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Kirtland’s warblers (Dendroica kirtlandii) persist in a naturally patchy environment of young, regenerating jack pine forests (i.e., 5–23 years old) created after wildfires and human logging activities. We examined how changing landscape structure from 26 years of forest management and wildfire disturbances influenced population size and spatial dispersion of male Kirtland’s warblers within their restricted breeding range in northern Lower Michigan, USA. The male Kirtland’s warbler population was six times larger in 2004 (1,322) compared to 1979 (205); the change was nonlinear with 1987 and 1994 identified as significant points of change. In 1987, the population trend began increasing after a slowly declining trend prior to 1987, and the rate of increase appeared to slow after 1994. Total amount of suitable habitat and the relative area of wildfire-regenerated habitat were the most important factors explaining population trend. Suitable habitat increased 149% primarily due to increasing plantations from forest management. The relative amount and location of wildfire-regenerated habitat modified the distribution of males among various habitat types, and the spatial variation in their abundance across the primary breeding range. These findings indicate that the Kirtland’s warbler male population shifted its use of habitat types temporally and spatially as the population increased and as the relative availability of habitats changed through time. We demonstrate that researchers and managers need to consider not only habitat quality, but the temporal and the spatial context of habitat availability and population levels when making habitat restoration decisions.  相似文献   

Habitat availability—or how much habitat species can reach at the landscape scale—depends primarily on the percentage of native cover. However, attributes of landscape configuration such as the number, size and isolation of habitat patches may have complementary effects on habitat availability, with implications for the management of landscapes. Here, we determined whether, and at which percentages of native cover, the number, size and isolation of patches contribute for habitat availability. We quantified habitat availability in 325 landscapes spread across the state of Rio de Janeiro, in the Atlantic Forest hotspot, with either high (>50 %), intermediate (50–30 %), low (30–10 %) or very low (<10 %) percentage of native cover, and for six hypothetical species differing in inter-patch dispersal ability. Above 50 % of native cover, the percentage of cover per se was the only determinant of habitat availability, but below 50 % the attributes of landscape configuration also contributed for habitat availability. The number of patches had a negative effect on habitat availability in landscapes with 50–10 % of native cover, whereas patch size had a positive effect in landscapes with <10 % of native cover. The different species generally responded to the same set of landscape attributes, although to different extents, potentially facilitating decision making for conservation. In landscapes with >50 % of native cover, conservation actions are probably sufficient to guarantee habitat availability, whereas in the remaining landscapes additional restoration efforts are needed, especially to reconnect and/or enlarge remaining habitat patches.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - The Canadian boreal forest provides valuable ecosystem services that are regionally and globally significant. Despite its importance, the future of the Canadian boreal forest is...  相似文献   

Urban heat island (UHI) often cause negative impact and has been linked to heart stroke rate, morality, human comfort, energy consumption and air pollution. Fortunately, urban green spaces have been considered as an effective element to mitigate UHI through their cooling effect. However, further empirical research is necessary in order to efficiently guide the design and planning of urban green space. We observed the impacts of urban park's tree, grass and waterbody on microclimate inside the Olympic park of Beijing during summer days. The results indicated that, on average, the park was 0.48–1.12 °C cooler during the day, as well as increased air humidity 2.39–3.74% and reduced human comfort index 1.02–2.43 to generate more comfortable thermal environment. Urban park's cluster trees with short ground vegetation generated higher cooling effect than single trees, grass and waterbodies; proper irrigation regime enhanced the cooling effect of grasses, even the irrigated grass have similar cooling effect with small waterbody on sunny, windless summer days. Therefore, we advise to increase undergrowth coverage and grass irrigation management in order to take advantage of cooling effect of urban parks.  相似文献   

School grounds can have multiple values, and especially sufficient size, green elements, variation, integrated design and participatory development have been described as positive qualities. However, many studies have focused on pre-school and primary school grounds, while less is known about school grounds for adolescents. This study explored how secondary school students experience and use school grounds of varying size, content and design. The study included one class in year 8 (aged 14–15) at each of three schools in southern Sweden. A questionnaire with mainly open questions was distributed, followed by both individual interviews and walking interviews with four students from each class. The results show that school grounds were appreciated, but also that many chose to stay indoors. Large surface area and varied content, with ball courts, greenery, seating and multifunctional equipment, were valued, but a school ground design with integrated and pleasant settings, allowing socialising and activities, particularly support use by secondary school students.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat edge may influence habitat quality, but landscape-scale implications of edge effects have rarely been quantified. Sprague’s pipit (Anthus spragueii), a grassland obligate songbird, is declining rapidly throughout its range. Although habitat loss is implicated in the decline, the causes are not well understood. We conducted 290 point counts across a 120 × 130 km study area in southern Alberta, Canada, between 2000 and 2002, and used nonlinear regression to determine effects of distance to water, roads, and cropland or forage habitats on relative abundance of Sprague’s pipits. We then used a geographic information system (GIS) to determine the effect of edges on habitat suitability as indexed by relative abundance. Sprague’s pipit relative abundances declined by 25% from the maximum predicted relative abundance within 900 m (CI = 660–1,280) of croplands or forage crops, and 340 m (CI = 280–460) of wetlands, but there was no effect of roads. Fewer than 1% of grassland patches in the study area contained any habitat far enough away from edge that they would be predicted to support at least 75% of the relative abundance of pipits expected in the absence of edge effects. Only 33% of the landscape can support 75% or more of the relative abundance expected in the absence of edge effects, as a result of habitat conversion or edge effects. Sprague’s pipit populations may be declining in part because edge effects greatly magnify effects of habitat loss.  相似文献   



During the past three decades, China’s agroecosystem has undergone dramatic alterations because of changes in climatic and management factors, which threatened agricultural sustainability.


We investigated how climatic and management factors affected agricultural ecosystem services (AES).


We adopted the GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model to simulate the five critical AES: food production, soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrate leaching, water erosion, and wind erosion from 1980 to 2010 and used a partial least square regression model to quantify the contributions of the drivers of the variation in the AES on the main grain-producing area (MGPA), climatic zone, and national scales.


On the MGPA scale, SOC exhibited no obvious change and food production increased, whereas the negative environmental effects largely increased. The MGPA is important to ensure the safety of China’s food supply. At the climatic zone scale, food production and SOC increased, water erosion in the tropical-subtropical monsoonal zone and water and wind erosion in the temperate monsoonal zone decreased, whereas N leaching, water erosion, and wind erosion increased in other climate zones. At the national scale, food production, SOC, N leaching, and wind erosion increased, whereas water erosion decreased. The crop cultivated area played a major role in the effect on food production and SOC. The dominant factors for N leaching, water erosion, and wind erosion varied with crop type and study scales.


Adjustment of agricultural management measures is vital and possible to minimize the tradeoffs, increase the synergies among agro ecosystem services, and promote adaptation to the changing climate.

Trials in southern Tasmania examined the thinning effects of ethephon on ‘Gala’ and ‘Jonagold’ apples. Untreated controls were compared with ethephon thinning sprays applied at full bloom at 50,100,200,400,800 and 1 600 mg I“1 to both cultivars. Thinning of both cultivars was related to the concentration of the spray and in most cases logistic models were fitted. Thinning effectiveness was largely reflected in increased fruit weight and size. The ‘Gala’ fruit was still not large enough for Australian markets. Ethephon at 200 mg I“1 effectively thinned ‘Jonagold’ and produced the required increases in fruit size and weight. ‘Jonagold’ was overthinned by the high concentrations of ethephon, but this was not reflected in increased fruit weight and size. Ethephon also reduced vegetative growth at the higher concentrations which was considered an advantage. More work is required to establish specific recommendations for either cultivar.  相似文献   


Modern drying technology provides the opportunity to obtain dried fruits with high concentrations of bioactive compounds. Such products may also be fortified with functional ingredients. The adoption of dried fruit as a carrier of functional ingredients for consumers is indispensable to launch this kind of product successfully on the market. Thus, the aim of this study was to collect data on consumer perceptions and interests in dried fruits (plain or fortified) through a questionnaire distributed on the Internet to 1,092 Dutch, French, and Polish respondents. In this quantitative study, the respondents were first asked to rank statements about a product with different positive influences on human health. Products which lowered the risk of cancer or heart diseases were mainly of interest to Polish and Dutch respondents, whereas French consumers emphasised the prevention of intestinal problems. Furthermore, we checked the level of consumer interest in dried fruits enriched with a particular functional ingredient (e.g., anti-oxidants, natural fruit sugars, or prebiotics). Products with anti-oxidants seemed to be the most promising in all three countries investigated. Among five different forms of product (i.e., candy, fruit teas, cereals, bars, or cookies) in which dried fruit could be incorporated, cereals were selected by approx. 33% of all respondents as the best product to which a functional dried fruit could be added. In summary, dried fruits can be adopted as carriers of functional ingredients, especially when promoted as a source of anti-oxidants.  相似文献   

Reclamation usually involves modification of the local environment to achieve some biotic target, but if the influence of Landscape Condition on that target is great, we may fail to meet it despite efforts at the local-level. We sought to determine the relative influence of local- and landscape-level habitat on aquatic plant diversity in shallow open-water wetlands. Furthermore, we asked whether the influence of Landscape Condition should be attributed to direct (dispersal-related) effects, or to the indirect effect of landscape variables that influence local habitat quality. Finally, we asked if spatial scale (300–2000 m) would affect conclusions about the relative influence of local- and landscape-level effects. Using structural equation modeling, we found that Local Condition is consistently more influential than Landscape Condition. As landscape size increases, the relative importance of Landscape Condition declines and there is a trade-off between its direct and indirect components. At ≤500 m direct landscape effects were of greater importance than indirect effects, whereas indirect effects of Landscape Condition became more important at ≥1500 m. This suggests that the dominant mechanism by which land use influences diversity depends on the spatial extent of the landscape. We recommend that reclamation designs include a high proportion of wetland habitat and incorporate seeding/planting if diverse plant communities are desired. Additionally, we note that the influence of the landscape is strongest within 300 m. Thus, the focus of reclamation efforts should remain at the in-lake level and the immediate surroundings: this is where efforts will achieve the greatest effect on aquatic plant diversity.  相似文献   



As global landscapes continue to change, the sustainability of the ecosystem services they support are increasingly coming into question. In the rapidly changing neotropics, multiple-use plants epitomize sources of ecosystem services. To sustain the relationship that exists between such plants and human populations, a sound understanding of their well-being is required.


Density data on multiple-use plants were compared across forest types and land tenure classes to understand the implications of these two spatial frames of reference for landscape sustainability.


The density of an aggregate sample of seventeen multiple-use and a sub-sample of five species were examined relative to forest type and land tenure class across fourteen Rupununi, Southern Guyana, study sites. The examination of plant density based on the two sample sizes was used to make inferences on how the two frames of reference may impact landscape sustainability.


The mean density of the aggregate sample was highest in three of six forest types, but showed no statistical difference across land tenure classes. When individual species were considered mean densities showed no statistical difference across land tenure classes, but differences were observed for three species across forest types. Mean densities were highest in forest types within which swidden agriculture occurs and in the protected area where logging is prohibited.


Our findings suggested that in changing tropical landscapes plant species distribution can be predicted by forest types, but land tenure classes may provide clearer signals as to where a species well-being and hence ecosystem services may be compromised.

A trial on ‘Fuji’ apples at the Grove Research Station in southern Tasmania during the 1991/92 season studied the thinning effect and interactions between ethephon and benzyladenine (BA) when BA was applied as a secondary thinner after a full bloom (FB) application of ethephon. The spray treatments were a factorial combination of eight application times of BA (11,13,15,17,19, 21, 23 or 25 days after full bloom (AFB)) with ten concentrations (20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180 or 200 mg I“1). An unsprayed control and an ethephon control were included. Target thinning results were achieved 19- 23 d AFB with concentrations of 140-160 mg I“1. A corollary of this successful thinning was an increase in fruit weight and size. Return bloom was improved significantly where thinning was successful. There was no effect on fruit firmness, soluble solids or lateral branching. Drawbacks were an increase in the incidence of russet and a reduction in pip number at the optimum thinning times and concentrations.  相似文献   



Multiple ecological drivers generate spatial patterns in species’ distributions. Changes to natural disturbance regimes can place early successional habitat specialists at an increased risk of extinction by altering landscape patterns of habitat suitability.


We developed a series of hypotheses to evaluate the effects of landscape structure, fire history, and site-level habitat quality on site occupancy by an early successional specialist, the eastern chestnut mouse (Pseudomys gracilicaudatus).


We obtained eight years of monitoring data from 26 sites in recently burned heathland in southeast Australia. We used generalised linear models to determine which explanatory variables were related to occupancy. We also explored predictability in patterns of small mammal species co-occurrence.


Landscape structure (patch area, landscape heterogeneity) was strongly related to site occupancy. Site occupancy was associated with dead shrubs in the understory and rock cover on ground layer, but was not directly influenced by recent or historical fire. Contrary to contemporary ecological theory, we found no predictable species associations in our early successional community.


We recommend surveys take account of landscape configuration and proximity to suitable habitat for optimal results. Fire regimes expected to promote eastern chestnut mouse population growth should encourage the retention of critical habitat features rather than be based on temporal rates of successional stages. For management to adequately account for post-disturbance patterns in early successional communities, a species-by-species, multi-scaled approach to research is necessary.

DeWitt  T. J.  Fuentes  J. I.  Ioerger  T. R.  Bishop  M. P. 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(10):2897-2918
Landscape Ecology - Interpreting spatial autocorrelation is complicated by differences in data type, spatial conformation, and contiguity definitions. Though lacking consistent meaning,...  相似文献   

Green spaces serve as environmental sources to improve physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. Studies indicate that university students, when actively engaged in the use of green spaces, experience improved health and well-being. This study highlights the lived experience of two student participants and investigates student perceptions of a university campus therapeutic sensory garden on the quality of life based on the utilization of the green space. Quantitative and qualitative measures were used to assess student use of the therapeutic sensory garden as well as student perceived quality of life related to social, mental, and physical well-being. Quantitative results included varied responses regarding the number of hours spent in the garden, number of visits to the garden, and types of sensory elements utilized in the garden. Qualitative results on student perception of quality of life identified three themes between the two participants: 1) connectedness, 2) positive emotional responses, and 3) active engagement sensory responses. The findings resulting from quantitative and qualitative analysis of the lived experiences of two student participants are consistent with that of current evidence literature indicating a positive association between time spent in a green space/natural environment and student perceptions of quality of life. These pilot study findings present structure and hypotheses related to time utilization, anticipated outcomes, and active ingredients for therapeutic sensory garden intervention with larger sampled groups of University students.  相似文献   

Soil fumigation of land affected by apple replant disease, using chloropicrin at 281 1 ha-1 before planting-out, caused increases in shoot numbers, trunk girth and of 35% in total crop accumulated over 10 years for cv Cox’s Orange Pippin on M.2 rootstock. Chloropicrin at 1121 ha-1 gave rise to a smaller response, and DD at 5621 ha-1 was ineffective. Cv Laxton’s Fortune on M.2 showed little response to any treatment.  相似文献   

Pruning in late summer was compared with winter pruning on mature 23-year-old spur pruned trees of Cox’s Orange Pippin on M.2 rootstock. Two nitrogen treatments were superimposed, namely a standard dressing of 126 units N (sulphate of ammonia) applied in March as compared with 288 units N (nitrate of soda) applied in mid-August at the time of summer pruning. Summer pruning reduced trunk girth increment, advanced blossom development, increased the amount of red colour on the fruits and drastically reduced the incidence of bitter pit in stored fruit. The treatments did not affect cropping. Nitrogen treatments had no overall effect upon the incidence of bitter pit, but in the first season, when bitter pit was most prevalent, high levels of N applied in August reduced the amount, a similar trend being recorded the following year.  相似文献   


Changes of carbohydrate concentrations in different parts of the flower and the surrounding tissues (leaves, spurs and shoots) were measured in apple (Malus pumila) in 1987 and 1988, during the periods of flowering and fruit setting, to investigate their importance for fruit setting. HPLC was used for soluble sugar and sorbitol analysis. Starch was hydrolysed to glucose enzymatically and glucose concentration was determined colorometrically to estimate starch concentrations. Soluble sugars plus sorbitol (the soluble pool) increased rapidly in all parts of the flower from bud burst until full bloom. In contrast, in the same period, starch concentrations decreased rapidly and reached about zero at full bloom in the storage organs (shoots and spurs), indicating starch conversion to sugars and their movement to the growing flowers. Sorbitol was the most abundant carbohydrate in all apple tissue measured, with the exception of sepals, in which glucose concentration was the highest from full bloom onwards. Sepals had much higher glucose and fructose concentrations than leaf laminae but much lower sorbitol concentrations. Although dry weight, soluble pool and starch concentrations and total soluble pool content increased in the receptacle after petal fall, sucrose concentrations and total sucrose content dramatically decreased. These results suggest a preferential mobilization and utilization of sucrose rather than sorbitol during the fruit setting period and probably an important role of sucrose metabolism in fruit setting.  相似文献   

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