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略论作物生产的源库系统行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据作物产量形成的系统整体性,认为相对于产量库容,源应包括叶源,鞘源和根源三部分。提出了可用伤流势作为三源与库行为协调的质量指标。  相似文献   

种植制度的技术对象—多作共栖系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于我国国情及农业生产特点,本文提出了多全共栖系统的概念。通过分析作物间的生态学与经济学关系,指出同一生产单位在一个生产周期内同一季节的多作与不同季节的多熟生产成为多作共栖系统的主要结构特征。优化系统结构、建立与当地资源、技术、社会条件相适应的种植制度是实现我国现代化资源集约型农业的重要途径。  相似文献   

杨健  魏新宇 《种子科技》2008,26(1):49-50
绿豆是我国古老的栽培种之一,由于其生育期短,耐瘠、喜湿,耐高温,适应性广,并有固氮养地特性,是禾谷类、薯类、棉花等作物问作、套种的适宜作物和良好前茬。它在丰富农作物生产品种、救灾备荒、提高人民生活质量、调剂食物营养结构和现代保健医药需求等方面,起着重要的作用,全国各地均有分布,但以北方居多,是我国农业生产中不可缺少的作物种类。为了提高绿豆的产量,保持优良品种的种性,本文针对绿豆原种生产中的问题,总结出绿豆原种生产技术要点。  相似文献   

贵州作物生产可持续发展探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾明 《耕作与栽培》2004,(4):1-2,35
长期以来,作物生产一直是依赖于作物生产内部资源、有机物的循环,外部降雨量、温度、日照实数等气象条件,以及作物生长过程中的自我调空及生物防治的管理方法,使得作物产量处于一个虽然不很高、但很稳定的水平。但随着人口增加对土地带来的压力和农业现代化的进程,产量的不断提高伴随着作物种植逐渐单一化。化肥、农药、机械等不断的增加使用。使得作物生产与生态环境紧密相连的关系遭到破坏。随着世界人口的不断增长和自然环境资源的不断枯竭恶化,农业可持续发展已成为当今世界各国在其农业和农村经济发展乃至整个国民经济发展过程中的核心内容。作物生产作为农业系统最基本、最重要的组成部分,它的耕作制度、栽培技术措施对农业系统实现全面可持续发展起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

<正>化学调控技术是指以应用植物生长调节物质为手段,通过改变植物内源激素系统,调节作物生长发育,使其朝着人们预期的方向和程度发生变化的技术。化学调控技术是伴随上世纪20年代化学调控理论的诞生而出现的,它作为一项新技术具有许多优点:技术简单、用量少、见效快、效益高、便于推广应用、多对环境和产品安全。在农业生产中可以代替许多常规的栽培技术,因此,化学调控技术是将来农业发展的主导技术之一。  相似文献   

1 伊犁与衣阿华州基本情况 伊宁市具有良好的农业生产条件,表现为气候温和、水源充足、土地肥沃.伊宁市全年日照时数为4 443 h,因地理纬度偏高,生产季节为4~9月,白昼时间长,日照时数可达2 509 h,对长日照作物非常有利,特别是6~8月,月日照时数可达300 h,为喜温作物提供了良好的生长环境.春季气温上升快,但不稳定.夏季炎热,平原地区极端最高温度可达39~41℃,最热7月,平均温度在22~23℃.秋季温度下降快,由于北方冷空气活动加强,于9月上旬出现寒潮和霜冻,农作物易受害.  相似文献   

在当前国际国内种业市场竞争日益激烈的严峻形势下,人才成为种子企业发展壮大的关键因素.在传统的农业教育中,种子企业用人需求与农业院校人才培养之间缺少横向沟通,导致人才需求与人才供给之间存在一定差距.农科类毕业生进入种子企业后往往需要经过一段时间的重新学习实践,才能适应工作岗位需要.如何改进这种人才培养方式成为种子企业与农业院校共同关心的重要课题.江苏中江种业股份有限公司对此进行了积极尝试,通过加强与相关农业院校作物生产技术类专业的校企合作,努力探索种业人才培养的有效模式,同时希望启发更多的同行关注国内种业人才的培养.  相似文献   

周治国  曹卫星 《棉花学报》2003,15(6):333-338
利用棉花生产系统时间序列数据,分析江苏省区域棉花单产、种植面积和总产等生产指标的变化特征及趋势,结果表明除苏南外,棉花单产呈增加趋势,苏中棉花单产减少的可能性大于苏北;种植面积呈明显减少趋势;总产变化区域间差异较大,全省棉花总产呈现减少趋势,苏南、苏中为明显减少趋势,苏北表现为增长趋势。利用综合增长率或减少率法,分别建立悲观、一般、乐观条件下的棉花生产系统预测方案,并以实际生产指标值为基数,预测未来棉花的单产、种植面积和总产。  相似文献   

区域粮食生产系统变化趋势分析与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用浙江省区域粮食生产系统时间序列数据,分析粮食种植面积、总产和单产等生产指标的变化特征及趋势,结果表明各区种植面积呈大幅减少趋势,减少幅度浙北>浙中西>浙南;粮食总产呈显著减少趋势,减少幅度浙北>浙中西>浙南;粮食单产均呈增加趋势,增加的幅度浙南>浙北>浙中西,但增幅都较小。利用综合增长率或减少率法,分别建立悲观、一般、乐观条件下的粮食生产系统预测方案,并以实际生产指标值为基数,预测未来粮食的总产、种植面积和单产。  相似文献   

湖北省粮食生产灰色系统预测与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用灰色系统理论对影响湖北省粮食生产计算因素进行关联分析,量化了粮食产量与诸因子的关联程度,明确了关键因素,揭示了粮食生产的主攻重点;创建了粮食生产灰色系统预测与控制模型,通过对“九五”期末粮食生产发展趋势进行预测与控制分析,明确了粮食生产目标,揭示了粮食生产中的问题与潜力,提出了有效的调控措施与相应的发展对策,为制定粮食发展规划,促进粮食生产稳定增长提供了科学决策依据。  相似文献   

Optimising mineral nitrogen (N) use in crop production is inevitable target as mineral fertilisers reflect one of the highest inputs both in terms of economy and energy. The aim of the study was to compare the relationship between the rate of N fertiliser application and different measures of energy parameters exemplary data for spring-wheat in boreal climate condition in Estonia in 2006–2010. The effect of mineral N with rates 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha−1 was studied on the background of composted cow manure and without organic fertilisers. Univalent parameters, energy gain (EG) (energy output  energy input) and energy ratio (ER) (energy output/energy input) were calculated. To aggregate parameters with different units (ER and EG) we proposed two standardisation approaches for combined indices. ER maximisation gave both organic fertilisation background optimum N norms significantly lower than EG (p < 0.05) optimisation. Both the new combined indices gave optimum N norms in between the rate of ER an EG. Composted cow manure background did not affect mineral N optimisation significantly. We suggest optimisation of mineral N according to bi-dimensional parameters as they capture important features of production efficiency and are more objective using as advisory tool for sustainable production systems.  相似文献   

气候变化对中国花生生产的影响研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
花生作为中国主要的油料作物,在保障国家粮油安全中具有非常重要的地位。未来气候变化下,农业气候资源状况发生改变,对花生生产有着显著影响。为了研究如何有效利用气候变化带来的优势气候资源,增加花生产量、提高花生品质、优化种植制度,笔者综述了国内外近年来气候变化对花生生产影响的研究,发现在气候变化对花生产量预测、品质改善和种植制度改变等方面的研究还存在不足,今后还需加强作物生长模型在多气候模式、大区域尺度、花生育种和比较优势等方面的研究,以期为进一步开展气候变化对中国花生生产影响的研究指出方向。  相似文献   

运用农业信息技术原理与方法,结合泰州市郊区实际,开发出了功能全面、内容丰富、现势性强、图形生产力高、界面友好、易于操作的基于Visual Basic 6.0和MapObjects 2.3的泰州市郊区土壤与作物施肥信息系统V1.0。该系统涵盖了数据查询检索、空间分析、精确施肥决策、学习辅助等功能。经试用,系统的功能可用性、功能可靠性、易用性、可扩充性较强,用户满意度较高,可为该地推广应用土壤管理与水稻、小麦精确施肥技术提供辅助决策与智能学习优质平台。  相似文献   

Resource acquisition, one of the major functions of roots, can contribute to crop growth and mitigating environmental impacts. The spatio-temporal distribution of roots in the soil in relation to the dynamics of the soil resources is critical in resource acquisition. Root distribution is determined by root system development. The root system consists of many individual roots of different types and ages. Each individual root has specific development, resource acquisition, and transport traits, which change with root growth. The integration of individual root traits in the root system could exhibit crop performance in the various environments via root distribution in the soil. However, the relationship between individual root traits and the pattern of root distribution is complicated. To understand this complicated relationship, we need to evaluate enormous numbers of individual root traits and understand the relationship between individual root development and root distribution as well as the integrated functions of individual root traits along with dynamics of resources in the soil.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control strategy for the optimal control of the outsourcing production inventory system based on production point and production batch. The statistical probability distribution is used to describe the uncertainty of the production capacity of cooperative enterprises and the transportation time. The optimization model of the control parameters is developed with random production capacity for cooperative enterprises and random transportation time in order to minimize the holding cost,setup cost as well as the cost of production capacity waste. A simulation-based control parameters optimization algorithm is designed to solve the proposed model. The control strategy of production inventory system and the control parameters optimization algorithm proposed are validated by an example. We analyze the influence of the variation of the production point and production batch to the performance of the outsourcing production inventory system.  相似文献   

李旭军 《中国农学通报》2015,31(33):256-260
为了明确土壤调理剂在改良设施土壤理化性状及增加作物产量方面的作用,确定土壤调理剂产品的最佳施用量,便于在农业生产中的应用推广,笔者研究了土壤调理剂对设施菜田(以北京市房山区为例)土壤性状及农作物生产的影响。结果表明:施用土壤调理剂对提高设施土壤田间持水量、土壤阳离子交换量及番茄产量作用明显,土壤调理剂施用量与土壤田间持水量、阳离子交换量及番茄产量的关系分别可以用方程y=-8×10- 5x2+0.0329x+27.34(R2=0.958),y=-0.0004x2+0.0639x+16.39(R2=0.9344)和y=-0.0041x2++0.5155x+77.725(R2=0.9877)拟合。土壤调理剂施用量60~75 L/hm2对改善土壤理化性状、增加番茄产量最优。  相似文献   

HACCP体系在种植业应用的理论初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点介绍了HACCP体系的含义、起源、发展和原理,探讨了该体系在农产品生产等农业种植业领域中应用的可行性,对我国无公害农产品的生产、绿色食品的认证和发展农村经济、保障人们的身体健康具有重要的现实的意义。  相似文献   

川中丘陵紫色土区作物及灌草植被生长模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物及植被对川中紫色土区土壤侵蚀有着重要影响。本文通过使用土壤侵蚀过程模型WEPP的作物生长模块对陈家湾小流域作物及植被生长进行模拟,获取高度、盖度以及叶面积指数,与实测值进行对比。通过分析得出:WEPP模型作物生长模块对作物高度模拟较高,能够预测植被盖度、叶面积变化趋势但有不同程度的高估现象。  相似文献   

The sustainability of growing a maize—winter wheat double crop rotation in the North China Plain (NCP) has been questioned due to its high nitrogen (N) fertiliser use and low N use efficiency. This paper presents field data and evaluation and application of the soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer model Daisy for estimating crop production and nitrate leaching from silty loam fields in the NCP. The main objectives were to: i) calibrate and validate Daisy for the NCP pedo-climate and field management conditions, and ii) use the calibrated model and the field data in a multi-response analyses to optimise the N fertiliser rate for maize and winter wheat under different field managements including straw incorporation.The model sensitivity analysis indicated that a few measurable crop parameters impact the simulated yield, while most of the studied topsoil parameters affect the simulated nitrate leaching. The model evaluation was overall satisfactory, with root mean squared residuals (RMSR) for simulated aboveground biomass and nitrogen content at harvest, monthly evapotranspiration, annual drainage and nitrate leaching out of the root zone of, respectively, 0.9 Mg ha−1, 20 kg N ha−1, 30 mm, 10 mm and 10 kg N ha−1 for the calibration, and 1.2 Mg ha−1, 26 kg N ha−1, 38 mm, 14 mm and 17 kg N ha−1 for the validation. The values of mean absolute deviation, model efficiency and determination coefficient were also overall satisfactory, except for soil water dynamics, where the model was often found erratic. Re-validation run showed that the calibrated Daisy model was able to simulate long-term dynamics of crop grain yield and topsoil carbon content in a silty loam field in the NCP well, with respective RMSR of 1.7 and 1.6 Mg ha−1. The analyses of the model and the field results showed that quadratic, Mitscherlich and linear-plateau statistical models may estimate different economic optimal N rates, underlining the importance of model choice for response analyses to avoid excess use of N fertiliser. The analyses further showed that an annual fertiliser rate of about 300 kg N ha−1 (100 for maize and 200 for wheat) for the double crop rotation with straw incorporation is the most optimal in balancing crop production and nitrate leaching under the studied conditions, given the soil replenishment with N from straw mineralisation, atmospheric deposition and residual fertiliser.This work provides a sound reference for determining N fertiliser rates that are agro-environmentally optimal for similar and other cropping systems and regions in China and extends the application of the Daisy model to the analyses of complex agro-ecosystems and management practices under semi-arid climate.  相似文献   

东北平原适应全球气候变化的若干粮食生产对策的模拟研究   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:40  
采用GISS Transient B模型和黑河、哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、延吉等5个样点近4 0年的逐日气候资料, 在计算机上生成了我国东北平原未来10年、 30年和50年的气候渐变情景; 将CERES系列模型(包括大豆、玉米、水稻3种作物)在上述各样点不同年份的气候渐变情景下运行, 并将模拟结果与当前气候条件下的模拟值相比较, 评价了气候变化及  相似文献   

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