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The effects of supplementation with different levels of crude protein on performance, intake and nutrient digestibility and efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in suckling beef calves on pasture were assessed. Fifty-five calves, with an average age of 100 days and an initial average body weight of 110?±?7.5 kg and their respective dams, were used. The experimental design was completely randomised with five treatments and 11 replications. The experimental treatments for calves were as follows: control = calves received only mineral mixture; supplementation levels = calves received supplement containing 8, 19, 30 or 41 % of crude protein (CP, at a rate of 0.5 % of body weight (BW)). The cows received only mineral mixture ad libitum. Supplemented calves had higher (P?<?0.1) average daily gain (ADG). Protein levels showed a quadratic effect (P?<?0.1) on average daily gain (ADG) of calves. There was no difference in total dry matter (DM) intake (P?>?0.1). However, intake of dry matter forage (DMF) presented cubic profiles (P?<?0.1), with CP levels in the supplements. Supplementation increased (P?<?0.1) the digestibility of nutrients, except for the digestibility of neutral detergent fibre. Supplementation increased (P?<?0.1) the production of microbial nitrogen and N losses in urine. It can be concluded that multiple supplementations optimise the performance of beef calves on creep feeding. The intake of supplements with CP levels between 8 and 30 % partially replaces of the pasture ingested by calves and increases the digestibility of the diet.  相似文献   

This study compared serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations in calves fed colostrum with those of calves fed a colostrum supplement containing spray-dried serum. Twenty-four Holstein calves were randomly assigned to I of 2 treatment groups (fresh colostrum or colostrum supplement). Each calf was fed 4 L of colostrum (n, = 12) or 4 L of colostrum supplement (n2 = 12) via oroesophageal intubation at 3 hours of age. The concentration of the colostrum supplement fed to calves was twice the manufacturer's recommendation. The median and range values for colostral IgG concentration were 6,430 mg/dL and 1,400-17,000 mg/ dL, respectively. Median serum IgG concentrations at 2 days of age differed significantly (P = .001) between calves receiving fresh colostrum (3,350 mg/dL) and the colostrum supplement (643 mg/dL). Eight percent of calves force fed colostrum had serum IgG concentrations < 1,000 mg/dL, whereas 75% of calves force-fed supplement had IgG concentrations below this threshold. The calculated population relative risks for mortality associated with passive transfer for calves force-fed colostrum and calves force-fed colostrum supplement were 1.09 and 1.90, respectively. Force-fed fresh colostrum is superior to the colostrum supplement studied, but the colostrum supplement has similar efficacy to routine colostrum administration practices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether serum IgG concentrations in neonatal calves are adversely affected by short-term frozen storage of colostrum. DESIGN: Prospective study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Experiment 1 consisted of 10 pairs of Holstein calves (n = 20) fed matched aliquots of either fresh (n = 10) or frozen and thawed (10) colostrum. In experiment 2, 26 Holstein calves were fed either fresh (n = 13) or frozen and thawed (n = 13) colostrum. PROCEDURE: Experiment 1 consisted of calves resulting from observed parturitions; calves were randomly assigned to treatment groups (fresh or frozen and thawed colostrum) in pairs. Calves were fed 4 L aliquots of colostrum via oroesophageal intubation at 3 hours of age. Serum IgG concentrations at 2 days of age were compared between the 2 groups by use of a paired t-test. Experiment 2 consisted of calves resulting from observed parturitions; calves were randomly assigned to treatment groups (fresh or frozen and thawed colostrum). Calves were fed 4 L aliquots of colostrum via oroesophageal intubation at 3 hours of age. Regression analysis was used to determine whether calf serum IgG concentration was a function of colostral IgG concentration and colostrum storage group. RESULTS: Significant differences were not observed between the 2 groups in experiment 1. No significant relationship was observed between colostrum storage group and serum IgG concentration in experiment 2. The model that best predicted serum IgG concentrations accounted for 20% of the variability in serum IgG concentration. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Frozen colostrum is an adequate source of IgG for calves.  相似文献   

The performance of female calves in creep feeding under different strategies of supplementation and milk production, intake, and digestibility of grazing Nellore and crossbred cows (Nellore?×?Holstein) during the dry-rainy transition season were assessed. Forty-four female beef suckling calves, with initial age between 90 and 150?days and average initial body weight of 117.7?±?4.3?kg, and their respective dams (24 Nellore and 20 crossbred) with average initial body weight of 417.5?±?8.3?kg, were used. The experimental treatments consisted of: control group-mineral mixture only; strategy 1-supplementation from 112?days prior to weaning (0.375?kg/animal/day); strategy 2-supplementation from 112?days prior to weaning, in increasing amounts of 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, and 0.60?kg/animal/day through the four experimental periods, respectively; and strategy 3-supplementation from 56?days prior to weaning (0.750?kg/animal/day). Calves from strategy 1 had greater (P??0.05) for nutrient digestibility among genetic types. It can be concluded that strategies of supplementation that present an equitable distribution of supplement provides greater weight gain in suckling female beef calves. Crossbred cows produce more milk and present greater DMI than Nellore cows. There are no differences in the nutrient digestibility between Nellore and Nellore × Holstein crossbred cows.  相似文献   

Tetany associated with magnesium deficiency in suckling beef calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sudden death losses occurred in 4-month-old beef calves with clinical signs of muscular dysfunction, including tetanic spasms. Gross lesions were not diagnostic. Microscopic lesions consisted of deposition of calcium salts in the elastic fibers of the arteries in the heart, lungs, and spleen and in the trabeculae of the spleen. Focal areas of interstitial nephritis were characterized by infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Samples of hay and silage that the cattle were consuming were low in magnesium. Calves with spasms responded to magnesium salts given intravenously, and losses ceased after a magnesium-containing supplement was fed free choice to the calves and cows.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of maternal lipid supplementation on the immune response to antigenic challenge in suckling calves. In Exp. 1, beginning 1 d postpartum, 18 primiparous crossbred beef cows were fed Foxtail millet hay and a low-fat (control) supplement or a supplement containing cracked, high-linoleate safflower seed in individual feeding stanchions until d 40 of lactation. The diets were formulated to provide similar quantities of N and TDN, and the linoleate diet was formulated to contain 5% of DMI as fat. Calves were injected s.c. with 15 mg of antigen (ovalbumin) at d 21 and again at d 35 of age. To measure the total serum antibody production in response to the antigen, blood samples were collected from the calves every 7 d via jugular venipuncture from d 14 to 42. Calves from linoleate-supplemented cows had a decrease (P = 0.04) in total antibody production in response to ovalbumin and appeared to have a delayed response to antigen challenge. Total antibody production increased (P < 0.001) after secondary exposure to ovalbumin. In Exp. 2, 36 Angus x Gelbvieh beef cows that were nutritionally managed to achieve a BCS of 4 or 6 at parturition were used to determine the effects of prepartum energy balance and postpartum lipid supplementation on the passive transfer of immunoglobulins and the immune response to antigenic challenge in their calves. Beginning at 3 d postpartum and continuing until d 60 of lactation, cows were fed hay and a low-fat control supplement or supplements consisting of either cracked, high-linoleate or high-oleate safflower seeds. Safflower seed supplements were formulated to provide 5% of DMI as fat. Calves were injected s.c. with 15 mg of ovalbumin at 21 d of age and again at 48 d of age. The antibody responses were determined in serum; cell-mediated immunity was assessed by intradermal antigen injection at 60 d of age. A trend was noted (P = 0.10) for calves suckling control-supplemented cows to have a greater response to antigen compared with calves from linoleate- and oleate-supplemented cows; however, no difference was observed among treatments (P = 0.86) in cell-mediated immune response. Postpartum oilseed supplementation in beef cows appears to decrease antibody production in response to antigenic challenge in suckling calves. However, BCS at parturition did not influence passive transfer of immunoglobulins in neonatal calves.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine serum lactoferrin concentrations (SLFC) in neonatal calves before and after ingestion of colostrum and to develop models that predict SLFC as a function of colostral lactoferrin concentrations (CLFC) in calves. ANIMALS: 13 Holstein calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were fed 4 L of colostrum via oroesophageal feeder within 3 hours after birth. Serum samples were collected before ingestion of colostrum (day 0) and 2, 4, 6, and 7 days after birth. Colostrum and serum IgG concentrations were measured by use of radial immunodiffusion. The CLFC and SLFC were determined by use of an ELISA. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD SLFC on days 0, 2, 4, 6, and 7 were 2.5+/-1.6 (range 0.47 to 71), 6.0+/-3.0 (range 2.0 to 16.6), 12.0+/-12.4 (range 0.0 to 43.5), 171+/-13.6 (range 2.2 to 39.4), and 13.6+/-16.4 (range 0.0 to 43.8) mg/ml, respectively. The SLFC on days 6 and 7 differed significantly from SLFC on day 0. The model that best estimated SLFC on day 6 predicted that (SLFC)2 was a function of the logarithm of relative efficiency of passive transfer (REPT) and ([CLFC]2 x [REPT]2), where R2 = 0.4. The model for SLFC on day 7 predicted that (SLFC)2 was a function of log(REPT), where R2 = 0.44. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Definitive evidence for passive transfer of lactoferrin via colostrum is lacking, because SLFC on day 2 or 4 were not significantly different than day 0. Relative efficiency of lactoferrin absorption was directly related to SLFC on day 6 but inversely related to SLFC on day 7.  相似文献   

Eighty-three weaned beef calves severely deficient (less than 20 micrograms/L) in blood selenium (Se) were allotted by sex, weight and breed to one of six regimens of Se supplementation for 108 days to examine the efficacy of various Se supplementation programs and to monitor the repletion rate of blood Se concentrations. Cattle in treatment 1 received an IM injection of sodium selenite and an ad libitum feeding of 20 mg Se/kg salt-mineral mixture. Salt-mineral mixtures (treatments 2, 3, 4 and 5) were formulated to contain 20, 40, 80 and 160 mg Se/kg supplement, respectively, and were offered free-choice. Treatment 2 served as the selenium-treated control because 20 mg Se/kg supplement was the maximum permissible by FDA in commercial salt-mineral preparations at the time of this study. Cattle in treatment 6 received a salt-mineral supplement which contained no Se but dried brewers grain (434 micrograms Se/kg) was incorporated in the ration as an organic source of Se and fed at a rate of 1.1 kg/head/day. There was a within group time/treatment interaction (P less than 0.01) among all treatments as blood Se concentrations significantly increased over time. Final mean whole blood Se concentrations for treatments 1-6 were 87.8, 60.6, 95.1, 123.1, 154.2 and 91.4 micrograms/L, respectively. Treatments 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 effectively increased and maintained whole blood Se concentrations at adequate levels (greater than 70 micrograms/L) by day 84. Treatment 2 (control) increased blood Se during the 108-day study, but blood Se concentrations never exceeded marginal levels (50-70 micrograms/L). Cattle consumed less salt-mineral supplement as the concentration of Na selenite increased from 20 to 160 mg Se/kg supplement.  相似文献   

The roles of helminths and coccidia in post-weaning diarrhoea in beef calves in the dry tropics were investigated. Diarrhoea occurred approximately one month after weaning in both anthelmintic treated and untreated calves. The highest numbers of coccidial oocysts were seen 29 days after weaning and 3 necropsies confirmed Eimeria zuernii coccidiosis. In the absence of wet overcrowded conditions, disease may have been precipitated by environmental interactions leading to suppression of host immunity. Other Eimeria identified were E. bukidnonensis, E. wyomingensis, E. bovis, E. auburnensis, E. cylindrica, E. ellipsoidalis and E. subspherica. The last 5 species are believed not to have been previously documented in Australia. The presence of E. canadensis was strongly suspected.  相似文献   

Serum concentrations of IGF-I in postpartum beef cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four experiments assessed changes in serum IGF-I under various physiologic conditions in postpartum cows. In Exp. 1, anestrous suckled cows (n = 25) were infused for 6 d with either saline or glucose at two different infusion rates. In Exp. 2, anestrous cows (n = 29) received either a saline (weaned and suckled controls) or 3 g/d phlorizin (weaned phlorizin) infusion for 3 d. Calves from the weaned groups were removed from 15 h before and throughout infusions. In Exp. 3, cycling suckled cows (n = 20) received prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) when the 5-d saline or phlorizin infusion began. In Exp. 4, suckled cows (n = 20) had ad libitum access to feed or received 50% of control feed consumption from 30 to 40 d postpartum. Increasing glucose availability (Exp. 1) increased (P less than .05) serum IGF-I by 30 to 35%. IGF-I remained stable after weaning (Exp. 2) in phlorizin-infused cows (128.8 +/- 12.7 ng/ml), but increased (P less than .05) by 3 d after calf removal in weaned control cows (152.2 +/- 7.5 ng/ml). IGF-I also remained stable in phlorizin-infused cows following PGF2 alpha injection (Exp. 3), but increased in control cows by 2 d after PGF2 alpha (156.8 +/- 18.3 on d 2 vs. 133.7 +/- 9.8 ng/ml pre-injection; P less than .05) and remained elevated (P less than .05) during the periovulatory period. In cows receiving restricted feed intake (Exp. 4), IGF-I decreased by approximately 50% within 4 d of feed restriction (71.3 +/- 9.4 vs 137.4 +/- 16.6 ng/ml; P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three groups of beef cow and calf pairs were studied to determine plasma vitamin E and blood selenium (Se) concentrations of calves at 1 month old. Group 1 was managed on irrigated pasture and calves received no Se/vitamin E injections at birth. Group 2 was managed on irrigated pasture, and the calves were injected with Se/vitamin E at birth. Group 3 was managed on dry foothill grasslands, and these cows were supplemented with 56.3 mg vitamin E and 3 mg Se daily, and the calves received a Se/vitamin E injection at birth. The plasma concentration of vitamin E in group 1 and 2 cows (9.5 +/- 1.24 and 8.43 +/- 1.0 microg/ml, respectively) was significantly higher than that of the group 3 cows (2.28 +/- 0.42 microg/ml; P < 0.05). The blood Se concentrations in group 3 cows (169 +/- 37 ng/ml) were significantly higher than those in group 1 and 2 cows (36.4 +/- 15.9 and 31.1 +/- 12.5 ng/ml, respectively; P < 0.05). Calf Se was highly correlated to cow Se (r = 0.965), and calf vitamin E was moderately correlated to cow vitamin E (r = 0.605). Calf vitamin E concentrations were consistently lower than cow vitamin E concentrations, and many values would be considered deficient.  相似文献   

The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of classification of 4 tests for failure of passive transfer (FPT) were examined in clinically ill neonatal calves. Comparisons were made with serum IgG1 concentrations determined by radial immunodiffusion. Serum samples were obtained from 27 clinically ill calves < or = 21 days of age. The results of 4 commonly used assays, the sodium sulfite turbidity test, the zinc sulfate turbidity test, refractometry, and the serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity test, were compared with radial immunodiffusion determinations of serum IgG1 concentration. Serum GGT activity using a 50 IU/L threshold resulted in correct classification of the highest percentage of calves (93%) with regard to their passive transfer status. The sodium sulfite test with a 1+ end point and refractometry using a 5.5 g/dL end point resulted in correct classification of 85% of the calves studied. When using the sodium sulfite test, the 2+ and 3+ test end points had lower specificity, 0.58 and 0.00, respectively, than the 1+ end point. This loss in specificity resulted in misclassification of calves with adequate serum immunoglobulin concentrations as having FPT. The zinc sulfate turbidity test was inadequately specific (0.33) and resulted in misclassification of 33% of calves.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize serum copper status of cows and heifers in beef cow-calf herds throughout the United States and to evaluate use of copper supplements in those herds. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. ANIMALS: 2,007 cows and heifers from 256 herds in 18 states. PROCEDURES: Producers participating in a health and management survey conducted as part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System voluntarily allowed serum samples to be obtained from cows and heifers for determination of copper concentration. Results were categorized as deficient, marginally deficient, or adequate. The proportion of cattle and herds (on the basis of mean value of the tested cattle) in each category was determined. Copper concentrations were compared between herds that reportedly used copper supplements and those that did not. RESULTS: Overall, 34 of 2,007 (1.7%) cows and heifers were deficient in copper, and 781 (38.9%) were marginally deficient. In each region, at least a third of the cattle were deficient or marginally deficient. For herds, 92 of 256 (35.9%) were marginally deficient, and 22 (0.8%) were deficient. Approximately half of the producers reported use of copper supplements, but a sizeable proportion of those producers' cattle and herds were classified as marginally deficient or deficient. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Copper deficiency is not restricted to a single geographic region of the United States. Copper deficiency can persist despite reported use of supplements by producers. Veterinarians dealing with beef cow-calf herds that have problems consistent with copper deficiency should not rule out copper deficiency solely on the basis of geographic region or reported use of copper supplements for the herd.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of BCS at parturition and postpartum lipid supplementation on blood metabolite and hormone concentrations, 3-yr-old Angus x Gelbvieh beef cows, which were nutritionally managed to achieve a BCS of 4 +/- 0.07 (479.3 +/- 36.3 kg of BW) or 6 +/- 0.07 (579.6 +/- 53.1 kg of BW) at parturition, were used in a 2-yr experiment (n = 36/yr). Beginning at 3 d postpartum, cows within each BCS were assigned randomly to be fed hay and a low-fat control supplement or lipid supplements with either cracked high-linoleate or high-oleate safflower seeds until d 61 of lactation. The diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric, and the safflower seed supplements were formulated to achieve 5% DMI as fat. On d 31 and 61 of lactation, blood samples were collected preprandially and then hourly postprandially (at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h). Serum insulin (P = 0.27) and glucose (P = 0.64) were not affected by BCS at parturition. The mean concentrations of plasma NEFA (P = 0.08) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (P = 0.08) tended to be greater, and serum IGF-I was greater (P < 0.001) in BCS 6 than BCS 4 cows. Conversely, serum GH was greater (P = 0.003) for BCS 4 cows, indicating that regulation of IGF by GH may have been uncoupled in BCS 4 cows. The postpartum diet did not affect NEFA (P = 0.94), glucose (P = 0.15), IGF-I (P = 0.33), or GH (P = 0.62) concentrations. Oleate-supplemented cows had greater (P = 0.03) serum insulin concentrations, whereas control cows had greater (P = 0.01) plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. Concentrations of NEFA (P = 0.05) and glucose (P < 0.001) were greater, and beta-hydroxybutyrate tended (P = 0.07), to be greater at d 3, whereas serum IGF-I was greater (P = 0.003) at d 6 of lactation. Similar concentrations of NEFA, glucose, GH, and IGF-I indicate that the nutritional status of beef cows during early lactation was not influenced by lipid supplementation. However, perturbations of the somatotropic axis in BCS 4 cows indicate that the influence of energy balance and BCS of the cow at parturition on postpartum performance should be considered when making managerial decisions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare restricted suckling of tropical cows by their own or another cow's calf with artificial rearing of the calves and no suckling. In Exp. 1, cows were mechanically milked twice daily, after which for 15 min they were either suckled by their own calf (Treatment O) or multiple-suckled by other cows' calves (Treatment M) or unsuckled, with the calves reared artificially (Treatment A). Machine milk yield was similar for the three treatments, but in the two suckling treatments the additional milk consumed by the calf increased (P = 0.02) total production (2,682, 2,634, and 2,336 kg/lactation for Treatments O, M, and A, respectively). Machine milk fat concentration was reduced (P = 0.05) by suckling (2.90, 3.07, and 3.20% for Treatments 0, M, and A, respectively), but the milk sampled just before suckling (to represent that taken by the calves) had a high fat concentration (mean 7.9%). Machine milk somatic cell count was also reduced (P = 0.05) by suckling, from 106,000/mL (Treatment A) to 85,000/mL (Treatment M) and 95,000 (Treatment O). Cows suckling their own calf lost more weight and body condition than cows whose calves were reared artificially, with multiple-suckled calves intermediate. Cows suckling their own calf had postpartum interval to first estrus increased (P = 0.01) by 31 d and conception rates to first service of 44% compared to 77% for the other two treatments (P = 0.01). The growth of the suckled calves was compared with that of the artificially reared calves, which were given recommended milk allowances. The artificially reared calves consumed more milk and concentrates, which were available ad libitum to all calves, and gained (P = 0.03) 0.07 kg/d more weight than suckled calves. A second experiment determined that suckling once daily did not reduce reproductive performance compared to artificial rearing. We conclude that suckling cows twice daily increases total milk production but reduces body weight in early lactation. Cows suckling their own calves have reduced reproductive performance compared to those suckling other calves or reared artificially.  相似文献   

Serum immunoglobulin A concentrations in normal and diseased dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The normal level of serum IgA in Western Australian dogs was defined by single radial immunodiffusion using sera from 100 healthy randomly selected adult crossbred animals. Serum IgA values of 185 animals from six breeds were also determined. The mean and variance of serum IgA of these groups were similar to the crossbred dogs with the exception of German shepherd dogs where these values were statistically greater. In addition, 210 dogs with a range of chronic diseases (autoimmune, hypersensitivity, pyoderma, neoplasia, demodecosis, disseminated aspergillosis) were assayed and low values recorded in five cases. In all disease groups the mean serum IgA value was significantly greater than in the crossbred group and the variance significantly greater in most of these groups. The German shepherd group were the only normal dogs with a mean and variance similar to those of the clinical series suggesting that this breed may have a primary defect in IgA metabolism.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old crossbred calf was examined as representative of a herd of calves experiencing dyspnea and death, with few other clinical signs of illness. Physical examination of the calf identified pleural and peritoneal effusion and poor body condition. The calf did not respond to supportive treatment, and necropsy of it and another calf from the herd identified congestive heart failure as the cause of death. Gossypol toxicosis was the cause of congestive heart failure in this herd; the source of the toxin was a cottonseed meal and cottonseed hull ration fed by the owner.  相似文献   

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