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Formation constants for Cu2+ complexes with humic and fulvic acids were determined by a modification of the well-known Bjerrum potentiometric titration method. Highly stable complexes were formed with formation constants of the order of those observed for synthetic polycarboxylic acids. Overall formation constants for a two-step process (B2) ranged from 2.5 · 10?4 to 7.9 · 10?3.  相似文献   

自动电位滴定法测定肥料和土壤中氯离子含量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了自动电位滴定法测定肥料和土壤中氯离子含量的方法,采用了简单的前处理步骤,与佛尔哈德法及莫尔法相比,具有快速、准确、精密度高的优点,且不受溶液颜色和浊度的干扰。  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected from apple orchards 5,15,20,30,and 45 years old,and one adjacent forest soil was used as reference to investigate the free Cu2+ion activity in soil solution and the soil Cu fractionation in the solid phase following long-term application of copper fungicide,Bordeaux mixture,in apple orchards and to investigate the relationships among soil free Cu2+ions,Cu fractionation and soil microbial parameters.The total Cu concentration in the orchard soils varied from 21.8 to 141 mg kg-1,increasing with the orchard age,and the value for the reference soil was 12.5 mg kg-1.The free Cu2+ion concentrations in the soil solutions extracted by 0.01 mol L-1 KNO3 ranged from 3.13×10-8(reference)to 4.08×10-6 mol L-1(45 years-old orchard).The concentration of Cu complexed in the fulvic fraction increased with orchard age from 5.16 to 52.5 mg kg-1.This was also the case for other soil Cu fractions except the residual one.The residual soil Cu remained practically constant,ranging from 4.28 to 5.66 mg kg-1,suggesting that anthropogenic soil Cu mainly existed in the more labile active fractions.Regression analyses revealed that both the free Cu2+ions in the soil solution and the humic acid-complexed Cu fraction in the solid phase were strongly related with soil microbial parameters.  相似文献   

采用 17年不同施肥处理 (无肥、化肥、秸秆、厩肥 )土耕层土样 ,在对土壤胡敏酸性质研究的基础上 ,着重研究不同施肥处理土壤胡敏酸与Fe2+的络合特征 ,揭示络合作用与胡敏酸性质以及环境条件的关系。结果表明 ,不同施肥处理土壤胡敏酸与Fe2+的络合能力不同。和无肥处理相比 ,化肥处理胡敏酸的络合能力加强 ,logk值 (络合稳定常数 )增大 ,有机肥处理则使胡敏酸的络合能力下降 ,logk值减小。logk值大小与胡敏酸的羧基、酚羟基以及总酸度有关。pH值、温度、离子强度是影响络合稳定常数大小的环境因素 ,pH值由 4到 7,各处理胡敏酸的logk值增大 ,络合配位数也有增加趋势。温度升高 ,离子强度增大 ,logk值降低。胡敏酸与Fe2+络合反应是一个自发的放热反应 ,络合后整个体系的有序性增强 ,熵值减小。  相似文献   

采用酒精沉淀法对不同施肥处理胡敏酸进行分级 ,在研究胡敏酸级分组成变异以及各级分性质变化的基础上 ,研究了胡敏酸各级分与Fe2+的络合特征。结果表明 ,胡敏酸各级分随级分数的增大芳构化度逐渐降低 ,分子结构趋于简单。在所分离的 7个级分中 ,均以级分 3与Fe2+的络合能力最强。从级分 1到级分 3络合能力逐渐增强 ,级分 3到级分 7络合能力逐渐降低。胡敏酸A型级分的络合能力一般大于P型。但若A型级分芳构化度过高 ,也存在A型级分小于P型现象。Rp型级分的络合能力明显比A型、P型级分小。不同施肥处理胡敏酸原样与Fe2+络合能力差异与其级分组成变异以及各级分的络合能力有密切关系  相似文献   

采用连续流动法研究了低分子量有机酸影响下供试土壤的钾素吸附动力学特征,探讨了描述土壤K 吸附动力学的最优模型。结果发现,有机酸(苹果酸、柠檬酸)作用下,红壤吸附的K 量均低于对照(不加有机酸)处理,0.1 mmol/L草酸处理除外。黄褐土对K 的吸附因K 浓度的不同而差异明显。当K 浓度为0.1 mmol/L时,有机酸作用下黄褐土吸附的K 量低于对照,而当K 浓度为1.0 mmol/L时,有机酸作用下的黄褐土K 吸附量高于对照。K 吸附反应速度与时间的自然对数lnt间存在良好的线性关系(R0.05=0.754,R0.01=0.874)。1.0 mmol/L KCl处理的初始吸附速率较高,反应速度降低的较快。对红壤、黄褐土吸附K 的数据进行拟合,双常数方程、指数方程和Elovich方程拟合效果较好,都达到了极显著水平,一级动力学方程拟合效果不好。双常数方程的相关系数(R)高于Elovich方程和指数方程,双常数方程是描述红壤和黄褐土在有机酸作用下K 吸附动力学的最优模型。结果表明,有机酸对两种土壤吸附能力的影响均表现为草酸>柠檬酸>苹果酸。有机酸作用下红壤和黄褐土的K 吸附过程主要受土壤电荷的影响。  相似文献   

Charge characteristics and Cu^2 adsorption-desorption of soils with variable charge(latosol)and permanent charge(brown soil)and the relationship between them were studied by means of back-titration and adsorption equilibrium respectively.The amount of variable negative charge was much less in variable-charge soil than in permanent-charge soil and increased with the pH in the system,but the opposite trend occurred in the points of zero charge(PZCs).The amount of Cu^2 ions sorbed by permanent-charge soil was more than that by variable-charge soil and increased with the increase of Cu^2 concentration within a certain range in the equilibrium solution.The amount of Cu^2 ions desorbed with KCl from permanent-charge soil was more than that from variable-charge soil,but the amount of Cu^2 ions desorbed with de-ionized water from permanent-charge soil was extremely low whereas there was still a certain amount of desorption from variable-charge soil.The increase of PZC of soils with variable or permanent change varied with the increment of Cu^2 ions added.When the same amount of Cu^2 ions was added,the increments of PZC and variable negative surface chargc of permanent-charge soil were different from those of variable-charge soil.  相似文献   

郝尚妍  周嵘  徐宸  陈天才  冉茂  代先强  周鑫斌 《土壤》2023,55(2):288-294
为明确重庆渝东北植烟区土壤中交换性钙、镁养分状况与土壤属性的关联特性,为烟区养分管理提供参考依据,利用GPS定位技术在渝东北植烟区采集了1 092个代表性土壤样品,对巫溪、巫山、奉节、万州、涪陵和丰都6个区县植烟土壤交换性钙和交换性镁含量分析,同时与其他土壤属性进行关联分析。结果表明:重庆渝东北植烟土壤交换性钙、镁含量丰富,其平均值分别为10.85 cmol/kg和1.79 cmol/kg,但也存在缺乏现象,且区域分布不均衡。总体来看,土壤交换性钙缺乏(<6 cmol/kg)占比28.30%,土壤交换性镁缺乏(<1.0 cmol/kg)占比42.75%。涪陵县与丰都县的土壤交换性钙、镁缺乏最严重,占比分别为40.00%和55.00%。丰都县与万州区土壤交换性钙、镁含量最适宜烤烟种植,占比分别为42.00%和36.61%。母质是影响土壤交换性钙、镁含量的重要因素,二叠系泥灰岩发育形成的土壤交换性钙、镁含量较高,侏罗纪紫色砂岩含量最低。植烟土壤pH、阳离子交换量与交换性钙、镁存在显著正相关关系,而土壤交换性酸总量与二者呈显著负相关,交换性钙镁缺乏是引起烟田酸化的主要原因。1~2...  相似文献   

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