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On the postnatal development of the skeletal muscle cells in the pig Skeletal muscle cells of pigs up to ten years old were examined histologically and histometrically for age-related changes. Also examined was the relationship between the changes of the average muscle cell diameter and the age-related weight changes of the muscles. It was found that, during the entire postnatal period, skeletal muscle cells, despite their high differentiation, continued to develop and developed anew. The two muscle celltypes, red and white, could be differentiated by the end of the first month. The white cells formed the periphery of the muscle cell bundle. They developed from the red muscle cells and can be regarded as more highly differentiated than the latter. The red muscle cells, which retained many postnatal reatures, after the first month formed a group of cells in the center of a muscle cell bundle. Growth of muscle therefore does not only occur by enlargement of the muscle cells (hypertrophy) buy also by their increase in numbre (hyperplasia). The average diameter of the muscle cells in thus related in addition to age, breed, sex, diet and husbandry, also to mitotic intensity and the formation of new muscle cells.  相似文献   

Es wird über die Herstellung eines spezifischen Antiserums gegen Schweine-Zona-pellucida im xenogenen System mit einem möglichst reinen Antigen in Form der isolierten Zona pellucida berichtet. Die Schweine-Eizellen werden durch Follikel-punktion von Schweine-Ovarien gewonnen. Nach Ablösung der Cumuluszellen erfolgt die mechanische Abtrennung der Zona pellucida durch Ansaugen mittels einer im Ver-gleich zur Eizelle im Durchmesser kleineren Kapillare. Dabei bricht die Zona pellucida an einer Stelle auh und die Oozyte entleert sich nach auβen. Das so isolierte Schweine-Zona-pellucida-Material (ca. 700 Zonen) wird einem Kaninchen subcutan injiziert. Nach drei Boosterungen wird das Anti-Zona-Serum nach 25 Tagen gewonnen und von verschiedenen Schweinegeweben absorbiert. Der anschlieβende Antikörpernachweis erfolgt durch die Präzipitatbildung an der Oberfläche der Zona pellucida-Membran einer cumulusfreien Schweine-Eizelle. Als weiterer Antikörpernachweis dient der indirekte Immunfluoreszenztest. In beiden Nachweismethoden fanden sich hohe Antikörperaktivitäten im Anti-Zona-Serum. Zum Nachweis der Kreurantigenität wurde das Anti-Zona-Serum auch gegen menschliche Eizellen und gegen Mäuse-Ei-zellen ausgetestet. Der indirekte Immunfluoreszenztest war an der menscblichen Zona pellucida positiv, die Präzipitatbildung dagegen negativ. Die Mäuse-Eizelle reagierte in beiden Nachweisverfahren negativ .  相似文献   

The conduction systems of five porcine hearts with congenital abnormalities were dissected grossly after formalin fixation; microsurgical instruments and spot lamps were used.  相似文献   

Inhalt: Gonavet®“Berlin Chemie”, ein synthetisches Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormon, wurde zur Ovulationsinduktion bei spontan brünstigen Rindern eingesetzt. Verabreicht wurden 0,1 mg Gonavet vor der Insemination in einer Zeitspanne von maximal vier Stunden. Die Erprobung umfaβte 935 Versuchs- und 911 Kontrolltiere in 12 Betrieben. Bei allen Tieren wurde ca. 24 Stunden nach der Insemination eine Ovulationskontrolle vorgenommen. Ovulations- und Trächtigkeitsrate dienten als Prüfparameter. Die Ovulationsrate konnte um 10,4% angehoben werden; in elf von zwölf Herden ging der Anteil an nicht termingerechten Ovulationen zurück. Die Trächtigkeitsrate wurde um 6,1% verbessert. Von den zwölf Herden trat eine Erhöhung der TR in acht ein (1,1 bis 17,5%), in einer Herde waren die Konzeptionsergebnisse bei Versuchs- und Kontrolltieren identisch und in drei Herden erzielte die Kontrollgruppe bessere Trächtigkeitsergebnisse (2,1 bis 9,7%). Die Anwendung des Praparates ist bei Tieren mit einer Ovulationsstorung angezeigt. Contents: The induction of ovulation in the spontaneous estrous in cattle by Gonavet “Berlin Chemie” Gonave®“Berlin Chemie”, a synthetic gonadotropinreleasing-hormone was used for induction of ovulation in spontaneously estrous cattle. 0.1 mg Gonavet were applied no more than 4 hours prior to insemination. A total of 935 experimental and 911 control animals of 12 farms were included into the study. Ovulation was assessed in all animals about 24 hrs following insemination. Rates of ovulation and pregnancy were used as endpoints. Ovulation rate was increased 10.4%; in 11 out of 12 farms, the number of on-time ovulations improved. Rate of pregnancy also improved for 6.1%. In about 8 out of the 12 herds pregnancy rate increased between 1.1 and 17.5%. In one herd conception rates were not different between experimental and control animals. In three herds the control groups had better conception rates (2.1 to 9.7% increase) when compared to experimental groups. Gonavet® ist indicated in cases of ovulatory problems.  相似文献   

A review of the literature is presented on the strains of Mycoplasma isolated from the bovine genital tract and their relationship to infertility. Although Mycoplasmas have frequently been isolated from the genital organs of bulls, no typical clinical symptoms have been observed and no detrimental effects on spermatozoa have been shown. Mycoplasmas can be transmitted to cows by artificial insemination. In contrast to bulls, Mycoplasmas have been described as causing inflammatory changes such as cervicitir, endometritis and salpingitis in cows. Salpingitis, which may lead to obstruction of the oviduct, has the most serious consequences of later infertility. The author's own observations on the occurrence of Mycoplasmas in the herds in one area are briefly described. Prophylactic and therapeutic measures against genital Mycoplasma infections in cattle are also given.  相似文献   

The lymph nodes of the stomachs taken from 31 sheep and 35 goats were described and measured. Compared with lymph nodes of cattle (Baum, 1912) marked differences were found regarding the position, number and presence of the nodes, as well as in regard to the lymphatic vessels leaving them. The results are discussed in the light of the decisions that may have to be made during meat inspection.  相似文献   

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