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To investigate how T. vivax affects metabolism in dwarf goats, nine wethers (infection group) given alfalfa pellets ad libitum were infected intravenously and food intake was recorded up to 49 days after infection in the infection group and in the control group (n=9). Controls received the same diet, ad libitum before infection and in restricted amounts after infection in order to obtain similar intakes in the two groups. Digestible organic matter intake (DOMI) and nitrogen balance (NB) were determined during four balance trials. All animals were bled regularly to measure parasitaemia, packed cell volume (PCV) and a number of serum metabolites.

All infected animals showed symptoms typical for T. vivax infection as judged by parasitaemia, PCV and rectal temperature. Infection had a non‐uniform negative effect on food intake. Compared with controls at equal DOMI, NB was lower in infected animals, the difference being significant 4 weeks after infection. This was caused by a gradual increase in NB at equal DOMI of the control group. The NB of the ad libitum fed infected animals 2 and 4 weeks after infection was comparable to values normally found in healthy ad libitum fed dwarf goats with an equal DOMI.

NEFA values in serum were significantly elevated after infection. Except for two infected animals with an extremely low food intake towards the end of the experiment, no rise in serum ketone bodies was evident. After infection, serum protein increased, differences with controls being significant 4 and 7 weeks after infection.

It is concluded that T. vivax infection results in a decrease in energy intake and a decrease in NB up to at least 4 weeks after infection. At equal DOMI, NB of infected animals was not lower than expected for ad libitum fed healthy animals but was lower than in healthy controls on a restricted diet, probably as a result of a decrease in maintenance requirements of the latter. The data on NB and serum NEFA concentrations suggest that non‐protein energy sources are used to supply the increased energy demand as a result of infection.  相似文献   

Thirty-two mature dwarf goats weighing between 16 and 30 kg (22.7 +/- 3.7, SD) were used to study the effect of Trypanosoma vivax infection on rectal temperature (RT), feed intake (DMI), and metabolic rate. Sixteen of the goats were infected intravenously with 14 X 10(6) T. vivax each; the 16 others served as controls. Animals were fed at about 1.1 times maintenance. Heat production was measured from 1 wk preinfection to 6 wk postinfection. From data on successive 9-min periods, heat production was calculated per 24-h period and separately for 0700 to 2000 (day period) and for 2000 to 0700 (night period). Rectal temperature was measured twice weekly. Compared with controls, animals infected with T. vivax developed and maintained a 1 degree C higher RT and a higher metabolic rate. After the prepatent period of 5 to 7 d, during which RT remained normal, all infected goats had a period of about 7 d with constant high temperatures. After that initial episode, RT fluctuated. Heat production of infected animals was increased by 15.6 kcal.d-1.kg-.75, or about 16%. This increase in heat production was greater during the night (22 kcal.d-1.kg-.75) than during the day (14 kcal.d-1.kg-.75). After T. vivax infection, large differences in DMI among animals were apparent. In four animals, a clear relation between DMI and RT was noted, but in 12 animals no such relationship was apparent.  相似文献   

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) flurbiprofen caused a rise in parasitaemia in goats infected with Trypanosoma vivax, Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma brucei. All trypanosome-infected goats treated with flurbiprofen showed many dividing trypanosomes. This also included the short-stumpy forms of T. brucei. In T. vivax-infected goats flurbiprofen treatment resulted in 100% mortality in the acute and chronic stages of the infection. The increase in parasitaemia of T. brucei infected goats, treated with flurbiprofen, was not associated with an increase in mortality. The increase in parasitaemia of T. congolense-infected goats, treated with flurbiprofen, tended to be associated with a somewhat higher mortality but this was statistically not significant. The significant rise in parasitaemia could be reproduced in T. brucei-infected sheep without, however, killing the animals. Two other NSAIDs were also studied. Suprofen caused a rise in parasitaemia and 100% mortality when given to goats in the acute stage of T. vivax infection. Results with flunixin meglumine, when tested in T. brucei infected goats, were not conclusive.  相似文献   

Sahel goats, also known as Borno whites are found in the northern semi-arid, tsetse free Sahel region of Nigeria. They are transported alongside cattle from this zone to all other zones in the country, including the tsetse-infested zones, for commercial purposes and are kept for some time in these tsetse-infested zones until they are sold. This study therefore assessed the susceptibility of this breed of goats to trypanosome infection and its response to treatment with Berenil. Six bucks were inoculated intravenously with Trypanosoma vivax through the jugular vein while two served as uninfected control. The mean pre-patent period was 4.5 days and increasing parasitaemia followed the establishment of infection. Onset of parasitaemia was associated with increase in rectal temperature in all the infected goats and the temperature peak coincided with the only parasitaemic peak second week post-infection. The infected goats were treated with Berenil (Hoechst, Germany) 3.5mg/kg body weight at 4 weeks post-infection. The packed cell volume (PCV) continued to fall from a mean 30.73+/-0.01% pre-infection to a mean 13.21+/-0.18% at 1 week post-treatment. Deaths were recorded for 4 of the infected goats 1 week post-treatment while the remaining two died 2 weeks post-treatment, not responding to treatment.  相似文献   

Platelet aggregation leading to a decreased number of thrombocytes and reduced blood serotonin levels can be correlated with parasitaemia as has been observed in goats and cattle infected with T. vivax Y58. Flurbiprofen is a potent anti-inflammatory agent with antipyretic activity. In vitro , this agent inhibits platelet aggregation and blocks serotonin release. The results of the present study demonstrated that flurbiprofen inhibited the febrile reactions during the acute phase of T. vivax infection, but the drug did not prevent or reverse the associated drop in blood serotonin level during this period. Moreover, it was apparent that flurbiprofen had a deleterious effect on goats infected with T. vivax Y58. The infection in the untreated animals (sixteen out of seventeen goats) followed a rather mild and prolonged course with peaks of parasitaemia during the febrile episodes, whereas in flurbiprofen-treated goats (five animals), inoculated with the same number of trypanosomes, the parasitaemia was progressive and terminated in early death with disseminated intravascular coagulation at post mortem examination. These observations would seem to confirm the work of previous investigators, suggesting that anti-inflammatory agents have an aggravatory effect on the course of infection in animals inoculated with various strains of trypanosomes. Important differences exist, however, in the relationship between prostaglandin synthesis in the platelets of the goat and in those of other species.  相似文献   

Anaemia is the most prominent clinical sign of trypanosomosis in domestic animals but little is known about its pathogenesis. This work investigated erythrophagocytosis as the possible cause of anaemia. Pathogenic Trypanosoma congolense (IL3000) was intravenously inoculated into six goats at 3x10(6) trypanosomes per goat. Six other goats were maintained as controls. The infection was studied for 10 weeks and parasitaemia, packed cell volume (PCV) and serum protein levels were determined. The amount of erythrophagocytosis was determined from the amount of 51Cr-labelled red blood cells (RBCs) phagocytosed by self mononuclear cells (MNCs) in vitro and by microscopically counting phagocytosed RBCs on Giemsa stained smears of incubated mixtures of RBCs and self MNCs. The infection resulted in trypanosomosis with rapid progressive anaemia and mean peaks of parasitaemia of about 3x10(3)ml(-1). In infected goats, a significant (P<0.05) mean reduction in PCV (of 37-22%) was observed starting from about 20 days up to 56 days post-infection. Within this same phase, significant (P<0.05) differences in mean radioactivity counts of (51)Cr incorporated into MNCs were observed with infected goats' samples having counts 50% higher than the control goats' samples. Microscopically, the mean number of phagocytosed RBCs in infected goats' MNCs was noted to be 80% higher (P<0.05) than that of control goats. Appreciable increases (P<0.05) in mean serum globulin levels, from 3.5 to 4.7g/dl, were observed within 3 weeks of infection. The study showed that erythrophagocytosis is an important mechanism leading to anaemia in the pathophysiology of T. congolense infection in Zambian goats.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the immune response and the impact of Trichostrongylus colubriformis infections on the performance of growing Santa Ines lambs. Thirty male lambs, 3-4 months of age, were maintained in individual pens and restrictively randomised by weight into 3 treatment groups: (1) infected group, artificially infected with 2500 T. colubriformis larvae, three times a week, for 13 weeks, and fed ad libitum; (2) Pair-Fed Group, non-infected and fed with the same amount of food consumed by the infected animal of the same class on the previous day; and (3) control group, non-infected and fed ad libitum. Refused feed was weighed daily to assess the food intake of each lamb. Animals were weighed weekly and blood and fecal samples were collected. At the end of the trial, all lambs were euthanized to determine worm burden and collect intestinal tissues and mucus samples for histological and immunological analysis. The infected group presented eosinophilia, increased number of inflammatory cells in the mucosa, in addition to an increased production of specific immunoglobulins against T. colubriformis, which partially prevented the establishment of infective larvae. As a consequence of parasitism, the infected lambs presented reduced serum albumin concentrations and demonstrated severe small intestine lesions, such as villous atrophy and epithelial erosion, which impaired the digestion and absorption of nutrients, causing a significant loss in performance. The infected group presented a 37% reduction in daily weight gain (107.26 ± 10.8 g/day), when compared with the control group (171.07 ± 7.15 g/day). The infected lambs also demonstrated the worst food conversion, i.e., each animal needed to consume on average 10.05 ± 0.52 kg of food to gain 1 kg live weight. The voluntary hay intake depression in infected animals was small, and statistical difference (P<0.01) was seen only on two occasions (ninth and 12th weeks), in comparison with the control group. In conclusion, Santa Ines lambs infected with T. colubriformis demonstrated a reduction in performance, caused by the damages produced by the adult nematodes in intestinal mucosa, and also by the immunopathological changes associated with the infection.  相似文献   

1. Turkey females were fed ad libitum or restricted from 6 weeks of age to achieve mean body weights of 0.6 of ad libitum fed birds on photostimulation at 18, 24 or 30 weeks of age. Body weight, food intake, egg production and hatchability were recorded to 54 weeks of age. 2. Restricted turkeys were fed ad libitum after first egg or 36 weeks of age. Food intake after 30 weeks of age averaged 170 g/bird/d and was similar for all treatments. At 54 weeks of age, restricted turkeys photostimulated at 24 and 30 weeks were not as heavy as turkeys photostimulated at 18 weeks and ad libitum fed turkeys. 3. A large proportion of restricted turkeys photostimulated at 18 weeks of age did not commence lay until 30 to 40 weeks and a significant number of restricted birds photostimulated at 24 weeks had short laying cycles. Restricted birds photostimulated at 30 weeks came into lay and showed similar persistency of lay to ad libitum fed turkeys. 4. Ad libitum fed turkeys laid 115.0, 122.0 and 101.0 and restricted turkeys 92.4, 99.5 and 103.4 eggs when photostimulated at 18, 24 and 30 weeks, respectively. The number of non-settable eggs was lower in restricted compared with ad libitum fed turkeys and declined with age at photostimulation. 5. Egg size at the end of the experiment was similar for ad libitum fed turkeys and restricted birds photostimulated at 18 weeks but was 2.3 g lower for restricted birds photostimulated at 24 and 30 weeks of age. 6. Hatchability was higher, and the proportion of second quality poults was lower with eggs from restricted turkeys. The mean numbers of poults hatched were 59.9, 75.1 and 66.0 for ad libitum fed and 71.7, 65.7 and 79.4 for restricted turkeys photostimulated at 18, 24 and 30 weeks of age.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the susceptibility of buffaloes, cattle and goats to infection with Trypanosoma vivax transmitted either by Glossina morsitans centralis or by syringe inoculation. Three different isolates of T vivax (two from East Africa, one from West Africa) were used to compare skin reactions, parasitaemia, anaemia and the development of trypanosome-specific antibodies in buffaloes, cattle and goats. African buffaloes reared in captivity in an area free from trypanosomiasis proved to be highly resistant to infection with the three stocks of T vivax tested, irrespective of whether infection was by tsetse transmitted metacyclic forms or by intradermal or intravenous inoculation of bloodstream forms of the parasite. The bites of 19 tsetse infected with a West African T vivax stock did not cause local skin reactions, detectable bloodstream infections or antibody responses in two buffaloes. Following the bites of 120 tsetse flies infected with the same stock, two different buffaloes showed no local skin reactions, but had detectable bloodstream infections without showing signs of anaemia. Cattle and goats infected in a similar way showed severe local inflammatory skin reactions, high levels of parasitaemia and severe anaemia. The two East African stocks of T vivax caused no local skin reactions and only a transient parasitaemia in buffaloes following tsetse-transmitted infection or intradermal inoculation of bloodstream forms. On the other hand, cattle and goats infected with the East African stocks showed high parasitaemias but local skin reactions only occurred in the goats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A study was conducted using 32 mature 22-kg West African Dwarf Goats to measure the effect of Trypanosoma vivax infection on energy and nitrogen metabolism. Sixteen goats were infected intravenously with 14 X 10(6) T. vivax. Sixteen control goats were sham-injected. Digestibility and metabolizability of energy and N balance were measured for each goat. Heat production and energy balances were measured per treatment group from 1 wk before infection to 6 wk after infection. Goats were fed alfalfa pellets (10% above maintenance). Treated goats had a reduced (P less than .05) packed cell volume (38 to 40% before infection vs 20 to 25% 6 wk after infection) and an increased (P less than .05) rectal temperature. Log parasitemia/ml was about 6.0 to 6.2. Parasitized goats showed increased urine creatinine excretion at wk 2 postinfection. After infection, feed intake was reduced (about 15%; P less than .05) and greater variability in intake was noted. Treated and control goats had similar N output and energy output in urine. Metabolizability of energy intake was similar at 42.7 vs 42.1% in treated vs control goats, respectively. Heat production in infected goats was increased by about 15%. Treated goats lost more weight and had a lower N balance than control goats (P less than .05). The calculated maintenance energy requirement for infected goats (464 kJ ME/kg.75) was 25% greater than for control goats (375 kJ ME/kg.75).  相似文献   

Forty pure West African Dwarf (WAD) goats and 35 of its F1 crosses with the Sahelian breed were used in a multifactorial experimental design to evaluate the effects of an experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection and interactions with natural helminth infections and different levels of diet on health and productivity of these two breeds. Trypanosome infection caused a severe drop in packed cell volume (PCV), but this was not significantly affected by breed. Neither deworming nor diet had any effect on the course of anaemia after trypanosome infection. The mean score of parasitaemia tended to be higher in crossbreeds than in WAD goats although this was not significant (P>0.05). Similarly, the antibody response to trypanosome infection was not significantly different between breeds. Parasitaemia level was significantly influenced by the level of diet with the group under high supplementation having a higher mean parasitaemia score than the group under low supplementation. Weight loss due to trypanosome infection tended to be greater in crossbreeds than in WAD goats (P>0.05).During this study, there was no difference in mean helminth egg output between crossbred and WAD goats. However, between weeks 4 and 10 after trypanosome infection (corresponding to a period of heavy rainfall and highly infective pastures), the mean egg output was higher in the crossbreeds.The immunosuppressive effect of trypanosome infections was revealed by a lower antibody response to Haemonchus contortus in infected animals compared to the uninfected controls. Trypanosome infection tended to increase strongyle egg output. This study did no reveal any superior trypanotolerance of WAD goats compared to crossbreeds.  相似文献   

(1) Tolerance to ad libitum feeding was compared in three genotypes of broiler breeder hens: a standard broiler breeder fed ad libitum (SA) or restricted (SR), a slow growing 'label' broiler breeder (L) and an experimental dwarf heavy broiler breeder (E). Two similar experiments were conducted in two distinct research centres. (2) Feed intake and body weight were measured every 3 weeks from hatch to 40 to 49 weeks of age. Egg production and egg abnormalities were recorded. The number of yellow follicles in ovaries was counted at the age of 32 weeks. (3) Body weight was stabilised at 2.2, 3.7 and 5.4 kg after 24 weeks of age in L, E and SA hens, respectively. Growth of the SR hens was similar to that of L up to 20 weeks and stabilised at a similar level to that of E hens after 30 weeks of age. (4) Sexual maturity was delayed by 6 weeks in restricted breeders compared to ad libitum fed hens that started to lay at 20 weeks. SA hens had low egg production and a high proportion of defective eggs, which was largely compensated for by feed restriction. However, productivity of SR hens remained lower than that of L breeders. (5) Compared to the low viability and reproductive fitness observed with SA hens, the E dwarf broiler breeder tolerated ad libitum feeding and had better egg production, fewer egg abnormalities and yellow follicles per ovary and a higher egg production. However, laying rate was still lower than that of the SR and L groups. Energy conversion (kJ/g egg) from 32 to 40 weeks of age was much higher in the SA group than in the other three groups. 6. The feasibility of feeding a dwarf broiler breeder ad libitum calls for further research on implications of specific IGF and GH-receptor expression at the level of the ovary in dw chickens.  相似文献   

The agglutinin response of four groups of goats inoculated with Brucella melitensis vaccine 0, 1, 2 and 4 weeks following experimental infection with Trypanosoma congolense was compared with that in non-infected controls. Four weeks after vaccination the goats were treated with a trypanocidal drug and the recovery of the immune response observed. The results indicated that the majority of animals had a significantly but not completely suppressed antibody response. This was most marked in the group vaccinated 2 weeks post-infection, which corresponded with the onset of parasitaemia. Although the mortality rate in the infected goats was high the titre in those remaining animals that were treated with the trypanocidal drug increased immediately after treatment. The possible implications of trypanosome induced immunosuppression for vaccination programmes in goats are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Relationships were evaluated between trypanosome infection as measured by antigen detection enzyme immunoassays (antigen ELISA), anaemia as determined by average packed red cell volume (PCV), and animal performance as assessed by daily weight gain in 99 N'Dama cattle in Gabon exposed to natural tsetse challenge at 11.5 months of age and recorded 14 times over a 13 week period. Approximately half the animals were found to be infected for an average of five of the 14 times that they were examined: 38% with Trypanosoma congolense, 13% with Trypanosoma vivax and 49% with a mixed infection. Trypanosoma congolense infections had significant deleterious effects on animal growth, while T. vivax infections did not. Animals found on several occasions to be infected with T. congolense had significantly lower PCV values than those demonstrated to be infected on fewer occasions. No relationship was found between mean optical density (OD) values in antigen ELISA and PCV values. Animals capable of maintaining PCV values, even when antigen ELISA positive on a high number of occasions, grew at the same rate as uninfected animals. Animals that could not maintain PCV values when infected had poorer growth. Antigen ELISA has the potential to increase the efficiency of selection of trypanotolerant N'Dama cattle under tsetse challenge in the field, in three main ways. (1) Accurate identification of trypanosome species, especially in mixed species infections, clarifies relations between infection, anaemia and animal performance. (2) Detection of animals antigenaemic without patent parasitaemia could allow individuals with superior ability to control trypanosome infection to be identified. (3) More accurate measurement of the proportion of time an animal is infected allows more accurate evaluation of its anaemia control capability.  相似文献   

The effect on food utilisation and skeletal growth of daily infection for 90 days with 2500 Trichostrongylus vitrinus larvae was investigated. Controls were killed initially or fed ad libitum. Food intake, digestibility of dry matter and nitrogen and content of body fat, protein, water and minerals were determined, and selected bones examined chemically and histologically. Serum constituents were determined weekly. Digestibility of food dry matter and nitrogen were reduced during weeks 3 and 5 after initial infection but subsequently recovered. Deposition of fat, protein, calcium and phosphorus in the body was reduced by 36, 58, 67 and 78 per cent respectively. Gross efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy was reduced by 36 per cent. Bone changes were associated with a reduction in osteoblastic activity. Hypoalbuminaemia, hyperglobulinaemia and hypophosphataemia were present in infected sheep. There were no significant changes in serum calcium or urea concentrations. It is concluded that the effects of continuous intakes of T vitrinus and T colubriformis larvae on host metabolism are essentially the same.  相似文献   

A reduction in food intake is a prominent feature of many infectious diseases. However, the underlying mechanisms of parasite-induced anorexia in sheep are poorly understood. Here, we tested the hypotheses (a) that the degree of parasite-induced anorexia in lambs is influenced by their growth potential and (b) that nematode infection results in elevated plasma leptin concentration in lambs. The hypotheses were tested with Suffolk x Greyface (S) and Scottish Black-face (B) lambs that are known to differ in their growth potential (S lambs are of greater growth potential than B lambs). During a primary parasite infection, 24 out of 48 lambs per breed were trickle-infected with 7,000 infective Teladorsagia circumcincta larvae per day, 3 d/wk, for a period of 12 wk (experiment I). The lambs were then dewormed, and after a 2-wk interval, half of the 24 lambs per breed that were previously infected were reinfected for another 12 wk with the same parasite and dose as used in the primary infection (experiment II). In both experiments, infected lambs were fed grass pellets for ad libitum intake, whereas noninfected lambs were fed grass pellets for either ad libitum or restricted intakes. The S lambs were more susceptible than B lambs to nematode infection, as judged from the differences in fecal egg counts (P = 0.007). Parasitized lambs of the more susceptible breed (S) showed anorexia [i.e., a decrease in intake of 13% compared with uninfected controls (P = 0.01)], whereas no significant reduction in food intake was observed in lambs of the more resistant breed (B). Reexposure to nematode infection of previously infected animals tended to result in renewed anorexia in S lambs but not in B lambs (P = 0.08) in a similar extent as during primary infection. Plasma leptin concentrations did not differ between ad libitum-fed infected and control lambs but were greater in infected than in noninfected lambs at a similar level of food intake during both the primary (P = 0.02) and the secondary parasitic infection (P = 0.004) in both breeds. The results show that leptin may be involved in the response of lambs to infection but that it is unlikely that leptin alone is responsible for the parasite-induced anorexia in lambs.  相似文献   

Evaluation of ammonium chloride as a urinary acidifier in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-four cats were fed a dry commercial cat food once daily for 2 weeks and then ad libitum for 2 weeks. Urine pH was measured 4 times daily the last 3 days of each feeding period. Subsequently, the cats were allotted to 2 equal groups and fed ad libitum an experimental, dry ration with or without 1.5% ammonium chloride for 11 months. During this period, urine pH was measured at 1, 3, 6, and 9 weeks, then monthly through 29 weeks, and then every 6 weeks for the duration of the study. When the cats were fed ad libitum, urine pH remained constant throughout the day, regardless of ration. In cats fed once daily, urine pH increased to 7.6 by 2 hours after feeding and remained between 6.6 and 7.6 for 9 hours. Urine pH remained constant throughout the study when cats were fed the experimental ration with or without 1.5% ammonium chloride, but was significantly different (P less than 0.01) between the 2 groups, 5.9 +/- 0.3 (n = 1,035) and 7.0 +/- 0.5 (n = 616), respectively. Ammonium chloride consumption had no effect on food and water consumption or body weight. It was concluded that ammonium chloride was an effective urinary acidifier for a prolonged time, maintained urine pH below 6.6, and did not decrease food intake when given at a concentration of 1.5% of the diet.  相似文献   

1. Indirect calorimetry was used to study the effects on the energy metabolism of cockerels and hens after peak lay of a hybrid layer strain of regulating food or energy intake to 80% of ad libitum for an extended period of time. 2. Regulation of food intake decreased fasting and fed heat productions per bird and per unit metabolic body weight (kg0.75). 3. Maintenance energy requirements (per kg0.75) of both sexes were reduced about 20% by regulation; maintenance requirements of cockerels were about 30% lower per kg0.75 than hens on the same treatments. 4. Reducing the intake of all nutrients by 20% had the same effect on the energy metabolism of cockerels as restricting energy alone by the same amount. 5. Gross efficiency of egg production, in terms of both mass and energy, was higher when intake was regulated. During weeks 21 to 52 of restriction, daily egg mass output was significantly higher in hens fed ad libitum. 6. After 52 weeks of food regulation, restricted hens weighed 20% less and their total carcass energy was 36% less than hens fed ad libitum; similar effects were found in the cockerels.  相似文献   

Wheat infected naturally with Fusarium, contaminated mainly with deoxynivalenol (DON) (16.6 mg DON/kg), was added to a total constant wheat content of 400 g/kg diet. To distinguish between differences in feed intake and specific effects of the DON contaminated diet, control and DON contaminated feed was administered for 11 weeks under ad libitum and restrictive feeding conditions to 48 pigs of both sexes, which were randomly divided into four groups (n = 12 per group). Feed intake was 2.90 kg/day, live weight gain 987 g/day and feed to gain ratio 2.77 kg/kg for the ad libitum fed control group. The group fed DON contaminated wheat ad libitum significantly consumed 15% less feed and gained 13% less live weight, while the feed to gain ratio was unaffected. Moreover, it was concluded that the lower growth performance by DON contaminated feed resulted mainly from the lower voluntary feed intake, because there were no differences in live weight gain between the groups with the restrictive feeding regimen. On the contrary, metabolizable energy, nitrogen retention digestibility of organic matter, crude protein, crude fat and crude fibre were significantly increased by 3, 10, 3, 6, 9 and 20% in the DON group respectively. Animals fed DON contaminated diets needed more time to consume the restrictive ration than the control group. For example in the first hour after feeding 85% of the control pigs had consumed all feed, but only 39% of the DON group had. There were only few differences in haematological and serum parameters, which were characterized by a high variation between individuals. DON and IgA concentrations in serum were significantly influenced by DON exposure.  相似文献   

Indirect ELISAs using denatured antigen preparations of Trypanosoma (T.) congolense (TcAGd) and T. vivax (TvAGd) for detection of anti-trypanosome antibodies in bovine serum (I-TAB ELISAs), were adapted for serodiagnosis in goats. The diagnostic proficiency, the cross-reactivity with sera from heterologous trypanosome infections and the operational performance of the assays were evaluated on experimentally trypanosome-infected goats. The I-TAB ELISA (TcAGd) detected antibodies in all T. congolense infected goats (100% overall sensitivity) from 2 to 4 weeks post-infection (p.i.) until the end of the experiments. Specificity tested on 92 uninfected goats was 96.7%. Extensive cross-reactions of I-TAB ELISA (TcAGd) with sera from T. vivax or T. brucei infected goats were observed. The I-TAB ELISA (TvAGd) detected antibodies in 5 of the 6 T. vivax infected goats, specificity tested on uninfected goats was 100%. Cross-reactivity with sera from T. congolense or T. brucei infected goats remained limited. Infecting species identification based on the highest percent positivity (PP) in both systems, correctly identified all T. congolense infections, but misidentified in 2/19 occasions a T. vivax infection as a T. congolense infection. In the absence of T. brucei specific antigen coated plates, T. brucei infections were identified in, respectively, 7/9 and 2/9 occasions as T. congolense or T. vivax infections. Acceptable inter-plate repeatability was observed. The implications of results and technical requirements for ongoing applied research are discussed.  相似文献   

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