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The progesterone concentration of peripheral plasma in pigs has previously been studied during the oestrous cycle and in early pregnancy (Tillson & Erb 1967, Stabenfeldt et al 1969). The present study was undertaken to obtain some information on the concentration of plasma progesterone during the prepuberal period and during the first oestrous cycle in the pig.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic observations of the corpus luteum (CL) and collection of blood samples for progesterone radioimmunoassay were performed daily during 15 oestrous cycles in Spanish Merino ewes, a consistently monovular breed. Ultrasonographic image of the CL changed during the oestrous cycle, increasing its echogenic pattern from ovulation to luteolysis. The size of the CL and mean progesterone levels were significantly affected by day of cycle (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). Both increased their values from day 1 to day 12 (from 49.6 ± 7.4 to 154.6 ± 11.8 mm2 and from 0.2 ± 0.0 to 2.8 ± 0.5 ng/ml, respectively) and then declined sharply until day 0 (28.2 ± 5.3 mm2 and 0.1 ± 0.0 ng/ml, respectively). There was a significant correlation between CL area and plasma progesterone concentrations during the entire oestrous cycle, taking the developing and regressing phases of the CL separately (p < 0.05). A central cavity was observed in 33.3% of the CL studied. The presence of this cavity had no effect in total luteal‐tissue area of the CL nor on oestrous cycle length or on progesterone concentrations. Likewise, the cavity did not affect the correlations observed between CL size and progesterone levels, CL size and day of cycle and progesterone levels and day of cycle. It is concluded that ultrasonographic assessment of CL area is a reliable method for estimating peripheral plasma progesterone levels, regardless to the presence or absence of a cavity in the CL.  相似文献   

Variations of Equine Urinary Volatile Compounds during the Oestrous Cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ma, W. and Klemm, W.R., 1997. Variations of equine urinary volatile compounds during the oestrous cycle. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (6), 437-446Equine urine was analysed by capillary gas chromatography. The volatile profiles from oestrous and dioestrous samples were compared to establish any qualitative or quantitative difference that may have potential value in olfactory communication. Forty-five different volatile compounds were detected. Of these, 17 major compounds were common to all chromatograms. The chemical profile of oestrous urine was distinguished by the presence of a unique peak that was not present in dioestrous samples. Numerous constituents exhibited endocrine dependence: while the concentrations of seix peaks increased at oestrus, the concentrations of another five peaks decreased at the same time. Since oestrous urine, but not dioestrous urine, has been shown to elicit sexual behaviour in the stallion, the unique peak, together with the peaks that were present in increased concentrations at oestrus, may represent important chemical signals that stallions use to detect urinary oestrous odours. Statistical analyses also indicated that the relative ratios (normalized peak areas) of many peaks changed significantly across the oestrous cycle: the ratios increased in nine peaks, decreased in six peaks, and remained constant in two peaks at oestrus.  相似文献   

The expression and concentration of follistatin and activin change during oestrous cycle suggesting their involvement in the regulation of follicular development. The aim of this study was to determine the level, source and potential role of follistatin in the sheep ovary. Follistatin in ovarian venous blood, measured by radioimmunoassay, remained at its low level from follicular phase (day ?1 and 0) to mid‐luteal phase (days 11–13) phase but were significantly elevated during the late luteal phase (days 14 and 15) when corpora lutea underwent regression. Western blot analyses of follicular fluid at day 15 of the cycle showed two strong bands at 42 and 45 kDa and weakly stained bands at 39 and 31 kDa. At day 0, these bands became weaker and the 39 kDa band became undetectable. However, there were no differences in follistatin concentrations between ovaries with and without functional corpus luteum (CL) during the whole luteal phase. In addition, although the ovaries of Booroola ewes normally contain more corpora lutea than those of normal merino ewes, follistatin concentrations in both jugular and ovarian venous blood were similar in Booroola and normal merino ewes. It is concluded that the secretion of follistatin from the ovary is not related to the formation of CL or high ovulation rate of Booroola ewes. The elevation in follistatin concentration in follicular fluid and ovarian blood during late luteal phase may indicate a dual role of follistatin in the luteolysis of existing CL and development of new follicle cohort.  相似文献   

Inhalt Die Konzentration von 17-β-Östradiol im liquor folliculi und Pregnenolon im lutealen Gewebe wurde während des Brunstzyklus bei 63 Schafen bestimmt. Die Konzentration von 17- β-Östradiol erreichte ein Maximum am Tag 16. Bei Eintritt des Östrus fiel die Konzentration um mehr als 50 %. Während der progestativen Phase wurden in der Regel geringe Konzentrationen gemessen, obwohl einige Follikel um Tag 8 hohe Konzentrationen zeigten. Bei Eintritt der Brunst war die Pregnenolon-Konzentration 20mal höher als die von Progesteron. Nach der Ovulation fiel die Pregnenolon-Konzentration, während die Progesteron-Konzentration am dritten Tag ein Maximum erreichte, um dann bis zum Tag 6 abzufallen und erneut am Tag 12 einen Höhepunkt zu erreichen. Die Pregnenolon-Konzentration begann ab Tag 6 anzusteigen, um am Tag 14 einen Höhepunkt zu erreichen. Die Ergebnisse Lassen vermuten, daβ während der ersten 4 Zyklustage Pregnenolon der limitierende Faktor ist in der Progesteron-Synthese, wäbrend vom Tag 12 an die Konversion von Pregnenolon in Progesteron allmäblich gehemmt wird. Contents The concentration of oestradiol-17 β in follicular fluid and of progesterone and pregnenolone in luteal tissue were determined throughout the oestrous cycle in 63 ewes. The concentration of oestradiol-17 β reached a maximum on day 16. At oestrus the concentration was reduced by more than 50%. During dioestrous generally low concentrations were determined although some follicles showed high concentrations around day 8. At oestrous the concentration of pregnenolone was 20 times higher than that of progesterone. After ovulation the concentration of pregnenolone dropped whereas the concentration of progesterone increased to a maximum on day 3, then decreased until day 6 when it again increased to a peak on day 12. The concentration of pregnenolone gradually increased from day 6 reaching a peak on day 14. The results suggest that during the first four days of the cycle pregnenolone may be the limiting factor in the progesterone synthesis while from day 12 onwards the conversion of pregnenolone in progesterone is gradually inhibited.  相似文献   

The changes in the plasma levels of oestrone sulphate and oestradiol-17β during the oestrous cycle, gestation and puerperium in the goat are described. The oestrone sulphate concentrations remained fairly constant (250–350 pg/ml) throughout the oestrous cycle until day 20 when a sharp increase of the oestrone sulphate plasma levels occurred in pregnant goats which became significantly different at day 38 of gestation from nonpregnant values. Oestradiol-17β plasma levels were significantly lower at days 17–20 in pregnant than in nonpregnant does. Oestrone sulphate and oestradiol-17β concentrations rose until the 12th week of gestation and then declined to about 50% of the former ranges of concentrations before rising again to high values at weeks 17–20 of gestation. Increasing plasma levels of oestrone sulphate and oestradiol-17β were determined during the last ten days preceding parturition. The concentrations of oestrone sulphate returned to basal levels by the 2nd—4th day post partum whereas oestradiol-17β values reached base values 24 hours after parturition. Both oestrogen concentrations remained constant during the puerperium until day 51 post partum .  相似文献   

The hypocalcaemia caused by parturition and onset of lactation in high-production dairy cows was mimicked by subjecting cows to starvation periods before and after partus. The changes in plasma calcium, phosphate and magnesium were followed and compared with immunoreactive parathyroid hormone (iPTH) in 2 cows. During the starvation periods before partus, the cows developed hypocalcaemia with no or only small changes in the plasma concentration of magnesium. After the onset of hypocalcaemia, the concentration of iPTH increased on the average 3–4-fold and the raised hormone levels lasted about 24 h after start of refeeding. An increase in plasma phosphate occurred somewhat later than the rise in iPTH and lasted longer. After partus hypocalcaemia developed, together with smaller increases in iPTH concentration (about 2-fold). The post-partum starvation period again resulted in hypocalcaemia and raised iPTH concentrations.In conclusion, starvation and parturition induced inverse changes in plasma calcium and iPTH in dairy cows. The increases in plasma iPTH were reversible and considered secondary to the hypocalcaemia. Through the effect of paratyroid hormone, plasma calcium was normalized and phosphate concentration increased. Therefore, fatal hypocalcaemia which may occur following the course of parturition and onset of lactation is not due to impaired PTH secretion.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to analyse the composition of oviduct fluid (ODF) in buffalo cows at different oestrous cycle phases to fulfil the requirements of buffalo embryos in vitro. ODF was collected by chronic cannulation from three cows that were synchronized by administering a synthetic prostaglandin. Based on hormonal profiles, the pre‐ovulatory, ovulatory, post‐ovulatory and luteal phases of the oestrous cycle were defined. The volume of ODF produced (ml/24 h) was influenced by the oestrous cycle, with values (mean ± SE) around ovulation (1.0 ± 0.2) greater (p < 0.05) than in both the luteal (0.4 ± 0.1) and the post‐ovulatory phases (0.5 ± 0.1), but not different from the intermediate values in the pre‐ovulatory phase (0.8 ± 0.2). Among cycle phases, no differences were found in sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations (130.0 ± 1.1, 5.1 ± 0.3, 2.8 ± 0.1 and 0.59 ± 0.04 mmol/l respectively). Interestingly, the chloride secretion (μm /24 h) was higher (p < 0.05) at ovulation (150.2 ± 16.5) than during both the luteal (73.7 ± 22.0) and the post‐ovulatory phases (63.7 ± 11.2), with intermediate values in the pre‐ovulatory phase (113.4 ± 23.5). Glucose concentration (mmol/l) was higher (p = 0.056) in the pre‐ovulatory phase (0.06 ± 0.02) than in the luteal (0.02 ± 0.01) and post‐ovulatory (0.02 ± 0.01) phases but not different from values in the ovulatory phase (0.04 ± 0.02). Concentrations of pyruvate and lactate among oestrous cycle phases were similar (0.08 ± 0.01 and 1.0 ± 0.1 mmol/l respectively). The total quantity of phospholipids (μmol/24 h) was greater (p < 0.05) at ovulation (0.21 ± 0.02) compared with the luteal, pre‐ovulatory and post‐ovulatory phases of the cycle (0.09 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.02 and 0.09 ± 0.01 respectively). No differences were found in either the protein concentration (1.8 ± 0.3 mg/ml) or the quantity of proteins secreted in 24 h (1.8 ± 0.4 mg) among oestrous cycle phases. In conclusion, this study provides the first characterization of buffalo ODF during the oestrous cycle, showing species‐specific differences that may be useful for developing suitable media for buffalo in vitro embryo production.  相似文献   

在鲁西黄牛母牛的发情周期和产后期(产犊至产后60d)收集颈静脉血样,用放射免疫分析法测定血浆孕酮(P4)水平。结果表明,母牛的发情周期平均为(21.2±1.6)d,发情当天(0d)外周血浆孕酮水平为(0.52±1.4)μg/L,在周期的9~15d,孕酮水平较高,其峰值为(4.62±1.56)μg/L(n=15),在周期的约18d以后,孕酮水平迅速下降,至周期的21d降至发情开始时的水平;母牛产后10.6~13.6d以后,外周血浆孕酮水平开始升高,出现黄体周期,约有一半的母牛产后第1个黄体周期为(8.4±0.5)d,显著短于正常周期(20.1±3.2)d(P<0.01);在短周期中,孕酮峰值为(1.52±0.71)μg/L,亦显著低于正常周期孕酮峰值(3.84±1.25)μg/L(P<0.05)。除短周期外,产后发情周期中的孕酮水平变化与通常的发情周期基本相同  相似文献   

以长白猪为对照 ,测定了枫泾猪发情周期血浆中雌二醇和孕酮及其子宫受体含量。发情期血浆雌二醇的峰值 ,枫泾猪为 ( 57.0 4± 3 .60 ) ng/ L,长白猪为 ( 55.85± 3 .0 4 ) ng/ L,两者无显著差异 ( P >0 .0 5)。孕酮最高水平和间情期平均水平 ,均为枫泾猪高 ( P <0 .0 1 )。孕酮最高水平 ,枫泾猪为 ( 2 4 .1 1± 1 .2 4 ) μg/ L,长白猪为 ( 1 6.67± 0 .2 1 ) μg/ L;孕酮间情期平均水平 ,枫泾猪为 ( 1 8.1 1± 1 .2 4 ) μg/ L,长白猪为 ( 1 1 .0 7± 0 .61 )μg/ L。枫泾猪发情期和间情期的细胞质雌二醇受体 ( CER)分别为每毫克 DNA( 3 87± 2 1 .2 )、( 3 52± 1 8.2 )fmol,其离解常数 ( kd)值分别为 ( 4.8± 0 .4 )、( 3 .8± 1 .0 ) nmol;细胞核雌二醇受体 ( NER)分别为每毫克DNA( 1 2 69.58± 1 56.4 2 )、( 578± 2 1 .4 ) fmol,其 kd值分别为 ( 5.8± 1 .4 )、( 3 .4 8± 1 .0 ) nmol;细胞质孕酮受体 ( CPR)分别为每毫克 DNA( 3 4 3 .0± 51 .4 )、( 1 48± 4 1 .0 ) fmol;细胞核孕酮受体 ( NPR)分别为 ( 3 2 4± 6.9)、( 1 1 5± 2 .4 ) fmol。发情期和间情期子宫 NER含量较长白猪高 ( P <0 .0 5) ,说明此时枫泾猪子宫对雌二醇具有较高的敏感性  相似文献   

大鼠发情周期中主要生殖激素的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物的生殖过程是由生殖激素严格调控的,深入研究生殖激素对畜牧生产具有重要的指导意义。然而发情周期中生殖激素的变化非常复杂,虽然人们在这方面做了许多的研究,但仍有许多问题仍不明了,对许多问题的认识还存在分歧。文章基于最近十几年的研究成果,以大鼠为对象,在综述了促性腺激素释放激素、促卵泡素、促黄体素、雌二醇及孕酮等几种重要的生殖激素的来源、生物学特性的基础上,着重介绍了这几种生殖激素在大鼠发情周期中的变化,并对影响生殖的因素进行了总结。  相似文献   

Heiferis treated with a glucocorticoid during the oestrous cycle, displayed increased follicular activity and small corpora lutea compared to untreated controls (Tomasgard 1976a), but showed no signs of oestrogen production during the treatment.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (i) to describe the changes in the volume of large ovarian follicles (diameter >3 cm) during the 48 h egg laying cycle in farmed ostriches, and (ii) to quantify factors affecting the volume of the largest measured follicle and the plasma concentrations of progesterone (P4) and estradiol‐17β (E2β). In eight egg‐producing birds, which all ovulated during the study period, transcutaneous ultrasound scanning and blood sampling was performed at 3 h intervals. The average volume of the total number of visualized large follicles (Vtotal), the largest measured follicle (VF1), the second largest follicle (VF2) and of all follicles smaller than F2 (VF3–Fn) were each higher before than after oviposition. Vtotal, VF2 and VF3–Fn nearly doubled in the 24‐h period before oviposition, while VF1 remained at an equal, rather high level until oviposition. Immediately after oviposition Vtotal, as well as the volume of the other follicle categories, decreased within 6 h, i.e. around the moment of ovulation. By performing statistical analysis on the basis of linear mixed‐effects modelling, we quantified that: (i) VF1 was 13.2% higher before than after oviposition and increased with 6.5% when LH increased with 1 ng/ml; (ii) P4 levels were 93.2% higher before than after oviposition and increased with 43.1% for every 3 h closer to oviposition; when LH and E2β levels and VF1 increased with 1 ng/ml, 10 pg/ml and 10 ml, respectively, P4 increased with 116.6%, 50% and 6.1%; and (iii) E2β levels were 35.6% higher before than after oviposition, increased with 2.7% for every 3 h closer to oviposition and increased with 14.6% when LH increased with 1 ng/ml. It is concluded that during the egg‐laying cycle in ostriches: (i) follicular mass, as estimated by the volume of visualized follicles larger than 3 cm, increases before and decreases after ovulation, and (ii) follicular dynamics and its accompanying endocrine plasma hormone profiles during the egg‐laying cycle in ostriches follow a pattern similar to that in chickens.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate morphological changes and proliferative activities in the epithelium of the canine oviduct with regard to the part of the oviduct – possibly indicating the existence of a locally restricted sperm reservoir – and the stage of the oestrous cycle. Nine healthy adult nulliparous bitches were submitted to ovariohysterectomy at three stages of the cycle: anoestrus (n = 3), late follicular phase (n = 3) and mid‐luteal phase (n = 3). The whole oviduct ranging from the utero‐tubal junction (UTJ) to the infundibulum (IN) was collected, divided into UTJ, IN plus six segments of equal length, i.e. eight oviductal specimens per animal were studied by light microscopy. Morphological characteristics of ovaries and endometrium were recorded macroscopically and verified histologically. The height of oviduct epithelial cells and percentage of ciliated cells (CC) were assessed and the respective data analysed statistically. Proliferative activity was immunohistochemically visualized by means of Ki‐67 antigen detection. Blood was collected and concentrations of oestradiol‐17β and progesterone (P4) were measured. Within the IN and five of the six tissue samples collected from the ampulla and isthmus in anoestrous bitches, the oviductal surface epithelium consisted of low cuboidal cells demonstrating a uniform dark staining intensity. Only a very few scattered lighter staining CC could be detected. Under the influence of oestrogens during late follicular phase, the oviductal epithelium was highly differentiated. Lighter stained CC with apically located nuclei were easily distinguishable from basophilic secretory cells with apical cytoplasmic protrusions. Cell height and percentage of CC were significantly higher than in anoestrus (p ≤ 0.05). During mid‐luteal phase, high levels of P4 were associated with differentiated and dedifferentiated cells as well as cells in regression seen in the mucosal folds of all samples. The percentage of CC and cell height were significantly lower than during late follicular phase (p ≤ 0.05). Further signs of dedifferentiation consisted of a loss of cilia, a pinching off of the apical cytoplasm as well as the presence of debris and macrophages within the oviductal lumen. In the oviductal part of UTJ and the caudal isthmus hormone‐dependent variations in cellular morphology were less distinct. Changes in cell height were minimal and did not differ significantly throughout the oestrous cycle. Hypertrophic cells with large nuclei were predominantly present at these sites, but did not consistently demonstrate signs of ciliation or secretion. Sporadic proliferating activity, visualized by means of Ki‐67 antigen, was mainly seen in some cells of the late follicular phase samples. Thus, overall proliferative activity is generally very low or may occur within a relatively short period of time. It therefore cannot be excluded, that periods exhibiting higher mitotic rates are not included in the present study. It should, however, be mentioned that cells demonstrating morphological signs of apoptosis can only be seen very sporadically within a few specimens during mid‐luteal phase, thus, reflecting low proliferative capacities and minimal cellular turnover found during this study. The results of the present study strongly indicate that oestrogens cause hypertrophy and differentiation, whereas P4 induces gradual dedifferentiation or regression of the oviductal epithelium. Furthermore, they reveal clearly visible changes in the morphology of the tubal epithelium during the oestrous cycle. Depending on the tubal segment, these are, however, variably expressed. Whether the low degree of cellular variation of the UTJ and caudal isthmus is caused by specific hormone concentrations at these sites or specific regulatory mechanisms and may be associated with specific functional properties such as the formation of a locally restricted sperm reservoir needs further investigations.  相似文献   

Y. Hirano    J. Kimura    Y. Nambo    H. Yokota    S. Nakamura    S. Takemoto    R. Himeno    T. Mishima    M. Matsui    Y.-I. Miyake 《Anatomia, histologia, embryologia》2009,38(3):214-218
The structure of the equine ovary is different from that of other mammals in its extremely large size, the presence of ovarian fossa and the inverted location of its cortex and medulla. A three-dimensional internal structure microscopy (3D-ISM), which consists of a computer-controlled slicer, a CCD camera, a laser disc recorder and a PC, is very useful for the observation of the internal structures in equine ovaries. In addition, the three-dimensional images of follicles and corpus luteum (CL) reconstructed by the segmentation technique can clarify the spatial arrangement in the equine ovary. In this study, to understand the changes in the ovarian internal structures of the mare during the oestrous cycle, the size and numbers of follicles and luteal structures were analysed by 3D-ISM in addition to the concentrations of progesterone (P4) and oestradiol-17β. As a result, many small follicles (<10 mm in diameter) were detected. It was recognized that the luteal structures were distinguished into three types, such as the corpus haemorragicum (CH), which is formed by blood elements at the cavity after ovulation, CL and corpus albican (CA). There were some CHs and CL in the group, which had the concentration of P4 > 1 ng/ml. CHs were also observed in the group, which had low level of P4 (P4 < 1 ng/ml). CAs were found regardless of the P4 level. In conclusion, 3D-ISM enabled the internal observation of the ovarian structures in detail, and estimation of the stage of the ovarian cycle with complementary physiological information. The findings by 3D-ISM provide basic information for clinical applications.  相似文献   

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