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Land-bridge islands formed by dam construction are considered to be “experimental” systems for studying the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation, offering many distinct advantages over terrestrial fragments. The Thousand Island Lake in Southeast China is one such land-bridge system with more than 1000 islands. Based on a field survey of vascular plant richness on 154 land-bridge islands during 2007–2008, we examined the effects of island and landscape attributes on plant species richness and patterns of species nestedness. We also examined the different responses of plant functional groups (classified according to growth form and shade tolerance) to fragmentation. We found that island area explained the greatest amount of variation in plant species richness. Island area and shape index positively affected species diversity and the degree of nestedness exhibited by plant communities while the perimeter to area ratio of the islands had a negative effect. Shade-tolerant plants were the most sensitive species group to habitat fragmentation. Isolation negatively affected the degree of nestedness in herb and shade-intolerant plants including species with various dispersal abilities in the fragmented landscape. Based on these results, we concluded that the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on overall species richness depended mostly on the degree of habitat loss, but patterns of nestedness were generated from different ecological mechanisms due to species-specific responses to different characteristics of habitat patches.  相似文献   

Perceptual range is the maximum distance from which an animal can perceive the presence of remote landscape elements such as patches of habitat. Such perceptual abilities are of interest because they influence the probability that an animal will successfully disperse to a new patch in a landscape. Furthermore, understanding how perceptual range differs between species may help to explain differential species sensitivity to patch isolation. The objective of this research was to assess the perceptual range of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), and fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Animals were captured in remote woodlots and translocated to unfamiliar agricultural fields. There they were released at different distances from a woodlot and their movements towards or away from the woodlot were used to assess their ability to perceive forested habitat. Observed perceptual ranges of approximately 120 m for chipmunks, 300 m for gray squirrels, and 400 m for fox squirrels, suggest that differences in landscape-level perceptual abilities may influence the occurrence of these species in isolated habitat patches.  相似文献   

The mechanistic, spatially-explicit fire succession model, Fire-BGC (a Fire BioGeoChemical succession model) was used to investigate long-term trends in landscape pattern under historical and future fire regimes and present and future climate regimes for two 46000 ha landscapes in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Fire-BGC has two spatial and temporal resolutions in the simulation architecture where ecological processes that act at a landscape level, such as fire, are simulated annually from information contained in spatial data layers, while stand-level processes such as photosynthesis, transpiration, and decomposition are simulated both daily and annually. Fire is spread across the landscape using the FARSITE fire growth model and subsequent fire effects are simulated at the stand-level. Fire-BGC was used to simulate changes in landscape pattern over 250 years under four scenarios: (1) complete fire exclusion under current climate, (2) historical wildfire occurrence and current climate, (3) complete fire exclusion under a possible future climate, (4) future wildfire occurrence and future climate. Simulated maps of dominant tree species, aboveground standing crop, leaf area index, and net primary productivity (NPP) were contrasted across scenarios using the metrics of patch density, edge density, evenness, contagion, and interspersion. Simulation results indicate that fire influences landscape pattern metrics more that climate alone by creating more diverse, fragmented, and disconnected landscapes. Fires were more frequent, larger, and more intense under a future climate regime. Landscape metrics showed different trends for the process-based NPP map when compared to the cover type map. It may be important to augment landscape analyses with process-based layers as well as structural and compositional layers.  相似文献   

The presettlement tree cover (1831–33) of 3 townships in a southern Wisconsin landscape was analyzed using original survey records. Four forest types were identified: closed forest, open forest, savanna, and prairie. Comparisons of vegetation types and landscape pattern were made between the east and west sides of the Pecatonica River, which bisects the landscape and could have acted as a natural fire barrier. West of the river, presettlement tree species richness and diversity were lower and trees were smaller in diameter and less dense than to the east. The major vegetation types to the west were prairie (42% of landscape) and savanna (40%), both fire-susceptible types. Prairie was more common on gentle slopes than on other landforms. To the east, the landscape was 70% forested (closed plus open forest). Here, prairie was more frequent on steep dry sites. These vegetation differences, including the contrasting landscape placement of prairie, are attributed to distinct site characteristics and to disturbance (fire) regimes, with the west likely having more frequent fires. In terms of the four vegetation types, the east landscape was more homogeneous, being dominated by closed forest (50%). West of the Pecatonica River, the landscape was more heterogeneous because of the high proportion of both prairie and savanna; however, in terms of flammability of vegetation, the west was essentially homogeneous (82% prairie plus savanna).  相似文献   

Landscapes resulting from human activity may be expected to present simpler shapes than more natural landscapes. In the case of forest landscapes, the boundaries of native forest patches may be more irregular than those of exotic forest plantations. There is however a lack of quantitative results to this respect, and it is not clear which shape indices are more adequate for such discrimination. In this study, we analysed the shape of a large number of forest classes in the region of Galicia (Spain) using the Spanish Forest Map at a scale 1:50000 as the spatial information source. We considered a set of fifteen shape irregularity indices including those that have been commonly used in landscape ecology studies. We found systematic differences in the shape of the analysed forest classes, with native forests presenting both more complex and elongated boundaries than exotic forests. We suggest that these differences are due to the combined effects of human action and other topographical and hydrological factors. The only index that perfectly discriminated both types of forest was the mean circumscribing circle index. Other six indices provided also a significantly good discrimination: density of shape characteristic points, area-weighted mean perimeter-area ratio, area-weighted mean contiguity index, mean shape index, perimeter-area fractal dimension and mean largest axis index. Comparisons of pure and mixed forests with the same dominant species indicated that an increase in tree species richness is in general associated with more irregular boundaries in the forest. Discarding indices on the basis of a high statistical correlation may not be an adequate procedure to retain the best-performing indices. Finally, we discussed several limitations of some frequently used indices that may be relevant to prevent an improper characterization of landscape shape.  相似文献   

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