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广西森林资源连续清查角规样地体系评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
广西森林资源连续清查(以下简称"广西连清)"角规样地体系,是我国唯一的以点抽样理论为基础,以固定角规样地为监测载体的省(区)级森林资源连续清查体系。广西连清第7次复查,除了增设的方形样地调查以外,还对原有的角规样地进行了复查,因此本文得以用同时进行调查的方形样地调查结果作为参照对象,对角规样地体系的优点和存在的问题进行定性和定量相结合的综合分析评价。分析评价结果表明,与方形样地比较,角规样地除了具有显著的隐蔽性外,外业工作量只相当于方形样地的53%,两套体系的活立木蓄积量差异仅为3.16%,角规样地和方形样地体系总蓄积量抽样精度分别为94.47%与94.57%,均达到国家森林资源连续清查技术规定要求(≥90%)。角规样地复位率大于规定的98%,样木复位率远大于规定的95%,达97%以上,能满足林木蓄积生长量和消耗量监测的要求。角规样地体系的不足主要是由于漏测木和进测木的存在,导致森林资源的现状估计值偏低,且动态估计精度明显低于方形样地体系。  相似文献   

抽样调查中复合样地设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对现行各种样地设计方法进行分析比较,提升出一种一般意义上的样地设计方法-复合样地设计法;复合样地设计的基本思想是,将样本划分成n类,在固定面积为S的样地上套设n个面积不同的子样地,每一类样木对应于一个子样地,在各子样地上分别获得各类样木的估计值,经换算后获得整个样地的估计值,文中给出多种同时具有角规样地和固定样地优点的具体复合样地形式,并以贵州省的方形样地材料予以验证。  相似文献   

森林资源调查中不同样地设置方法的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
角规控制检尺样地是一种高效的抽样方法。以延寿县国家重点生态公益林监测为例,对用角规控制检尺样地与圆形样地2种样地设置方法进行比较,结果表明:角规控制检尺样地在森林资源调查总体控制中是准确可靠的,但也存在一定的局限性。  相似文献   

以贵州省锦屏县第四次森林资源二类调查系统抽样为例,对角规点抽样的标准表法和圆形样地每木检尺的二元立木材积表法进行了比较和分析。结果表明:角规样地与圆形样地对总体蓄积抽样精度分别为90.28%,90.38%,均达到规定的精度要求(≥90%),总体蓄积估计值仅相差1.63%;角规样地检尺样木株数较少,外业工作量相当于圆形样地的40%左右,抽样效率较高;角规样地对大部分林分公顷株数、公顷断面积、公顷蓄积的抽样估计偏低。小班蓄积采用角规辅助调查的标准表法,总体蓄积采用圆形样地每木检尺的二元立木材积表法进行抽样控制的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

森林资源规划设计调查(以下简称二类调查)中,角规控制检尺样地(以下简称角规样地)的布设直接关系到二类调查森林蓄积量是否满足调查精度,角规样地布设以调查总体为基本单位进行机械布设,其数量必须符合调查技术规程的要求,采用GIS软件进行样地布设操作十分繁琐,虽能达到最终目的,但是效率低下,文章通过C#+GDAL技术实现角规样地的机械布点,并输出相应矢量和统计成果,达到规范业务流程、简化操作步骤提高工作效率的目的。  相似文献   

论述了角规操作中应注意的事项,对角规样地的布设,角规操作等影响调查质量的情况进行了说明。  相似文献   

论述了利用不同型号计算器进行角规测树样地的计算。  相似文献   

论述了利用不同型号计算器进行角规测树样地的计算。  相似文献   

从样地变形的发现论述了样地修正的必要性,提出了特殊角规点抽样方案,并作出了比较客观的分析与评估。  相似文献   

伐前调查是森林经营单位一项重要的基础性工作,为寻求一种简便、快速、高精度的伐前蓄积量估测方法,以广西斯道拉恩索林业有限公司(SEGX)的一个作业小班为例,把采伐机自动记录的带皮数据作为真值,采用样带实测法、样圆实测法、角规样地和每木检尺4种方法估测小班蓄积量,对比分析各方法的估测精度.结果表明:样带法、样圆法和每木检尺3种方法的估测精度均在90%以上,满足抽样控制的精度要求.每木检尺虽然精度最高,但工作量也最大,对于公司日常的伐前调查,建议使用样带或样圆实测法.角规样地的精度稍低,为87.2%,原因在于仪器自身缺口误差、样点位移、观测误差以及坡度等因素的影响.对于公司许多面积大、地势复杂的作业单元,样地调查不容易开展,仍建议按技术要求采用角规测量,这样会比样地调查效率更高.最后,利用销售数据算出材种出材量为170.3 m3,出材率高达88.3%,这是由于称质量消除了人为测量误差和木材堆放空隙的影响.  相似文献   

报道了一种新的野生花卉资源样地调查样方法,即利用县级森林资源调查固定样地的调查成果,在固定样地中抽取并测设里生花卉资源查样地,该方法科学性较高,能达到调查成本低,效率高,精度有保证的目的,对野生经济植物资源调查具有推广价值和指导意义,文中对野生卉资源样地调查方法和蕴藏量估算作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

林分皆伐设计以往均采用测型规划进行,工作虽简单,但设计的林分采伐量往往偏小或偏大,不能适应目前资源林政管理的需要,为此,改用标准地法进行林分蓄积量计算,再按出材率进行不同木材进行不同木材生产类型设计,形成一套设计简单又便于操作应用的作业设计技术,也是当前加强源头管理的主要手段。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):137-143
The main issue in forest inventory is the reliability of data collected, which depends on the shape and size of inventoried plots. There is also a need for harmonisation of inventoried plot patterns in West Africa. This study focused on the impact of plot patterns on the quantitative analysis of two vegetation types of West Africa based on case studies from Benin. Twenty and fifteen plots of 1 ha each were demarcated in dense forest and woodland, respectively. Each 1 ha plot was divided into 100 quadrats of 100 m2 each and diameter at breast height (dbh) of trees was recorded in each quadrat. The required time to measuring trees diameter in each 1 ha plot was also recorded to compute the mean inventory effort. From the 100 quadrats in each 1 ha plot, 14 subplots of different shapes and sizes were considered by grouping together adjacent quadrats. The basal area of each subplot was computed and the relationship between estimation bias of the basal area and the size of subplots was modeled using Smith's Law (Smith 1938). The mean absolute error of the shape parameter c of Weibull distribution was computed for each of the subplot shape, size and direction. The direction and shape of subplots did not influence significantly (P > 0.05) the precision of the quantitative analysis of vegetation. However, square subplots were suitable in practice. On the contrary, plot size was significantly (P < 0.05) and inversely correlated to estimation efficiency. The optimal plot size for quantitative analysis of vegetation was 1 800 and 2 000 m2 with an inventory effort of 0.51 and 0.85 man-days per subplot in woodland and dense forest, respectively. It is concluded that use of standard sample sizes will help to harmonise a forestry database and to carry out comparisons at regional level.  相似文献   

以罕山国家级自然保护区内森林动态监测大样地为研究对象,采用数量生态学的点格局分析法(Ripley’s K函数),对其优势种的组成及结构、空间分布格局进行分析。结果显示:样地内重要值排在前4位的乔木树种是黑桦(Betula dahurica)、山杨(Populus davidiana)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)和山荆子(Malus baccata),其相对多度之和为98.1%,相对显著度之和为99.68%,是构成样地内植物群落的骨架型乔木植物。样地内林木总径级结构呈近似的指数分布,幼龄期的个体数量最多,植物群落更新良好,属于增长型群落。白桦、黑桦和山杨在不同尺度下的空间分布格局基本都呈集群分布的形式,随尺度的增大,其聚集强度表现为先增大后减小的趋势。山荆子种群的空间分布格局随尺度增大呈现出聚集分布向随机分布转变的趋势。  相似文献   

The single-scan setup of terrestrial laser scanning of a forest field plot has advantages compared to the multi-scan setup: the speed of operation and that there is no need of a co-registration of the different scans. However in a single-scan setup some of the trees are shaded by others and therefore not detected in the scan. A field inventory solution must take this fact into account. This simulation study shows how different plot sizes and tree stand densities influence the stem visibility giving nonlinear effects especially for large trees and high stem numbers. These effects can be counteracted by using an edge or center stem point detection criteria when analyzing the results or by weighting the detected trees by their visibility. It is shown that the stem density and diameter distribution can be estimated from the visible areas of the plot in case the stem positions are Poisson distributed.  相似文献   

基于机载LiDAR数据,分析哑变量对林分蓄积量估测精度的影响。以广西高峰林场为研究对象,借助机载激光雷达点云数据和96个样地数据,将样地数据按7∶3的比例随机划分为建模样本和测试样本,采用随机森林模型(RFR)和支持向量机模型(SVR)对建模样本与对应的点云特征回归建模,将树种组(针叶林和阔叶林)和龄组分别作为哑变量引入到回归模型。利用测试样本的估测精度评价模型的估测精度,引入树种组哑变量,随机森林模型决定系数R2从0.59提高到0.64,支持向量机模型决定系数R2从0.49提高到0.50。引入龄组哑变量,随机森林模型决定系数R2从0.59提高到0.65,支持向量机模型决定系数R2从0.45提高到0.55。根据模型的建模精度和验证精度结果得出,引入哑变量对蓄积量估测模型的精度提升是相对有效的。龄组哑变量对模型精度提升效果优于树种组哑变量。  相似文献   

以电子样地为基础,利用三角形匹配算法,对隐形样地进行复位,且在此基础上开发了隐形样地复位系统。该方法可有效解决固定样地复位过程中所面临的标记丢失、易位以及样地被特殊对待等问题。借助于隐形样地复位系统,隐形样地的三角形匹配精度可以达到83.3%。  相似文献   


Forest carbon sinks significantly contribute to mitigation of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. Thus, estimating forest carbon is becoming important to develop policies for mitigating climate change and trading carbon credits. However, a great challenge is how to quantify uncertainties in estimation of forest carbon. This study investigated uncertainties of mapping aboveground forest carbon due to location errors of sample plots for Lin-An County of China. National forest inventory plot data and Landsat TM images were combined using co-simulation algorithm. The findings show that randomly perturbing plot locations within 10 distance intervals statistically did not result in biased population mean predictions of aboveground forest carbon at a significant level of 0.05, but increased root mean square errors of the maps. The perturbations weakened spatial autocorrelation of aboveground forest carbon and its correlation with spectral variables. The perturbed distances of 800 m or less did not obviously change the spatial distribution of predicted values. However, when the perturbed distances were 1600 m or larger, the correlation coefficients of the predicted values from the perturbed locations with those from the true plot locations statistically did not significantly differ from zero at a level of 0.05 and the spatial distributions became random.  相似文献   

运用全站仪布设导线法布设样地,配合棱镜测量不同地形条件下树木的相对地理位置(X,Y,Z)。以湖南黄丰桥林场杉木纯林为例,设置S0作为总站点,S1,S2,S3作为一级站点布设支导线进行测量,将所测数据生成散点图,测量数据分布与林木实际分布保持一致。结果表明,支导线控制测量法是一种有效的测量林木位置的方法。  相似文献   

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