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在种鸡饲养管理过程中,特别是在种蛋使用阶段,由于人工授精,很容易造成肠道疾病的发生与传播.因此需定期投药加以预防.由于氯霉素对沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌等细菌敏感性较高,故氯霉素常作为种鸡常用药物之一.但是关于氯霉素对种鸡受精率的不利影响时有报道,众说不一,影响了该药在种鸡生产中的正常使用.为此,我们对使用氯霉素对种鸡产蛋性能及种蛋质量的影响进行了试验研究,现将试验情况报告如下.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of the study was to determine the stability of dietary ascorbic acid and the reproductive responses of broiler breeder chickens to supplemental 75 mg ascorbic acid/kg diet. 2. Six breeder flocks of 13,000 birds each were studied. Egg production, eggshell porosity, fertility, hatchability and plasma ascorbic acid were measured. 3. Storage of the diets under dry heat resulted in a linear decrease in ascorbic acid content and the rate of decline was 5-fold higher in the supplemented diet. 4. Differences were not detected between treatments in egg production, egg weight, eggshell porosity, fertility, hatchability or plasma ascorbic acid. 5. The results did not provide evidence of a beneficial reproductive response to the inclusion of ascorbic acid in commercial broiler breeder diets.  相似文献   


1. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of multi-strain probiotic (containing Lactobacillus acidophilus 2.5 × 107 cfu/g, Lactobacillus casei 2.5 × 107 cfu/g, Bifidobacterium thermophilum 2.5 × 107 cfu/g and Enterococcus faecium 2.5 × 107 cfu/g) and single-strain probiotic (Pediococcus acidilactici 1 × 1010 cfu/g) on broiler breeder performance and gastrointestinal health.

2. A completely randomised trial was conducted using 300 broiler breeder hens (Ross 308) aged 51 weeks old which were randomly allocated to 1 of 5 dietary treatments with 6 replicates per treatment in a 10 week trial. Treatments included (1) the basal diet a negative control, (2) basal diet supplemented with 0.1 g/kg multi-strain probiotic (MS), (3) basal diet supplemented with 0.1 g/kg single-strain probiotic (SS), (4) basal diet supplemented with 0.1 g/kg of both of probiotics (MS+ SS) and (5) positive control basal diet supplemented with 0.5 g/kg oxytetracycline antibiotic (OX).

3. Body weight, egg production, yolk weight, eggshell thickness and weight, Haugh unit, fertility and hatchability were determined. Results showed that dietary treatments had no significant effect on total hen house or total hatching egg production, egg weight, yolk colour index, shell weight, mortality, body weight, fertility, hatchability, oviduct and stroma weight or number of large and small yellow follicles (P > 0.05). None of the jejunum morphological parameters, apparent ileal digestibility of protein and ileal Lactobacillus population were influenced by supplemental probiotics (P > 0.05), although ileum Escherichia coli count was reduced by inclusion of dietary probiotics (P < 0.05).

4. It was concluded that although both probiotic treatments reduced coliforms, they did not improve broiler breeder performance or gastrointestinal tract (GIT) function.  相似文献   

The effects of supplementation of 10?mg/kg (i) apoester, (ii) canthaxanthin, (iii) 3% clover extract, (iv) paprika oleoresin and (v) aztec marigold extract pigments to a wheat-based non-pigmented feed on hatchery performance and egg yolk pigmentation in quail breeders were investigated. At six weeks of age a total of 432 Japanese quail breeders were randomly divided into 6 treatments, each of which was replicated 3 times, with 24 birds (18 female:6 male) per replicate. Hatchability was significantly better in the apoester treatment compared to the control, canthaxanthin, clover extract and paprika oleoresin treatments (p?p?>?.05). Total carotenoids concentration, YCF score, yellowness (b*) and redness (a*) of egg yolk were significantly higher in pigment-supplemented treatments compared to the control treatment (p?a*) were highly correlated in all treatments (0.94; p?相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of lighting intensity on egg production among white Roman geese kept in an environmentally controlled house. Two hundred and fifty-two White Roman geese aged 10 mo were randomly distributed among 12 pens, with each pen containing 5 ganders and 16 females on the floor, based on a completely random design (CRD). At the beginning of the study, each treatment group was comprised of 5 ganders and 16 geese in each pen; these groups included: control (40 lux group), geese under 170 lux (170 lux group), geese under 300 lux (300 lux group), and geese under 430 lux (430 lux group). The age of the geese at first lay was 10 mo, on average. The results showed that geese under 40 lux in egg number per goose or laying rate had lower than those of the 430 lux group. The reproductive characteristics were no different for the 170 lux, 300 lux, or 430 lux light groups. The hatchability in the 170 lux light group was significantly higher than in the 40 lux light group (P < 0.05). Moreover, the egg weight in the 170 lux and 430 lux groups was significantly heavier than the 40 lux light group (P < 0.05). Therefore, if lighting intensity supplementation of lux is defined as X (lux/geese), and egg number production is defined as Y4 (egg), then Y4 = 35.7 + 0.46X-0.002X2+0.00000296X3 (R2 = 0.868, P < 0.001) for the entire experimental period. In conclusion, geese raised under 170 lux lighting intensity in an environmentally controlled house achieved higher hatchability and egg weight during the laying season.  相似文献   

高品质的雏鸡是种鸡群良好管理的结果。疾病控制、饲养、供水和光照程序以及垫料和通风的管理,都是有助于保持种鸡群健康的因素,故而这些都影响到雏鸡品质。优良的种蛋管理是生产优质1日龄雏鸡的一个重要方面,但却常常被忽视。种蛋管理包括诸如蛋窝的管理、蛋的收集、挑选以及贮蛋室管理等方面的内容。雏鸡的品质与入孵蛋的质量直接相关。1产蛋箱产蛋箱应清洁,所有的蛋窝、窝底和栖木在使用前均经过维修。产蛋窝应适合鸡只方便地进入。产蛋箱离地太高或过于拥挤狭小都会增加地面蛋。一般每4只母鸡一个蛋窝比较合适。产蛋窝晚间应关闭…  相似文献   

肉种鸡的产蛋率异常是鸡场最头痛的事情,特别是近几年问题愈来愈严重。往往发病后束手无策,投了大量药物也很难以奏效。应该讲产蛋率是家禽对应激反应最敏感的一个指标,无论管理还是疾病应激都可通过产蛋率(或产蛋曲线)的变化很快反映出来。但原因是复杂的,必须认真分析查找原因,有针对性地进行预防和治疗,做到对症下药,将损失减少到最低程度。产蛋率异常主要有产蛋达不到高峰和到达高峰后又迅速降下来两种情况。1产蛋率达不到高峰1.1产蛋率接近高峰但很不理想我国引进的肉种鸡品种如AA、艾维茵等,其产蛋高峰产蛋率应达到80%以上,并维持8周…  相似文献   

1材料与方法1.1试验鸡的选择与分组选取豫州褐壳蛋鸡Ⅲ系蛋种鸡684只,随机分为3组,每组228只。每笼3只鸡,随机抽取两组作为试验组,另一组为对照组,各组饲喂的日粮分别为:对照组只喂给基础日粮;试验Ⅰ组即0.3%组,在基础日粮中添加0.3%的NaHCO3;试验Ⅱ组即0.5%组,在基础日粮中添加0.5%的NaHCO3。其中基础日粮的主要营养成分含量为:粗蛋白17.30%,代谢能11.25MJ/kg,钙3.38%,磷0.79%,赖氨酸0.84%,蛋氨酸0.29%,食盐0.35%。1.2饲养管理试验鸡各组饲养在同一鸡舍、同排的3层全阶梯笼内,专人饲养。每日定时喂干粉料,自动饮水器供水,每日保持16h光…  相似文献   

郭均 《水禽世界》2002,(7):21-23
我国现代养鸡业是从上世纪70年代开始的,先是发展蛋鸡业,然后发展肉鸡业.由于人们本能地喜欢使用一些现成的技术,因此,有不少肉鸡和肉种鸡的生产技术是从蛋鸡中借鉴过来的,孵化温度就是其中之一.  相似文献   

Six-hundred-and-seven-day-old chicks were generated from Nigerian local chickens consisting of three genotypes (Normal-feathered; Frizzled-feathered; Naked neck) and an exotic broiler breeder (Anak Titan) to evaluate growth performance for possible meat-type chicken development. Growth parameters measured were body weight, breast girth and keel length on weekly basis for 20 weeks. Effects of sire, dam and chick genotypes were significant (P < 0.001) on growth traits. At week 20, chickens sired by the Anak Titan weighed 1,614.82 g followed by Normal-feathered local chickens with body weight of 1,211.32 g. Progenies of Anak Titan and Naked neck dams weighed 1,761.96 and 1,292.80 g at week 20, respectively. Among purebreds, Anak Titan weighed 35.05 g at day-old and had heaviest body weight of 2,360.29 g at 20 weeks compared to the three local strains. The average body weights for the crossbred, Normal-feathered×Anak Titan at day-old and week 20 were 36.39 and 1,577.63 g, respectively. This was followed by Anak Titan×Naked neck with 33.32 g at day-old and 1,514.14 g at week 20. Sex had significant effect (P < 0.05) at weeks 16 and 20 with the males having higher mean values than their female counterparts. This study revealed that crosses involving Anak Titan sire×Naked neck dam had highest growth performance, and there was no strain differences among the growth performance of purebred Nigerian local chickens.  相似文献   

肉种鸡从日产蛋率达到5%到产蛋高峰期是一生中的生命薄弱期,要经受较强的开产生理应激影响.容易出现各种各样的问题。促进和提高种母鸡的产蛋性能包括早期蛋重、种蛋质量、产蛋高峰水平以及产蛋持续性,最大限度地提高种公鸡的受精率是这个阶段饲养管理的重中之重。因此,产蛋上高峰期应特别重视以下管理:  相似文献   

(1) This research was carried out to investigate changes in egg production and hatchability as influenced by age and breeding season of 10 trios (two females, one male) of ostrich (Struthio camellus) during 1998 to 2002. (2) Breeding season affected number of eggs laid per female per season, average egg weight, length of laying period and clutch sequence. (3) The number of eggs laid per female per season was 25 in the first breeding season and 57 by the fifth breeding season. The laying period lasted 169 d in the first season whereas it was 210 d by the fifth season. The breeding season became longer year by year. (4) The number of clutches was two in the first season, three in the second and 4 in the later breeding seasons: the mean interval between cycles was 9 to 10.6 d and the mean number of eggs in one cycle varied from 12 to 14.4. (5) The breeding season affected the hatchability of fertile eggs, chick weight at hatching, hatchability of total eggs, fertility, malpositioned embryos, deformed chicks and assisted chicks during hatching. The first 4 variables increased and the last three decreased, with each breeding season. (6) Weight loss of eggs and length of incubation were unaffected by the breeding season. Hatchability which was 64.3% in the first season increased progressively and reached 73.1% in the fifth breeding season.  相似文献   

Small eggs constitute a high proportion of the eggs laid by pullets. The literature shows that chick hatching weight is strongly correlated with egg weight, but evidence on the influence of egg weight on hatchability and subsequent performance of chicks is less certain.

The aim of this experiment was to determine the profit returned at 12 weeks by broiler chickens hatched from eggs ranging in weight from 44 g. to 58 g. at one gram intervals and to determine how competitive and separate rearing might modify the relationship.

A total of 6000 eggs were collected during 10 days from a 28‐week‐old, broiler breeding flock and graded into the above mentioned egg weight classes. From these, a total of 3480 day‐old broilers were housed. Each egg weight class was equally represented and balanced for sex.

Hatchability and fertility showed no consistent trend with egg weight for eggs above 46 g., but below the 47 g. level there was a trend of declining fertility and hatchability.

A strong positive relationship was found between the weight of the chick at 1 day of age and egg weight for both males and females with no significant difference overall in body weight between the two sexes.

Body weight to 12 weeks was found to be strongly related to egg weight, in a linear fashion, though this influence declined with age.

There was a greater influence of egg weight on body weight at all ages in the separate rearing treatment compared with competitive rearing but this was not significant after 10 weeks.

Egg weight had an important bearing on body weight and profit at 12 weeks, but no effect on food conversion or mortality.

The increased profit over food costs per 100 day‐old chicks was found to be 52.75 cents for the separately reared birds respectively for each 3 g. increase in egg weight.  相似文献   

种公鸡日粮营养水平及其对繁殖性能影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用29~36周龄海赛克斯(褐色)蛋用型父母代种公鸡112只、种母鸡1024只,研究了种公鸡日粮营养水平及其对繁殖性能的影响。上述试鸡,种母鸡饲用同一蛋鸡料,种公鸡则分别给饲下列4种日粮:1.高CP(17.5%),高AA(0.86%L_(Ys),0.63%SAA),高Ca(3.7%)日粮;2.CP(12.5%),低AA(0.55%L_(YS),0.45%SAA),高Ca(3.7%)日粮; 3.低CP(12.5%), 低AA(0.55% L_(Ys), 0.45%SAA), 低Ca(1.0%)日粮;4,同3,仅更换维生素-微量元素综合预混料。结果:1.采用低CP、低AA、高Ca或低CP、低AA、低Ca日粮时,种公鸡的精液品质、种蛋受精率、孵化率等均无异于用高CP、高AA、高Ca日粮者(P>0.05);2.采用种公鸡专用维生素-微量元素综合预流料,入孵蛋孵化率提高3.35%,日饲用低CP、低AA、低Ca日粮的种公鸡体增重(29~36周龄)大于用高CP、高AA、高Ca日粮者(P<0.05),其36周龄体重较接近于品种标准。  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of levamisole was studied in 20 broiler breeder chickens (chickens that give eggs to breed broilers). A single dose of levamisole (40 mg/kg) was administered orally or intravenously to chickens before the onset of egg production, prelay (age = 22 weeks), and repeated at the peak of egg production (age = 32 weeks). A high-pressure liquid chromatographic with ultraviolet detection method (HPLC-UV) was used for quantification of levamisole in plasma. Using compartmental analysis, levamisole followed a three-compartmental open model with mean values of alpha = 0.1224 and 0.4968, beta = 0.01663 and 0.01813, gamma = 0.002 and 0.002/min at the prelay and at the peak of egg production periods, respectively. The mean values for volume of distribution at steady state (V(ss)), determined by compartmental analysis, were significantly different for prelay and peak of egg production (8.358 and 13.581 mL/kg), respectively.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate the use of food consumption records in selection to improve layer-type chickens. 2. Twelve subpopulations of Leghorns, including 5878 tested birds, were used in a selection experiment which lasted 5 generations. Four were selected using an index (I1) that combined information on body weight (BW), egg-mass output (EM), and individual food-consumption records (FC). Four were selected using an index (I2) that combined information just on BW and EM. The remaining 4 served as controls, with selection differentials set to zero in each generation. 3. Differences between the selected groups, control-corrected each generation, measured the "food-record effect". 4. Including food-consumption records in the selection criterion resulted in increased body weight (7%), reduction in food consumption (6 to 9%), increase in food efficiency (egg mass/food consumption) (2 to 5%), and increase in income over food costs (10%), relative to selection not involving food records.  相似文献   

1. Broiler parent stock were fed daily allowances of 1.88, 1.73 or 1.52 MJ apparent metabolisable energy (AME) per bird at two different daily protein intakes (27, 21.3 g crude protein (CP) per bird) or daily protein intakes of 24.6 and 19.4 g CP per bird at a daily energy intake of 1.88 MJ AME per bird from 21 to 64 weeks of age.

2. Body‐weight gain and carcass fat and water content increased and fertility decreased with increasing energy allowance. Maximum egg production occurred at an energy intake of 1.73 MJ AME/bird d.

3. Differences in egg weight and hatchability were related to differences in both energy and protein intake. The highest egg weight occurred at the highest allowance of energy and protein. Hatchability was depressed where the daily allowances of protein and energy were in a ratio of more than 15 g protein: 1 MJ AME.

4. Apart from egg size no significant effects on reproductive performance were observed when dietary protein intake was varied from 27 to 19.5 g/bird d.

5. Requirements of broiler breeder hens for protein during lay may be lower than previously thought. For the strain used a protein intake of 19.5 g/bird d appeared adequate provided essential amino acid concentrations were maintained.

6. The close relationships between body weight and energy allowance and the latter and egg production make body‐weight gain a useful guide to management. A body‐weight gain of about 1.1 kg from 21 to 36 weeks of age was associated with optimum performance in this study.  相似文献   

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