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Fourty-four Holstein Friesian cows diagnosed as having ovarian follicular cysts from rectal palpation of the ovaries and observation of estrous behavior were used for the present experiments. Of the 16 cows injected intramuscularly (i.m.) with 110 mg of depot-progestins containing 100 mg of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate and 10 mg of progesterone in oil, 8 cows responded with conception with 103 +/- 53 days in average after the treatment. The 8 cows not responding to depot-progestins were injected i.m. with 6,000 MU of HCG on the 10th day after the treatment. As a result, 2 cows of them conceived within 72 days in average after the initial treatment. Of the other 16 cows injected i.m. with 100 mg of progesteron in oil, 3 cows conceived. Interval between the treatment and conception was 36 +/- 9 days in average. In the 11 cows which failed to respond to progesterone treatment, an intramuscular injection of 6,000 MU of HCG on the 5th day after treatment resulted in conception of 7 cows within 42 +/- 10 days in average after the first treatment. Of the remaining 12 cows which received an i.m. injection with 10,000 MU of HCG, 4 cows responded with conception with 64 +/- 51 days in average after treatment. No remarkable rise in serum progesterone levels was observed either 10 days after depot-progestins injection or 5 days after progesterone treatment. Serum progesteron levels increased distinctly after HCG injections. The combined treatment with 100 mg of progesterone and 6,000 MU of HCG at 5 days interval gave the most successful results and this treatment was effective even when performed long after calving. Thus this method of treatment of cystic ovarian disease may be recommended for practical application.  相似文献   



The aims of this study were to establish the incidence of cystic ovarian disease (COD) and its geographical and seasonal variation in Norway, investigate the effect of COD on culling rates, and describe the effects of COD on subsequent reproductive performance and its association to twins.


Diagnosis of COD was made by veterinary surgeons in the field. Four statistical models were made all including herd as random effect: The four different dependent variables investigated were: 1) Diagnosis of COD between 40 and 165 days in milk or not; (n = 511,657); 2) Twins or singleton; data restricted to lactations with new calving (n = 156,661): 3) Culling/removal or not (n = 573,184): 4) Culling due to reproductive problems; data included only lactations which ended in culling (n = 234,232). Model 1, 3 and 4 applied Cox regression models, and model 2 logistic regression. Independent variables were parity, twins/singletons, calving season, herd size, region, COD occurrence in present lactation (if not dependent), and COD diagnosis in previous lactation.


The incidence was 0.82% per lactation. COD increased with increasing parity, was smallest at herd size between 35 and 85 cows. Cows in 1st parity and calved in spring had lowest hazard of COD and hazard for COD diagnosis was highest in autumn with HR = 2.6 (1.9 - 3.4) compared to spring. There was an interaction between parity and season. COD incidence was lower south of 60°N. Cows which experienced COD had an increased odds of giving birth to twins OR = 2.2 (1.7 - 2.7). Of those that were culled, those with COD were culled more frequently because of reproductive problems; HR = 2.1 (1.9 - 2.3) for higher parity than 2. Having COD diagnosed in the preceding lactation was a hazard for diagnosis in the lactation studied.


COD diagnosis is strongly associated with season (autumn calving) and parity. Herds north of 60°N have more COD. Occurrence of COD is associated with twin births as well as culling due to reproduction.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in an Israeli dairy cattle herd is described. The disease was characterized by ulcerative granulomatous lesions, which occurred in an epidemic form. Thirty-two cows and two heifers were affected, the ratio of the number affected to number at risk being 17.5 : 1 and 9.5 : 1, respectively. The culling rate was 50% of the affected animals. Most of the affected animals were cows (91.2%), with one first-calving cow (2.9%) and two heifers (5.9%) also affected. The infection occurred during the summer to autumn months (August-December), and lasted 118 days. The incubation period is about 2 months. The disease appeared in two clinical forms - cutaneous and mastitic - or as a mixed form. C. pseudotuberculosis organisms that were isolated from the ulcerative granulomatous lesions and from milk samples failed to reduce nitrate. A decrease in milk production (4%) and an increase in the bulk-milk somatic cell count from a herd mean of 240 x 10(3) mL(-1) to 460 x 10(3) mL(-1) were noted during the morbidity period. The organism was isolated from milk samples of eight animals (25%). Clinical, epizootiological and microbiological aspects of the infection are described.  相似文献   

Abstract Impetigo and fürunculosis appeared in a dairy cattle herd in association with intensive showering of the lactating cows during the summer months. Heifers and dry cows in the same herd, as well as those in a neighbouring herd in the same village, which was not showered and served as a comparison herd, remained unaffected. Skin lésions declined with the termination of showering. Only six animals [three cows (7.3%) and three first-calving cows (20%)] had to be treated parenterally with antibiotics. Resumen En un rebafio de vacas de leche aparecieron cuadros de impetigo y fürunculosis asociados a las duchas frecuentes aplicadas durante los meses de verano a las vacas lactantes. Las novillas y vacas secas en el mismo rebaño, asi como las de un rebaño vecino de la misma localidad y que no recibian duchas fueron usadas como rebaño de comparación, no se vieron afectadas. Las lesiones cutáneas remitieron al dejar de aplicar las duchas. Tan solo en seis animales [tres vacas (7, 3%) y tres vacas en primer parto (20%)] fue necesario aplicar una terapia parenteral con antibióticos. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impetigo contagioso en un rebaño de vacas de leche). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Résumé Impétigo et füronculose se sont manifestés dans un troupeau laitier, en relation avec un douchage intensif des vaches allaitantes pendant les mois d'été. Les jeunes et les vaches taries du même troupeau, ainsi que celles d'un troupeau voisin du même village, non douchées et servant d'élément de comparaison, restèrent inaffectés. Les lésions cutanées ont régressé dês la cessation des douchages. Seuls six animaux (trois vaches-7, 3%-et trois vaches primipares-20%-) durent etre traités par antibiothérapie parentérale. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impétigo contagieux dans un troupeau de vaches laitières). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Zusammenfassung Eine Impetigo und Furunkulose trat bei einer Milchviehherde in Verbindung mit intensivem Abduschen bei den laktierenden Kühen während der Sommermonate auf. Färsen und trockenstehende Kühe in der selben Herde sowie die einer Nachbarherde im selben Ort, die nicht abgeduscht wurden und als Vergleichsgruppe dienten, blieben unverändert. Die Hautveränderungen reduzierten sich mit Beendigung des Abduschens. Nur sechs Tiere (drei Kühe (7, 3%) und drei Kalbinnen (20%)) mußten parenteral mit Antibiotika behandelt werden. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Ansteckende Impetigo bei einer Milchviehherde). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.]  相似文献   

Neosporosis-like abortions in a herd of dairy cattle   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Twenty-nine cows from a 240-cow drylot Holstein dairy in north-central New Mexico aborted over a period of approximately 5 months. Nine aborted fetuses were necropsied, and all but 1 of the fetuses were between 5 and 7 months of gestation. Microscopic examination of fetal tissues revealed focal necrotizing encephalitis and nonsuppurative myocarditis in 7 of the 9 fetuses. Additional lesions observed in some fetuses were focal hepatic necrosis, nonsuppurative myositis, focal necrotizing placentitis, focal nonsuppurative pneumonia, and focal nonsuppurative nephritis. A few groups of Neospora caninum-like protozoan organisms were observed adjacent to necrotic foci in the brain of 2 fetuses and in the kidney of a third fetus. No other cause of abortion was detected.  相似文献   

Cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis in cattle most commonly result from ascending urinary tract infection with Corynebacterium renale, Corynebacterium cystidis, Corynebacterium pilosum or Escherichia coli. We describe the clinical, bacteriological, clinical-pathological and epidemiological findings in a dairy cattle herd with urinary tract infection (UTI). Blood and urine samples from 17 calves and 19 cows were submitted to laboratory examinations. Depression, muscle wasting, weakness and frequent urine dribbling were the main characteristics of UTI in calves. Affected cows showed weight loss and an abrupt reduction in feed intake and milk production. Enlargement of the left kidney and loss of normal lobulation were evident on rectal examination. E. coli was the most frequent cause of UTI but C. renale, alpha-haemolytic Streptococcus spp., Proteus spp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp. and Oligella urethralis were isolated as well. Differences in total protein and several protein fractions were found between affected and healthy animals.  相似文献   

The incidence of cystic ovaries following 1830 calvings of 1061 dairy cows maintained in total confinement was evaluated. The overall incidence was 14% of lactations and 22% of cows during a three year period. Fewer primiparous than multiparous cows became cystic, 5.7% vs 18%, respectively. There was an unexplained higher incidence (18%) among calvings in 1979 than in 1980 (12%) and 1981 (13%). There were no effects due to season of calving or genetic line of cow. During the last year of the study milk production by cystic cows was significantly greater than that by non-cystic cows.  相似文献   

Protothecosis is a severe form of mastitis in dairy cows caused by colorless algae of the genus Prototheca. Since P. zopfii is highly resistant to all known chemotherapeutics, infected cows must be removed from the herd. Eradication measures are difficult since many chronically infected cows may become intermittent shedders. Therefore, cultural methods are insufficient for control measures. In order to eradicate Prototheca zopfii-mastitis in dairy cattle herds, two isotype specific indirect ELISA for detection of IgA and IgG1 in whey were used in a dairy herd highly affected with protothecal mastitis. All cows (n = 313) were tested four times in intervals of six months. Milk specimens were examined in parallel by cultivation and serologically using two indirect ELISA systems for specific IgA and IgG1 in whey. Cows tested Prototheca positive were consequently separated from the herd and slaughtered. At the first examination, 15.6% of the animals were found positive by culture, and 23.3% were positive in at least one of the ELISA systems. Within two years, protothecal prevalence and incidence decreased to zero indicating that the eradication strategy used was successful. In summary, serological identification of P. zopfii-infected lactating cows is an useful tool to eradicate protothecal bovine mastitis in infected herds.  相似文献   

Cystic ovarian disease in cows was treated either with a single intramuscular injection of 500 micrograms cloprostenol, a prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, in 77 cases of luteal cysts or with 500 micrograms gonadorelin or 20 micrograms buserelin, gonadotrophin releasing hormone or its analogue (GnRH), in 116 cases of follicular cysts. Recovery was defined as the absence of cysts and the formation of a corpus luteum either with or without observed oestrus within 10 days after treatment with cloprostenol and 15 days after treatment with GnRH. Recovery occurred in 65 per cent and 52.6 per cent of cases, respectively, in average times of 4.9 and 19 days. Fifteen days after treatment with GnRH, 20 cows with luteinised cysts were treated with cloprostenol and 15 recovered in a mean of 20.4 days, while 10 which still had follicular cysts, were given GnRH and one recovered 31 days after the beginning of treatment. Another 27 cows, in which cysts became luteinised, were treated with cloprostenol seven days after treatment with GnRH to give quicker (average 11.5 days) but poor (48 per cent) recovery and with a higher rate (33 per cent) of recurrence of cysts. A progesterone releasing intrauterine device was used in 25 cases of cystic ovarian disease, some of which had been previously treated. Sixty-eight per cent recovered in an average of 15 days. The proportions of cows becoming pregnant to one to three inseminations after the different methods of treatment were similar (77 to 94 per cent).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The relationship between milk yield and cystic ovarian disease in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies were conducted to understand the relationship, if any, between the amount and pattern of milk yield and the occurrence of cystic ovarian disease (COD) in dairy cattle. More than 70 cows with cysts were compared with herd mates of similar lactation number. Total milk yield in lactations when cysts occurred and in the preceding lactations were not different from the corresponding lactations in control cows. Patterns of monthly milk yield did not differ between the two groups of cows. However, weekly analysis in early lactation revealed differences. Both groups of cows achieved peak yields at a similar time (5.4 +/- 1.2 vs 5.7 +/- 1.9 weeks post partum in normal vs cows with COD). However, owing to an early decline in yield of cows with COD, their duration of peak yield was significantly shorter (P less than 0.05) than in the control cows (3.2 +/- 2.2 vs 5.6 +/- 2.4 weeks). Both the attainment and the decline of peak yield occurred 5.6 (range = 2-15) weeks before the cysts were diagnosed. It is concluded that COD is not particularly a disease of higher yielding cows and that COD has no discernible effect on the milk yield or its pattern. It is speculated, however, that some cows in early lactation, while trying to meet the requirements of sustained peak milk production, are more susceptible to minor environmental changes (such as new social interactions, or changes in diet). These events may lead to a drop in milk production and disruption of events controlling normal ovulation, resulting in the formation of ovarian cysts.  相似文献   

An outbreak of mucosal disease (MD) was studied in a dairy herd, comprising 12 cows, 9 heifers and 18 calves. During a period of 1 month, six 5 to 8 month-old calves showed typical signs of MD. They all died or were killed in extremis after 2-8 days with progressively worsening clinical signs. Post mortem lesions were examined in one calf. Non-cytopathogenic MD virus was isolated from serum or tissues from 3 clinically affected calves and from 1 healthy heifer. All cows and heifers except for the viremic one possessed neutralizing antibodies against bovine pestivirus. According to the current MD-pathogenesis concept, the affected calves were probably infected transplacentally during the first half of foetal life with pestivirus from the persistently infected heifer in the herd.  相似文献   

The objective of the current research was to examine the association of herd level disease incidence with the return over feed (ROF) (milk income minus feed cost) herd profit index offered through Canwest Dairy Herd Improvement. The lactational incidence risks (LIR) for displaced abomasum, retained placenta, clinical mastitis, milk fever, clinical ketosis, and lameness submitted by producers (n = 48) were similar to previous reports. However, there was no negative association of clinical disease LIR's with ROE Subclinical ketosis and subclinical mastitis cumulative incidence were determined during the early postpartum period by using a cow-side test for betahydroxybutyrate in milk and the California Mastitis Test, respectively. Subclinical mastitis was not associated with ROE However, a unit increase in the cumulative incidence of subclinical ketosis was associated with a decrease of dollars 0.015/cow/day in the ROE The results highlight the economic significance that subclinical ketosis may have in Ontario dairy herds.  相似文献   

The associations between herd bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) seroprevalence, along with other infectious and farm management factors with bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in dairy calves and heifers, were investigated. Serum samples from 103 dairy cattle herds were analyzed for antibodies against BHV-1, bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis). A questionnaire was used to record herd management practices. A high occurrence of respiratory disease in unweaned calves was associated with low to moderate and high prevalence of BHV-1 among cows (OR=14.8, p=0.005 and OR=19.2, p=0.002, respectively) and positive BVDV status of a herd (OR=5.1, p=0.02). The presence of BVDV in a herd was related to a high incidence of respiratory disease in heifers 3-16 months old (OR=4.3, p=0.027). Based on the results of multiple correspondence analysis, holding youngstock separately from cows until pregnancy, introducing new animals and the activities of on-farm employees may contribute to a higher incidence of BRD.  相似文献   


In recent years there has been increasing interest in schemes for disease eradication and preventive medicine. Any such schemes depend upon a clear definition of the expected animal heath risk in a particular area and season, but precise information on disease incidence is still conspicuous by its absence in veterinary literature, and much of what is available has relied upon informed guesswork. The Animal Health Laboratories are now undertaking electronic data processing of laboratory reports to help fill this gap in our knowledge. However, this will only supply data on the type of case from which samples are submitted. These data will have undergone a double process of selection and deletion, first by the farmer selecting the cases for which he will summon professional assistance, and secondly by the veterinary practitioner selecting the cases for which he requires laboratory investigations.  相似文献   

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