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杏为蔷薇科李属落叶小乔木,是传统的观赏植物。杏原产我国,公元前二世纪时,经“丝绸之路”传至波斯(今伊朗),后又传入亚美尼亚、希腊、罗马等国,遍布于世界温带地区。癌症,是目前严重危害人类生命的世界性疾病,每年约有36万人死于癌症。我国每年约100万人患癌症。因此,世界各国集中了相当人力和物力,研究对付癌症的办法。不过,位于西太平洋的岛国——斐济,却是世界首届一指的“长寿之国”,而今又有“无癌之国”的美称:居住在喜马拉雅山南麓的一个洪扎部落,人们平均寿命均在九十——一百岁以上,亦并未  相似文献   

食用菌加工产业的发展机遇与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在19世纪初,引起人类早死的主要原因是白喉、流感、肺结核、肺炎等传染性疾病。21世纪的今天,人类面临的健康威胁主要是心脏病、癌症、中风、糖尿病和各种慢性病。统计资料显示,全球每年有1700万人死于慢性病,750万人死于冠状动脉疾病,1000万人死于癌症,1.8亿人为糖尿病所困扰,3.5亿人在忍受关节炎的病痛,更有多达12亿的人群患有高血压症状。从这些数据中我们不难发现一个现象,人类出现健康问题的主要原因已经由外来因素转变为自身因素,  相似文献   

<正>1农业推广体系简介农业推广体系是农业推广工作的基础和组织保证。根据联合国粮农组织的调查,目前全世界约有农业推广人员154.2万人。其中:非洲约59万人,亚太地区约39万人,欧洲15万人,拉丁美洲约33万人,北美约15万人。农业推广活动是随着农业生产活动而发生、发展起  相似文献   

2007年江西省水稻种子市场分析与营销策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江西省是个农业比重较大的省份.是我国粮食主产省之一,水稻面积在全国居第2位,水稻产量居全国第3位。每年水稻播种面积在313万hm^2以上,占粮食作物播种面积的85%以上.其中约有267万hm^2是杂交水稻。据江西省农业厅统计,2006年水稻种植面积达到330万hm^2.其中早稻种植面积141万hm^2,平均产量355.9kg/hm^2;  相似文献   

1 食品的质量安全问题.是当今世人所关注的焦点之一 在农业生产中,由于许多地方滥用农药和不合理施用化肥,残留不少有害的化学物质,加上工业的废水、废气、废渣污染了水源、土地和大气,因而导致有的粮食、蔬菜、瓜果、肉类等产品中含有超标的有害物质,影响着人们的健康,乃至威胁生命的安全.据有关报道,全世界每年约有200万人农药中毒,其中约有4万人死亡.这就普遍引起对食品污染的恐惧和对生命安全的忧心.  相似文献   

21世纪中国水稻持续增产的途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应存山 《作物杂志》1997,13(5):9-13
21世纪中国水稻持续增产的途径应存山(中国水稻研究所杭州310006)粮食安全问题是当今国际社会面临的重大难点和热点之一。民以食为天,食物中又以粮食居首要地位。目前人类已知的植物约有25万种(species),可供食用的植物有3万多种,其中已被利用的……  相似文献   

杂交兰有国兰幽香、典雅、容易栽培等优良品质,同时还具有像大花蕙兰一样的产业化生产条件,是市场前景非常广阔的一个新兴年宵花品种。据初步调查,目前国内每年的杂交兰产销总量在200万~300万盆,销地和产地以广东和福建为主,其中进口约60万盆,主要来自中国台湾。  相似文献   

一前言我国每年收藏的高水分粮食约在1,000万吨以上.个别年份由于气候条件等影响,还要超出此数.据中国商业报报导,1986年度高水分粮达1,690万吨,比过去约多出500万吨.高水分粮食中比重最大的是东北地区和南方地区的晚稻.每年由于烘干设备不足或能源短缺等原因,所造成的损失约有几十亿斤.因此对高水分粮食的防护是当前粮食储藏  相似文献   

杨俊 《种子科技》2024,(2):131-133
我国不仅是水稻种植大国,也是水稻消费大国,我国每年的水稻产量约占总消费量的50%,所以提高水稻栽培技术水平具有十分重要的意义。近年来,我国的水稻种植与培育技术已经有了很大的进步。然而,在水稻种植过程中仍然存在一些技术问题,因此从选种、育苗、田间管理和病虫害防治等角度出发,分析了水稻栽培技术要点,为提高水稻种植效益以及促进我国农业经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

双汇集团是以肉类加工为主的大型食品企业集团,目前拥有约70多亿元的总资产,员工36000人,在全国10多个省、市建有20多家现代化的肉类加工基地。每年可消化生猪2000万头、活牛50万头、羊100万只、鸡肉10万t、鸡蛋4万t、植物蛋白5万t等。带动了周边地区种植业、养殖业、屠宰加工业的发展,吸纳150多万农民走出农村,实现了由农业向工业的转变。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒之研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)是一种RNA病毒,引起一种急性传染性肝炎—戊型肝炎(HE),戊型肝炎主要经粪—口途径传播,通常是由于饮用被HEV污染的水而引起。其中,在亚洲、非洲和美洲等发展中国家人群中发生比较普遍,在一些地区可占到急性病毒性肝炎的50%,是导致发病和病死的重要因素。中国是戊肝高流行区,发病数、发病率均呈现连续快速增长的态势。人类对HEV普遍易感,在孕妇中可导致流产或死亡,病死率高达到20%~30%,易感人群以大龄儿童和青壮年为主,幼儿少见。HEV不仅可以侵犯人类,而且可以在动物中广泛分布和传播,戊型肝炎是一种人畜共患性传染病。在此,从病原学、流行病学、检测方法及其疫苗的研制几个方面对其进行了综述。  相似文献   

Wheat production is a major source of income for most people and forms the backbone of the economy in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Sunn pest, known in Turkey since 1927, is one of the most harmful pests of wheat in this region where the infested area has reached 0.3 million ha and the cost of chemical application has reached US$ 2 million per year. Two species of Eurygaster, E. maura and E. austriaca, are prevalent in the region. Observations of tests carried out on different genotypes under natural field conditions and controlled greenhouse tests showed variable response of wheat to sunn pest. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Eco-environmental water demand in Taohuajiang Valley of Guilin is defined as the minimum water volume required by the valley to maintain the eco-environmental quality not to be degraded over time.By using the site survey data,the eco-environmental water demand in Taohuajiang valley is studied preliminarily.The results calculated indicate that: the out-stream eco-environmental water demand is about 14.9 million m3 per year,about 4 percent of annual runoff of the valley;and the in-stream eco-environmental water requirement is about 109.8 million m3 per year,about 30 percent of annual runoff.This study provides scientific basis for local sustainable water resources use and management as well as for eco-environmental water requirement study in similar regions in terms of Karst geological condition and climate.  相似文献   

N-亚硝胺类化合物与食品安全性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了N-亚硝胺类化合物的种类及理化性质,以及食品中N-亚硝胺的污染状况、污染来源、毒性与危害和在食品中的限量标准,并探讨了对减少其危害的预防措施。目前约有100种亚硝胺,经动物实验证明80%以上具有致癌作用和具有明显的亲器官性。如二甲基、二乙基亚硝胺经口摄入可引起肝癌,二乙基亚硝胺还可以引起肾癌和食管癌。正因为亚硝胺能引起各种动物器官和组织肿瘤,近来研究表明,有些N-亚硝基化合物与人类的食管癌和胃癌等的发生有密切关系。  相似文献   

花粉过敏的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花粉是引起过敏性疾病的重要变应原之一,花粉过敏属于环境性疾病,与花粉种类、环境和人体基因等多因素有关。近年来花粉过敏发病率呈逐年上升趋势,严重危害了人类的健康,是影响人们的生活质量的新问题。文章对目前中国主要致敏花粉的种类、花粉变应原的分析与纯化、花粉过敏动物模型及花粉症的治疗进行了综述,并对中国未来花粉过敏研究方向进行了展望,以期为花粉过敏的进一步研究提供依据。  相似文献   

Three Gorge reservoir will become a lake like water body which will be faced with the menace from entrophication pollution . Entrophication pollution will cause alga propagation in excess, so that fish and water plant will die largely and may cause the enteron cancer for people. The quiddity of entrophication is the pollution from plant nutriment (N and P etc.). The endure capacity of the water environment to plant nutriment and the development of interrelated technology for water pollution control are the key confining factors for the sustainable development of economy in Chongqing Area.  相似文献   

Coarse sandy soils have poor water retention capacity, which may constrain crop growth during drought. We investigated the effect of biochar amendment to subsoil on crop physiological processes and maize yield, comparing irrigated and drought conditions. A two‐year greenhouse experiment was conducted with one‐time application of straw biochar at concentrations of 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% (B0, B1, B2 and B3). Maize was planted twice in the same large pots one week and again 12 months after biochar application. Plants were fully irrigated until flowering; thereafter, half of them were subjected to drought. Our results indicate B2 and B3 increased soil water content at field capacity. Leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and transpiration were maintained in B2 and B3 during the drying cycle in year one and in all biochar levels in year two. In the first year, B3 induced negative root geotropism and significantly reduced vegetative biomass under both irrigation schemes. Cob biomass was significantly reduced by B1 under full irrigation. In year two, B3 significantly increased cob biomass under drought. Nitrogen uptake was significantly reduced by B2 in year one, but increased significantly in B3 in year two. In both years, P uptake was significantly increased by B2 and B3. Furthermore, K uptake was significantly increased in B2 in year one and in all biochar treatments in year two. Overall, biochar improved water content of coarse sandy soil due to decreased bulk density and increased porosity after biochar amendment, consequently, improving crop physiological processes including transpiration and photosynthesis. Significant effects on yields tended to be more negative in the first year, and neutral to positive in the second year suggesting the enhancement of biochar effects with ageing. The positive effect in the second year shows biochar's potential for improving agriculture productivity in drought‐prone regions.  相似文献   

秸秆资源统计是其综合利用的前提。按照农业部标准NY/T 1701-2009《农作物秸秆资源考察与评估技术规范》中的技术方法,以安徽省为例,采用2013 年《安徽统计年鉴》提供的统计数据,对主要农作物秸秆资源进行了统计分析与能源化利用评价。结果表明:安徽省主要农作物秸秆年理论资源量4487.99 万t,年可收集资源量3878.84 万t,年人均资源量72.88 kg/人;水稻、小麦和玉米秸秆是安徽省主要的作物秸秆资源,3 者合计可占秸秆资源总量的82.23%,年可收集量分别为1567.86、1539.43 和582.98 万t;皖北地区秸秆资源占全省资源总量的49.75%;江淮之间为32.08%;皖南山区为18.17%,呈现出明显的由北向南逐步递减的整体趋势。在此基础上,结合秸秆能源化利用方式,将安徽省秸秆资源利用能源化利用划分为重点开发区(A区)、适度开发区(B区)和限制开发区(C区)等3 个区域。为安徽省秸秆资源开发及能源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

India is the second largest producer of wheat in the world, with production hovering around 68–75 million tons for past few years. The latest estimated demand for wheat production for the year 2020 is approximately 87.5 million tons, or about 13 million tons more than the record production of 75 million tons harvested in crop season 1999–2000. Since 2000, India has struggled to match that record production figure and thus faces a critical challenge in maintaining food security in the face of its growing population. The current major challenges facing future wheat production in India are increasing heat stress; dwindling water supplies for irrigation; a growing threat of new virulence of diseases such as wheat rusts (yellow, brown, and black) and leaf blight; continuous adoption of rice-wheat systems on around 11 million hectares; changes in urbanization patterns, and demand for better quality wheat. In addition, the threat posed by the new stem rust race Ug99 can not be underestimated. The wide gap (around 2.5 t/ha) between the potential and harvested yield in the eastern Gangetic Plains also cries out for solutions. Addressing issues related to different stresses will require harnessing genes discovered in landraces and wild relatives following conventional as well as non-conventional approaches. For effective technology delivery in areas that suffer from poor linkages with farmers, participatory research needs to be strengthened. The future germplasm requirements from a dependable collaborator such as CIMMYT are largely being dictated by the above factors.  相似文献   

Herbicide-tolerant crops in agriculture: oilseed rape as a case study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Oilseed rape has been modified extensively by conventional breeding for the production of varieties useful for human consumption (blended vegetable oil and margarine) and industrial processes (rubber additives and high‐temperature lubricants). Because much is now known about its genetic and biochemical composition, it has been an obvious choice for genetic modification and is now at the forefront of the commercial development of genetically modified (GM) or transgenic crops. Around the world, the increase in commercial plantings of all transgenic crops has been rapid. In 1996, 1.7 million hectares were planted, but by 1998 this figure had jumped to 27.8 million ha. The area in the year 2001 is likely to be about 50 million ha. With the possible introduction of transgenic varieties into European agriculture, it is essential that the associated farming practices employed are appropriate for their growth, both from a commercial and an environmental viewpoint. Some of the first transgenic crops are those carrying agronomic traits, e.g. herbicide tolerance transgenes. However, before full commercialization occurs, important agronomic and environmental questions need to be answered. How are these new crops to be incorporated into existing cropping practices? How will this change the current herbicide use profile for a given crop? Do herbicide‐tolerant varieties enhance or impede integrated pest management schemes? What is the likely uptake of such crops in agriculture? What are the ecological implications of their introduction? Are there effective measures to control the spread of transgenes to wild relatives? This paper addresses these questions, with special emphasis on oilseed rape production in the UK, but includes examples from other crops and countries where appropriate.  相似文献   

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