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Summary No complete resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis has been located in more than 1400 bread wheats examined. Incomplete resistance, however, occurs at different levels in many spring and winter types and data are presented for the strongest sources of resistance detected. In particular, there is a high frequency of Brazilian spring wheats with appreciable levels of resistance to this pathogen. Recent international nurseries from CIMMYT, Mexico, also contain numerous potentially valuable sources of resistance and these wheats may be shorter and higher yielding in Australia than the Brazilian wheats. The resistances in many Brazilian cultivars may be largely common because the cultivars are often strongly interrelated. Some of the Brazilian wheats resistant to P. tritici-repentis are also resistant to one or more of the septoria diseases and/or possess tolerance to aluminium toxicity.  相似文献   

Six populations (Parent 1, Parent 2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2) generated from each of four crosses involving four resistant and two susceptible varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) were evaluated for resistance to Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) disease caused by Pseudocercospora cruenta under induced epiphytotic conditions, in four separate field experiments. Climatic conditions determined the onset of CLS disease in the susceptible cultivar and varied in the four experiments from 35 to 48 days after planting (DAP). Genetic analysis revealed that the mode of inheritance of resistance to P. cruenta can be oligogenic or polygenic depending upon the cross. This is the first report of polygenic inheritance of CLS resistance. Number of nodes infected fitted a simple additive dominance model with predominance of additive effects based on generation mean analysis. Oligogenic resistance was observed for the other three crosses, with the most plausible models being: a single gene model with incomplete dominance in CB27 × IT87D-939-1; a single gene model with complete dominance in CB27 × VRB-10; and a triger model in Los Banos Bush Sitao × IT86D-792, based on segregation analysis of symptomatic : non-symptomatic plants. The role of minor genes was also indicated in the above crosses. Suggested approaches to breeding for resistance to CLS are discussed.  相似文献   

A. K. Joshi    S. Kumar    R. Chand  G. Ortiz-Ferrara   《Plant Breeding》2004,123(3):213-219
Three F1 progenies and their families in the segregating generations (F3, F4, F5 and F6), obtained after crossing resistant × susceptible wheat genotypes were studied in the field to determine the genetics of resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana. Spot blotch scores in the F1 generation showed absence of dominance. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. Progenies (200‐250) of resistant genotypes Acc. No. 8226, Mon/Ald, Suzhoe#8 crossed with susceptible ‘Sonalika’ were evaluated in the F3, F4, F5 and F6 generations under induced epiphytotic conditions. Based on disease score distribution in individual progeny rows, F3 progenies were grouped into four classes: homozygous resistant, homozygous susceptible, segregating resistant and segregating susceptible. Resistance appeared to be under the control of three additive genes. The presence of three genes was also noted in the distribution of F4 and F5 lines. In the case of F6 progeny rows, both quantitative and qualitative models were used to estimate the number of segregating genes based on a 2‐year trial. It appeared that resistance to spot blotch was controlled by the additive interaction of more than two genes, possibly only three.  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand  B. Arun 《Euphytica》2002,123(2):221-228
A total of 1,407 spring wheat (T. aestivum) lines of Indian and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Mexico) origin were evaluated for plant height, days to maturity and resistance to spot blotch (caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana) during the 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97 crop seasons. The frequency distribution of genotypes, based on disease score ignoring the growth stages, differed from the distribution in which disease score was assessed on a similar growth stage. Two crosses each,between `tall resistant × dwarf susceptible' and `late resistant × early susceptible' genotypes, were made. The evaluation of homozygous resistant lines in the F3, F4 and F5 generations of both crosses showed a wide range of plant height and days to maturity. These lines showed significant differences for plant height and days to maturity but did not show a significant difference for AUDPC values of spot blotch. The correlation coefficients for AUDPC versus plant height or days to maturity were weak, i.e., – 0.336 and 0.061, respectively. Results indicated that resistance to spot blotch severity was independent of plant height and days to maturity in progenies from these crosses.  相似文献   

Summary Spot blotch caused by Cochliobolus sativusis considered a major disease problem of wheat(Triticum aestivumL.) in the warm areas of South Asia. This study estimated heritability (h 2) of resistance to spot blotch and its correlation with days to heading DH) and maturity (DM), one-hundred-kernel weight (HKW), and plant height (PHT) in 14 crosses involving four resistant (‘Attila’, ‘Chirya 7’, ‘G 162’, and ‘SW89.5422’) and two susceptible (‘Sonalika’ and ‘HD2329’) wheat genotypes. Data were recorded on F5and F6lines in fields under natural epidemics of spot blotch in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Heritability was estimated for area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), AUDPC/day, and the highest disease score (HDS) using offspring-parent regression (h op 2) and realized heritability (h 2 R) procedures. Heritability estimates were low to high in terms of AUDPC (0.21 < h op 2< 0.64; 0.32 < h R 2< 0.70), AUDPC/day (0.40 < h op 2< 0.96; 0.42 < h R 2< 0.99), and HDS (0.29 < h op 2< 0.92; 0.32 < h R 2< 0.95). The h 2estimates for AUDPC/day were higher than for AUDPC and HDS. Estimates of h R 2were by and large higher than h op 2in the same cross. A weak negative or nonsignificant correlation of spot blotch score with HKW, DH, DM, and PHT indicated that independent selection for resistance and these agronomic traits is possible.  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand 《Euphytica》2002,124(3):283-291
One thousand four hundred and seven spring wheat germplasm lines belonging to Indian and CIMMYT wheat programs were evaluated for their leaf angle and resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana during three consecutive crop seasons, 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97.Disease severity was recorded at six different growth stages beginning from tillering to late milk stage. Three crosses (M 3109 × Sonalika, HP 1808 × K 9006 and HD 2662 × K 9006) were made between genotypes with erect and drooping leaves. M 3109 was resistant, Sonalika susceptible while the other three lines possessed moderate resistance to spot blotch. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. Leaf angle and spot blotch resistance were recorded in parents, F1, F3, F4and F5 generations. Leaf erectness in F1 generation showed partial dominance. Evaluation of F3, F4 and F5 progenies(120–150) revealed that leaf angle was under the control of few genes that appeared to be close to three. Germplasm lines with erect and semi-erect leaves displayed lower spot blotch severity than those having drooping and semi-drooping leaves. Lines homozygous for erect leaf posture in F3,F4 and F5 generations showed significantly lower mean AUDPC than those with drooping leaves. A positive correlation (0.58) between leaf angle and AUDPC further indicated a positive influence of leaf erectness on severity to spot blotch disease. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Studies were conducted to determine the inheritance and allelic relationships of genes controlling resistance to the Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), in seven wheat germplasm lines previously identified as resistant to RWA. The seven resistant lines were crossed to a susceptible wheat cultivar Carson, and three resistant wheats, CORWA1, PI294994 and PI243781, lines carrying the resistance genes Dn4, Dn5 and Dn6, respectively. Seedlings of the parents, F1 and F2 were screened for RWA resistance in the greenhouse by artificial infestation. Seedling reactions were evaluated 21 to 28 days after the infestation using a 1 to 9 scale. All the F1 hybrids had equal or near equal levels of resistance to the resistant parent indicating dominant gene control. Only two distinctive classes were present and no intermediate types were observed in the F2 segregation suggesting major gene actions. The resistance in PI225262 was controlled by two dominant genes. Resistance in all other lines was controlled by a single dominant gene. KS92WGRC24 appeared to have the same resistance gene as PI243781 and STARS-9302W-sib had a common allele with PI294994. The other lines had genes different from the three known genes.  相似文献   

T. Danon  Z. Eyal 《Euphytica》1990,47(3):203-214
Summary All possible crosses (including reciprocals) were made among four winter bread (Aurora, Bezostaya 1, Kavkaz, and Trakia) and two Israeli spring wheat cultivars (spring x winter diallel), and among two South American spring wheats (Colotana and Klein Titan) with the same Israeli cultivars (spring x spring diallel) to study the inheritance of resistance to septoria tritici blotch. Parents, F1, F2 and backcrosses were grown in two separated blocks in the field over two years. One block was inoculated with isolate ISR398A1 and another with ISR8036. Each plant was assessed for plant height (cm), days to heading (from emergence or transplanting), and percent pycnidia coverage on the four uppermost leaves. Plant height and maturity had insignificant effects on pycnidia coverage. No cytoplasmic effects could be detected. In the spring x winter diallel general combining ability (GCA) was the major component of variation. Significant specific combining ability (SCA) was present in all cases. Partial dominance was operative in populations inoculated with ISR398A1. Resistance in the winter wheats was controlled by a small number of genes (usually two). The four winter wheats derive their resistance to ISR398A1 from their common parent Bezostaya 1 which lacks the 1B/1R wheat-rye translocation. Their resistance is readily overcome by ISR8036. Inheritance of the South American wheats can be explained by additive effects, with a small number of genes of recessive mode affecting resistance to both isolates. Breeding strategies that favor additive, and additive x dominance gene action should be pursued.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic constitution of two bread wheat accessions from the International Spring Wheat Rust Nurseries (E 5883 and E 6032) has been studied for reaction to four Indian races of stem rust. Analysis of E 5883 has revealed that for each of the races 15C, 21 and 40 a single dominant gene operates for resistance. The dominant gene against race 15C was identified as Sr6. The dominant genes for resistance against races 21 and 40 were found to be different from the genes described so far. Resistance against race 122 is controlled by a single recessive gene producing characteristically a 2 type of reaction. This gene was identified as Sr8.The resistance of E 6032 against each of the races 15C, 21 and 40 is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive, which act independently. Dominant genes effective against 15C, 21 and 40 were conclusively identified as Sr6, Sr5 and Sr9b, respectively. From the correlated behaviour against races 15C and 40 as well as from the phenotypes of the resistance reactions rhe same recessive gene, undescribed so far, operates against the two races. The second recessive gene operating against race 21 was also observed to be different from those so far designated. E 6032 was, however, found to be susceptible to races 122.The presence of Sr6 both in E 5883 and E 6032 against race 15C was further confirmed through F2 and F3 segregation data.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic studies were conducted to determine the inheritance of biotype E greenbug resistance in CI 17882 (CI 15092/T. speltoides//Fletcher/3/4* Centurk), a wheat germplasm line previously released as resistant to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV). In addition, the association of greenbug and WSMV resistance in CI 17882 was examined. Results indicated that biotype E greenbug resistance in CI 17882 is conditioned by a single dominant gene that is not linked with the WSMV resistance gene.Cooperative research of the USDA, Agricultural Research Service and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. Journal article 4845 of the Oklahoma Agric. Exp. Stn., Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK 74078.  相似文献   

Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) is an important foliar disease of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) worldwide. The combined effects of SNB and tan spot, considered as components of the leaf spotting disease complex, result in significant damage to wheat production in the northern Great Plains of North America. The main objective of this study was the genetic analysis of resistance to SNB caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum in tetraploid wheat, and its association with tan spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis race 2. The 133 recombinant inbred chromosome lines (RICL) developed from the cross LDN/LDN(Dic-5B) were evaluated for SNB reaction at the seedling stage under greenhouse conditions. Molecular markers were used to map a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 5B, explaining 37.6% of the phenotypic variation in SNB reaction. The location of the QTL was 8.8 cM distal to the tsn1 locus coding for resistance to P. tritici-repentis race 2. The presence of genes for resistance to both SNB and tan spot in close proximity in tetraploid wheat and the identification of molecular markers linked to these genes or QTLs will be useful for incorporating resistance to these diseases in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

The existence of genetic variability for angular leaf spot (ALS) resistance in the common bean germplasm allows the development of breeding lines resistant to this disease. The BAT 332 line is an important resistance source to common bean ALS. In this work we determined the inheritance pattern and identified RAPD markers linked to a resistance gene present in BAT 332. Populations F1, F2,BCs and BCr derived from crosses between BAT 332 and cultivar Rudá were used. Rudá is a commercial cultivar with carioca type grains and susceptible to ALS. The resistance of BAT 332 to race 61.41 of the pathogen was confirmed. Segregation analysis of the plants indicated that a single dominant gene confers resistance. For identification of RAPD markers linked to the resistance gene, bulk segregant analysis (BSA) was used. Two RAPD markers,OPAA07950 and OPAO12950, linked in coupling phase at 5.10 and 5.83 cM of this gene, respectively, were identified. These molecular markers are important for common bean breeders and geneticists as source of genetic information and for marker assisted selection in breeding programs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Ten homozygous winter wheat genotypes representing different levels of resistance to Fusarium head blight were crossed in all possible combinations excluding reciprocals. Parents, F1 and F2 were inoculated with one pathogenic strain of Fusarium culmorum. Data for head blight, observed 21 days after first inoculation (OBS-2), and for the area under the disease progress curve, based on observations 14, 21 and 28 days after first inoculation (AUDPC), were analyzed. The contrast between parents and F1 crosses indicated dommance effects of the resistance genes. Diallel analysis according to Griffing's Method 4, Model 1 showed significant general combining ability (GCA) effects for both F1 and F2; specific combining ability effects were not significant. With the exception of one genotype for which general performance for Fusarium resistance was not in agreement with its GCA, the resistance to F. culmorum was uniformly transmitted to all offspring, and the parents can be described in terms of GCA. It is suggested that in the progenies with one of the awned lines as parent, one resistance gene was linked with the gene coding for presence of awns, located on chromosome 4B. A single observation date, taken at the right time, was as effective in assessing resistance as the AUDPC.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the inheritance, heritability, and breeding behaviour of resistance to Septoria tritict in the spring wheat cultivars Seabreeze, Veranopolis, and IAS-20 in crosses to the susceptible Australian spring cultivar Gamenya. Resistance in Seabreeze was higher than that in Veranopolis and IAS-20. Inheritance of resistance in Seabreeze seems to be determined by at least three recessive genes. Resistance in Veranopolis and IAS-20 might be due to a single gene. Similarity of inheritance patterns and breeding behaviour of the resistance from Veranopolis and IAS-20 and the common ancestry of these two cultivars suggest that they may carry the same gene. Standard unit heritabilities of Septoria scores, as measured by correlation of F2 plant with F3 family mean data, were high (57–68%). Parent offspring genetic correlations confirmed previously reported associations between resistance and lateness and resistance and tall plant height, but correlations were not sufficiently high to be a major obstacle to selection. Resistance in Veranopolis and IAS-20 were easily recovered in first backcrosses while that in Sea breeze was more difficult to recover.Contribution from the Department of Agriculture Western Australia.  相似文献   

M.T. Assad  H.R. Dorry 《Euphytica》2001,117(3):229-232
Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), is a serious pest of small grains in many countries. A previous study screened 70 genotypes, collected from different parts of Iran, for RWA resistance. Four crosses were made between two resistant lines (Shz.W-102 and Shz.W-104) and two susceptible lines (Shz.W-101 and Shz.W-103). Parents, F1, F2, and BCF1 seedlings were screened for RWA resistance in the greenhouse by artificial infection. To determine allelism, the two resistant lines were intercrossed and F1, and F2 seedlings were evaluated. Resistance in Shz.W-102 and Shz.W-104, when crossed with Shz.W-101, was controlled by one dominant gene. However, resistance in Shz.W-102 and Shz.W-104, when crossed with Shz.W-103, was controlled by two dominant genes. Genes in two resistant lines segregated independently of each other. A three-gene system was proposed to govern resistance in the lines under study . This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Role of chromosome 3A in stomatal resistance of winter wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Leaf stomatal resistance, through transpiration and photosynthesis control, constitutes a major factor of productivity and adaptation in wheat. The aim of the investigations reported here was to identify chromosomal effects on the expression of the maximum stomatal resistance, determined under optimum conditions of irradiance and water supply. Leaf stomatal resistance was measured, on wheat grown in pots under natural and well-watered conditions, using a LI-COR LI-6200 portable photosynthesis system under a saturating light>1400 mol m-1 s-2. Reciprocal sets of chromosome substitution lines between two hard red winter wheat cultivars, Wichita and Cheyenne, were used to identify the chromosomes involved in the expression of this trait. The two parental cultivars were significantly different for the parameter investigated. Chromosome 3A appeared to be involved in the expression of the stomatal resistance value under optimum conditions. Taking into account the relationships previously established between this parameter and some agronomic traits, chromosome 3A might be involved directly in productivity-determining processes or in the adaptation to water conditions, in wheat.  相似文献   

Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) is one of the most important diseases limiting winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the western Great Plains of North America. There is no known effective WSMV resistance within the primary gene pool of wheat. However, a resistance gene (Wsm1) has been transferred to wheat from a perennial relative, intermediate wheat-grass [Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & DR Dewey]. Nebraska-adapted winter wheat lines carrying Wsm1 were used to characterize the effects of this alien introgression on agronomic and quality traits. Sister-lines from six breeding populations were evaluated under virus-free conditions, and under a naturally occurring viral infection. In uninfected locations, no significant difference for grain yield was detected between resistant (R) and susceptible (S) lines, when averaged over populations, but resistant lines had significantly higher test weights. Within populations, significantly higher grain yield was observed only in population 1, while significantly higher test weights occurred in populations 1, 2, 5 and 6. At the infected location, resistant lines were significantly higher in yield in five of six populations. In two of six populations, susceptible lines were significantly higher in bread loaf volume and bake mix time, while in the remaining populations, no significant quality differences were observed. As the Wsm1 gene provided yield advantages under viral infection, and there was no yield detriment in the absence of the virus, its deployment in hard winter wheat cultivars merits consideration.Joint contribution of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and the Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln as Journal Series Paper No. 15066. Mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the USDA or the University of Nebraska over other firms or products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Summary Specific host-pathogen relationship is used to derive genetic information for resistance in commercial cultivars. Twenty-two cultivars were classified into 12 groups based on their reactions to 13 leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) races of India. The cultivars in each group were matched with the Lr gene carrying lines to see which genes they might possess. Confirmation of this information was sought through pedigree analyses.(1) Agra local and NP4 do not seem to have any resistance genes. (2) C306 has gene Lr14a, and NP824 one of the genes Lr12, Lr13, Lr14a or Lr22. (3) kalyansona carries Lr13 and another additional gene not in study. (4) Chhoti Lerma, NP852, Pusa Lerma, Sharbati Sonora, Shera, UP301 form one group and carry Lr1. (5) Sonalika seems to have Lr2a, Lr11 and additional genes. (6) Hy.65 has Lr10. (7) HS1076-2 and HW135 have the genes Lr2a and Lr3do. (8) HW124 carries the genes Lr1 and Lr3do. (9) Safed Lerma has Lr1 and Lr17. (10) NP846 has the genes Lr1 and Lr15. (11) HB117-107, Janak, UP215 form one group and possess the genes Lr3do and Lr15. (12) Girija possesses the genes Lr10 and Lr15.Based on such grouping of commercial cultivars for resistance genes a Catalogue system is advocated for the design of wheat breeding programmes like the development of multiline and multigene cultivars.  相似文献   

J. A. Kolmer 《Euphytica》1992,61(2):123-130
Summary Leaf rust resistance gene Lr13 is present in many North American hard red spring wheat cultivars that have shown durable resistance to leaf rust. Fifteen pair-wise combinations of Lr13 and seedling leaf rust resistance genes were developed by intercrossing near isogenic Thatcher lines. In both seedling and adult plant tests, homozygous paired combinations of specific resistance genes with Lr13 had enhanced resistance relative to either parent to rust isolates that had intermediate avirulent infection types to the additional genes. In field tests, homozygous lines were more resistant than either parent if the additional leaf rust gene conditioned an effective level of resistance when present singly.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses were made among ten winter wheat genotypes representing different levels of resistance to Fusarium head blight to obtain F1 and F2 generations. Parents, F1 and F2 were inoculated with one strain of Fusarium culmorum. Data on incidence of head blight 21 days after first inoculation were analyzed. Broad-sense heritabilities averaged 0.39 and ranged from 0.05 to 0.89 in the individual F2 families. The joint-scaling test indicated that the inheritance of Fusarium head blight resistance was adequately described by the additive-dominance model, with additive gene action being the most important factor of resistance. With respect to the non-additive effects, dominance of resistance predominated over recessiveness. The number of segregating genes governing resistance in the studied populations was estimated to vary between one and six. It was demonstrated that resistance genes differed between parents and affected resistance differently.  相似文献   

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