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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were grown in containers filled with peat, using two different fertilizers and three different fertilizer regimes. Seedling shoot and root growth and shoot content of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus were followed in the nursery and after outplanting in the field. Attempts to regulate growth rate by an exponential nutrient supply were not successful, but the root/shoot ratio was influenced by the fertilization regime. Internal nitrogen concentration was stable only for seedlings with low relative growth rate, while seedlings with high nutrient supply in the nursery showed strong nutrient dilution in the shoot after planting.  相似文献   

Regeneration patterns of Pinus sylvestris L. juveniles in central Siberian glades were studied in relation to cold-induced photoinhibition. Spatial distribution of seedlings in different height classes revealed higher seedling densities beneath the canopy than beyond the canopy, and significantly higher densities of seedlings < 50 cm tall on the north side of the trees. These patterns coincided with differences in light conditions. Compared with plants on the north side of canopy trees (north-exposed), photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) received by plants on the south side of canopy trees (south-exposed) was always higher, making south-exposed plants more susceptible to photoinhibition, especially on cool mornings. Chlorophyll fluorescence data revealed lower photochemical efficiency and increased non-photochemical quenching of small (20-50 cm in height), south-exposed seedlings from spring to early autumn, indicating increased excitation pressure on photosynthesis. Maximum rate of oxygen evolution was less in south-exposed plants than in north-exposed plants. Increased pools of xanthophyll cycle pigments and formation of the photoprotective zeaxanthin provided further evidence for the higher susceptibility to photoinhibition of south-exposed seedlings. A linear mixed model analysis explained many of the physiological differences observed in seedlings according to height class and aspect with early morning temperature and PPF as predictors. The link between photoinhibition and differential distribution of seedlings by height class suggests that photoinhibition, together with other environmental stresses, decreases the survival of small, south-exposed P. sylvestris seedlings, thereby significantly affecting the regeneration pattern of central Siberian pine glades.  相似文献   

Ecosystems on dunes are influenced by critical environmental factors (mineral nutrients, water deficiency, etc.) considered decisive for their existence. The present paper is based on studies carried out on dunes on the coastal area of the Baltic Sea, southwest Estonia. The nature of forest ecosystems on dunes was studied from the aspects of chemical characteristics of soil, vascular plant species richness and diversity. Sampling sites on the dunes with different heights were selected in Cladina and in Vaccinium vitis-idaea site-type Scots pine forests. Vascular plant species richness and diversity were related to edaphic gradients. On the dune with a height of 32.1 m a.s.l., significant relationships were revealed between the number of species of ground vegetation, pH, volumetric water content in soil and the position of the sample plots. No relationships were revealed between the number of vascular plant species, soil pH, volumetric water content and mineral nutrients on the dune with a height of 9 m a.s.l. The most frequent and abundant plant species on the higher dune were Deschampsia flexuosa, Vaccinium vitis-idaea and V. myrtillus; the highest number of species were found at the bottom of the dune, while on the top only some xeromorphic species such as Festuca ovina, Sedum acre and Crepis tectorum occurred. On the lower dune, the most frequent were Vaccinium vitis-idaea, V. myrtillus and Melampyrum pratense, while V. uliginosum was found only on the bottom and slope and Empetrum nigrum on the top of the dune.  相似文献   

We developed individual tree height growth models for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Norway based on national forest inventory data. Potential height growth is based on existing dominant height growth models and reduced due to competition by functions developed in this study. Three spatially explicit and two spatially non-explicit competition indices were tested. Distance effects and diameter ratio effects were estimated from the data simultaneously with parameters of the potential modifier functions. Large height measurement errors in the national forest inventory data caused large residual variation of the models. However, the effects of competition on height growth were significant and plausible. The potential modifier functions show that height growth of dominant trees is largely unaffected by competition. Only at higher levels of competition, height growth is reduced as a consequence of competition. However, Scots pine also reduced height growth at very low levels of competition. Distance effects in the spatially explicit competition indices indicated that the closest neighbors are most important for height growth. However, for Scots pine also competitors at larger distance affected height growth. The five competition indices tested in this study explained similar proportions of the variation in relative height growth. Given that unbiased predictions can only be expected for the same plot size, we recommend a spatially explicit index, which describes the distance function with a negative exponential, for use in growth simulators.  相似文献   

Dielectric spectroscopy of Scots pine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dielectric properties of Scots pine (42 trees) were compared with density, moisture content (MC), and resin acid content (RAC) (of heartwood). The samples were measured in frozen, green, conditioned and non-conditioned dry moisture states to evaluate the potential of dielectric spectroscopy in determining the wood characteristics at different stages of wood processing. Heartwood and sapwood parts of each sample were measured separately, and through-transmission measurement was conducted in longitudinal and tangential direction at frequencies from 1 MHz to 1 GHz. The MC and density correlated significantly with the dielectric parameters in both measurement directions but especially in longitudinal direction. The RAC of the heartwood correlated significantly with tanδ and ε″/(ε′ ? 1) of the green samples measured in the tangential direction at frequencies above 200 MHz. The correlation at 1 GHz was ?0.56 for green samples, ?0.66 for conditioned samples and ?0.61 for non-conditioned samples (P < 0.001, for all). The study suggests that the extractives also affect radio-frequency dielectric responses, which might be used for extractive analyses of pine heartwood.  相似文献   

A field experiment with artificial soil contamination by the heavy metals copper and nickel was established in Kola Peninsula, northern Russia. To study the effect of soil contamination by heavy metals without SO2 air pollution on the Scots pine trees growth the experiment was located outside the range of forest damage due to emissions from a copper–nickel smelter. Retardation in tree diameter growth over 15 years after contamination with 20 kg of metallurgical dust per 100 m2 plot was 54%, 10 kg 27%, 5 kg 16% and 2.5 kg 7%, respectively, compared with growth in control plots. Thus, decreasing Scots pine growth due to heavy metal pollution was demonstrated.  相似文献   

We estimated above- and belowground biomass and net primary production (NPP) of a 73-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest stand in the Belgian Campine region. Total biomass for the stand was 176 Mg ha(-1), of which 74.4% was found in stems. The root system contained 12.6% of total biomass, most of it in coarse roots (> 5 mm). Fine roots (< 5 mm) comprised only about 1.7% of total biomass, and more than 50% of fine root biomass was retrieved in the litter layer and the upper 15 cm of the mineral soil. The ratio of belowground biomass to aboveground biomass was 0.14, which is lower than that of other Scots pine forests and other coniferous forests. Between 1995 and 2001, mean annual NPP was 11.2 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), of which 68.7% was allocated to aboveground compartments. Stems, needles and cones made relatively high contributions to total NPP compared with branches. However, branch NPP was possibly underestimated because litterfall of big branches was neglected. The proportion of total NPP in belowground components was 31.3%. Coarse root NPP (2% of total) was low compared with its biomass. Fine root NPP was 3.3 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), representing about 29.5% of total NPP; however, the estimate of fine root NPP is much more uncertain than NPP of aboveground compartments. The ratio NPP/GPP (gross primary production) was 0.32, which was low compared with other coniferous forests.  相似文献   

Background: Bioenergy is re-shaping opportunities and imperatives of forest management. This study demonstrates,through a case study in Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris L.), how forest bioenergy policies affect stand management strategies.Methods: Optimization studies were examined for 15 Scots pine stands of different initial stand densities, site types, and temperature sum regions in Finland. Stand development was model ed using the Pipe Qual stand simulator coupled with the simulation-optimization tool Opti For Bioenergy to assess three forest bioenergy policies on energy wood harvest from early thinnings.Results: The optimal solutions maximizing bare land value indicate that conventional forest management regimes remain optimal for sparse stands. Energy harvests occurred only when profitable, led to lower financial returns. A forest bioenergy policy which included compulsory energy wood harvesting was optimal for denser stands. At a higher interest rate(4 %), increasing energy wood price postponed energy wood harvesting. In addition, our results show that early thinning somewhat reduced wood quality for stands in fertile sites. For less fertile sites, the changes were insignificant.Conclusions: A constraint of profitable energy wood harvest is not rational. It is optimal to carry out the first thinning with a flexible forest bioenergy policy depending on stand density.  相似文献   

Three sites in north-east Scotland were selected to compare soil characteristics of acidification-sensitive sites under Calluna vulgaris heathland and afforestation. At each site, fences separate Calluna heathland from Scots pine plantation on podzol profiles evolved from granitic parent material on gentle slopes in the altitude range 200–500 m. In total, 30 soil pits were dug, with five for each land use-type at each of the three sites. Samples of each horizon were analysed for pH, sulphate adsorption/desorption characteristics, cation exchange properties, carbon and nitrogen contents, bulk density and texture. As expected, acidification to depth had occurred in the forest sites. However, although the forest soils at depth showed less capacity for sulphate adsorption, as might be expected from increased atmospheric aerosol and pollutant trapping and greater water interception loss under trees, they did not contain more PO3−4-extractable sulphate. This may reflect the combined effects of soil pH differences and changes in concentrations and composition of soluble organic matter upon sulphate adsorption, although interpretation is also complicated by textural differences between forest and heathland soils.  相似文献   

Tree improvement in Poland has been most advanced for Scots pine, but existing seed orchards have not been progeny-tested yet. We examined variation in growth traits—tree height at ages 4 and 8 years, and diameter at age 13 years—in the common garden experiment testing open-pollinated progenies of 31 seed orchards and 5 commercial seed stands (referred to as populations) at 5 locations. We also examined bud burst phenology at two to five sites at three growing seasons. At one experimental site during the 5th growing season, we measured shoot growth rhythm on all populations. Similar measurements of shoot growth were done on a subset of populations during the 6th growing season together with the analysis of needle growth and foliar chemistry. We found significant variation among populations in growth traits, but also significant population × site (G × E) interactions. We used the regression approach and ecovalence analysis to examine populations’ performance stability. Most populations had average responsiveness to environment, and a set of least-responsive poor-growing populations contributed the most to the G × E interaction. Variation in bud burst phenology was associated with geographical distribution of tested progenies. The early bud-bursting populations originated from the north-eastern to north-central Poland, and a group of late bud-bursting populations originated mainly from the south-eastern region. Correlations between bud burst and growth traits were weak to medium and varied by site, but early bud-bursting populations tended to show stronger growth on height and diameter. We found significant differences among populations in final leader length, shoot elongation time and relative growth rate (RGR). However, RGR and shoot elongation time explained less than 30% of variation in leader length and were weakly correlated with tree height. Populations varied in needle length, specific leaf area and foliar nitrogen concentration, but time trends in these traits did not vary among populations or predefined groups of populations. Therefore, the analysis of growth rhythm or needle traits did not help resolve variation in tree growth to support selection decisions. Contrary to our expectation, progeny of seed orchards did not perform significantly better than that of commercial seed stands. This finding, however, should not be extrapolated beyond our set of populations. Nonetheless, the local seed sources were not always the best. From a selection standpoint, our results help culling the worst populations rather than selecting the best ones. Therefore, testing individual family progeny and genetic roguing of existing seed orchards is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Lodgepole pine is native to western North America, but it is also planted as a fast-growing alternative to Scots pine in Sweden. The production of these two species, when grown as native and as exotic species, was compared in a transcontinental two-species provenance experiment. The tests were planted in 1986 on five sites in northwestern Canada and two sites in Sweden, and included full-sib families, half-sib families, seed orchard collections and natural stand seed collections of both species. After 25 years, lodgepole pine produced 48% more volume (m3ha?1) and had 27% higher survival than Scots pine at one Swedish site, and had similar volume production and survival at a second. In the five Canadian sites, Scots pine produced on average 22% more volume than lodgepole pine. The variation between sites was, however, large. This higher volume of Scots pine in Canada could be due to higher survival (+28%) and less frequent damage; but higher top height for lodgepole pine in Canada indicated higher potential productivity. The results indicate that an exotic species may produce more than the native species, possibly thanks to higher survival, but it is also possible to increase production with successful population selection of the native species.  相似文献   

On the average there is in the needles of the studied pines 1.9 and 4.9% of reducing sugars in the fresh and dry weight of wintertime needles respectively. There is 1.4% glucose of needle fresh weight (3.0% of needle dry weight) while for fructose the corresponding values are 0.8 and 2.1%. The relative ratio of glucose to fructose was on the average 1.33. Trees more tolerant to fluorides and sulphur dioxide emitted from the phosphate fertilizers factory have a statistically significant lower level of directly reducing sugars in the dry weight of needles (37.1 mg/g) compared to sensitive trees (50.5 mg/g). The control (more tolerant trees) accumulate more glucose and fructose than sensitive ones.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings of a provenance from northern Sweden were cultivated hydroponically for 7 weeks in a climate chamber. The nutrient solution contained either 2.5 (low-N) or 50 (high-N) mg N l(-1) with other essential elements added in a fixed optimal proportion to the nitrogen. After 5 and 7 weeks, the seedlings were analyzed for growth, total nitrogen and other essential nutrients, protein and free amino acids. Low-N seedlings grew more slowly and had higher root/shoot ratios than high-N seedlings. With respect to total nitrogen, the effect of the lower nutrient supply was mainly on the nitrogen content of the whole plant and the allocation of nitrogen among tissues, not on tissue nitrogen concentration. This was also the case for potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The proportions by weight among these macronutrients in the whole seedlings were similar in both nutrient regimes. The proportion and concentration of sulfur were significantly lower in low-N seedlings than in high-N seedlings, because of a lower net uptake of sulfur than of other macronutrients. The shoot, needles and stem of low-N seedlings had higher concentrations of free amino acids and lower concentrations of protein than the shoot, needles and stem of high-N seedlings. Arginine dominated the pool of free amino acids in the low-N seedlings, whereas glutamine predominated in the high-N seedlings. We conclude that Scots pine seedlings accumulated soluble nitrogen as arginine when net protein synthesis was limited by factors other than nitrogen availability. Nutritional imbalance, as revealed by growth characteristics and a suboptimal proportion and concentration of sulfur in the seedlings, probably affected synthesis of S-amino acids, resulting in the diversion of assimilated nitrogen to arginine instead of protein.  相似文献   


Fire is the most important ecological factor governing boreal forest stand dynamics. In low- to moderate-severity fires, the post-fire growth of the surviving trees varies according to fire frequency, intensity and site factors. Little is known about the growth responses of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) following fires in boreal forests. We quantified changes in tree growth in the years following 61 historical forest fires (between 1210 and 1866) in tree-ring series collected from fire-scarred Scots pine trees, snags and stumps in Trillemarka nature reserve in south-central Norway. Basal area increment 10 years pre-, 5 years post-, and 11–20 years post-fire were calculated for 439 fire scars in 225 wood samples. We found a slight temporary growth reduction 5 years post-fire followed by a marked growth increase 11–20 years post-fire. Beyond 20 years post-fire, the long-term tree growth declined steadily up to approximately 120 years. Our results indicate that recurring fires maintained high tree growth in remnant Scots pines, most probably due to a reduction in tree density and thus decreased competition.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of broad-spectrum light quality on the interaction between the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings and hypocotyl cuttings cultured in vitro. The light sources were cool white (CW), warm white (WW) and red-rich daylight (RD) fluorescent lamps. Inoculation with P. tinctorius enhanced adventitious root formation of the cuttings in all light treatments. Rooting of the inoculated cuttings was highest in WW light (89%), followed by CW (73%) and RD light (66%). During 6 weeks of in vitro culture, rooted cuttings formed only a few lateral roots. The fungus grew over lateral roots, but the Hartig net was absent in all light treatments. In non-inoculated cuttings, neither root formation nor subsequent root growth was affected by light quality. In the seedling experiment, inoculation in the WW treatment resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) greater number of lateral roots than inoculation in the RD treatment. The percentage of lateral roots covered with fungal hyphae was also highest in WW light (62%), followed by CW (50%) and RD (27%) light. A similar pattern was observed in the intensity of Hartig net formation. We conclude that effects of broad-spectrum light quality on the ectomycorrhizal fungus-root interaction are dependent on the developmental stage of the root.  相似文献   

Forest decline has been attributed to the interaction of several stressors including biotic factors such as mistletoes and climate-induced drought stress. However, few data exist on how mistletoes are spatially arranged within trees and how this spatial pattern is related to changes in radial growth, responses to drought stress and carbon use. We used dendrochronology to quantify how mistletoe (Viscum album L.) infestation and drought stress affected long-term growth patterns in Pinus sylvestris L. at different heights. Basal area increment (BAI) trends and comparisons between trees of three different infestation degrees (without mistletoe, ID1; moderately infested trees, ID2; and severely infested trees, ID3) were performed using linear mixed-effects models. To identify the main climatic drivers of tree growth tree-ring widths were converted into indexed chronologies and related to climate data using correlation functions. We performed spatial analyses of the 3D distribution of mistletoe individuals and their ages within the crowns of three severely infested pines to describe their patterns. Lastly, we quantified carbohydrate and nitrogen concentrations in needles and sapwood of branches from severely infested trees and from trees without mistletoe. Mistletoe individuals formed strongly clustered groups of similar age within tree crowns and their age increased towards the crown apex. Mistletoe infestation negatively impacted growth but this effect was stronger near the tree apex than in the rest of sampled heights, causing an average loss of 64% in BAI (loss of BAI was ~51% at 1.3 m or near the tree base). We found that BAI of severely infested trees and moderately or non-infested trees diverged since 2001 and such divergence was magnified by drought. Infested trees had lower concentrations of soluble sugars in their needles than non-infested ones. We conclude that mistletoe infestation causes growth decline and increases the sensitivity of trees to drought stress.  相似文献   

We previously traced 10B-enriched boric acid from shoots to roots to demonstrate the translocation of boron (B) in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings. To gain a more detailed understanding of B translocation, we sought: (1) to demonstrate B retranslocation directly, by showing that foliar-applied 10B is located in the new growth after dormancy; and (2) to assess whether shoot-applied B affects growth in the long term. We applied 10B-enriched boric acid to needles of Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. After a dormancy period and 9 weeks of growth, small but significant increases in the 10B isotope were found in the new stem and needles of both species. In Scots pine, the total B concentration of the new stem was also increased. Both species contained polyols, particularly pinitol and inositol. Boron-polyol complexes may provide a mechanism for mobilizing B in these species. To determine the long-term effects of applied B, seedlings were grown for two growing seasons after the application of 10B to shoots. In Norway spruce, the proportion of 10B in the root systems and current needles of the harvest year was slightly higher than in the controls, and in Scots pine root systems, marginally so. The B treatment had no effect on growth of Norway spruce seedlings. In Scots pine seedlings, the B treatment caused a 33% increase in total dry mass and significantly increased the number of side branches.  相似文献   

The connection between natural conidia dispersal of Gremmeniella abietina (A‐type) and the disease incidence and severity in first and second year conifer seedlings of Pinus sylvestris was studied in central Finland. The seedlings where exposed to natural infection for a 3‐week period throughout the growth season, followed by a 3‐week incubation period in a growth chamber to promote symptom expression. In second year seedlings the infection periods in May–June had a similar effect as regards disease outbreak and roughly half of the successful infections occurred during these periods. However, the first year seedlings were more severely diseased after the infection period in late July/early August, although the inoculum density was lower during this time compared with the period in late June/early July. This result is consistent with earlier studies. The effect of age and growth phase of the seedlings, temperature sum and the number of conidia on the disease occurrence is discussed and compared with the results of earlier studies in which artificial inoculation was employed.  相似文献   

Both aboveground and belowground climate affects net primary production (NNP) and forest growth. Little is known about how above and belowground factors interact. The BIOMASS-model was tested to simulate photosynthetic recovery over a wide range of soil temperatures created by snow cover manipulations on tree-scale plots in a 20-year-old Scots pine stand in northern Sweden. The differences in timing of soil warming between the plots covered a span of two months. Carbon assimilation in needles, sap flow, needle water potential and climatic parameters were measured in the field. The simulations revealed that an early start of soil warming gave a relatively early photosynthetic recovery and a 7.5% increase of NPP. Late soil warming delayed the photosynthetic recovery and reduced the NPP by 13.7%. This indicated that soil temperature needed to be accounted for, as well as air temperature, when analysing photosynthetic recovery and NPP in boreal environment. The effects of differences in soil temperature were reflected in the simulated photosynthetic recovery. The model did not fully capture the delay of photosynthetic recovery caused by a late soil warming. It was possible to integrate the complexity of the soil climate effects into a threshold date for soil thaw, using sapflow measurements together with information about air temperature and a day degree sum, as long as water availability was not limiting water uptake by roots. Although a more realistic mechanism than that currently in BIOMASS is desirable as climate change shifts the typical patterns of interplay between air and soil temperature dynamics.  相似文献   

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