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I assessed the direct influence of earthworm excretions, and the impact of earthworms through their action on the soil structure (increased macroporosity), on the population dynamics of the collembolan species Heteromurus nitidus. The intestinal content of Collembola arising from cultures on different soil types was observed, and two experimental cultures of H. nitidus were run: (1) a culture performed on an inert substrate supplied either with earthworm casts or with soil as food resource, (2) an experiment using microcosms with cores of two humus forms (moder and calcic mull), in the presence or absence of earthworms. The observation of gut contents revealed that H. nitidus feeds on excrements, the composition of which (ratio organic matter/mineral matter) varies according to the humus form where it lived. Slightly aged (10–15 days) organo-mineral casts of earthworms appeared to be a better food than calcic mull aggregates or organic material from moder. Densities of H. nitidus cultured in cores of calcic mull were higher than in moder, except when cores of moder were inhabited by an anecic earthworm for 2 months. The humus form strongly influenced populations of H. nitidus, firstly because densities of predators were higher in moder than in calcic mull, and probably also because of soil macroporosity. It was concluded that earthworms would affect predation on H. nitidus by creating a network of interconnected macropores in which Collembola can move and find shelter.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess participants' acquaintance with and willingness to try healthful food alternatives, and to test the psychometric properties of an adapted Dutch version of the Food Neophobia Scale (FNS) in order to study the role of food neophobia in this context. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study incorporating two web-based questionnaires, including a retest of the FNS one week later. Measures included acquaintance with and willingness to try 15 healthful food alternatives, level of food neophobia, level of education, gender and age. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to study associations between demographics and level of food neophobia as well as associations between level of food neophobia and acquaintance with and willingness to try the healthful alternatives. SETTING: The study was conducted in The Netherlands using a representative Internet panel. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 326 participants aged 18-50 years participated. RESULTS: Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the FNS version used were sufficient. On average participants were acquainted with 7.9 of the products and modestly willing to try the products. Lowly educated participants had significantly higher FNS scores than highly educated participants (beta = -0.23, P < 0.01). FNS score was significantly associated with acquaintance with (beta = -0.21, P < 0.001) and willingness to try the healthful alternatives (beta = -0.26, P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Further research into the role of food neophobia is warranted when wanting to stimulate the integration of healthful alternative products in the daily diet, especially among persons with low education.  相似文献   

Physical barriers, such as rivers and roads, constrain the movement of animals, usually by preventing access to adjacent habitats and impeding dispersal. Fences are artificial barriers that are commonly used as a conservation tool to intentionally restrict movements of animals to within protected reserves. However, the potential edge-effect of fences on the behaviour of animals within reserves is poorly understood. We examined the effect of fences on the movement patterns of African elephant (Loxodonta africana), an ecosystem modifier, in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. We used linear and non-linear models to determine the relationship between minimum distance from fence and seasonal daily net displacement of six GPS-collared female elephant. Elephant movement patterns were best explained by a piecewise regression that showed a strong negative relationship between minimum distance from fence and daily net displacement up to a “breakpoint” distance of 2551 m in the dry season and 3829 m in the wet season. The effect of the fence dissipated beyond this distance in both seasons. The increased tortuosity in movement patterns of elephant in the central area of the reserve suggested that they used this area more intensively for foraging compared to the peripheral area, as confirmed by differences in habitat selection. This occurs despite there being no difference in habitat composition between these areas. The decreased use of areas near the fence and more intensive foraging in the central areas constitute an important edge-effect of fences. Since elephant are ecosystem engineers, such edge-effects could potentially cascade throughout the reserve, adversely altering ecologically processes, particularly in reserves with a high edge-to-area ratio.  相似文献   

In recent years, questions have been raised on the possible semi-endogenous status of the alleged xenobiotic thyreostatic drug thiouracil; thiouracil has been detected in the urine of various animals (livestock and domesticated) at concentrations between 1 and 10 μg L(-1) and also in human urine. Although several studies suggest Brassicaceae-derived feed as potential origin, no traces of thiouracil have been detected in feed so far. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate the origin of thiouracil in the urine of livestock and humans. To this purpose various Brassicaceae feed and food sources (e.g., rapeseed, rapeseed coarse meal, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) were investigated for the presence of thiouracil. In addition, the impact of the Brassicaceae-related β-thioglucosidase enzyme was evaluated. This myrosinase enzyme appeared to be crucial, because without its catalyzed hydrolysis no thiouracil could be detected in the various Brassicaceae-derived samples. Therefore, a sample pretreatment with incorporated enzymatic hydrolysis was developed after ensuring the quality performance of the extracted myrosinase mixture with a single-point glucose assay. Upon enzymatic hydrolysis and LC-MS(2) analysis, thiouracil was successfully detected in samples of traditional rapeseed, rapeseed-'00' variety coarse meal (values of erucic acid <2% and glucosinolates <25 μmol g(-1)), and rapeseed cake at 1.5, 1.6, and 0.4 μg kg(-1), respectively. As for the food samples, broccoli and cauliflower displayed thiouracil concentrations of 6.0 and <1.0 μg kg(-1), respectively. To the best of the authors' knowledge this study is the first to report the presence of naturally occurring thiouracil in feed and food samples. Future research should investigate the pathway of thiouracil formation and identify its possible precursors.  相似文献   

The current, globalised food system supplies 'cheap' food to a large proportion of the world's population, but with significant social, environmental and health costs that are poorly understood. The present paper examines the nature and extent of these costs for both rural and urban communities, by illustrating the financial pressures on food producers and manufacturers to produce cheap food, the disconnection people experience with how and where their food is produced, and the rise in obesity levels that plague the globe. The paper then proposes that community food systems may play an important role in mitigating the adverse environmental, economic and social effects of the dominant food system, by the use of more sustainable food production methods, the development of local economies and enabling closer connections between farmers and consumers. There are many opportunities for public health nutritionists to contribute to the local food system literature to ascertain whether these systems improve inequities, provide better access to healthy food and help stem the tide of rising global obesity levels. Public health nutritionists can play a key role in supporting people to become food citizens and to advocate for democratic and sustainable food systems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for assessing nutrient intakes in 6-month-old infants. DESIGN AND SETTING: The FFQ was developed to assess the diets of infants born to women in the Southampton Women's Survey (SWS), a population-based survey of young women and their offspring. The energy and nutrient intakes obtained from an interviewer-administered FFQ were compared with those obtained from a 4-day weighed diary. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A sub-sample of 50 infants aged 6 months from the SWS had their diets assessed by both methods. The FFQ recorded the frequencies and amounts of milks, baby foods, regular foods and drinks consumed by the infants over the previous seven days. The diaries recorded the weights of all foods and drinks consumed by the infants on four separate days within 15 days following FFQ completion. RESULTS: Spearman rank correlation coefficients for intakes of energy, macronutrients and 18 micronutrients, determined by the two methods, ranged from r = 0.39 to 0.86; adjustment for energy intake tended to increase the correlation coefficients, range r(a) = 0.55 to 0.89. Bland-Altman statistics showed that mean differences between methods were in the range of -12.5% to +12.5% except for vitamin B12 (-18.9%). CONCLUSION: Although there were differences in absolute energy and nutrient intakes between methods, Spearman rank correlation coefficients indicated reasonable agreement in the ranking of intakes. The interviewer-administered FFQ is a useful tool for assessing energy and nutrient intakes of healthy infants aged about 6 months.  相似文献   

Three species of non-native earthworms, Microscolex dubius (Fletcher), Eisenia foetida (Sav.) and Allolobophora trapezoides Dugès are common and widespread in suburban gardens of Perth, Western Australia. Eisenia tends to dominate numerically mixtures of these species. Laboratory experiments were set up to detect intra- or interspecific competitive interactions. Changes of biomass of worms in mixed species populations indicate that Microscolex under the experimental conditions adopted is at a competitive disadvantage when with Eisenia. The biomass of Eisenia was adversely affected by conspecifics but not by Microscolex. Ratio diagrams of biomasses were used to illustrate the temporal dynamics of these processes. During the first 2 weeks of the experiment neither species had an advantage over the other, but between weeks 2 and 5 mixtures tended toward an equilibrium with Eisenia contributing 62–67% of the total biomass. After week 5 the advantage enjoyed by Eisenia became independent of its biomass. A similar experiment conducted with Eisenia and Allolobophora yielded a stable coexistence within 11 weeks. The object of competition is most likely food. Two possible mechanisms, involving differences in excretory or digestive physiology, that could account for the decline of Microscolex are outlined.  相似文献   

The characteristics of humus composition are important for understanding the mechanism of carbon storage in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The aim of this study was to characterize the quality of soil organic matter (SOM) in this region. Soil samples from four soil profiles in fenced study sites in the alpine grassland were collected at altitudes of 4200, 4000, 3800, and 3400 m, along the southwest facing slope in the Qilian Mountains. The humus composition and humification degree of the humic acid (HA) were determined by two methods: (1) extraction with 0.5% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) followed by 0.1 M sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7) (OH-PP method); and (2) treating once with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) followed by extracting with 0.5% NaOH (Cl-OH method). Physico-chemical analysis revealed higher exchangeable cation content and higher base saturation ratios could be related to slightly acidic to neutral soils, which could be regarded as calcium (Ca)-rich soils. The amounts of combined-form HAs obtained by HCl pretreatment (HACl – HAOH; ?HACl) were remarkably higher than those extracted with Na4P2O7 (HAPP), indicating that the combined form of HAs is mainly Ca. In addition, the proportion of HAPP in the total HAs extracted with both NaOH and Na4P2O7 (HAOH + HAPP) obtained in the OH-PP method increased with soil depth and decreasing elevation, indicating that HAs associated with aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) were distinguished in the subsoils of lower elevation. Therefore, the formation of the organo-mineral complex may contribute to stabilizing SOM in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Moreover, Type A-HA with the highest degree of humification was obtained from the deeper horizons with the Cl-OH method and almost all horizons by extraction with Na4P2O7 in the OH-PP method. Further studies using various spectroscopic analyses are necessary to elucidate the chemical properties of SOM in this region.  相似文献   

Populations of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) have declined substantially in recent decades in response to habitat loss and fragmentation. Among some remnant populations, cottontails occupy small patches of thicket habitat where they experience high mortality rates as a consequence of limited food during winter. This limitation causes rabbits to forage away from cover where they are exposed to predators. Although conservation efforts are emerging to reverse the decline of New England cottontails, most are directed toward improving long-term viability by increasing the abundance of suitable habitats. Such efforts do little to improve the short-term survival of remaining cottontails. To address this immediate need, we evaluated the use of supplemental food as an approach to improve overwinter survival rates. We speculated that by positioning feeders in close proximity to escape cover, rabbits would be less vulnerable to predators. We evaluated this approach using eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus) as a research surrogate because this species is readily available and has similar habitat requirements to New England cottontails. Transmitter-equipped eastern cottontails were randomly assigned to either a fed or unfed group. Remotely-triggered cameras were also used to gauge use of feeders by cottontails and visits by other species. Winter survival rates were substantially greater for fed rabbits (70%) than for unfed rabbits (32%). Cameras revealed that rabbits were the most frequent consumer and that there was only limited carnivore activity near feeders. We conclude that supplemental feeding may improve survival of remaining New England cottontails as efforts to increase habitat availability continue to develop.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate what factors relate most strongly to breast-feeding duration in order to successfully support breast-feeding mothers. DESIGN: Prospective birth cohort study using questionnaires, routinely collected weights and health check at age 13 months. SETTING: Gateshead, UK. SUBJECTS: Parents of 923 term infants born in a defined geographical area and recruited shortly after birth, 50% of whom were breast-feeding initially. RESULTS: Only 225 (24%) infants were still breast-fed at 6 weeks, although 136 (15%) continued beyond 4 months. Infants in the most affluent quintile were three times more likely to be initially breast-fed (P < 0.001) and five times more likely to still be feeding at 4 months (P = 0.001) compared with infants in the most deprived quintile. A third of breast-fed infants were given supplementary feeds in the maternity unit and this was associated with a 10-fold increase in odds of giving up breast-feeding by discharge (P = 0.001). Frequent feeding was reported as a reason for giving up in 70% of mothers at 6 weeks and 55% at 4 months. Those infants who stopped breast-feeding earliest showed the most rapid weight gain and were tallest at age 13 months. Non-breast-fed infants had 50% more family doctor contacts up to age 4 months (P = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Initiation of breast-feeding in urban Britain remains strongly determined by socio-economic background and early cessation seems to be related to frequent feeding and rapid growth as well as a continuing failure to eradicate health practices that undermine breast-feeding. Those infants not receiving breast milk suffered increased morbidity, but the apparent association between breast-feeding duration and growth probably reflects reverse causation.  相似文献   

The structure of soil organic matter (SOM) and humic substances (HS) has been discussed from different viewpoints including molecular conformation, molecular aggregation, macromolecularity, supramolecular characteristics, domain mobility, and many others. Until now, the individual models appear partly contradictory, although each viewpoint provides important information on the structural and functional properties of SOM. This is most probably due to the huge heterogeneity of SOM. Therefore, the question: “How can molecular modeling help to further understand structure and functioning of soil organic matter?” needs to be addressed with care. This contribution reviews and discusses the potential of important molecular modeling approaches currently applied in soil organic matter science.Computer models are useful in giving a visualization of the general structure and of the possible effects on soil chemistry and soil physics. Computational chemistry in this context aims to estimate a lowest energy conformation for a molecule or an assembly of molecules specified by the programmer. On the basis of the calculated conformation, physicochemical characteristics like surface area, polarity and other can be estimated and information on the stability of molecular assemblies can be derived. The significance of the obtained conformation and physicochemical information strongly depends on the initial hypothesis of the molecular structure of each involved molecule. Recent computer models have been developed on the base of computer assisted structure elucidation (CASE). In this procedure, all possible isomers or a statistically representative set of isomers consistent with the experimental input data are processed.Further interesting fields of computational chemistry in soil research follow a different conception, where specific processes of interest are elucidated with the help of computational models which simplify the humic molecules with respect to the individual modeling problem. This way helps to understand the relevance of principal processes expected to occur in soil. In this context, complexes of Al with organic acids, clay mineral sorption sites, interactions of pesticides with organic functional groups or organic soil constituents as well as cross-linking of molecule segments by water molecules were modeled in targeted process-orientated models. The act of simplification is the crucial process in these kinds of models, and if the models are based on good conceptions, they allow to learn about potential SOM functioning. The transfer to more complex situations, however, needs special care and the predictive character of these models needs to be judged with care. Still, any computer model is only as good as its initial hypothesis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of the adapted Radimer/Cornell questionnaire to measure food insecurity in low-income urban households in Tehran, the capital of Iran. DESIGN: The Radimer/Cornell questionnaire was modified and used to assess the applicability, validity and reliability of such a measure in a culturally different context of urban households in Tehran. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were used to assess validity and reliability, respectively. Socio-economic characteristics and food consumption frequency of the household were used to assess the criterion validity of the questionnaire. SETTING: District 20 of Tehran. SUBJECTS: A sample of 250 Iranian nuclear households with at least one child aged 1-18 years and a non-pregnant, non-lactating woman of reproductive age, selected through a multistage random sampling method. RESULTS: Three scales, labelled as household, individual and child hunger, were extracted through factor analysis using varimax rotation. Internal consistency of the scales was 0.897, 0.820 and 0.796, respectively. Individual insecurity and child hunger were inversely correlated with monthly per capita income, father's education, mother's education and father's occupational status, and positively correlated with household size, as expected. However, household insecurity did not follow the same pattern. Consumption frequency of fruits, vegetables, dairy, red meat and rice declined as food insecurity status worsened, while bread and potato consumption increased. CONCLUSION: The results show that a modified version of the Radimer/Cornell questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument to measure household food insecurity in a culturally different context. However, further modifications seem necessary to measure food insecurity at household level. Results lend support to the utility and applicability of experience-based measures in varying cultural communities.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of soil respiration (RS) is widely used as a key characteristic of soils or organic matter fractions within soils, and in the context of global climatic change is often applied to infer likely responses of RS to warmer future conditions. However, the way in which these temperature dependencies are calculated, interpreted and implemented in ecosystem models requires careful consideration of possible artefacts and assumptions. We argue that more conceptual clarity in the reported relationships is needed to obtain meaningful meta-analyses and better constrained parameters informing ecosystem models. Our critical assessment of common methodologies shows that it is impossible to measure actual temperature response of RS, and that a range of confounding effects creates the observed apparent temperature relations reported in the literature. Thus, any measureable temperature response function will likely fail to predict effects of climate change on Rs. For improving our understanding of RS in changing environments we need a better integration of the relationships between substrate supply and the soil biota, and of their long-term responses to changes in abiotic soil conditions. This is best achieved by experiments combining isotopic techniques and ecosystem manipulations, which allow a disentangling of abiotic and biotic factors underlying the temperature response of soil CO2 efflux.  相似文献   

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