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Macrophages may play a prominent role in defense of the bovine mammary gland, and their functionality is necessary for successful eradication of bacterial pathogens. In contrast to necrosis, however, apoptosis has not yet been studied in macrophages from bovine mammary glands. Therefore, the aim of this study was to confirm the occurrence of apoptosis in macrophages from resting heifer mammary glands and during the inflammatory response.


Inflammatory response was induced by phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Resident macrophages (RESMAC) were obtained before and inflammatory macrophages (INFMAC) 24, 48, 72 and 168 hours after inducing inflammatory response in mammary glands of unbred heifers. Cell samples were analyzed for differential counts, apoptosis and necrosis using flow cytometry.


Populations of RESMAC and INFMAC contained monocyte-like cells and vacuolized cells. Apoptosis was detected differentially in both morphologically different types of RESMAC and INFMAC and also during initiation and resolution of the inflammatory response. In the RESMAC population, approximately one-tenth of monocyte-like cells and one-third of vacuolized cells were apoptotic. In the INFMAC population obtained 24 h after PBS treatment, approximately one-tenth of monocyte-like cells and almost one-quarter of vacuolized cells were apoptotic. At the same time following LPS, however, we observed a significantly lower percentage of apoptotic cells in the population of monocyte-like INFMAC and vacuolized INFMAC. Moreover, a higher percentage of apoptotic cells in INFMAC was detected during all time points after PBS in contrast to LPS. Comparing RESMAC and INFMAC, we observed that vacuolized cells from populations of RESMAC and INFMAC underwent apoptosis more intensively than did monocyte-like cells.


We conclude that apoptosis of virgin mammary gland macrophages is involved in regulating their lifespan, and it is involved in the resolution process of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Neutrophil apoptosis during the resolution of bovine mammary gland injury   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The role of neutrophil apoptosis in the resolution of bovine mammary gland injury induced by intramammary administration of physiological buffered saline (PBS) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was investigated. Twenty mammary glands of five non-pregnant heifers were used in the two studies and each animal received both stimuli. Samples of cell populations were collected by mammary gland lavages before and 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after treatment and examined by light microscopy and staining for myeloperoxidase (MPO). A marked influx of neutrophils into the mammary gland was observed 24 hours after stimulation. At the same time, apoptotic neutrophils and MPO-positive macrophages (MAC) were identified in the samples. The numbers increased to reach maximum values at 48 hours after stimulation with PBS and at 72 hours after stimulation with LPS. The observed differences in the length of the resolution period indicate that neutrophil viability can be modulated by delaying the apoptotic process. Apoptosis of neutrophils and their subsequent phagocytosis by MAC can be regarded as a significant mechanism in the removal of neutrophils from the acutely injured mammary glands and, hence, in the resolution of bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

Quarters of three lactating and three dry cows were infused with 10 micrograms endotoxin and the inflammatory response induced in the mammary gland was compared. The response of the dry glands was much less than that shown by the lactating glands. The swelling in the lactating quarters was severe after four hours and declined slowly; in the dry quarters the swelling was mild and transient. Antitrypsin levels, which reflect vascular permeability, were much greater in the lactating quarters, and the somatic cell counts were similarly much higher in the lactating quarters. One dry quarter gave no response other than a slight increase in antitrypsin after four hours.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to verify whether the in vitro senescence process of tissue pool neutrophils of the bovine mammary gland is accompanied by similar changes of ultrastructure as typically occurs in in vivo conditions. The experiments were carried out in four clinically healthy, Holstein x Bohemian Red-Pied crossbred heifers aged 14-16 months. With the aid of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and flow cytometry (FCM), neutrophil apoptosis in vivo was detected and during senescence it was monitored in vitro. The neutrophil apoptosis comprised three ultrastructurally different stages: (1) karyopyknosis, (2) zeiosis, and (3) apoptotic bodies. These stages were obvious in the apoptotic neutrophils both in vivo and in vitro. In addition to the common morphological signs, however, ultrastructural differences were also detected in apoptotic neutrophils in vitro. These in vitro ultrastructural differences mostly comprised hyper-vacuolation of the cytoplasm with mega-vacuoles and secondary necrosis of apoptotic neutrophils. Morphological features of apoptosis during in vitro senescence of tissue pool neutrophils of the bovine mammary gland were shown to be in close accordance with these in vivo signs.  相似文献   

The object of the study was the comparative assessment of phagocyte activation during initiation and resolution of mammary gland injury induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or buffered salt solution (PBS) on the basis of the CD14 receptor positivity. The experiments were carried out in 15 clinically normal Holstein x Bohemian Red Pied crossbred heifers, aged 14 to 18 months. Noninflammatory and inflammatory mammary gland injury were induced by intramammary administration of PBS (10 mL) and LPS (10 mL, 1 microg/mL), respectively. Samples of the cell populations were obtained by mammary lavages at 24 h intervals. Flow cytometry was used to determine the CD14+ neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. The percentage of CD14+ neutrophils was only 1.2% and 1.3% 24 h after the treatment with PBS and LPS, respectively. The resolution was accompanied by an increase in proportion of CD14+ neutrophils. The proportion of CD14+ neutrophils returned to initial values in the PBS-treated, but not in the LPS-treated mammary glands till 96 h. Percentage of CD14+ monocytes increased after 24 h and the effect was more pronounced in the LPS-treated than in the PBS treated mammary glands (P < 0.05). The percentage of CD14+ macrophages decreased highly significantly at 24 h in the LPS-treated, but not in the PBS-treated mammary glands (P < 0.01). The resolution of mammary gland injury (48 to 96 h) was characterised by an increase in CD14+ macrophages proportion, which was greater in the LPS-treated than PBS-treated mammary glands (P < 0.01). The activation of macrophages during resolution of mammary gland injury can be interpreted as an important mechanism of restitution.  相似文献   

Morphologic changes developing during bovine mammary involution were examined. Quarter biopsy specimens were obtained weekly from 5 cows beginning the day milking was discontinued through parturition. Light and electron microscopic examination of mammary tissue indicated a gradual reduction in synthetic and secretory activity of alveolar epithelium as involution progressed. Light microscopic morphologic analysis revealed increases in stroma and nonactive secretory epithelium, with concomitant decreases in epithelium, lumen, and fully active secretory epithelium during the first 2 weeks of involution. Electron microscopic analysis of alveolar epithelium revealed decreased number of organelles associated with milk synthesis and secretion during this time. These changes reversed gradually beginning 2 weeks before parturition, and by the time of calving, cell structure was typical of lactating glands. Tissue from infected quarters had less synthetic and secretory ability as indicated by significantly higher percentages of stroma and nonactive cells, but lower percentages of lumen and moderately active cells, compared with uninfected quarters. Infected quarters also had more leukocytes infiltrating the epithelium, lumen, and stroma, compared with uninfected quarters. Microscopic examination of macrophages and neutrophils suggested these cells removed milk components and cellular debris during involution. Large numbers of plasma cells, with distended cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, suggested local antibody production during the periparturient period.  相似文献   

Characterization of lymphocyte subpopulations in the bovine mammary gland was accomplished using cells obtained from dry secretions. Correlation of cell surface properties with functional capacity was attempted by assaying the ability to form erythrocyte-antibody (EA) rosettes, erythrocyte-antibody-complement (EAC) rosettes, and sheep erythrocyte (E) rosettes and the ability to respond to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), Concanavalin A (Con A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) in the lymphocyte stimulation test. Results were compared with those obtained for peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from the same animals. Mammary gland lymphocytes (MGL) formed significantly fewer (p < .01) EA and EAC rosettes, but significantly greater (p < .01) E rosettes compared to PBL. MGL were significantly less responsive (p < .05) to mitogens than were PBL. MGL contained a large proportion of T lymphocytes, which do not respond to T lymphocyte mitogens in culture.  相似文献   

Intra-mammary (IM) bacterial infection in cattle can result in clinical outcomes that range from being acute and life-threatening to those that are chronic and sub-clinical. The typical bacteria involved in IM bacterial infections activate the mammary immune system in different ways which can influence the severity of the outcome. A clear understanding of the mechanisms that activate and regulate this response is central to the development of effective preventative and treatment regimes. This review focuses on the different immune responses of the bovine mammary gland to common mastitis-causing pathogens. There is special emphasis on comparing the responses to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus infections, as these are typically associated, respectively, with acute/severe and chronic/sub-clinical forms of the disease.  相似文献   

A technique is described for biopsy of the bovine udder, employing sedation and local anaesthesia. Tissue samples of approximately 5 g were obtained by electrocautery from two quarters of the udder of a cow laterally recumbent. Care was taken to ensure complete haemostasis which was achieved by electrocoagulation and ligation. Postoperative recovery was rapid, and loss of yield was no greater in biopsied glands than in control glands of the same cow. Yield from all quarters returned to preoperative levels within 48 h.  相似文献   

Innate immunity of the bovine mammary gland   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The presence of cytokine activity in periparturient bovine mammary secretions was evaluated. Mammary secretions were modified for use in biological assays for interleukin-2 (IL-2) like and antiviral activity. The level of IL-2 like activity in mammary gland secretions was lower during the last week of gestation when compared to levels detected approximately two weeks prepartum. Antiviral titers gradually increased as parturition approached. Results from Western blots indicated that the antiviral activity observed in prepartum secretions may be due to tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Interferons (IFN) were not detected in the colostrum samples.  相似文献   

The dynamics of apoptosis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) during induced influx of PMN into the cavity system of the juvenile bovine mammary gland in order to investigate the role of apoptosis of PMN in the resolution of mastitis was studied. The instillation of a synthetic analogue of muramyl dipeptide into teat sinus of the sixteen mammary glands was followed by a massive influx of PMN culminating after 24 h and resolving after 96 h. Every 24 h following the influx, apoptotic PMN were microscopically detected, based on morphological characteristics. Twenty four hours after the stimulation, apoptotic PMN were already observed, and peak counts of apoptotic PMN were reached 48 h after the stimulation. The lowest differential count of apoptotic PMN, corresponding to the pre-stimulation value, was found 96 h after the stimulation. The presence of macrophages (MAC) containing phagocytized apoptotic PMN was observed by histochemical staining for myeloperoxidase (MPO) and electron microscopy. The percentage of MPO-positive macrophages increased during the resolution phase to reach peak values 48 h after the stimulation. Apoptosis of PMN and phagocytosis by macrophages may represent a removal mechanism that is important in the resolution of the induced influx of PMN in the cavity system of juvenile bovine mammary gland.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate development over time of the surface expression of CD44 on macrophages during an inflammatory response of bovine mammary gland. Intramammary instillation of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) resulted in a significant increase in the total count of CD44+ non-vacuolised macrophages (NMAC) after 24 h. During resolution of the inflammatory response, there was observed a gradual decrease in the total count CD44+ NMAC. The lower total count and proportion of CD44 + vacuolised macrophages (VMAC) was observed as the effect of MDP and LPS at 24 h after induction (P < 0.01). During resolution, the total count and proportion of CD44 + VMAC increased. We have demonstrated CD44 receptor is expressed during the inflammatory response caused by LPS and MDP and the effect of these components on CD44 expression was particularly evident during initiation of the inflammatory response. High expression of CD44 in resolution of inflammatory response may relate to macrophages´ involvement in the processes leading to restitution of injured tissues.  相似文献   

This review is focused on the possible interactions of prolactin and somatotrope hormone in the modulation of inflammation of the mammary gland. Several different models are examined: Escherichia coli, Streptococcus uberis, and endotoxin mastitis. Subsequently, the release of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor during fever and mastitis, the immunophysiological effects of GH on E. coli mastitis, S. uberis and endotoxin mastitis, the galactopoietic action of rBST on healthy and mastitis cows as well as the immunologic effects of GH on leukocytes in healthy and diseased cows are discussed. It can be concluded that the underlying regulation of the neuro-endocrine network is fundamental in the normal function of the immune system.  相似文献   

Background Mammary gland(MG) infections(mastitis) are frequent diseases of dairy cows that affect milk quality, animal welfare and farming profitability. These infections are commonly associated with the bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Different in vitro models have been used to investigate the early response of the MG to bacteria, but the role of the teat in mastitis pathogenesis has received less attention. In this study, we used punchexcised teat tissue as an ex vivo mode...  相似文献   

Induced staphylococcal infections in the bovine mammary gland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a study to develop and define a practical model of bovine mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, induced infections were attempted in 203 bovine mammary glands of 41 cows, using 12 strains of S aureus. Approximately 100 colony-forming units of S aureus in saline solution were injected after milking, and milk samples were collected daily from test glands for 14 days to monitor the progress of infections and inflammatory responses. Relationships were examined for cow-related factors and for various characteristics of the strains of S aureus used to the development of a persistent intramammary infection. A dairy cow that was useful in this model was defined as follows: (1) the 2nd to 7th month in the 1st to 5th lactation; (2) producing milk from all mammary glands that contained less than 6 x 10(5) somatic cells/ml; and (3) having mammary glands that were free of any primary mastitis pathogen, as well as micrococci and Corynebacterium bovis. From the present study, it was not possible to define clearly a strain of S aureus which would be useful in the model, but 5 strains of S aureus were identified as being capable of producing persistent subacute infections with a high degree of repeatability.  相似文献   

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