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As part of a programme of work evaluating the role of seeds in regenerating or initiating infestations of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea, the growth of the weeds was analysed in cereal crops in two experiments. The first experiment investigated the effects of time of planting the weed seedlings (simulating different times of emergence), nitrogen supply and cereal seed rate in winter wheat and the second, the same factors in spring wheat and spring barley. In winter wheat, delaying planting of the weeds from autumn until spring greatly decreased shoot growth and almost completely prevented rhizome formation. Nitrogen fertilizer increased the weight of shoots of both species planted at both times but whereas it increased the amount of rhizome produced by Agropyron it decreased that of Agrostis. Without nitrogen Agrostis had twice as much rhizome as Agropyron but with nitrogen Agropyron had twice as much as Agrostis. Decreasing the cereal seed rate had little effect on rhizome weight when nitrogen was not given but it allowed twice as much rhizome to be produced when it was supplied. However, more longer rhizomes were formed at the smaller than at the larger seed rate with both amounts of nitrogen. In spring cereals, late planting decreased the shoot growth of Agrostis more than that of Agropyron, and of Agropyron in barley more than in wheat, especially at the smaller seed rate. Nitrogen increased shoot weight of Agropyron in wheat but had little effect in barley; it decreased that of Agrostis in barley. On average, rhizome growth was decreased by nitrogen, by increasing the seed rate and by delaying planting. Agropyron rhizomes were heavier in wheat than in barley but those of Agrostis were heavier in barley than in wheat. Agropyron produced most rhizome in thinlysown wheat given nitrogen, but Agrostis most in thinlysown barley without nitrogen. The two treatments had an equal number of rhizomes longer than 100 cm. The agricultural significance of the interaction of the various treatments is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

E. D. WILLIAMS 《Weed Research》1971,11(2-3):159-170
Summary. Seeding of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth were grown in two photoperiods and with amounts of nitrogen. On two occasions plants transferred between photoperiods.
The early growth of the seedlings was increased most by increasing the light intensity, but later nitrogen had the greatest effect. In short photoperiods, plants of both species were decumbent and had many more shoots than in long photoperiods. At the end of the experiment, plants of both species responded more to nitrogen in bright than in dim light, and the dry weight of Agropyron was increased more than that of Agrostis by increased photoperiod and nitrogen.
Agropyron initiated rhizomes sooner than Agrostis ; it had fewer rhizomes but they were longer and thicker and weighed more. Brighter light, longer photoperiod and nitrogen all increased rhizome weight. Photoperiod did this mainly by producing more rhizomes, light by increasing thickness or density, and nitrogen by both. The effects of photoperiod and nitrogen on the rhizome dry weight of Agropyron , but not of Agrostis , were additive.
Transferring plants from short to long photoperiods or from long to short, respectively increased or decreased total growth, but had an opposite effect on the rhizomes.  相似文献   

Summary. The growth of seedlings of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. and Agrostis gigantea Roth, in pots was studied in two experiments in 1968 and 1969. In Experiment 1 their growth was compared with that of wheat and in Experiment 2 they were grown in sandy loam (Woburn) and silt loam (Rothamsted) soil at four levels of nitrogen. Both species grew faster than wheat, mainly because they had a larger leaf area ratio. Tillering began earlier in wheat, but continued longer in the grasses, which eventually had many more shoots. Ears emerged in the order: wheat before Agropyron before Agrostis. Although Agrostis had much lighter seeds than Agropyron, it grew faster, but Agropyron initiated rhizomes sooner, usually when it had 1–2 tillers and 4 leaves. Agrostis did not initiate rhizomes until it had at least 10 tillers and 6 leaves. In Experiment 2 the seedlings at first grew more in Woburn than in Rothamsted soil but later more in Rothamsted than in Woburn soil. There was no evidence of a species/soil interaction but nitrogen had more effect on both species in Woburn than in Rothamsted soil. Neither soil type nor nitrogen affected the time at which rhizomes were initiated. Etude de la croissance de plantules d'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth. Résumé. La croissance de plantules A'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. et d'Agrostis gigantea Roth, cultivdes en pots a étéétudiée au cours de deux expériences en 1968 et 1969. Dans la premiére experience, leur croissance fut compareée à celle du blé et dans une seconde experiénce, ces deux espéces furent cultivées sur un sol sablo-limoneux (Woburn) et sur un sol argilo-limoneux (Rothamsted) á quatre niveaux d'azote. Les deux mauvaises herbes poussérent plus vite que le blé, principalement en raison de leur rapport plus éalevé de surface foliaire. Le tallage commenga plus tot chez le bié, mais se poursuivit plus longtemps chez les deux mauvaises herbes qui, en fin de compte, eurent plus de tiges. L'épiaison se produisit dans l'ordre suivant: bléa, Agropyron, Agrostis. Bien que I'Agrostis ait des semences plus petites que I'Agropyron, il poussa plus vite, mais I'Agropyron émit des rhizomes plus tôt, habituellement au stade 1 à 2 talles et 4 feuilles. L'Agrostis n'émit pas de rhizome avant d'atteindre au moins le stade 10 talles et 6 feuilles. Dans la deuxième experience, les plantules poussérent d'abord plus dans le sol de Woburn que dans celui de Rothamsted mais, plus tard, plus dans le sol de Rothamsted que dans Celui de Woburn. II ne fut pas décelé d'interaction entre le sol et les espéces, mais I'azote fit un effet plus marqué sur les deux espéces dans le sol de Woburn que dans celui de Rothamsted. Ni le type de sol, ni le niveau d'azote n'eurent d'influence sur l'époque à laquelle les rhizomes commencérent de croître. Untersuchungen zum Wachstum von Keirnpjlanzen von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Und Agrostis gigantea Roih. Zusammenfassung. Das Wachstum von Keimpfianzen von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth, in Töpfen wurde 1968 und 1969 in zwei Versuchen untersucht. In Versuch II wurde das Wachstum mit dem von Weizen verglichen. In Versuch II wurden sie in sandigen Lehmboden (Woburn) und Silt-Lehm-(Rothamsted) Boden bei vier Stickstoffstufen angezogen. Beide Arten wuchsen in erster Linie wegen ihres grösseren Blattflächenanteils schneller als Weizen. Die Bestockung begann fruher bei Weizen, zog sich jedoch bei den Gräsern, die schliesslich wesentlich mehr Halme hatten, langer hin. Ahrenschieben erfolgte am frühesten bei Weizen, dann bei Agropyron und schliesslich bei Agrostis. Obgleich Agrostis viel leichtere Samen hatte als Agropyron, wuchs es schneller, doch entwickelte Agropyron fruher Rhizome, nornialerweise bei 1–2 Bestockungstriebe und 4 Blättern. Agrostis entwickelte Rhizome nicht ehe es mindestens 10 Bestockungstriebe und 6 Blätter hatte. In Versuch II wuchsen die Keimpflanzen zunächst besser in Woburn- als in Rothamsted-Boden, später wieder besser in Rothamsted als in Woburn-Boden. Es gab keine Anhalts-punkte für eine Interaktion zwisehen den Arten und dem Boden, doch wirkte Stickstoff bei beiden Arten besser in Woburn- als in Rothamsted-Boden. Weder Bodentyp noch Stickstoffmenge beeinflussten den Beginn der Rhizombfldung.  相似文献   

Summary. Spring wheat, sown at three different times, and Agropyron repens, defoliated at the same three times, were grown separately or together in pots kept in an open-sided cage. The pots were widely spaced and adequately watered. Early sowing of wheat gave a greater grain yield than late sowing, and lessened the loss from competition with Agropyron. Early defoliation of Agropyron slowed its subsequent early growth more than did late defoliation, and plants defoliated early suffered more from competition with wheat. Competition, probably mainly for nitrogen, decreased tillering and the number of ears produced by wheat, more when sowing was late than early, but grain dry weight per ear was decreased equally at the three times of sowing. The rate at which wheat produced leaves was affected by competition only at the last date of sowing. In competition with wheat, Agropyron produced fewer shoots and ears, had lighter shoots and rhizomes, and ear emergence was slightly delayed.  相似文献   

Summary. The growth of Agropyron repens seedlings, or of clones derived from them, raised from seeds collected from different areas was compared; the growth of seedlings raised from seeds from single spikes and from seeds of a cross of two clones was also compared.
The number and length of shoots and the amount of rhizome produced differed between seedlings from different areas. Seedlings with a large weight of rhizomes often had a small weight of shoots. Many of the differences found between seedlings from different areas were confirmed by comparing clones established from some of them. Comparisons of both seedlings and clones showed that the percentage of shoots that developed spikes differed between genotypes; clones with the least weight of rhizome tended to have most weight of spikes. Large variations also occurred between clones established from seedlings from a given area, particularly in the way their dry weight was partitioned between primary and secondary shoots and in the time the spikes emerged.
The amount of rhizome per seedling varied greatly between seedlings from seeds from single spikes and from seeds from a cross of two clones. There was some evidence of a negative correlation between per cent shoot and per cent rhizome dry weight with seedlings from single spikes and between number of shoots and number of rhizomes per seedling with seedlings from a cross of two clones.
Variation en croissance de plantules issues de semences et de clones d' Agropyron repens (L) Beauv.  相似文献   

Summary. The average air-dry yield of weeds on fallow plots was about four times as large (2660 kg/ha) as the yield of weeds which developed among spring cereal crops (740 kg/ha). Application of fertilizers increased the number of weeds and their average weight on both irrigated and non-irrigated plots. Treatment with MCPA reduced the weed yield to 36% on fallow plots and to 26% on weedy cereal plots. It was more effective on fertilized plots than on unfertilized plots, but irrigation made little difference to its effectiveness. The space left by the destroyed weeds was mainly occupied by Agropyron repens . Oats were better able to compete with weeds than were wheat and barley. On unfertilized and non-irrigated plots spraying with MCPA (1-26 kg/ha) at the beginning of shooting significantly reduced the yields of weed-free barley. The yields of sprayed oats and wheat were also below the yields from the unsprayed although the reductions were not significant at the 5% level. However, on a number of fertilized and irrigated plots, both weedy and hand-weeded , on which the plants had better growing conditions, MCPA resulted in a significant increase in the grain yield of barley and oats.
Influence de l'irrigation, de la fertilisation et du MCPA sur la compétition entre céréales de printemps et mauvaises herbes  相似文献   

Summary. A factorial experiment with couch grass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) grown in boxes examined the effects of rhizome fragmentation, planting depth and shoot removal on the survival of rhizome pieces, new rhizome growth and rhizome carbohydrate reserves.
Burial to 4 in. depth in sandy loam soil led to the death of 54% of 1 in. long rhizome pieces and 28% of 3 in. pieces. With all the segment lengths tested deeper planting decreased the proportion of buds which produced shoots.
Shoot removal every 14 days decreased the dry weight and carbohydrate content of the planted rhizomes and prevented new rhizome growth. Segments 1 or 3 in. long lost their carbohydrate reserves more quickly than 9 in. pieces. Rhizomes planted at 4 in. depth contained less carbohydrate after establishment than shallow-planted material, and produced less new rhizome growth.
IS Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.–Quelques effets de la fragmentation et de l'enfouissement du rhizome et de la defoliation  相似文献   

Summary. Inhibition of extension groth of rape seedlings was used in measure toxin production from plain material incubated with soil at 20° C. Waterlogging was most important for loxin production from Agropyron repens rhizome. It made little difference whether fresh, frozen or dried rhizome pieces were used. Toxicity was still increasing after 33 days' incubation. A. repens, Agrostis tenuis, Lolium multiflorum and Medicago lupulina all produced similar amounts of toxin per unit wight of dry matter in waterlogged mixtures with a sandy loam (pH 5.7) or a clay soil (pH 7.5). A medium loam (pH 7.2), which gave appreciable toxicity when incubated alone, produced slightly more toxicity from Agrastis tennis and Lolium multiflorum than Hid the other soils, otherwise suil type bad little effect. The results do not support the view that Agropyron repens is exceptional in producing toxin.
Production de toxines pendant la décomposition d'Agropyron repens et d'autres espèces  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to define the conditions under which seeds and seedlings of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea may start infestations in cereal crops. When seedlings were planted early or late in spring wheat and spring barley, most growth of shoots and rhizomes was produced by Agropyron planted early in wheat. Late planting halved the amount of shoot growth and severely inhibited rhizome formation. In winter wheat given a moderate or zero amount of nitrogen fertilizer in spring, growth of the weed seedlings was slow. Rhizomes were not produced during the time the crop was growing but only after harvest. Agrostis made more growth than Agropyron in most treatments throughout most of the experiment. Late planting decreased growth more than in the spring cereals. Nitrogen fertilizer, although it had little effect on the amount of growth made by winter wheat, increased the growth of the early-planted seedlings but decreased that of the late-planted ones of both weed species. When planted into plots given nitrogen, more seedlings of both species died after late than after early planting. Clearly, the amount of growth and rhizome produced by seedlings of these two species will depend on the type of cereal, the time of emergence of the seedlings in relation to the cereal, and on other factors affecting the relative vigour of cereal and weed. Evidently, where the weed seedlings emerge early in weakly or moderately competitive cereal crops or when growth is unchecked in the cereal stubble, seedlings could give rise to infestations.  相似文献   

Summary. Translocation of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-14C (14C-aminotriazole) was compared to that of 14C-assimilates in couch grass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) at three different growth stages.
Assimilates of 14CO2 were translocated from the treated shoot to other shoots and rhizomes at the 2–3-leaf and 3–4-leaf stages of development. Much less labelled material was translocated into untreated shoots at the 5-leaf stage. More 14C-assimilates were translocated to the roots than to untreated shoots at all developmental stages. The translocation patterns of 14C-aminotriazole and 14C-assimilates were similar.
Two metabolites, A and B, were formed from 14C-aminotriazole, which chromatographed identically to previously described metabolites in Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. A was further metabolized into B. Labelled aminotriazole and its two metabolites were translocated throughout the plants. Metabolite A was phytotoxic when concentrated and re-applied to couch grass, but its properties were not those of Unknown II from Cirsium arvense. They were the same as those of Unknown III. Whether or not metabolite A and Unknown III are identical was not established.
Migration des substances assimilables marquées au 14 C, du 3 amino-1,2,4-triazole et de ses métabolites chez Agropyron repens  相似文献   

Summary. A survey of barley crops on 166 west of Scotland farms in 1969 indicated a more widespread distribution of Avena fatua L. than had previously been recognized. Whilst only 0·8% of the barley area was infested with A. fatua , the weed was found on 16% of the known barley-growing farms. A. fatua was associated with arable farming situations and with fields where there was a recent history of cereal cropping. Only on four of the sample farms where A. fatua was found had any attempt been made to control the weed. It is concluded that there is a strong case for eradicating or at least containing the weed before it becomes a major problem.
The distribution of Avena strigosa Schreb. and Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. is also given.
Distribution d' Avena fatua L., d' Avena. strigosa Schreb. et d' Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. dans les cultures d'orge de l'ouest de l'Ecosse  相似文献   

Summary. Small plots of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, were shaded with ‘Tygan’ screening fabric which transmitted approximately 46% of daylight. In 1968, plots were either shaded or unshaded throughout the experiment (from mid-May until September) and in 1969, some plots were also shaded early (mid-May to mid-July) or late (mid-July to September). In both experiments continuous shading halved rhizome dry weight but had a much smaller effect on shoot dry weight. It also decreased rhizome dry matter by 5%. With early shading there were fewer shoots and ears until mid-July but this difference disappeared by September, because plants shaded early produced more shoots and ears after mid-July than unshaded plants. Early shading slightly decreased the final percentage of shoots that developed ears. Early shading increased shoot height by mid-July and late shading increased it by the end of the experiment. Effets de la diminution de l'intensié lumineuse sur la croissance de l'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, au champ Résumé. De petites parcelles d'Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. ont été ombragiés avec du ‘Tygan’écran en treillis qui ne laisse passer que 46% environ de la lumère du jour. En 1968, les parcelles furent ombragées ou non pendant toute la durée de l'expérience (de mi-mai à septembre); en 1969 certaines parcelles furent aussi ombragées précocement (de mi-mai à mi-julliet) ou tardivement (de mi-jmllet à septembre). Dans les deux expériences, l'ombrage continu réduisit de moitié le poids sec des rhizomes mais eut un effet beaucoup plus faible sur le poids sec de la partie aérienne. II réduisit également de 5% la matière sèche des rhizomes. Avec un ombrage précoce, il y eut moins de tiges et d'épis jusquà mi-juillet, mais cette différence n'existait plus en septembre paree que les plantes ombragées précocement produisirent après la mi-juillet, plus de tiges et d'épis que les plantes non ombragées. L'ombrage précoce diminua le pourcentage final des tiges qui produisirent des épis. L'ombrage précoce augmenta la hauteur des tiges à la mi-juillet et l'ombrage tardif eut le même effet à la fin de I'expérience. Auswirkungen verringerter Lichtintensität auf das Wachstum von Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Im Feld Zusammenfassung. Kleine Parzellen mit Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. wurden mit ‘Tygan’ Abschirmmaterial, das etwa 46% des Tageslichts durchliess, beschattet. Im Jahre 1968 wurden die Parzellen während der gesamten Versuchadauer (von Mitte Mai bis September) entweder beschattet oder nicht beschattet; 1969 wurden auch einige Parzellen früh (von Mitte Mai bis Mitte Juli) oder spät (von Mittc Juli bis September) beschattet. In beiden Experimenten reduzierte durchgehende Beschattung das Rhizom-trockengewicht um die Hälfte, hatte jedoch eine weit geringere Auswirkung auf das Trockengewicht der oberirdischen Teile. Die Rhizomtrockensubstanz war um 5% vermindert, Bei früher Beschattung würden bis Mitte Juli weniger Schosse und Ahren gebildet; dieser Unterschied war jedoch bis September wieder verschwunden, da beschattete Pflanzen ab Mitte Juli mehr Schosse und Ähren produzierten als unbeschattete. Frühe Besehattung führte zu einer leiehten Verringerung des Prozentsatzes der Schosse, die Ähren bildeten. Die Länge der Sehosse war Mitte Juli durch frühe Beschattung vergrössert und am Ende des Experiments durch späte Besehattung.  相似文献   

Summary. The experiments reported show that weed competition throughout growth reduced kale yields by up to 89%. Competition until the 4-leaf stage reduced yields by about 12%. Application of nitrogen had little effect on the actual loss of yield. The same yield could be obtained by controlling weeds from emergence and giving little nitrogen, or by delaying weed control until the 4-leaf stage and giving a higher level of nitrogen, but kale crops that had suffered weed competition until the 4-Ieaf stage appeared to be incapable of achieving the same yield as crops clean-weeded from emergence. Data on nitrogen percentage and content suggest that competition between weeds and kale was not solely for i
Effets du desherbage et du taux de fertilisation azoiée sur le rendement et la teneuren azote du chou fourrager  相似文献   

Summary. Tracer studies using single drops of solutions containing 3–amino-1,2,4–triazole-5–14C (aminotriazole-14C) or 2,2–dichloropropionic acid-2–14C (datapon-14C) revealed that in couch plants (Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) growing under field conditions in the autumn and at the stage where the aerial shoots were 40–50 cm long, both compounds moved in both symplast and apoplast. Dalapon was less mobile in the symplast than aminotriazole and only negligible amounts of dalapon were translocated to the rhizomes. The nodes of the treated shoots appeared to act as barriers to translocation, a phenomenon more pronounced for dalapon than for aminotriazole.
Application to a basal green leaf led to a more uniform distribution of the compounds within plants and rhizomes than when the application was made to the youngest fully-expanded leaf.
In couch plants with aerial shoots 10–15 cm long treated in the stubble, the distribution of both aminotriazole and dalapon was mainly restricted to the treated shoots. Even 15 days after application only trace amounts of radioactivity could be found in the rhizomes and untreated shoots.  相似文献   

2-Chloroethylphosphonic acid applied to foliage or soil released dormant buds from apical dominance in aerial shoots and rhizomes of Agropyron repens. The aerial shoots had scale-like leaves and shortened internodes with adventitious roots at the nodes. The treated plants had a dwarf appearance and had increased peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

Summary. The main shoot or selected tillers of seedling plants of Poa pratensis L. were supplied with 14CO2 and the distribution of 14C-assimilates was followed by autoradiography. The primary tillers were initially supplied with 14C-assimilates from the main shoot but, once established, became independent of the parental shoot for carbohydrates. Similarly, developing rhizome-tillers were supported by the main shoot and established primary tillers but soon became self-supporting, Defoliation of all the tillers of the plant but one led to the defoliated primary and rhizome tillers being supplied with radiocarbon from the remaining intact shoot. Thus, although the primary tillers and rhizome-tillers in the intact plant appear to be physiologically independent, the entire tiller-rhizome system may be re-integrated after defoliation, allowing assimilate redistribution. P. pratensis may be regarded as a convenient link between the non-weedy herbage grasses which generally lack rhizomes and the weedy rhizomatous grasses typified by Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.
Etat des relations entre les talles et les rhizomes de Poa pratensis L. Etude autoradiographique  相似文献   

Summary. Two techniques for the comparative evaluation for the control of couchgrass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) were tested in 1960, and it was concluded that the more practicable was the one in which known lengths (96 in.) of couchgrass rhizome fragments were planted in a plot of 10 × 2 ft. The rhizomes were allowed to grow and herbicides were applied when the shoots were 6–9 in. high. Two to 3 months later the rhizomes were carefully dug up, weighed, measured and dried. Dry weight of rhizomes was used as a measure of the quantity of couchgrass present. Four trials of spring applications, and two of autumn applications are reported.
Of the commercially available herbicides, amitrole-T, TCA and dalapon were effective in that order, and presented no insuperable problems of persistence in the soil. Fenac and atrazine showed little promise. Spring applications of herbicides were considerably more effective than autumn treatments.
Essai d'herbicides pour la lutte contre Agropyron repens  相似文献   


Dissemination of weed seeds, weed seedlings, and shoots of perennial weeds along with transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings was observed in farmers’ fields in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The percentage of weed seedlings and shoots in bundles of rice seedlings to be transplanted into the field ranged from 4–5 to 14.2% in the wet season and from 3.0 to 8.7% in the dry season. Grasses comprised 63% of the weed seedlings in the wet season and 81% in the dry season. The number of weed seeds disseminated with the rice seedlings ranged from 271 to 683 per bundle. Mainly sedges and broadleaf weeds were disseminated in this manner. Possible ways of reducing dissemination of weeds with rice seedlings are suggested.  相似文献   

Fragments of Agropyron repens rhizomes, two lo fifteen nodes long and without u apex, were grown on moist chromato-graphic paper in Perspex boxes to observe the pattern of shoot growth. A majority of shoots started into growth after decapitation of the rhizome and the smaller the fragment the greater the proportion that grew. After only a day or two, shoots began to cease growth, starling with those furthest away from the shoot that ultimately became the absolute dominant and progressing in order towards it. The shorter the rhizome fragment the quicker absolute dominance MM achieved. Most of the fragments tested had absolute dominants by the twentieth day. The dominant shoot was OMM frequently at the second node from the apical end. Roots grew from the base of new shoots, but did not necessarily cease growth when their shoots ceased growth and even small buds that made no detectable growth at all produced vigorous roots. Three rhizomes that ceased growth altogether before 20 days made more growth after being given potassium nitrate, but it did not apparently prevent the onset of a dominance system. The significance of these results is discussed. Le développement de la dominance parmi les tiges issues de fragments de rhizomes d'Agropyron repens Des fragments de rhizomes d’Agropyron repens comprenant de 2 a 15 noeuds et dépourvus d'apex ont été mis en culture sur papier chromatographique humide dans des boites “Perspex” afin d'observer les modalités de croissance des tiges. La majorité de ces tiges commencérent k croître aprés la décapitation du rhizome et ceci dans une proportion d’autant plus grande que les fragments étaient plus petits. Aprés seulement un jour ou deux, la croissance des tiges commença à se ralentir à partir de celles qui se trouvaient le plus loin de la tige qui devait devenir ultérieurement la dominante absolue et progressérent dans I'ordre, dans sa direction. Plus le fragment de rhizome était petit, plus l'achévement de la dominance absolue fut rapide. La plupart des fragments mis en culture manifestérent des dominances absolues vers le vingtiéme jour. La tige dominante fut le plus fréquemment situtée au second noeud à partir de l'extrémilé apicale. Des racines poussérent à la base des nouvelles tiges, mais leur croissance ne fut pas nécessairement interrompue quand celle des tiges cessa; il arriva même que des bourgeons n'ayant manifeste aucune croissance produisirent néanmoins des racines vigoureuses. Trois rhizomes dont la croissance s'arrêta complétement avant vingt jours se remirent à pousser aprés avoir reçu du nitrate de potassium, mais. apparemment, ceci ne prévint pus le départ d'un systéme de dominance. La signification de ces résultats est discutée. Die Bildung der Dominanz beim Austrieb der Rhizomstücke von Agropyron repens Rhizomstücke von Agropyron repens, 2–15 Nodien lang und ohne Apex, wurden auf feuchtem Chromatographiepapier in “Perspex”-BehSltern angezogen, um das Sprosswachstum zu beobachten. Nach dem Abtrennen des Rhizomes begannen die meisten Sprosse zu wachsen, wobei mit abnehmender Grösse des Rhizomstückes die Zahl wachsender Sprosse zunahm. Die vom letztlich dominierenden Spross am weitstene entfernten Sprosse begannen schon nach ein bis zwei Tagen das Wachstum einzustellen. Je kürzcr das Rhizom-stück war. desto schnellcr wurde eine absolute Dominanz erziell. Bei den meisten der untersuchten Rhizomstücke hatte sich bis zum 20. Tag ein dominicrender Spross durchgesetzt. Dieser befand sich in der Rcgd zwei Nodien vom apikalen Ende entfernt. An der Basis neuer Sprosse wuchsen Wurzein. Diese stellten jedoch nicht zwangsläufig ihr Wachstum ein, sobald der Spross aufhörte zu wachsen. Sogar kleine Knospen, ohne sichtbares Wachstum, entwickelten kräftige Wurzein. Durch Zugabe von Kaliumnitrat wiesen drei Rhizome, die vor dem 20. Tag das Wachstum eingestetlt hatten, ein verstärktes Wachstum auf, ohne dass dabei die Dominanzverhältnisse veründert wurden. Die Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

J. LEWIS 《Weed Research》1973,13(2):179-191
Summary. Results are presented of a 20-year investigation into survival of crop and weed seeds in undisturbed soil. Indications are that seeds reveal their survival potential during the first 4 years; only rarely did species which persisted for this initial period lose all viability in the subsequent 16 years.
Deterioration occurred more rapidly in acid peat than in loam soil, and the species which persisted in peat also remained viable in loam soil.
The Gramineae were short-lived in the soil, with the exception of Phleum spp., some seeds of which persisted for 20 years. Most leguminous species persisted for the whole period but not to the same extent as some of the weed species. Of the weeds, the species with the highest percentage seed survival were Ranunculus repens (53%), Chenopodium album (23%) and Rumex crispus (18%).
Longévité des semences de plantes cultivées et de mauvaises herbes: survivance après 20 années dans le sol  相似文献   

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