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Due to the unexpected emergence of COVID-19, different cities improvised responses to prevent the virus from spreading and infecting the population. Madrid, capital of Spain and one of the most affected cities in Europe, confined everyone home and closed most public and private spaces, including public parks. The whole situation was surely to be responsible for stress-levels to peak. We developed an online survey to better understand the relationship between people and Urban Green Spaces prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the new bond that may have emerged from this interruption. We recruited participants, without gender or age preference, excluding underage children and teenagers, using a combination of convenience sample and a snowball approach. A total of 132 responses were logged. The study was limited to mental health inferences, specifically related to stress and its most frequent manifestations among the urban population. These indicators included physical, mood or behavioral changes and were studied on those participants who had access to UGS before and during confinement. Among the most important findings, we confirmed that when people are confronted with stressful situations, indoor plant interaction is not a substitute for different outdoor green experiences; those who interacted with green spaces in a daily manner managed stress levels better than people who didn’t (but their effects might lose strength over time); and turning to green spaces for comfort during stressful times when you don’t usually do so helps overcome difficult situations. This article contributes to the growing study of green spaces as a means towards improved mental well-being in urban areas.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces (UGS) positively impact the population, providing essential ecosystem services and improving public health. Urban vegetation management needs to optimize mowing process costs and reducing impacts on the natural ecosystem. Thus, we implemented a general grass growth model suitable for UGS management in tropical areas, focused on lawns, public parks and squares, roadsides, and around waterways. The model incorporates local edaphoclimatic conditions to simulates the daily dynamics of leaf area index (LAI), biomass, evapotranspiration, and soil water content, going under mowing processes or not, with spatialization capability which might be integrated within geographic information system (GIS) environments. A case study assessing bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flüggé) vegetation species in São Carlos, southeastern Brazil, is presented, considering two scenarios to demonstrate the spatial capabilities of the model: (i) UGS as a single area, and (ii) several areas independently. For model validation, vegetation indices calculated based on data from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and CubeSat imagery (PlanetScope) were used to retrieve LAI time series, calibrated with spectral signatures from leaf ground sampling. For performance analysis, LAI time series from the model and LAI retrieved from both sensors were compared via determination coefficient (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE). Our findings suggest that the proposed model is accurate, and due to its spatialization capability and integration with a GIS, its application may help government administrations to optimize UGS mowing processes.  相似文献   

The proximity to urban green spaces (UGS) is important to facilitate their use by citizens, mainly by the most vulnerable groups in society who are usually unable to walk long distances. Furthermore, there are several ecosystem services from which the population can only benefit if UGS are close. In addition to being important to identify areas without a UGS nearby, it is also important to indicate possible locations for a new UGS, thus avoiding wasting resources by overlapping coverage areas or leaving gaps in coverage. It is also important to understand among all possible locations where the construction of a UGS is most needed. The present study aims (i) to identify possible locations for future UGS and order them by construction priority, (ii) to develop and test a methodology for decision-makers and urban planners and (iii) to contribute to increasing and developing UGS in cities. Considering residential areas, the results reveal a deficiency in UGS coverage in all the cities studied, as only 43.86–57.09% of residential areas have a UGS within 300 m. Construction of proposed UGS will lead to a 12.30–26.15% increase in coverage. The proposed methodology needs further improvement, but it can be a valuable tool for urban planners and decision-makers, and can encourage the construction of more UGS.  相似文献   

Urban green space is an important resource to effectively improve the urban environment and human health. A growing body of evidence highlights their positive impact on physical, mental and social health. Less focus has been paid to the social health benefits of urban green space. Designing urban green space to improve the social health of various groups has become a crucial problem, given the lack of uniformity in defining and measuring social health, as well as the varying social health needs of different individuals. This review aims to explore the relationship between urban green space and social health of individuals, which is defined as how one gets along with other people, how other people react to him/her, and how one reacts with the social institutions and societal mores. According to the PRISMA extension for Scoping Review (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines, 60 articles published between 1998 and 2022 met the inclusion criteria were reviewed. The results demonstrated that different types of urban green space significantly influenced the social health of individuals. The dimensions of social health of individuals based on urban green space could be divided into four groups: social contacts, social relations, social support and social connections, which were mainly affected by the physical characteristics, perceptions, and usages of urban green space to varying degrees. Socio-demographic characteristics could moderate the strength and orientation of the relationship between urban green space and social health of individuals. As the first scoping review to analyze the relationship between urban green space and individual social health, this study not only provides evidence for the social health benefits of urban green space, but also offers information and tools for future research and policymakers.  相似文献   

The literature to date has mainly explored the impact on public mental health of green spaces around residential areas, large urban parks, family gardens, blue spaces, national parks, etc., while few studies have examined the association of Small Urban Green Spaces (SUGS) with public mental health. The role, function, and service radius of SUGS in urban people’s lives are quite different from those of general green spaces, and the relationship and mechanism linking general green spaces to mental health cannot be fully applied to small parks. This work was conducted to: 1) investigate the relationship between SUGS and mental health; 2) understand what factors affect mental health; 3) determine what kind of SUGS is more conducive to improving mental health. SUGS’ designs and physical characteristics were evaluated with the Natural Environment Scoring Tool (NEST) and user information for 10 SUGS (1–5 ha) in Shanghai in 2021 was collected via a questionnaire. We developed a multilevel model for exploring the factors affecting mental health from two aspects: the individual level and the park level. This study found that SUGS and mental health were positively associated. In addition to individual–level variables like income, marital status, social cohesion, and use frequency, park–level variables such as usability, aesthetics–natural features, and civilized environment are also conducive to improving mental health, while entertainment facilities in SUGS have a negative association with mental health. There was no evidence that visit frequency, stay time, social cohesion, or physical exercise act as a mediator between park features and mental health. This study provides empirical evidence for the positive correlation between SUGS and mental health and presents a means of promoting public mental health with efficient SUGS planning and management.  相似文献   

This study investigates associations between perceived sensory dimensions (PSDs) of urban green spaces (UGSs) and adults’ perceived restoration, stress, and mental health. Data were collected through surveys with 426 adults in 2019 in seven different UGSs in Aydın, Turkey. The PSDs of UGSs (nature, serene, space, rich in species, social, prospect, culture, and refuge) were evaluated and rated by two professional landscape architects. The perceived restorativeness (being away, fascination, coherence, and compatibility) was measured with the Perceived Restorativeness Scale, and health indicators (stress, mental health, mental health diagnosis, mental health treatment, general health, and quality of life) were measured with self-reported questions. Multivariate multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine associations controlling for confounding factors. Four of the eight PSDs were analyzed due to multicollinearity issues in the study. Regression analyses showed that ‘nature’ was positively associated with perceived restorativeness, stress, and mental health, while ‘refuge’ was only positively associated with perceived restorativeness. On the other hand, ‘serene’ was negatively associated with perceived restorativeness. Whereas ‘rich in species’ was found to be negatively associated with perceived restorativeness and positively associated with mental health diagnosis. In addition, findings showed that frequency of and duration of UGSs visit were negatively associated with perceived restorativeness. The findings suggest that providing characteristics of ‘nature’ and ‘refuge’ in UGSs may provide restorative effects and mental benefits to adults. However, unexpected results suggest that further research is needed before using these characteristics as a tool by landscape architects and city planners.  相似文献   

This study estimated the monetary value of urban forests’ non-priced benefits to tourists. Data collected by a face-to-face self-administered survey of urban tourists in Savannah, Georgia, USA were used to estimate tourists’ willingness to pay (WTP) for urban forests by the contingent valuation method. Individual WTP was found higher among tourists with graduate school education. Results suggested that WTP for urban forests also increased significantly with income and destination loyalty of the tourists. Estimated mean and median WTP values were $11.25 (95% confidence interval: $7.34, $15.16) and $2.10 (95% confidence interval: $1.38, $2.82), respectively. Based on the estimated mean WTP, annual value of urban forests to tourists in Savanna in 2009 ranged from a minimum of $81 million to a maximum of $167 million with a 95% confidence interval. The annual value was $11.55 million (95% confidence interval: $7.59 million, $15.51 million) based on the estimated median WTP and assuming at least 50% of the tourists in Savannah would pay the median amount. As the mean was greatly influenced by extreme WTP values in the data, the annual value based on the median value was a more conservative estimate.  相似文献   

Many cross-sectional studies have supported the health benefits of urban greenways. However, the causal relationship between urban greenway intervention and residents’ physical and mental health remains unclear. Furthermore, the potential dose-response effect by distance to a greenway intervention remains unknown. This study explored the impact of a large-scale urban greenway intervention (construction of a 102-km-long East Lake Greenway in Wuhan, China) on the health outcomes of residents by using a natural experimental research design. We collected data before and after the intervention (in 2016 and 2019, respectively) from 1,020 participants living within a 5-km street-network distance from the entrances of this greenway. The average age of the participants was approximately 50, and most of them were married. More than half of the participants were female, currently employed, and had received a college education or above. Mixed-effects difference-in-difference (DID) models were used while controlling for individual and neighbourhood covariates. The results showed that the East Lake Greenway had a positive effect on the self-reported mental health of residents who lived within 2 km, and these benefits decreased with distance. The physical health benefit was insignificant. To increase the health benefits of urban greenways, more effort should be made to improve the accessibility of greenways and the surrounding environment. We also advocate that future natural experiments should explore the distance-varying dose-response effect of green space interventions on health outcomes.  相似文献   

Several studies from the Nordic countries show that cemeteries not only fulfil an important societal function as places for the disposal of bodily remains; they are also recreational landscapes that people visit to reflect, experience nature or perhaps go for a walk with the dog. In this comparative study, based on PPGIS data collected between 2018 and 2020 from residents in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Helsinki (Finland), we explored the extent to which residents use urban cemeteries as everyday recreational landscapes. We also assessed users’ characteristics and the values they attached to the cemeteries. The results show that several of Copenhagen’s cemeteries were actively used for recreation, while those in Helsinki were used much less frequently for this purpose. Of the total 7276 mapped visiting points in Copenhagen, 16.5% were located within cemeteries, compared with 1.9% of the 4298 mapped visiting points in Helsinki, hence conclusions from Helsinki should be drawn with caution. Physical activity and experiencing nature were the most common values attached to cemeteries in Copenhagen, whereas social interaction, spirituality and tranquillity were most common for Helsinki cemeteries. The results also revealed that younger Danes were particularly inclined to use cemeteries for social interactions, physical activity and spirituality and tranquillity. In the discussion, we elaborate on spatial differences between the cases, such as the availability of other green spaces, the size of cemeteries or people living in proximity to a cemetery, as well as on differences in policies and practices, including how Copenhagen stands out in actively promoting municipal cemeteries as recreational landscapes.  相似文献   

Public urban green spaces (PUGS) play a vital role in the dense urban fabric as places of Nature-Society contact and socialization. Despite some advances in the field, the relationship between the PUGS surroundings and their users' behaviours remains unclear. This study examined the patterns of human behaviour in four PUGS of the city of Porto, on the north Portuguese coast, where the behavioural mapping method was applied. Observational data regarding 979 PUGS users' socio-demographics and behaviours were recorded on a base map and a grid between August and November 2020. The use patterns during different times of the day were disaggregated across behaviours and users' profiles, and their relationship with the surroundings and design elements was assessed with ANOVA, Chi-Square test, and Pearson correlation. The findings presented may pave the way for future studies and inform the urban planning and design of the effectiveness of new interventions, namely providing more accurate aligning between the greenspace design language with users' needs. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of considering the sociodemographic background of PUGS users and the surroundings to guide designers and planners.  相似文献   

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