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茶树扦插育苗双层覆盖的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

ABT生根粉对茶树扦插应用效果的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用ABTⅠ、Ⅱ号生根粉,采用种浓度处理槠叶齐、79-10-04、茗丰3个品种,认为:ABTⅠ、Ⅱ号生根粉有促进发根和生长的效应。建议对发根较困难的珍贵茶树品种扦插繁殖时,采用ABTⅠ号500mg/L(5s)或1000mg/L(1s)浓度的溶液,速蘸插穗基部,促进发根生长。  相似文献   

朱永明  夏成鹏  吴履平 《茶叶》2004,30(3):171-172
农用塑料地膜、薄膜、遮阳网在茶树苗木繁育中是一种较新型覆盖材料,具有遮光、保温、防霜和保湿等改变作物生长环境的多种功能。为探索地膜、薄膜、遮阳网覆盖应用效果,在茶树良种无性繁育的苗圃中进行了对比试验,小结如下:1材料与方法 1.1试验时间与地点2001年10月至2002年12月,苍南县桥墩茶场。1.2供试品种及材料平阳特早茶;农用地膜、农用薄膜及透光率为35%的遮阳网。  相似文献   

茶树短穗扦插是茶树无性繁殖中的主要方法,它不仅繁殖系数高,而且能保持母本优良性状。国内外茶叶科学工作者都重视研究短穗扦插,尤其注重研究促进插穗早生根、多生根以及壮苗的技术措施。关于不同色膜覆盖下茶树插穗的愈合、生根过去已有一些研究。有的表明用绿色膜覆盖,对扦插苗成活率、根系生长均有不良影响;有人试用黄色塑料薄膜覆盖,发现对较难发根的无性系的发根性比无色薄膜有明  相似文献   

不同处理对北方茶树扦插成活率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对北方茶树扦插苗扦插时间、扦插基质、激素处理的研究发现,在北方早秋扦插成活率达80.78%,高于晚秋季6个百分点;心土扦插圃比沙质圃的成活率高20%,心土扦插处理的茶苗光合速率、细胞间隙CO2浓度高于沙质圃扦插处理,激素处理过的茶树扦插苗效果明显.  相似文献   

茶树(Camellia sinensis L.)是我国重要的经济作物之一,茶苗快速繁殖是茶树良种繁育企业快速应对市场,解决茶农对种苗迫切需求的重要途径。近年来,全光照喷雾扦插在茶树快速育苗中得到广泛关注。文章归纳了在全光照喷雾育苗条件下影响茶树扦插生根的内在因素(内源激素、营养物质、酶活性、酚类物质等)和外在因素(外源激素、光照、温度、水分、基质等)及其作用,以期为茶树全光照喷雾扦插技术发展提供理论支持,同时也为茶树快速育苗的进一步研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

周汉忠 《茶叶科学》1966,3(1):64-68
利用采穗母株在剪穗前进行遮荫黄化处理,对于促进插穗提早发根与生长,效果较显著。本试验是研究茶树母株遮荫黄化处理对插穗发根的影响。  相似文献   

茶树插穗成熟度对扦插苗影响的观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以槠叶齐等六个品种(系)为材科,初步观测表明插穗成熟度对扦插发根及茶苗地上部生长的影响因品种而异。作者认为在湖南提倡早秋插,并应注意棕褐枝和半硬枝的利用。  相似文献   

茶树短穗扦插是目前繁育良种和解决种苗的一项有效方法。但现行的育苗技术,发根慢,成苗时间长,管理亦较费工。如何促进提早发根,快速成苗,提高工效,则是今后必须进一步研究的问题。 五十年代初期,曾有人研究不同光度对作物发育的影响,并在甘蔗、水稻、蔬菜等大田作物上取得了成效。为了探索光度对扦插发根的影响,我们于1980年开始采用不同色泽的塑料薄膜遮阴观察茶树短穗扦插的发育状态,并于1983年作比较试验,其结果如后。  相似文献   

对富贵竹顶梢进行不同扦插基质和不同生根剂处理试验,结果表明:施用超大生物有机肥+钙镁磷或单施钙镁磷可以极显著地促使富贵竹扦插提早生根,增加生根数及加快根的伸长;利用生根粉ABD及吲哚丁酸处理能提早扦插生根,增加生根数。  相似文献   

甘蔗覆膜栽培技术是由自然物覆盖地面栽培技术发展而来。它具有改善蔗芽萌动、发棵的小生态环境条件,起到保水、保温、保土、保肥的作用,能促进蔗芽早发、快生,达到苗齐、苗壮的目的。地膜甘蔗应掌握整地、下种、盖膜等技术要点,加强后期田间管理,适期除草、施肥、防治病虫害。关键词:甘蔗;覆膜;技术  相似文献   

为探讨不同起垄方式和地膜覆土对胡麻生长发育及籽粒产量形成的影响,分别于2016和2017年胡麻生长季,以传统露地条播为对照(CK),研究了全膜微垄覆土穴播、全膜微垄不覆土穴播、全膜平作覆土穴播和全膜平作不覆土穴播4种种植方式对胡麻出苗率、株高、茎粗、干物质积累量、生长速率和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:微垄方式改善了胡麻生长发育状况,出苗率显著高于CK,干物质积累量在苗期至现蕾期以微垄不覆土处理最高,盛花期至成熟期以微垄覆土处理最高,分别较CK平均高出39.3% ~ 69.8%和36.0% ~ 53.7%。微垄覆土模式下籽粒产量较CK显著提高26.8%。关联度分析可知,影响胡麻籽粒产量的主导因素为蒴果数和果粒数。相关分析结果显示,胡麻籽粒产量与产量构成因子、干物质积累量均呈显著正相关关系。表明微垄覆土与不覆土穴播方式均能够显著提高胡麻出苗率,促进干物质积累,增加胡麻单株蒴果数和果粒数,提高籽粒产量,是半干旱旱作农业区胡麻适宜的种植模式。  相似文献   

刺玫果具有很大的经济价值和产业化前景,在退耕还林工程中刺玫果是土地瘠薄沙化严重地区的首选经济林树种。笔者用不同药剂(2×10-5g/mL,2×10-4g/mL,2×10-3g/mL的IBA和1×10-3g/mL,1×10-4g/mL的ABT2)对不同地区的刺玫果插穗进行春季扦插试验,结果表明用浓度为2×10-5g/mL的IBA浸泡16小时的处理方法最佳,生根率比对照高16.7﹪以上。  相似文献   

The objectives were to compare the effects of two plastic film systems [perforated (PP) and complete‐cover (CC) systems] on the yield and quality of forage maize, and to study the effects of seeding rate on maize grown with, and without, plastic film. Between 1995 and 1998 (Experiments 1 and 2), comparisons were made of maize without plastic film systems (NP), sown through clear plastic film (PP) and covered with clear plastic film (CC). In the CC system, the plastic was removed manually from the crop. Two dates of removal (CC1 and CC2) were compared in 1995, while four removal dates (CC1, CC2, CC3 and CC4) were examined in 1996–98. In 1996–98, three sowing dates (early, mid‐April; mid, early‐May; late, mid‐May) were also examined. Four seeding rates (78 200, 93 900, 107 000 and 126 000 seeds ha?1) were examined in two experiments (Experiment 3 in 1996 and Experiment 4 in 1996–98). No plastic was used in Experiment 3, while three plastic treatments (NP, PP and CC) were examined in Experiment 4. In the CC treatment, the plastic film was removed at the six‐ to eight‐leaf stage. In Experiment 1, the PP treatment gave lower DM yields than the NP treatment due to frost damage which killed 0·30 of the plants in the PP treatment. Plants were undamaged by frost in both CC treatments, and the CC2 treatment (plastic removal at the six‐leaf stage) gave significant increases in DM and grain yields. In Experiment 2, averaged over years and sowing dates, DM yields were significantly increased by all plastic film treatments except CC4. All plastic film treatments gave significantly earlier tassel emergence than the NP treatment, and significantly increased grain yields and contents of DM and grain. The highest yields of DM and grain were obtained from the PP system. Within the CC treatments, leaving the plastic film intact until the ten‐leaf stage (CC4) gave lower yields of DM and grain than removing the plastic film at an earlier stage. Averaged over years, the largest DM yields were obtained from the CC system with early‐sown material, while the yield differences between treatments with late‐sown crops under this system were not significant. Highest DM and grain yields were obtained with early sowing, while late sowing gave lower contents of DM and grain, and later tassel emergence. In Experiments 3 and 4, DM and grain yields increased as seeding rate increased up to 126 000 seeds ha?1 with NP and CC plastic treatments. With the PP treatment, DM yield reached a plateau at 107 000 seeds ha?1. Seeding rate did not significantly affect DM content in either experiments but grain content declined in both experiments as seeding rate increased.  相似文献   

陈云飞  王建荣 《茶叶》2002,28(1):43-47
介绍了中国古代陶瓷器上的题记的起源、发展,总结了陶瓷题记的方法、分类。中国古代在陶瓷器上的铭刻了相当数量的茶文化题记,或寄情,或明志,这就给器户平添了几分艺术韵味,使陶瓷工艺与茶文化混然一体,体现了历代文人雅士以茶修身养心。本文对研究,搜集了大量茶文化题记并进行了点评。  相似文献   

The objectives of these studies were to examine the effects of sowing date and plastic film on the yield and quality of forage maize ( Zea mays L.) in Ireland, a marginal maize-growing area. In 1989–95, comparisons were made of maize sown through clear plastic film (PP treatment), and maize sown in the conventional manner without plastic (NP treatment), in terms of dry-matter (DM) yield and quality (cob, grain and starch contents). The PP treatment significantly increased DM yields in five years, with a mean yield increase of 3·10 t ha−1. Whole-plant DM content increased (significant in four years) by a mean of 0·15; cob content increased (significant in five years) by a mean of 0·32; grain content increased (significant in all of the three years examined) by 0·75; and starch content increased from 236 to 318 g kg−1 DM ( P  < 0·01) in 1995 where the plastic film treatment was used. Organic matter digestibility values were similar for both treatments in 1995. Sowing date in the April-May period had no consistent effect on DM yields, but early sowings did increase cob (significant, except in 1994), grain (significant in one (1995) of the two years tested) and starch ( P  < 0·05) contents (only tested in 1995). Sowing on 11 April 1995 through perforated plastic gave lower yields than the NP treatment sown on the same date, due to severe frost damage in early May.  相似文献   

覆盖处理对旱寒区冬油菜越冬率和产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在大田条件下,研究了不同覆盖处理对冬油菜(B rassica rapa)越冬率、生育期、产量构成因素、含油率等 的影响。结果表明,在甘肃中、北部进行覆盖处理对保证冬油菜安全越冬、提高产量具有明显作用。所有覆盖处理 的越冬率、产量均高于露地栽培。不同覆盖处理的效果有较大差异,以地膜覆盖、秸秆覆盖处理的效果最为明显, 覆盖处理使返青期至成熟期各生育时期有提前的趋势,且经济性状均有不同程度的改善。  相似文献   

安定区地膜马铃薯不同覆盖方式集雨保墒增产试验   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
安定区是全国最大的马铃薯生产县区之一,通过对地膜马铃薯不同覆盖方式集雨节水保墒增产的试验研究,选择适宜安定区马铃薯栽培的地膜覆盖方式,研究了地膜不同覆盖方式对马铃薯生物性状和产量的影响,以双垄全膜覆盖侧播处理增产保水保墒效果为最好。与对照(CK)相比,其株粒数、株粒重、大薯率分别增加1.5个、0.3 kg、62.5%;各处理产量以双垄全膜覆盖侧播的产量为最高,11 725 kg/hm2,比对照增产2 125 kg,增产率为22.14%。  相似文献   

《Grass and Forage Science》2017,72(4):772-776
Losses of organic matter in the outer layers of bunker silos covered with conventional polyethylene (PE) plastic can be substantial due to oxygen transmission through the plastic top‐covering film during the post‐ensiling storage period. The effect of two silo covering materials, oxygen barrier (OB) film (45 μm thickness) and clear PE film (50 μm thickness), as underlays to a white‐on‐black PE plastic top cover (120 μm thickness), was assessed in the outer layer of whole‐plant maize silage stored in three large bunker silos in the People's Republic of China. Samples of the crop at harvest and of silage from the upper 45 cm layer at 5 months post‐ensiling, prior to removal of silage for feed‐out, were analysed for DM, fermentation profile and chemical composition. Loss of OM was estimated from concentrations of ash in the crop at harvest and in the silage. Differences between underlay films in silage fermentation profile were small. Silage protected with OB underlay film had higher mean concentration of starch (< .008) and higher mean NDF digestibility (< .003) than silage under PE underlay film. Concentrations of ash were lower (< .001) for silage covered with OB film than for PE film in all three trials. Mean estimated losses of OM were 170 g/kg for OB underlay film and 232 g/kg for PE underlay film (< .001), and whole‐silo estimated net economic benefits to OB underlay film ranged from 0.17 to 0.74 US $ per tonne fresh crop ensiled.  相似文献   

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