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应用关节内窥镜观?了马正常趺、腕关节滑膜及滑膜绒毛的形态特征。结果表明:趺、腕关节滑膜壁的形态不尽一致;同一关节囊的不同部位,滑膜壁及绒毛的形态、分布也各有差异,一般滑膜囊外凸最明显的部位绒毛密集,靠近关节面部位的滑膜上绒毛很少或无绒毛分布。  相似文献   

采用7.5MHz的线扫探头对4个奶牛尸体跗关节和6头活体奶牛的8个跗关节的正常结 构进行了超声检查。一般骨骼的回声为光环或光线,关节囊呈明显的液怀暗区,腱质呈实性强回声。跗关节背侧的腓骨第三肌、趾长伸肌和趾内侧伸肌腱均可风到,下方为宽大的胫距关节囊,外侧为腓骨长肌和趾外侧伸肌腱,该腱周围有液性暗区的腱鞘。趾关节内侧超声影像图不清楚,后方是片状的趾浅屈肌和发达的趾深肌腱。  相似文献   

据记载,犬静脉注射的部位一般可选择隐静脉、外侧隐静脉前支、头静脉和颈外静脉。但经过几年的临床实践,笔者认为隐静脉位于股内侧皮下,保定比较困难,而且该处皮肤和静脉管滑动性较大;外侧隐静脉前支位于跗关节外侧,注射部位在跗关节上方皮下,  相似文献   

解剖观察猪盆肢脚部神经31例,细小神经的分支用酒精美兰染色后,在外科手术显微镜下观察,所见结果是: 1.胫神经一般在胫骨远端,有的在跗部分为跖内侧神经和跖外侧神经;跖内侧神经多数在跗部或跖中部分为内侧支和外侧支;腓浅神经一般在跗部背侧分成内侧支和外侧支。 2.在跖内侧神经和跖外侧神经之间;跖内侧神经的内侧支和外侧支之间;跖外侧神经的分支与其深支之间;第Ⅲ、Ⅳ趾跖(轴)侧固有神经与相应的背侧固有神经之间;腓浅神经的内侧支和外侧支之间以及腓浅神经和腓深神经之间均见有交通支,交通支的数目少则一条,多则5条不等。  相似文献   

正浆液性滑膜炎指关节囊滑膜层的炎症。其特点是滑膜充血,滑液量增多,关节内压增大及肿胀。1症状急性炎症病初滑膜及绒毛充血,关节腔内积聚大量浆液性炎性渗出物。关节肿胀、热痛,指压关节憩室突出部位,有明显波动感。渗出物纤维蛋白量多时有捻发音。他动运动时,关节有明显疼痛。驻立时,患关节屈曲,不敢负重。慢性滑膜炎特点因纤维囊纤维素增殖肥厚,滑膜丧失光泽,绒毛增生肥大、柔软,呈灰白色或淡蓝红色。关节囊膨大,存有大量渗  相似文献   

胫距关节慢性滑膜炎,又称飞节软肿。是临床上常见的一种马、骡四肢病。临床表现以胫距关节内充满浆液性液体为特征。本病在一般情况下无全身症状。主要临床特征为跗关节外型的改变,在跗关节的前内侧,内侧和外侧出现三个椭圆形凸出的柔  相似文献   

应用关节内窥镜检查了7例马的浆液性跗关节炎。关节滑液呈淡黄或微黄色,均为稀薄、无味,大多为透明的液体.仅1例微浊,滑液量最少者82ml,多者达280ml。镜下见血管扩张,并有新生血管,有的病例滑膜血管断裂,滑液内混有血液或血凝块。有的病例滑膜增厚,粗糙,绒毛密度增大。绒毛形态多呈膜状、扇形及卷曲状。1例见有融合成桥的绒毛及软骨的部分被侵蚀,无光泽。  相似文献   

1临床症状 依据关节囊有无穿透的情况,将关节创伤分为关节非透创和透创。关节非透创,轻者关节皮肤破裂或出血、缺损、疼痛,轻度肿胀。重者皮肤伤口下方形成创囊,内含挫灭坏死组织和异物,容易引起感染。有时关节囊的纤维层甚至遭到损伤,同时损伤腿、粘液囊或腱鞘,并流出粘液。非透创,家畜病初一般跛行不显著,腱和腱鞘损伤时,跛行显著。为了鉴别有无关节囊和腱鞘的损伤时,可向腱鞘、关节内注入带色消毒液,如从关节囊伤口流出药液,证明为透创。诊断关节创伤时,忌用探针检查,以防污染和损伤滑膜层。关节透创的特点是从家畜伤口流出粘稠淡黄色或较为透明的关节滑液,有时混有血液或由纤维素形成的絮状物。当关节因刺创,组织被破坏较轻时,关节囊伤口小,伤后组织肿胀压迫伤口,或纤维素块堵塞,只有自动或他动运动屈曲患关节时,才流出滑液。滑液流出的状态,因损伤关节的部位以及伤口大小不同,表现也不同。活动性较大的跗关节腔距囊有时因挫创损伤组织较重,伤口较大时,则滑液持续流出。一般关节透创,病初无显著跛行,严重挫创时表现出显著跛行,跛行常为悬跛或混合跛行。诊断时,可进行X线检查,确定有无金属类异物残留关节内。如伤后关节囊伤口长期不闭合,滑液流出不止,抗感染力降低,则出现感染症状。  相似文献   

一、局部解剖猪后肢的隐小静脉较大,沿着腓肠肌的后外侧面伸延,处于跟腱的外侧面,它是由跖底内侧、外侧静脉汇合形成,它们的汇合点处于跗关节处。这几条静脉管较粗大且位于皮下,比较显露,用手  相似文献   

1病例介绍1只2岁雄性红工作犬,散养,于2005年5月23日下午不慎将右后肢踏入排水管道铁箅内。该犬奋力向外挣扎,但终未挣脱,致使右侧跗关节发生开放性损伤,前来就诊。2临床所见病犬体重约40千克,精神尚可,体温39℃,心跳90次/分,患肢不负重,跗关节内侧有面积为4×9厘米皮肤缺损,治疗时按新鲜污染创进行处理。将患犬全身麻醉,检查患处发现跗关节关节囊开放,关节内侧韧带磨灭性断裂,胫骨外侧踝和骨面完整性破坏,已磨平。因内侧韧带断裂,跗关节外展时,活动性增大。3治疗局部按常规无菌处理后,用青霉素生理盐水溶液反复冲洗后,将坏死组织去除,彻底…  相似文献   

Arthroscopic examination of structures within the plantar pouch of the tarsocrural joint was accomplished via portals in both the plantaromedial and plantarolateral aspects of the joint. Flexion and extension of the tarsus while examining the joint through either portal allowed observation of the proximal and plantar aspects of the lateral and medial trochlear ridges, the trochlear groove, the caudal aspect of the distal tibia, and the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) in its sheath. From a plantarolateral portal, the plantar talocalcaneal ligament and the plantar aspect of the lateral malleolus could be observed. The caudal aspect of the medial malleolus could not be observed with flexion or extension of the joint from a plantaromedial portal, but in some horses, the caudal aspect of the lateral malleolus could be observed. The dorsolateral and dorsomedial aspects of the plantar pouch were best examined from a portal on the ipsilateral side of the joint. An instrument portal opposite either arthroscope portal allowed access to most regions of the joint except the abaxial surface of the trochlear ridge opposite the instrument.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to describe the arthroscopic anatomy of the bovine fetlock joint using one palmar/plantar and three dorsal joint approaches. A comparative anatomic, ultrasonographic and arthroscopic study using 20 cadaveric feet from 13 non-lame adult dairy cows was performed. Arthroscopy was accomplished using a rigid arthroscope to view the synovial cavities with their synovial villi and parts of the following structures: the distal ends of the metacarpal/metatarsal III/IV bones with their trochleae and sagittal ridges, synovial grooves, the articular surfaces of the proximal sesamoid bones, the proximal aspects of the first phalanges, the lateral and medial collateral ligaments, the suspensory ligament and the interdigital ligaments as parts of the interosseus muscle, the cruciate sesamoidean ligaments, the communication site between the lateral and medial pouch in the palmar/plantar area, and dorsally the septum between the lateral and the medial pouch. The technique allowed a good overall view of most relevant structures in the sound cadaver joint. Further investigations are warranted to evaluate the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic applications of these techniques in the treatment of septic arthritis.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic approaches to the femoropatellar joint were developed to determine their usefulness for evaluation and surgical treatment of osteochondritis dissecans. It was found that the articular cartilage of the lateral trochlear ridge, medial trochlear ridge, intertrochlear groove, patella, and the lateral and medial reflections of the joint capsule could be examined from an infrapatellar arthroscopic portal. The suprapatellar pouch could be examined partially. Lateral and medial instrument portals were evaluated to determine the accessibility of the lateral and medial trochlear ridges of the femur in the areas where osteochondritis dissecans lesions frequently occur. Sliding the arthroscope sleeve beneath the patella when entering the joint was associated with iatrogenic cartilage lesions. A new technique that directed the arthroscope lateral to the lateral trochlear ridge eliminated iatrogenic cartilage damage.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic approaches to the scapulohumeral joint were developed in four clinically normal, live horses (5 limbs) to determine their usefulness for evaluation and potential surgical treatment of intraarticular lesions. The articular surface of the entire glenoid, cranial humeral head (medial and lateral) and caudolateral humeral head, as well as the synovial membrane, could be closely examined from an arthroscopic portal cranial to the infraspinatus tendon. The caudomedial humeral head could be examined partially. Cranial and caudal instrument portals allowed good surgical access to the entire glenoid and the majority of the humeral head (except caudomedial in adult, heavily muscled horses). The described arthroscopic and instrument portals allowed access to the areas frequently affected with osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). Potential difficulties with this technique include problems establishing triangulation, extravasation of fluids, and inability to reach potential lesions on the caudomedial humeral head with conventional equipment in heavily muscled horses.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography was used to delineate the sonographic anatomy of the equine tarsus with emphasis on the flexor tendons and plantar ligament at the plantar surface of the tarsus, the medial collateral ligaments and the dorsomedial joint capsule of the tibiotarsal joint. The cross-sectional gross anatomy of these tendons and ligaments was evaluated in 6 cadaver limbs. Using a 5.5 MHz mechanical sector scanner, the examined tendons and ligaments were easily identified as hyperechoic structures in 10 limbs of normal live horses. The normal ultrasonographic appearance of the dorsomedial tibiotarsal joint capsule was studied in 8 cadaver limbs. The inner surface of the tibiotarsal joint capsule was covered with villi; short and pointed in the mid region, resembling a small nodular mass proximally and a straggly beard distally. In 4 lame horses diagnostic ultrasound aided the diagnosis of plantar swellings, medial collateral joint ligamentous injury and hypertrophic synovitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of a continuous intra-articular infusion of gentamicin on the synovial membrane and articular cartilage in the tarsocrural joint of horses. ANIMALS: 6 healthy adult horses. PROCEDURE: A balloon infusion system attached to a catheter placed in the plantarolateral pouch of both tarsocrural joints in each horse was used for continuous gentamicin solution (GM) or balanced electrolyte solution (BES) delivery for 5 days. Cartilage and synovial membrane specimens were collected on day 5 from 3 horses and on day 14 from the remaining 3 horses. Both infused joints from each horse were assessed, using gross evaluation and histologic scoring systems. RESULTS: Significant differences in the histologic scores of synovial membrane specimens between the GM- and BES-treated joints at either 5 or 14 days were not observed. Safranin-O-fast green staining scores were similar between cartilage specimens from GM- and BES-treated joints. Although the synovial membrane histologic scores and safranin-O-fast green staining scores improved from day 5 to 14, the changes in scores were not significant. Loss of synovial intimal cells from villi was found more commonly in sections of synovial membrane from GM-treated joints, compared with BES-treated joints. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Continuous infusion of GM into the tarsocrural joint of horses does not have significant effects on histologic scores of articular cartilage or synovial membrane, compared with those infused with BES. Continuous infusion of GM into the tarsocrural joint of horses for 5 days is an acceptable method for the treatment of septic arthritis.  相似文献   

Because arthrocentesis of the metacarpophalangeal joint through the proximal palmar pouch may induce synovial haemorrhage, this study evaluated arthrocentesis through the lateral collateral sesamoidean ligament. The proximal palmar pouch and collateral sesamoidean ligament approaches were used in contralateral forelimbs to obtain paired initial synovial fluid samples from 16 horses 12 to 15 h before being killed. Synovial fluid samples also were collected from the same joints at necropsy and the subcutis, synovium and articular cartilage were evaluated. Metacarpophalangeal joint arthrocentesis through the collateral seamoidean ligament yielded fewer haemorrhagic synovial fluid samples with less subcutaneous and synovial inflammation, and also yielded 2 ml of synovial fluid more often than arthrocentesis through the proximal palmar pouch.  相似文献   

The arthroscopic approach and anatomy of the bovine femoropatellar and femorotibial joints are described. A 4-mm diameter, 15-cm long arthroscope with a 30° forward angle view was used. The structures viewed were recorded according to the position of the arthroscope within the joint. The femoropatellar joint was best accessed via a lateral approach, between the middle and lateral patellar ligaments. The axial portion of the medial femorotibial joint was viewed from a medial approach between the middle and medial patellar ligaments and the abaxial portion was viewed from a lateral approach between the middle and the lateral patellar ligaments. The axial portion of the lateral femorotibial joint was viewed from a lateral approach between the middle and the lateral patellar ligaments and the abaxial portion was viewed from a medial approach between the middle and medial patellar ligaments. The results of this study provide guidelines regarding the location of arthroscopic portals to evaluate precisely different areas of the stifle in cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To (1) describe a caudal approach to equine medial and lateral femorotibial (FT) joints and (2) illustrate the complex anatomic detail of the caudal compartments of the lateral FT joint. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective experimental study. ANIMALS: Cadaveric equine hindlimbs (n = 36; 26 horses) and 6 horses (11 hind limbs). METHODS: Stifles (n = 8) were dissected and 10 FT joints were injected with silicone. Arthroscopic exploration (n = 29) was performed, followed by dissection to determine sites and structures penetrated during entry. RESULTS: A more caudal approach to the caudal pouch of the medial FT improved anatomic observation. A more caudal approach to the caudal pouch of the lateral FT joint occasionally caused damage to the common peroneal nerve; however, after reverting to the previously described approach, damage was avoided. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopy of the caudal pouch of the medial FT joint was facilitated using a more caudomedial approach, which improved observation of intrasynovial structures, most importantly, the caudal cruciate ligament and caudal horn of the medial meniscus. A more caudal approach to the caudal pouch of the lateral FT joint cannot be safely performed without risk to the common peroneal nerve and therefore the standard caudal approach is described in detail. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A caudomedial arthroscopic approach allows improved surgical assessment of meniscal or caudal cruciate ligament injury. Care should be exercised when exploring the caudal pouch of the lateral FT joint because the common peroneal nerve is variably located and could easily be damaged during arthroscope or instrument insertion, especially if the limb is minimally flexed.  相似文献   

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