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我国棉花产业形势分析与发展策略 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
我国棉花生产发展多次出现剧烈波动。进入21世纪以来,国内棉花生产发展迅速,消费需求强劲,棉花供求关系由基本平衡转入产不足需,棉花进口成为常态,我国棉花产业安全隐患增多。本文在分析国内棉花生产形势和消费形势的基础上,结合新时期棉花产业发展目标,针对当前制约棉花生产发展的主要因素,提出若干振兴棉花产业发展策略,以期对我国棉花产业健康有序发展有所帮助,推动国家棉花产业安全体系建设。 相似文献
我国是世界上最大的棉花生产和消费国,约有1亿棉农,年种植棉花面积约533万hm^2,棉花在我国农业生产及整个国民经济中占有重要的地位。棉花种子产业的稳定发展是棉花生产的重要保证,棉花种子产业的利益分配直接影响着棉农的收入和棉花市场的供求状况。市场上棉花品种繁多、复杂,本文对具有代表性的杂交转基因抗虫棉制种、杂交棉和常规棉繁种利益情况进行了分析。 相似文献
分析总结了近几年河北省棉花种植分布、面积与产量,进出口量与国际市场占有率,品种质量与产需信息,价格波动情况等产业现状,然后就布局调整与规模化、育种目标、种植技术与种植模式、采摘加工、政策扶持等方面提出发展对策。 相似文献
兵团棉花科技工作,坚持以人为本的科学发展观,以提高对棉花产业支撑能力为目标,以科技进步与创新为动力,以不断推进棉花产业发展和提高棉农收入与生活水平为基本出发点,以46.7万hm^2(旧制700万亩)优质棉基地建设为切入点,组织实施了棉花种业科技行动、节水科技行动和信息化科技行动,有力地推动了兵团棉花产业的发展。 相似文献
论新疆棉花生产的发展战略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据新疆棉花生产发展的现状,针对目前生产中存在的品种多、乱、杂,内在品质较差,病虫害呈发展势头,良种繁育及配套的栽培技术发展不稳,拾花的成本高,劳动强度大等问题,提出了新疆棉花高技术产业发展战略目标:(1)棉花新品种选育应以纤维类型多样,能满足纺织工业面向不同国家、不同消费层次的需要;(2)发展特色棉业,产、供、销、纺织一体化;(3)发展滴灌、喷灌等节水棉业;(4)棉种生产、加工、包衣一体化;(5)加快发展机械化采棉;(6)建立棉花生物保护系统。 相似文献
泰国是世界上许多水果如榴莲、龙眼、山竹、菠萝、柚、荔枝等的最大生产国或出口国,在世界水果市场上占有重要地位,享有“水果王国”的美称。1999年泰国果树总面积为168万hm2,水果总产量877万t。除椰子外,栽培面积最大的是芒果,约35·2万hm2,其它依次为榴莲、龙眼、菠萝、和红毛丹。产量最高的是菠萝,其次是芒果、榴莲、柑橘、红毛丹、菠萝蜜和番木瓜等。在泰国周年开花结果的果树有椰子、番木瓜、香蕉、番石榴等。一年能多次开花结果的果树有如葡萄、菠萝蜜、小苹果、石榴、柑橘类等。泰国发展果树产业注重实用技术的开发与应用,如品种选育、采后贮藏保鲜、淡季生产及周年供应;果树栽培普遍推行GAP计划;注重市场协调管理;建立完善的农业技术推广体系等。 相似文献
《Agriculture and Environment》1980,5(3):201-211
Many problems of agricultural production can be understood and solved only by understanding the overall production systems of which they are parts. An example is the Egyptian cotton leafworm, which is one of the main pests on the cotton crop in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The main control methods now used against this insect are hand-picking of egg-masses and aerial spraying of pesticides. Both are intensive, and little increase in their efficiency is possible. The structure of the cropping system is such that relatively minor alterations in the crop rotation may have a marked impact on leafworm population dynamics at relatively low cost. The technical issues involved in these alterations are well within the realms of possibility. But to implement them would require the development of a comprehensive view of the agricultural production system as a whole, a high sensitivity to the needs and decision-making frameworks of the Egyptian fellah, and an understanding of the biology of the cotton leafworm. 相似文献
《Agricultural Wastes》1985,12(2):99-109
The saccharification of crude bagasse (CB) with enzyme preparations of a potent local mutant Trichoderma viride (253-M16) was considerably improved by pretreating CB under a variety of conditions.Simple treatment of CB with 1% NaOH for 10 h at room temperature allowed the hydrolysis of about 12% of this bagasse after 6 days incubation. However, the saccharification yield was raised to about 54% when the alkali-treated bagasse was hydrolysed by 50% ammonium sulphate precipitated enzyme fraction. Further improvement (90% conversion estimate) was obtained using bagasse samples treated with sodium chlorite/NaOH and hydrolysed with 70% ammonium sulphate precipitated fraction. A similar high conversion yield was also recorded using H2SO4—sodium chlorite treated bagasse. 相似文献
干旱棉区棉花营养特性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对海岛棉和陆地棉叶片营养元素含量测定值的分析,结果显示海岛棉对氮、钾的需求低于陆地棉,对磷、锰、铜、镁的需求高于陆地棉。海岛棉苗期对铜、硼,蕾期对磷、锌、铜,花铃期对镁、锰、铜的需求高于陆地棉。在生育后期,海岛棉叶片养分含量动态变化与陆地棉有差异。因此,在农业生产中海岛棉与陆地棉的施肥方法应有所区别。 相似文献
Kamal Fouad Abdellatif Yehia Abdallah Khidr Yasser Mohammad El-Mansy Mohammad Mohammad El-Lawendey Yasser Abdelraouf Soliman 《Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology》2012,15(2):93-99
Twenty-eight Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) genotypes (varieties and hybrids) were used for analysis of genetic diversity using DNA based markers (ISSR, SSR, and
EST) and to study varietal development of cotton. The ISSR markers gave the highest percentage of polymorphic bands as well
as polymorphic information content compared with the other molecular markers (i.e. EST and SSR markers). Using clustering
analysis, no general clustering according to the pedigree history of the genotypes was observed. Using principal coordinate
analysis (PCOORDA), cotton genotypes were separated by the first three principal coordinates (PC1, PC2, and PC3) accounting
for 11.5, 8.6, and 7.2% of the total genetic variance, respectively. The cotton genotypes were distributed into three parts
based on the first PC, each part containing a group of varieties having a common ancestor. ‘Giza 12’ variety was the common
ancestor for the varieties included in the first part and ‘Ashmouni’ variety was the common ancestor for the varieties included
in the second part, while both ‘Sakha 3’ and ‘Sakha 4’ varieties were common ancestors for the varieties included in the third
part. The results of the PCOORDA also showed better resolution of the genetic diversity than cluster analysis especially in
the illustration of the varietal development of cotton. That means that principal coordinate analysis can be strongly used
either alone or in combination with cluster analysis to discuss both genetic diversity and varietal development in the cotton
genotypes. 相似文献
Summary The extent of natural cross-pollination in Egyptian clover cultivated in Punjab, India, varied from zero to 4.73% in all the three different sowing arrangements. The high out-crossing percentage in the alternate plant (1.57%) and the concentric circle arrangement (1.6%) was due to the close proximity of the pollen source and the abundant pollen supply. 相似文献
摘要:以大田棉花为对照(CK),与20年生扁桃树下间作棉花的光合特性、产量及土壤养分进行比较研究,结果表明:①扁棉间作对棉花的产量影响很大,主要表现在间作减少了亩株数、亩铃数和单株成铃数,进而影响到了子棉和皮棉的亩产,扁桃树树冠内侧、树冠外侧2米处的子棉平均亩产分别较对照递减了66.92%和42.78%。②扁棉间作改变了棉花光合特性的日变化规律,对照棉花的光合作用的日变化规律都呈双峰曲线,而间作棉花的变化规律都呈单峰曲线,峰值出现时间早晚与树影变化长度和方向有关。③扁棉间作降低了距离树干5米处(垂直树冠外围附近)土壤水解性氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质的含量,而对其它各处土壤养分含量的影响不大。说明扁棉间作系统中光合作用是决定棉花产量的最重要因素。 相似文献
Summary The average cross-pollination in Egyptian clover under caged and uncaged conditions was 0.51% and 1.44% respectively. The low percentage of cross-pollination under caged conditions was due to the absence of honey bees, calm atmosphere and reduced photosynthesis whereas higher outcrossing under uncaged conditions was both by wind and honey bees activities. Per cent seed set was higher under uncaged conditions (53.0%) compared with that of seeds set under caged conditions (26.3%) and uncaged + hand tripping (52.3%). The honey bees have been found to increase seed set in Egyptian clover by tripping mechanism. 相似文献