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A multi-cystic gall bladder was observed at necropsy in a 7-week-old broiler cockerel. Cystic lumina contained multiple elongated papillary epithelial projections and plicae composed of epithelium and lamina propria, abutting normal lining epithelium.  相似文献   

一饮水免疫饮水免疫是养鸡生产上常用的一种主动免疫办法,省时高效,应激小。在规模化养殖而不便于滴鼻点眼的情况下,多采用此法。但是饮水免疫受水质、  相似文献   

禽脑脊髓炎是由病毒引起的一种严重侵害各种禽类中枢神经的烈性传染病,主要引起4周龄以内的雏鸡发病,以肌肉进行性共济失调、头颈震颤为特征,发病率在10%~90%之间,死亡率常低于10%,但易继发新城疫、禽流感、大肠杆菌等病毒病和细菌病,进而导致死亡率升高,一般可达30%左右.耐过病鸡常伴有发育不良、生长受阻、后期生产性能较差等后遗症,常可导致严重的经济损失[1].80年代以来,尤其在90年代中叶,我国广东、辽宁、江苏、黑龙江等地先后暴发该病,造成了较大规模流行[2].2000年下半年以来,山东省平原、禹城地区商品肉鸡时常有该病发生,为此,我们进行了病原的分离和鉴定.现报告如下:  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高,人们对禽产品色泽的要求不断提高。目前我国市场上对禽产品的着色,除了要求肉禽皮肤和蛋禽蛋黄有良好的色泽外,对“脱温鸡”脚胫的色泽也提出了要求。“脱温鸡”是指将孵化出来的0日龄肉小鸡饲养到10~15日龄出售的雏鸡。在我国广东、广西和四川市场上对“脱  相似文献   

Erythrocytosis (hematocrit, 79%) was diagnosed in an 8-year-old, neutered female, mixed-breed dog with an intranasal fibrosarcoma. Both serum and tumor erythropoietin (Ep) activities were elevated, as determined by the polycythemic exhypoxic mouse model, and the Ep activity was neutralized in that model by rabbit anti-Ep antibodies. Tumor resection normalized the hematocrit.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old, spayed female, mixed shorthair cat presented to the emergency service at The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center for evaluation of hypercalcemia, a right eye mass, and multiple intrathoracic and intra-abdominal masses. Cytologic evaluation of one of the abdominal masses revealed a uniform population of large, anaplastic mesenchymal cells found individually, in loose aggregates, and occasionally associated with pink, extracellular matrix. The cytology was consistent with a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm, with primary consideration given to fibrosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma. The cat was euthanized and histopathology confirmed disseminated fibrosarcoma. Fibrosarcoma comprises 12%-41% of feline cutaneous tumors and affects cats at a mean age of 9.6 years. Three manifestations of fibrosarcoma predominate in cats: spontaneous solitary fibrosarcoma, vaccine-induced/injection site fibrosarcoma, and oncogene-induced (FSV) fibrosarcoma. The history, signalment, and results from diagnostics performed did not support solitary fibrosarcoma or injection-induced sarcoma. Although some criteria fit with virally induced fibrosarcoma, such as age and the presence of multiple fibrosarcomas, the neoplastic population was negative for FeLV IHC. The presence of fibrosarcomas throughout the pleural and peritoneal cavity was most compatible with sarcomatosis and the distant metastasis of an unidentified primary neoplasm. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first reported case of sarcomatosis in a FeLV-negative cat.  相似文献   

鸡的葡萄球菌病,主要病原是金黄色葡萄球菌,该菌是以一定条件下可使鸡发病为特点,发病初期多见外伤性局部感染的病鸡,在鸡群发病的渐进过程中发展为急性败血症,造成鸡只突发性大批死亡,一般死亡率在20%~50%,甚至高达80%,损失严重.急性病例多发生于30~70日龄的雏鸡,肉仔鸡、白羽蛋鸡雏易感.笔者所在门诊部在2000年下半年患急性败血症葡萄球菌病的病例增多,通过采取相应的防治对策效果明显,现总结如下.  相似文献   

某警犬基地一繁育种犬于2011年3月18日死亡,根据发病及死亡经过、尸体剖检和病理学诊断,结果为卵巢纤维肉瘤并发肺转移,同时对病因进行分析。  相似文献   

Abstract— —The occurrence of Spirocerca lupi in Uganda is recorded. Two cases of spirocercosis are described in which the nematodes were found within tumours in the walls of the oesophagus. In the first tumour, a low grade fibrosarcoma was found around some worms, but the second tumour was not examined histologically. The disease which appears to be very common in Uganda had not been recorded earlier because more than 99 per cent of dogs which die in Uganda are not necropsied, and faecal examination, which is the practiced method of diagnosis, often fails to show the presence of the parasites. Résumé— —L'incidence de Spirocerca lupi en Uganda est rapportée. Deux cas de spirocercose sont décrits, dans Iesquels les nématodes furent trouvés à l'intérieur des tumeurs, dans la paroi de l'oeso-phage. Dans la première tumeur, un fibrosarcome a été trouvé contenant quelques vers, mais la seconde tumeur n'a pas été examinée histologiquement. La maladie qui paraît étre trés commune en Uganda n'a pas été rapportée plus tôt parceque plus que 99 pour cent des chiens qui meurent en Uganda ne sont pas autopsiés et l'examen de maturés fécales qui est la méthode de gianostique pratiquée, souvent manque de montrer la présence des parasites. Zusammenfassung— —Das Auftreten von Spirocerca lupi in Uganda wird berichtet. Zwei Facile von Spirocercosis werden beschrieben, in denen die Nematoden innerhalb der Tumoren in den Oesophagus-Waenden gefunden wurden. Im ersten Tumor wurde ein langsam wachsendes Fibro-sarkom um einige Wuermer herum gefunden, aber der zweite Tumor wurde nicht histologisch untersucht. Die Krankheit, die in Uganda sehr haeufig zu sein scheint, war bisher nicht berichtet worden, da ueber 99 prozente aller Hunde, die in Uganda sterben, nicht seziert werden; und Untersuchung der Faeces, die uebliche Methode, zeigt oft nicht die Anwesenheit von Parasiten.  相似文献   

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