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以克新13号马铃薯品种为试验材料,在大田旱作模式下测定出苗后60~90d块茎不同部位糖类物质的含量,研究马铃薯块茎形成过程中不同部位糖类物质变化规律。结果表明:不同糖类在块茎各部位间的含量有差异:不同部位随着生育期的推移淀粉含量均呈上升趋势,髓部最高;蔗糖、可溶性糖含量均呈下降趋势,髓部的蔗糖含量最高,皮层区的可溶性糖含量最高;还原糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量变化均呈单峰曲线,均为皮层区最高。相关分析表明,髓部淀粉含量与还原糖、蔗糖、可溶性糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量呈显著或极显著正相关。说明块茎髓部对淀粉积累起了关键作用。  相似文献   

<正>马铃薯在贮藏期间会出现发芽现象,严重影响马铃薯品质和商品性,河北张家口市农业科学院于2016年12月20日至2017年4月,以现在北方一季作区种植面积比较大的冀张薯8号马铃薯为材料,对5种不同浓度2.5%CIPC粉剂处理薯块的抑芽效果进行了效果评价。试验CIPC抑芽剂对马铃薯冀张薯8号贮藏期间发芽率的影响结果表明,经过CIPC抑芽剂药粉喷雾处理的薯块在贮藏期有明显  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥对马铃薯营养状况及块茎产量的影响   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
试验分别在甘肃省景泰县、内蒙古自治区达拉特旗和河北省沽源县3个马铃薯生产基地进行,在基地常规N、P2O5、K2O肥施用量分别为300、345、375kg/hm2的基础上,研究改变磷、钾、氮肥用量对马铃薯营养状况、块茎产量以及土壤养分的影响。试验结果表明,氮、磷、钾肥用量分别从N300、P2O5345、K2O375kg/hm2降低到180、180、225kg/hm2,对植株干物质累积量没有显著影响,3个基地都呈相同的趋势;3个基地不同处理的块茎产量也没有显著性差异。因此,在试验条件下,氮、磷、钾肥用量和比例为180-180-225的施肥处理,其经济效益较高。施肥对土壤养分含量有较大的影响,特别是磷肥,当施用磷肥后,土壤速效磷含量显著提高,而且主要存在于表层土壤(0 ̄20cm),这说明缺磷土壤通过施用磷肥,可提高土壤有效磷水平。  相似文献   

为了探讨块茎形成相关基因表达量的变化,利用pH值4的磷酸溶液对植株根进行了4 d的胁迫处理,之后收集匍匐茎茎尖形成弯钩之前(Ⅰ)、匍匐茎弯钩时期(Ⅱ)、匍匐茎刚膨大时期(Ⅲ)、初具块茎形态特征时期(Ⅳ)的匍匐茎作为试验材料。出苗后生长45 d的植株形成的匍匐茎中Ⅱ时期匍匐茎所占比例最高。生长45 d时酸处理的植株所形成的块茎数量最多,其结薯数量比生长55,60 d酸处理植株的结薯数量显著高53.2%,74.5%。匍匐茎Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ时期,酸处理植株的StHd3a、StFD、StSUSY4、StHXK、StPIN1、StABA、StSP6A表达量均显著高于对照组;匍匐茎Ⅰ时期和Ⅱ时期,酸处理植株的StGA的表达量比对照显著高49.4%,25.1%,StAGL8的表达量比对照显著高119.7%,140.1%,而StAGPase的表达量比对照显著低60.1%,41.7%,StSSS的表达量比对照组显著低23.2%,21.6%;另外,酸处理植株StCOL的表达量与对照相比无显著性差异。综上,酸处理是通过调控被测基因的表达量或表达模式(除StCOL基因)而影响块茎形成的复杂过程。  相似文献   

<正>马铃薯在贮藏期间会出现发芽现象,严重影响马铃薯品质和商品性,河北张家口市农业科学院于2016年12月20日至2017年4月,以现在北方一季作区种植面积比较大的冀张薯8号马铃薯为材料,对5种不同浓度2.5%CIP C粉剂处理薯块的抑芽效果进行了效果评价。试验CIPC抑芽剂对马铃薯冀张薯8号贮藏期间发芽率的影响结果表明,经过CIPC抑芽剂药粉喷雾处理的薯块在贮藏期有明显区别,调  相似文献   

储藏马铃薯的好帮手——马铃薯抑芽剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国马铃薯常年种植面积为452万hm2,产量约7000万t,居世界首位。随着人们饮食结构的不断调整和变化,马铃薯加工产业得到快速发展,对马铃薯的质量要求也越来越严。  相似文献   

反义PPO基因对马铃薯块茎褐化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王清  黄惠英  马文芳  王蒂 《作物学报》2007,33(11):1822-1827
对刚收获和贮藏5个月后的12个转基因马铃薯品系及对照块茎进行褐化指标的生理检测,发现2个检测时期的各褐化指标在供试品系间差异均达到显著或极显著水平。综合2个检测时期并与对照相比,PPO活性降幅为26.01%~48.65%;酚物质含量降低22.83%~54.81%;褐化强度除GD-9-qc-1低于对照40.45%~46.78%外,其余品系高于对照或与对照无差别。切割块茎发现,大部分转基因品系较对照褐化出现晚,褐化程度低,褐化指数低于对照88.0%~98.86%。PPO的化学定位显示,低褐化转基因品系的多酚氧化酶集中于维管束环,含量明显少于对照,其中GD-9-qc-1仅有少量多酚氧化酶显现出来,推测是由于反义PPO基因抑制块茎POT32基因表达的结果。进一步的方差、相关分析表明,除对多酚氧化酶含量抑制外,反义PPO基因还降低酚物质含量以减轻块茎损伤褐化。  相似文献   

为探明油菜素内酯BR在块茎萌芽中的作用,建立更有效的种薯催芽调控体系,选择了休眠期不同的3个品种,利用q RT-PCR分析与BR合成、信号转导、调控有关的9个基因在贮藏期间及抑芽处理下的表达模式;同时检测BR类似物24-表油菜素内酯(24-e BL)及其与赤霉素GA3对块茎萌芽的影响。结果表明,涉及BR合成的4个基因表达量均随贮藏时间延长升高,短休眠品种升高的时间点早于中、长休眠品种;信号转导及调控基因中BRI1和CYCD3的变化与合成基因相似,BSK和TCH4的表达量则在中、长休眠期品种中保持恒定。抑芽处理在贮藏前期能刺激这些基因的表达升高,但之后都迅速下降并保持低水平。转录因子BZR1在各品种中以及抑芽处理下均没有明显变化。24-e BL利于块茎解除休眠,但不促进芽的伸长生长,与GA3互配效果更佳,单株块茎增重37.92%~98.41%。结论表明,BR合成和信号转导是块茎从休眠向萌芽转变的必经生理过程,它与GA3互配用于催芽更利于种薯萌芽的整齐、健壮并促进块茎形成。  相似文献   

挥发性物质分子量小,化合物种类复杂,具有的熏蒸抑菌作用是其特殊的生物学功能之一,受到世界各国学者的关注。本文对挥发性物质的种类、抑菌活性及检测鉴定方法进行了概述,着重评述了植物(精油)和微生物产生的挥发性物质的抑菌作用及其研究进展,从挥发性物质中筛选出具有抑菌作用的单体化合物是新的研究方向。  相似文献   

马铃薯是中国四大粮食作物之一,其块茎休眠与发芽特性对马铃薯的播种培育和生产加工均有影响,但目前对于控制块茎休眠和萌发的相关基因及其分子机制的认识尚不深入,制约着中国马铃薯块茎产量的提高与品质的改良。深入研究马铃薯块茎的形成机理对马铃薯产量和品质的改善都有重要意义。从植物激素基因、生化物质(蛋白质、酶、酚类)等方面对马铃薯块茎休眠和萌发的研究进展进行综述,为块茎休眠和发芽调控机制研究、马铃薯种植、贮藏保鲜与产业化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary Tuber characteristics of potato clones (Solanum tuberosum L.) regenerated from cultured leaf, rachis or stem pieces of cv. Desiree were assessed in field trails over three years. In the first two seasons, when the crop was grown for seed potato production, tuber numbers and the tuber yields were normally distributed and the population means of the clones were about the same as those of the controls. When 78 of the clones were grown as a ware crop in a replicated field trial there were statistically significant differences between most clones and the controls in total yield (generally lower) and ware yield (generally higher), brought about by alterations of the size distributions of tubers. In all years the population of clones had fewer scab (Streptomyces scabies) lesions than the controls. Clones with consistent differences in flesh colour and eye depth were also observed. Two out of 78 clones, in 1984, had significantly higher dry matter content. No stable decrease in susceptibility to the cyst nematode Globodera pallida was observed amongst 167 clones tested. These potato plants regenerated from explants clearly show that somaclonal variation can include agronomically relevant changes.  相似文献   

权重基因共表达网络分析(Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis, WGCNA)是系统生物学皀一种研究方法,在多样本转录组数据中挖掘与目标性状相兲皀基因模块有较广泛皀应用。为了深入探究马铃薯应对干旱胁迫皀分子机制,本研究以国际马铃薯中心引迚栻培种C16 (CIP 397077.16)和C119 (CIP 398098.119)为试验材料,将其无菌组培苗利用甘露醇模拟干旱胁迫,处理0 h、2 h、6 h、12 h和24 h,取其根系迚行转录组测序,每样设3个生物学重复,共30个样本。基于以上转录组数据,利用WGCNA构建与抗逆生理性状相兲联皀权重基因共表达网络,得到15个与根系抗旱密切相兲皀基因共表达模块,幵从4个与目标性状兲联度最高皀模块中収掘到数个核心基因,功能注释表明其中大部分参与干旱胁迫调控通路。这些结果为迚一步研究马铃薯根系抗旱皀分子遗传机制提供了线索。  相似文献   

Summary The potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) is an important pest of potatoes in the field and in stores in warm environments throughout the world. In this study genetic resistance to potato tuber moth was identified in clones of Solanum sparsipilum (coded MBN) originally developed for resistance to bacterial wilt and root-knot nematode. Resistance to this pest in S. sucrense and S. tarijense as well as S. sparsipilum was exploited in wide crosses with diploid and tetraploid cultivated potatoes, and haploids derived from S. tuberosum; hybrid progenies were produced. Crosses between resistant S. pinnatisectum or S. commersonii and cultivated potatoes failed completely, although S. commersonii did hybridise with two bridging species S. lignicaule and S. capsicibaccatum which are slightly compatible with cultivated potatoes. Resistance to potato tuber moth was transferred to all progenies except those in which S. tarijense was the resistant parent. The development of potatoes resistant to potato tuber moth is discussed in the context of population breeding for the lowland tropics.  相似文献   

植物受到干旱胁迫时,会通过DNA甲基化做出快速反应以帮助其应对胁迫。为探究在干旱胁迫下,DNA甲基化是如何影响基因转录表达,本研究对甘露醇模拟干旱和5-azadC(去甲基化)处理下,抗旱性不同的2个马铃薯品种(抗旱型,青薯9号;干旱敏感型,大西洋)进行转录组学分析,以Fold-change>2和校正后P<0.01进行差异表达基因(DEG)的筛选。GO富集分析发现,2种处理都共同显著富集到氧化应激和碳水化合物代谢过程相关的GO term。说明不同耐旱性马铃薯在响应干旱胁迫时,与这些GO term相关的基因也受DNA去甲基化调控。对既响应干旱又响应DNA去甲基化的1345个DEG进行KEGG功能富集发现,与植物抗旱相关的通路有植物MAPK信号途径、植物激素信号转导途径、植物谷胱甘肽代谢通路、糖酵解与糖异生和磷酸肌醇代谢通路。说明这些通路相关基因在大西洋和青薯9号2个抗旱性不同的马铃薯品种中,响应干旱的敏感性受DNA甲基化调控。接着对DEG上游1500 bp启动子区域进行顺式作用原件和甲基化CpG岛分析发现,干旱胁迫下参与植物谷胱甘肽代谢的GST基因通过DNA去甲基化来降低启动子区ABRE和CAAT-box作用元件的甲基化水平,进而激活该基因的表达以应对干旱胁迫。因此,利用比较转录组学分析干旱和DNA去甲基化处理下的差异基因,可挖掘到DNA甲基化参与调控马铃薯响应干旱胁迫的相关基因,为研究马铃薯干旱胁迫响应的表观遗传学机理提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

Genetic evaluation aims to identify genotypes with high empirical breeding values (EBVs) for selection as parents. In this study, 2157 potato genotypes were evaluated for tuber yield using 8 years of early‐stage trial data collected from a potato breeding programme. Using linear mixed models, spatial parameters to target greater control of localised spatial heterogeneity within trials were estimated and variance models to account for across‐trial genetic heterogeneity were tested. When spatial components improved model fit, correlations of errors were mostly small and negative for marketable tuber yield (MTY) and total tuber yield (TTY), suggesting the presence of interplot competition in some years. For the analysis of multi‐environment trials, a variance model with a simple correlation structure (with heterogeneous variances) was the most favourable variance structure fitted for TTY and PTY (per cent marketable yield). There was very little difference in model fit when comparing a factor analytic structure of order 2 (FA2) with either FA1 or simple correlation structures for MTY, indicating that simple variance models may be preferable for early‐stage genetic evaluation of potato yield.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty-two 2x families were generated by intermating 16, 2x clones and evaluated for resistance to potato tuber moth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella under natural infestation in a storage at San Ramon, Peru and in laboratory tests. The following conclusions could be drawn: (1) relatively simple inheritance was observed for resistance derived from Solanum sparsipilum (spl), (2) the high level of resistance of the original spl has been transferred, undiminished, into an advanced 2x population, (3) simple phenotypic selection was successfully applied to transfer resistance into an improved 2x population, (4) there was a strong indication of reciprocal effects, however spl cytoplasm is not essential for the expression of nuclear resistance genes, (5) antibiosis and antixenosis are the mechanism of PTM resistance in this population, and (6) 4x × 2x crosses could be used to transfer the resistance into commercial cultivars.  相似文献   

甘薯综合加工研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在介绍甘薯营养保健功能基础上,简述了甘薯的综合加工技术,并对未来的研究开发重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

Developing disease resistant cultivars is one of the major objectives for a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding program, but many resistant clones have not achieved commercial acceptance because of late maturity and non-marketable tuber characteristics. Selection for tuber quality should have greater emphasis inbreeding disease resistant cultivars. The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the ability of late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) resistant parents to transmit chip-processing (tuber appearance, specificgravity, and chip-color) or tablestock (tuber appearance) quality to the offspring and 2) to compare selecting for tuber quality in single-hill versus eight-hill generations. We made crosses among eight unadapted potato cultivars (B0718-3,Bertita, Bzura, Greta, Libertas, Stobrawa, Tollocan, and Zarevo) with reported late blight resistance with adapted susceptible cultivars/breeding clones to generate 95populations (4,750 seedlings). Approximately 10% of the progeny from each cross were selected from single-hill plots based on tuber appearance, number, shape, and internal defects. These selected clones (408) were evaluated for tuber appearance, specific gravity, and chip-color. The same evaluations in the following year were made on tuber samples from eight-hill plots. Libertas and Tollocan were the best parents for transmitting chip-color; B0718-3, Zarevo, and Tollocan for transmitting tuber appearance; and Bzura, Libertas, and Zarevo for transmitting high specific gravity to the highest percentage of the offspring. Overall, 50% and 56% of the clones based on single- and eight-hill generation, respectively, were considered to possess chip-processing quality; over 90% of the clones had acceptable tablestock quality. A total of 71% of the clones possessing acceptable chip-processing and 95% of the clones possessing acceptable tablestock quality selected in both generations were identified in single-hill plots. The evaluation of tuber quality characteristics in single-hill generation not only permitted the identification of clones with acceptable chip-processing and tablestock, but also increased the amount of clonal information for the following generation of selection. In crosses between late blight resistant and susceptible clones, selection for tuber quality traits can be initiated in single-hill generation using a moderate selection intensity and precede late blight testing. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为探明西北半干旱雨养农业区马铃薯(SolanumtuberosumL.)生产中沟垄不同覆盖种植方式的增产效果和水分利用特点,在2016年和2017年设置了大田试验,包括秸秆带状沟覆宽垄种植、秸秆带状沟覆微垄种植、全覆膜沟垄种植和露地平作4个处理。结果表明,在干旱年份(2016年),沟垄覆盖种植可显著降低马铃薯全生育期耗水量6.1%~13.2%,平均提高块茎形成期1.2~1.8 m土层含水量7.6%,全覆膜沟垄作可显著提高淀粉积累期0~0.2 m土壤含水量30.3%。在平水年份(2017年),除全覆膜沟垄种植显著降低马铃薯全生育期耗水量22.2%外,其余处理与露地平作无显著差异;沟垄覆盖种植0~2m土壤含水量在马铃薯块茎形成期、块茎膨大期和淀粉积累期分别平均比露地平作高8.7%、13.0%和13.1%。与露地平作相比, 2个生长季沟垄覆盖种植可使马铃薯全生育期0~2 m土壤平均贮水量提高5.4%~15.5%,单株生物量增加12.8%~147.4%,成熟期株高增加21.1~39.7cm,进而马铃薯增产51.6%~88.2%,水分利用效率提高68.2%~111.7%。以玉米秸秆带状沟覆微垄种植增产增效最显著,2年平均产量、水分利用效率和纯经济收益分别较露地平作提高87.8%、97.5%和254.2%。因此,玉米秸秆带状沟覆微垄种植能显著提高马铃薯产量和水分利用效率。此外,与全覆膜沟垄种植相比,秸秆带状沟覆微垄种植具有操作简单、无污染、投入产出比高等优点,适宜在西北半干旱区马铃薯生产中应用。  相似文献   

马铃薯淀粉的研究及在工业中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了马铃薯的生产概况、马铃薯淀粉的特性及其在各行业中的应用,展望了我国马铃薯淀粉行业的发展前景。  相似文献   

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