Ⅱ、Ⅱ级最高;MDA含量以Ⅲ、Ⅰ、Ⅰ级最高.‘鲁果1号’、‘绿岭’和‘上宋6号’Ⅳ级日灼果的出仁率分别比未日灼果降低了3.97%、11.27%、9.09%,差异极显著.‘绿岭’Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级日灼果核仁总蛋白质含量极显著低于来日灼果;‘上宋6号’日灼果均极显著低于未日灼果;‘鲁果1号’Ⅲ、Ⅳ级日灼果显著低于未日灼果.‘绿岭’Ⅲ级日灼果核仁可溶性蛋白含量显著高于未日灼果;‘上宋6号’日灼果均极显著高于未日灼果;‘鲁果1号’Ⅰ、Ⅱ级日灼果极显著高于未日灼果.3个品种中,仅‘绿岭’Ⅳ级日灼果脂肪含量极显著低于来日灼果.3个品种Ⅳ级日灼果日灼部位核仁颜色为黑褐色,失去商品价值.  相似文献   

Cold acclimation is associated with many metabolic changes that lead to an increase of freezing tolerance. In order to investigate the biochemical process of cold acclimation in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, seedlings were acclimated at 2℃ under 16-h photoperiod (150 μmol·m^-2·s^-1 photosynthetically active radiation) for 14 d. Freezing tolerance in seedlings increased after 14 d of cold-hardening. Contents of protein, proline and solute carbohydrate in cotyledon increased after cold acclimation. Patterns of isozymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase, catalase and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were investigated. The activities of SOD, peroxidase and PPO in cold acclimated plants were increased during cold-hardening. We deduced that compatible solutes and antioxidant enzymes play important roles in development of freezing tolerance during cold acclimation in this evergreen woody plant.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对5种园林绿化植物生理生化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给抗旱性较强的城市园林绿化植物的筛选提供依据,以5种园林绿化植物蛇莓、蛇莓萎陵菜、东北玉簪、紫萼玉簪和大萼铁线莲为试材,在持续干旱条件下,研究了园林绿化植物的渗透调节和抗氧化酶活性的响应特性。结果表明,持续15d干旱降低了土壤田间持水量,5种植物叶片水势和净光合速率随之下降。但是,蛇莓叶片水势和净光合速率降低的幅度比其它4种植物降低幅度小。干旱胁迫提高了叶片的丙二醛含量,细胞膜脂发生了过氧化。在持续15d干旱过程中,蛇莓和蛇莓萎陵菜叶片SOD活性增强。因此,蛇莓和蛇莓萎陵菜在干旱胁迫下能保持相对较高的光合速率,并利用酶促和非酶促系统清除氧自由基,表现出较强的抗旱能力。  相似文献   

在吉林省长白山地区模拟检测了大气CO2浓度升高对土壤氮循环关键过程的影响。试验采用完全随机区组设计的开顶箱系统模拟环境CO2和高浓度CO2,起始于1999年春。选取长白山特有树种长白松(Pinus sylvestris var.sylvestri-formu),种子播种于1999年5月份,萌芽后开始CO2熏蒸处理。CO2熏蒸处理始于每年4月末止于10月末。分别在2006年6月、8月和2007年6月采集土壤样品,并检测土壤硝化酶(NEA)、反硝化酶(DEA)和固氮酶活性。结果表明,高浓度C02使土壤硝化酶(NEA)活性显著提高,提高幅度2006年6月为30.3%,2006年8月为30.9%,2007年6月为11.3%;土壤反硝化酶活性(DEA)在2006年6月份(P<0.012)和2006年8月份(P<0.005)被C02浓度升高显著抑制;在整个研究过程中没有发现C02浓度升高对固氮酶活性产生显著影响。因此,本研究认为C02浓度升高显著影响了土壤硝化酶(NEA)和反硝化酶活性(DEA)。图3表1参44。  相似文献   

【目的】水蜜桃采收后易后熟和衰老,贮藏期和货架期短。本研究为寻求安全有效的水蜜桃贮藏保鲜方式,并探究其保鲜机理。【方法】以“湖景蜜露”水蜜桃为试材,研究氮气预处理结合自发气调( MAP)复合保鲜处理对果实低温贮藏及货架期间营养品质、活性氧代谢及能量水平的影响。果实经100% N2处理6 h 后,用厚度0.02 mm的聚乙烯薄膜袋密封包装,对照组不做任何处理。所有果实均置于(1±1)℃相对湿度85%~90%保鲜库中,贮藏30天后,从薄膜袋取出,置于(25±1)℃下模拟货架期。测定低温贮藏及货架期间水蜜桃果实腐烂指数、硬度、可溶性固形物( TSS)、维生素 C( Vc)和过氧化氢( H2 O2)含量、超氧阴离子( O2.-)产生速率、超氧化物歧化酶( SOD)、过氧化氢酶( CAT)和脂氧合酶( LOX)活性、膜透性、丙二醛( MDA)含量、腺苷三磷酸( ATP)、腺苷二磷酸( ADP)和腺苷磷酸( AMP)含量及能荷( EC)值。【结果】结果表明:随着冷藏及常温货架存放时间的延长,对照组水蜜桃果实组织中的ATP,ADP含量和能荷低温贮藏10天后即开始出现明显降低,SOD和CAT在整个贮藏过程中均呈现明显的下降趋势,H2 O2和O2.-的含量明显增加,而MDA含量与膜透性则呈大幅度的上升,导致膜脂过氧化程度的增加和膜完整性的破坏。N2预处理结合 MAP复合保鲜处理可有效降低水蜜桃果实低温贮藏过程中的腐烂指数,当果实转到25℃放置4天,处理组水蜜桃的果实腐烂指数仅为对照组果实的55.56%。同时,N2预处理结合 MAP复合保鲜处理能有效地维持果实 TSS及 Vc含量,较好保持了营养品质。进一步研究发现,N2预处理结合MAP复合保鲜处理能维持果实中较高的 ATP,ADP含量及能荷值,提高 SOD 及 CAT 活性,进而抑制 H2 O2积累及O2.-的产生,降低 MDA 含量及膜透性的升高。相关性分析表明,在贮藏过程中,能荷值与 O2.-产生速度( R2=0.9712)、H2O2含量(R2=0.9746)及膜透性(R2=0.9678)具有显著负相关性。【结论】N2预处理结合MAP复合保鲜处理延缓水蜜桃后熟衰老可能与提高果实组织能量水平及抗氧化水平,维持活性氧代谢的平衡,保持膜的完整性有关。  相似文献   

The adaptive plasticity of Norway spruce (Picea abies) against attack by Ips typographus depends on systemic acquired resistance which involves salicylic acid (SA), and an antioxidant system both recognized as valuable stress markers in ecophysiological studies. In the presented field experiment, 100 mM SA was applied to the bark sections of Norway spruce prior to being attacked by bark beetles, in order to study interactions with antioxidants and its significance for mediating stress-tolerance under natural conditions. SA-treatments significantly elevated the total SA levels over the whole sampling period. Total glutathione (tGSH) and total cysteine (tCys) increased by 167% and 80%, respectively, two weeks after treatment, in comparison with controls. In contrast, SA-treatment caused an initial deterioration in total ascorbic acid (tASC) and enhanced the percentage of dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), but activated tASC levels over later sampling dates. The initial bark beetle attack was characterized by a significant decline in total SA levels, which was accompanied by a transient degradation and oxidation of their ascorbate-glutathione system. This initial reaction was significantly alleviated by SA-application and characterized by 175% higher tGSH contents, when compared to moderately-affected untreated trees. One month after pheromone dispensers were placed on trees, an intensification of ascorbate-glutathione system occurred within moderately-affected bark, but to a greater extent after SA-treatment. Total SA levels within SA-treated moderately-affected trees remained at the control level until June. In contrast, strong attack was characterized by a successive increase in total SA up to 252% following SA-treatment in June, whereas a 110% increase of SA was determined within severely affected control-bark. A strong attack was further characterized by a degradation of tGSH and total phenolics (tPH), a moderate increase in tASC and an oxidation of the ascorbate-glutathione pool within untreated bark. In the SA-treated trees the redox state was unaffected by severe colonization and the degradation of antioxidants was significantly alleviated. In addition, SA-treated bark had significantly less entrance holes and exhibited fewer and shorter maternal galleries than control-bark. From this perspective, exogenous SA was successfully implicated as an activator of systemic acquired resistance in Norway spruce, providing tolerance against the complex interactive effects of bark beetle attack and environmental factors.  相似文献   

The dimeric catechins dehydrotheasinensin A (2) and theacitrin C (3) were prepared from the oxidation of (−)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG, 1), and their antioxidant activity was investigated using a chemiluminescence (CL) method in vitro. Both compounds showed significant inhibitory effects on reactive oxygen species (O2, H2O2 and •OH) and DNA oxidative damage, with 2 being more potent than 3 and EGCG itself.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of elevated CO2 on soil N process at Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province, northeastern China (42°24′N, 128°06′E, and 738 m elevation). A randomized complete block design of ambient and elevated CO2 was established in an open-top chamber facility in the spring of 1999. Changpai Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestriformis seeds were sowed in May, 1999 and CO2 fumigation treatments began after seeds germination. In each year, the exposure started at the end of April and stopped at the end of October. Soil samples were collected in June and August 2006 and in June 2007, and soil nitrifying, denitrifying and N2-fixing enzyme activities were measured. Results show that soil nitrifying enzyme activities (NEA) in the 5–10 cm soil layer were significantly increased at elevated CO2 by 30.3% in June 2006, by 30.9% in August 2006 and by 11.3% in June 2007. Soil denitrifying enzyme activities (DEA) were significantly decreased by elevated CO2 treatment in June 2006 (P < 0.012) and August 2006 (P < 0.005) samplings in our study; no significant difference was detected in June 2007, and no significant changes in N2-fixing enzyme activity were found. This study suggests that elevated CO2 can alter soil nitrifying enzyme and denitrifying enzyme activities. Foundation project: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90411020) and Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (2002CB412502).  相似文献   

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