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Abstract Soil samples have been taken periodically from unlimed plots of the 130-year-old Park Grass Experiment and from the 100-year-old Geescroft Wilderness at Rothamsted. Changes in the pH of the samples show how acidification has progressed. The soils are now at, or are approaching, equilibrium pH values which depend on the acidifying inputs and on the buffering capacities of the soils. We have calculated the contributions to soil acidification of natural sources of acidity in the soil, atmospheric deposition, crop growth and nutrient removal, and, where applicable, additions of fertilizers. The relative importance of each source of acidification has changed as the soils have become more acid. Acid rain (wet deposited acidity) is a negligible source, but total atmospheric deposition may comprise up to 30% of acidifying inputs at near neutral soil pH values and more as soil pH decreases. Excepting fertilizers, the greatest causes of soil acidification at or near neutral pH values are the natural inputs of H+ from the dissolution of CO2 and subsequent dissociation of carbonic acid, and the mineralization of organic matter. Under grassland, single superphosphate and small amounts of sodium and magnesium sulphates have had no effect on soil pH, whilst potassium sulphate increased soil acidity slightly. All of these effects are greatly outweighed under grassland, however, by those of nitrogen fertilizers. Against a background of acidification from atmospheric, crop and natural inputs, nitrogen applied as ammonium sulphate decreased soil pH up to a maximum of 1.2 units at a rate in direct proportion to the amount added, and nitrogen applied as sodium nitrate increased soil pH by between 0.5 and 1 unit.  相似文献   

Although acid soils are common in forest ecosystems, and there is documented evidence of pH influencing transformations of organic matter in soil, there are surprisingly few studies on the influence of soil pH on the chemical structure of physically fractionated soil organic matter (SOM). The aim of this study was to characterize the influence of pH on the chemical and physical processes involved in SOM stabilization. Forest soils of different pH (4.4 and 7.8) sampled from two long‐term experiments at Rothamsted Research (UK) were physically fractionated. The free light fraction (FLF), the intra‐aggregate light fraction and the fine silt and clay (S + C, <25 µm) were characterized using elemental, isotopic (δ13C), thermogravimetric, differential thermal, diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and high‐resolution magic angle spinning 1H nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. The quantitative distribution of carbon (C) between SOM fractions differed between the two soils. Carbon contents in the light fractions from the acid soil were significantly greater than in those of the alkaline soil. In contrast, in S + C fractions, C content was greater in the alkaline soil. FLF from the acid soil was characterized by a greater C:N ratio, smaller δ13C and greater content of thermo‐labile compounds compared with FLF from the alkaline soil. In contrast, there was only a weak effect of soil pH on the chemical composition of the organic matter in S + C fractions. Irrespective of soil pH, these latter fractions contained mainly aliphatic compounds such as carbohydrates, carboxylic acid, amide and peptide derivates. This suggested that physical mechanisms, involving the interactions between SOM and mineral surfaces, are of greater importance than the presence of chemically recalcitrant species in protecting SOM associated with the finest soil fractions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil profiles, first sampled between 1963 and 1973, were resampled in 1991 in an upland area with modertely high deposition of pollutants. One hundred horizons from 32 profiles, representing 10 different soil subgroups were analysed for pH and seven variables related to pH, using the same laboratory methods on both sampling occasions. To allow comparisons to be made with results obtained with these old methods, analysis of the 1991 samples was repeated for some determinands using the methods currently used in the analytical laboratory. Organic and A horizons show a consistent increase in acidity between samplings. Although brown soils and lithomorphic soils have increased in acidity throughout their depth, gleys and podzols have decreased in acidity at depth, probably because of poor water transmission downwards into these horizons. Correlations with other determinands suggest that the dominant process in the soils is leaching of basic cations and their replacement on exchange sites by protons and probably aluminium ions. A cause of the increase in soil acidity is likely to be the deposition of atmospherically transported pollutants.  相似文献   

Long‐term trends in iodine and selenium retention in soil, and uptake by herbage, were investigated in archived samples from the Park Grass Experiment, initiated in 1856 at Rothamsted, UK. Soil (0–23 cm) and herbage samples from plots receiving various mineral fertilizers and organic manures, with and without lime, were analysed for selenium (Se) and iodine (I) to assess the effect of soil amendments, annual rainfall, crop yield and changes in soil chemistry from 1876 to 2008. Comparing soil from limed and unlimed control (unfertilized) plots, TMAH‐extractable Se and I concentrations both diverged, with time, with greater retention in unlimed plots; differences in concentration amounted to 92 and 1660 μg/kg for Se and I, respectively, after 105 yr. These differences were broadly consistent with estimated additions from rainfall and dry deposition. Offtake of both elements in herbage was negligible compared to soil concentrations and annual inputs (<0.003% of total soil I and <0.006% of total soil Se). A positive correlation was observed between I and Se concentrations in herbage, suggesting some common factors controlling bioavailability. A growth‐dilution effect for I and Se was suggested by the positive correlation between growing season rainfall (GSR) and herbage yield together with soil‐to‐plant transfer factors decreasing with yield. Phosphate and sulphate fertilizers reduced I and Se herbage concentrations, both through ion competition and increased herbage yield. Results suggest that in intensive agriculture with soil pH control, the I requirement of grazing animals is not likely to be met by herbage alone.  相似文献   

The transformations of phyllosilicates and the changes in potassium (K) balances caused by long-term cropping have been examined in soil from the 153-year-old Broadbalk experiment. Samples taken between 1856 and 1987 and kept in archive were fractionated for particle size and analysed for changes in mineralogy by X-ray diffraction and changes in total K of the coarser and fine fractions. These were compared with K balances made from records of cropping and fertilizer application. No change in mica due to cropping and K-depletion could be detected. Deep ploughing after 1925 mixed chlorite from the subsoil into the surface soil, but this had weathered by 1987. Potassium balances did not agree with measured changes in total K presumably because of unquantified uptake of K from the subsoil and poorly quantified K leaching.  相似文献   

Soil chemistry and biota heavily influence crop plant growth and mineral nutrition. The stress-severity and optimal resource allocation hypotheses predict mutualistic symbiotic benefits to increase with the degree of metabolic imbalance and environmental stress. Using two cross-factorial pot experiments with the same biologically active calcareous soil, one time highly saline and nutrient-deficient, and the other time partially desalinated and amended with mineral soil fertilizer, we explored whether these general predictions hold true for zinc (Zn) nutrition of bread wheat in mycorrhizal symbiosis. Increased arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal root colonization positively correlated with plant Zn nutrition, but only when plants were impaired in growth due to salinity and nutrient-deficiency; this was particularly so in a cultivar-responsive to application of mineral Zn fertilizer. Evidence for direct involvement of AM fungi were positive correlations between Zn uptake from soil and frequency of fungal symbiotic nutrient exchange organelles, as well as the quantitative abundance of AM fungi of the genera Funneliformis and Rhizophagus, but not Claroideoglomus. Combined partial soil desalination and fertilization swapped the dominance ranking from Claroideoglomus spp. to Funneliformis spp. Positive growth, nitrogen, and Zn uptake responses to mycorrhization were contingent on moderate soil fertilization with ZnSO4. In agreement with the predictions of the stress-severity and optimal resource allocation hypotheses, plants limited in growth due to chemically adverse soil conditions invested relatively more into AM fungi, as evident from heavier root colonization, and took up relatively more Zn and nitrogen in response to mycorrhization, than better growing and less mycorrhized plants. It thus appears that crop plant cultivar-dependent mycorrhization and Zn fertilizer-responsiveness may reinforce each other, provided that there is bioavailable Zn in soil and plant growth is impaired by suboptimal chemical soil conditions.  相似文献   

Xu  Min  Xian  Yang  Wu  Jun  Gu  Yunfu  Yang  Gang  Zhang  Xiaohong  Peng  Hong  Yu  Xiaoyu  Xiao  Yinlong  Li  Li 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(5):2534-2542
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Organic treatments may improve soil nutrient availability and ecological functions. This study aimed to determine the effect of biogas slurry (BS) on soil...  相似文献   

江西省50余年来降雨侵蚀力变化的时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
降雨侵蚀力时空变化趋势的研究对于揭示土壤水蚀的形成机制与演替过程具有重要意义。该文利用1957-2008年江西省16个气象站的降雨资料,综合运用Mann-Kendall非参数检验和径向基函数插值等方法,分析了该省降雨侵蚀力变化的时空特征。结果表明:52年来江西全省侵蚀力总体上呈现增长趋势,夏季及7、8月份是增加的主要贡献季度和月份。全省降雨侵蚀力升降的区域差异性明显,分别存在赣西北、樟树和赣西南3个上升中心和赣东、赣西和赣东南3个下降中心,其中赣西北、赣西南等地区的降雨侵蚀力持续上升,应作为该省水土流失的重点研究和防治区域。  相似文献   

Conversion of meadow and forest ecosystems to agricultural land generally leads to changes in soil structure. This comparative study presents the composition and stability of structural aggregates in humus horizons (0–30 cm) of noncarbonate silty‐clay Fluvisols in the Kolubara River Valley, W Serbia. Aggregates collected from under a native forest were compared to aggregates from meadows and arable fields which underwent crop rotation for > 100 y. The results show that size distribution and stability of structural aggregates in the humus horizons of arable soil are significantly impaired due to long‐term anthropogenization. In the humus horizons, the content of the agronomically most valuable aggregates (0.25–10 mm) decreased by a factor of ≈ 2, from 68%–74% to 37%–39%, while the percentage of cloddy aggregates (>10 mm) increased by a factor of ≈ 2, from 23%–31% to 48%–62%, compared to forest aggregates. The long‐term‐arable soil had significantly (p < 0.05) lower aggregate stability, determined by wet sieving, than meadow and forest soils. The lowest aggregate stability was found in aggregates > 3 mm. Their content is ≈ 2.5–3 times lower in arable soil (13%–16%) than in forest soil (32%–42%) at a depth of 0–20 cm. The largest mean weight diameters of dry aggregates (dMWD) with a range between 12.6 and 14.7 mm were found in arable soil, vs. 9.5–9.9 mm in meadow and 6.5–8.3 mm in forest. The arable soil had significantly lower mean weight diameters of wet‐stable aggregates (wMWD) and a lower structure coefficient (Ks) than forest and meadow soils. The dispersion ratio (DR) of arable soil was significantly higher than that of forest and meadow soils. Forest and meadow showed a significantly higher soil organic‐matter content (SOM) by 74% and 39%, respectively, compared with arable soil, while meadow uses decreased the SOM content by 57% compared with forest at a depth of 0–10 cm. In conclusion, the results showed that long‐term conventional tillage of soils from natural forest and meadow in the lowland ecosystems of W Serbia degraded soil aggregate–size distribution and stability and reduced SOM content, probably resulting in lower productivity and reduced crop yields.  相似文献   

Chen  Can  Zhu  Hongxia  Lv  Qing  Tang  Qian 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2022,22(2):607-616
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Biochar is a promising soil amendment to improve soil quality. This study was conducted to understand the effect of biochar on soil physical and hydraulic...  相似文献   

Data collected at 22 lake and stream sites under the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network, established in 1988, are assessed. Non-marine sulphate concentrations in surface waters largely reflect the sulphur deposition gradient across the country. Time series analysis indicates an increase in non-marine sulphate concentrations at sites in SW Scotland, the Lake District and in Wales. No similar trends have been detected in deposition data for the same period. Predictions of water chemistry response at each site to the new UNECE sulphur protocol have been made using a long-term, dynamic acidification model (MAGIC). The results indicate that the agreed emissions reductions will lead to recovery at many sites over a 15–20 year timescale but will have little effect at the most impacted sites, within the next 15 years.  相似文献   

Zhao  Qiaoqiao  Wang  Li  Liu  Hao  Zhang  Qingfeng 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(10):3631-3647

The trends in runoff and sediment transportation in typical Loess Plateau basins and the factors causing the changes need to be clarified.

Materials and methods

In this study, the runoff and sediment transportation data from 1960 to 2016, from hydrological stations (Wenjiachuan, Baijiachuan, Ganguyi, and Zhuangtou) based in four typical basins, were analyzed systematically using linear regression, anomaly accumulation, the Mann–Kendall test, and double accumulation curve. The characteristics of the runoff and sediment transportation and their responses to climatic and anthropogenic activities were investigated using several hydrological analytical and statistical methods.

Results and discussion

The results indicate that both runoff and sediment transportation in the four typical basins have decreased sharply from 1960 to 2016. Since the implementation of the Grain-for-Green Project in 1999, the reduction has been more marked, in particular the runoff and sediment discharge of the Kuye River (Wenjiachuan station). Compared with the period 1960–1999, the average annual runoff and sediment discharge in 2000–2016 had decreased by 76.72% and 94.50%, respectively. Apart from the Wuding River (Baijiachuan station), an abrupt change in runoff and sediment transportation in the basins occurred within 2–7 years of the implementation of the Grain-for-Green Project.


In general, returning farmland to forests (grass) has had a more pronounced effect on the reduction of runoff and sediment in the more northerly Kuye River (Wenjiachuan station) and Wuding River (Baijiachuan station) basins, compared with the more southerly Yanhe River (Ganguyi station) and Beiluo River (Zhuangtou station) basins.


To assess changes in organic carbon pools, an incubation experiment was conducted under different temperatures and field moisture capacity (FMC) on a brown loam soil from three tillage practices used for 12 years: no‐till (NT), subsoiling (ST) and conventional tillage (CT). Total microbial respiration was measured for incubated soil with and without the input of straw. Results indicated that soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) under ST, NT and CT was higher in soil with straw input than that without, while the microbial quotient (MQ or MBC: SOC) and metabolic quotient (qCO2) content under CT followed the opposite trend. Lower temperature, lower moisture and with straw input contributed to the increases in SOC concentration, especially under NT and ST systems. The SOC concentrations under ST, with temperatures of 30 and 35°C after incubation at 55% FMC, were greater than those under CT by 28.4% and 30.6%, respectively. The increase in MBC was highest at 35°C for 55%, 65% and 75% FMC; in soil under ST, MBC was greater than that under CT by 199.3%, 50.7% and 23.8%, respectively. At 30°C, the lower qCO2 was obtained in soil incubated under NT and ST. The highest MQ among three tillage practices was measured under ST at 55% FMC, NT at 65% FMC and CT at 75% FMC with straw input. These data indicate the benefits of enhancing the MQ; the low FMC was beneficial to ST treatment. Under higher temperature and drought stress conditions, the adaptive capacity of ST and NT is better than that of CT.  相似文献   

Soil properties associated with six age-grade plantations of Pinus oocarpa Schiede and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., respectively, including nearby natural vegetation, were compared in the savannah zone of Nigeria. The soil organic matter, total nitrogen and exchangeable nutrients first show declining values with the increasing age of the plantation, then an increase and finally steady or declining values in the 0–15 cm soil depth. Usually the differences between the two youngest plantations and the oldest plantations, and the natural vegetation, were significant. In the 20–30 cm soil depth the properties showed a decrease or steady values over time, with the three oldest plantations showing significant differences from the natural vegetation. The soil pH showed an increased acidity over time. There was little difference in the soil properties between the two tree species. The implications of the results are discussed in relation to sustaining productivity and soil fertility. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文回顾总结了中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站(简称栾城试验站)30 年来在河北省栾城县及太行山前平原开展的示范实践与成果。1978 年栾城县批准为3 个国家农业现代化综合科学试验基地县之一, 20世纪80 年代初栾城试验站率先开始设施农业、农村新能源、秸秆机械化覆盖、小麦模式化栽培等新技术研发与示范, 80 年代中期开始了农牧果结合的城郊型农业模式和生态循环农业模式集成示范, 90 年代初率先开展了以节水技术为核心的资源节约型农业模式示范, 21 世纪初开始了以信息技术为核心的都市农业模式示范实践。30 年来栾城试验站以服务农业、服务地方为宗旨, 积极探索农业现代化道路与关键支撑技术, 拉开了我国农业现代化建设的序幕, 引领了我国现代农业关键技术研发与区域示范, 探索了我国农业现代化发展模式,为区域农业乃至全国农业现代化发展起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

Changes in land‐use and agricultural management affect soil organic C (SOC) storage and soil fertility. Grassland to cropland conversion is often accompanied by SOC losses. However, fertilization, crop rotation, and crop residue management can offset some SOC losses or even convert arable soils into C sinks. This paper presents the first assessment of changes in SOC stocks and crop yields in a 60‐year field trial, the Zurich Organic Fertilization Experiment A493 (ZOFE) in Switzerland. The experiment comprises 12 treatments with different organic, inorganic and combined fertilization regimes. Since conversion to arable land use in 1949, all treatments have lost SOC at annual rates of 0.10–0.25 t C ha?1, with estimated mean annual C inputs from organic fertilizers and aboveground and belowground plant residues of 0.6–2.4 t C ha?1. In all treatments, SOC losses are still in progress, indicating that a new equilibrium has not yet been reached. Crop yields have responded sensitively to advances in plant breeding and in fertilization. However, in ZOFE high yields can only be ensured when mineral fertilizer is applied at rates typical for modern agriculture, with yields of main crops (winter wheat, maize, potatoes, clover‐grass ley) decreasing by 25–50% when manure without additional mineral fertilizer is applied. ZOFE shows that land‐use change from non‐intensively managed grassland to cropland leads to soil C losses of 15–40%, even in rotations including legumes and intercrops, improved agricultural management and organic fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Ecosystems of northern North America existed without earthworm fauna until European settlers arrived and introduced European species. The current extent of invasion by some of these species, Lumbricus terrestris L., Octolasion tyrtaeum Savigny and Dendrobaena octaedra Savigny, into an aspen forest in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and the effects of the invasion on soil chemistry, microflora, soil microarthropods and vegetation were investigated. Densities of earthworm species, soil structure, plant coverage and abundance were determined along three transects starting at the edge of the forest. At locations with L. terrestris, litter was incorporated into the soil, and where O. tyrtaeum was present, organic layers were mixed with mineral soil layers. Organic layers disappeared almost entirely when both species occurred together. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations were reduced in organic layers in the presence of L. terrestris and O. tyrtaeum. Microbial biomass and basal respiration were reduced when L. terrestris and O. tyrtaeum were present, presumably due to resource competition and habitat destruction. Microarthropod densities and the number of microarthropod species were strongly reduced in the presence of O. tyrtaeum (−75% and −22%, respectively), probably through mechanical disturbances, increasing compactness of the soil and resource competition. The coverage of some plant species was correlated with earthworm abundance, but the coverage of others was not. Despite harsh climatic conditions, the invasion of boreal forest ecosystems by mineral soil dwelling earthworm species is proceeding and strongly impacts soil structure, soil chemistry, microorganisms, soil microarthropods and vegetation.  相似文献   

Soil degradation and subsequent yield decline are the main factors limiting further development of agriculture on the farming–pastoral transition zone of China. A 10-year field experiment was conducted in Inner Mongolia to compare the long-term effects of no-tillage with straw cover (NT), subsoiling with straw cover (ST), rototilling with straw cover (RT) and traditional tillage (TT) using ploughs on soil properties and productivity in a spring wheat–oat cropping system. Long-term conservation tillage increased soil organic matter in the top 20 cm by 21.4%, total N by 31.8% and Olsen's P by 34.5% in the 0–5 cm layer compared to traditional tillage. Mean percentage of macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm, +20%) and macroporosity (>60 μm, +52.1%) also improved significantly in the 0–30 cm soil layer ( P  <   0.05). The largest yield improvements coupled with greatest water use efficiency (WUE) were achieved by no-tillage with straw cover. Ten-year mean crop yields increased by 14.0% and WUE improved by 13.5% compared to traditional tillage due to greater soil moisture and improved soil physical and chemical status. These improvements in soil properties and productivity are of considerable importance for the seriously degraded soils in semiarid Inner Mongolia, as well as for food security, sustainable agriculture and carbon storage in the farming–pasture transition regions of China.  相似文献   

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