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<正>山羊球虫病是由艾美耳属的几种球虫寄生于羊肠道内引起的以腹泻、粪便中带血为主要临床特征的急性或慢性寄生虫病。三明市饲养的羔羊在春、夏季节均会发生不同程度的球虫病。这不仅掠夺了山羊的营养、影响了山羊的生长,严重时可导致死亡,对养羊业影响较大,笔者现将一例山羊球虫病的诊治情况报道如下。1发病情况三明市陈某共饲养山羊156只,其中羔羊82只,2015年3月初发现1~3月龄左右的羔羊陆续出现  相似文献   

曲靖市气候宜人,雨量充沛,土地肥沃,资源丰富,具有发展山羊养殖的优势条件,随着我市发展草食畜的项目推进,养羊业也是精准脱贫和现代畜牧业的重要组成部分,我市的山羊养殖有了长足的发展。但近期以来寄生虫病的发生制约着养羊业的发展,特别是球虫病往往被忽视,而球虫病是山羊常见的一种寄生虫病,山羊球虫病的病原体为艾美尔科艾美尔属的原虫,主要感染1~3月龄羊羔,成年羊也感染但症状不明显。山羊球虫病的主要特征表现为粪不成形或拉稀,食欲下降,生长发育不良,严重时高度贫血,消瘦衰竭而死亡。2017年3月,我市经开区西城街道王某养羊户发生以拉稀便血为主要症状的传染病,经笔者诊断,确认为羊球虫病。通过采取综合治疗措施,迅速控制了疫情,现将诊治情况和防控措施报告如下,供基层同仁和养羊户们参考。  相似文献   

盈江土地肥沃,气候宜人,雨量充沛,资源丰富,具有发展山羊养殖的优越条件,养羊业也是现代畜牧业的重要组成部分,是山区农民增收的重要来源,2012年9月止,盈江县山羊存栏27 003只,肉产量153吨.长期以来寄生虫病制约着养羊业的发展,特别是球虫病往往被忽视,而球虫病是山羊常见的一种寄生虫病,山羊球虫病的病原体为艾美尔科艾美尔属的原虫,主要感染1~3月龄羊羔,成年羊也感染但症状不明显.山羊球虫病的主要特征表现为粪不成形或拉稀,食欲下降,生长发育不良,严重时高度贫血,衰竭而死亡. 1 流行病学 球虫病的传染源是病羊和带虫羊,虫卵随粪便排到外界,污染了牧地、牧草、饲料、饮水、用具和环境,经消化道使健康的羊被感染.据观察无论什么品种及各种年龄的山羊对球虫病均易感染,但1~3月龄的羊羔发病率和死亡率较高,发病率高达100%,死亡率在50%以上.成年山羊感染率也相当高,但不发病或很少发病,仅为带虫者,成为病源的主要传播源.  相似文献   

云南省曲靖市麒麟区西城街道土地肥沃,气候宜人,雨量充沛,资源丰富,具有发展山羊养殖的优越条件,养羊业也是现代畜牧业的重要组成部分,随着发展草食畜的项目推进,西城街道的山羊养殖有了长足的发展.但近期以来寄生虫病的发生制约着养羊业的发展,特别是球虫病往往被忽视,而球虫病是山羊常见的一种寄生虫病,山羊球虫病的病原体为艾美尔科艾美尔属的原虫,主要感染1~3月龄羊羔,成年羊也感染但症状不明显.山羊球虫病的主要特征表现为粪不成形或拉稀,食欲下降,生长发育不良,严重时高度贫血,消瘦衰竭而死亡.2016年4月,我街道西山社区高某养羊户发生以拉稀便血为主要症状的传染病,经笔者诊断,确认为羊球虫病.通过采取综合治疗措施,迅速控制了疫情,现将诊治情况和防制措施报告如下,供基层同仁和养羊户们参考:  相似文献   

希里沟镇山羊饲养历史悠久,为了搞清本地区山羊饲养、改良等方面的情况,我们于2003年3月10日~16日,对该地区的山羊发展情况进行了调查,为更好地发展当地养羊业提供科学依据。1 调查方法 我站4名业务人员分两组先后走乡串户,亲自登门向养羊户询问,共调查了80户养羊户。2 全镇基本情况 希里沟镇属乌兰县城郊。是多民族居住的地方,全镇共分四个行政村,891户,全镇人口4454人,其中  相似文献   

<正>盈江土地肥沃,气候宜人,雨量充沛,资源丰富,具有发展山羊养殖的优越条件,养羊业也是现代畜牧业的重要组成部分,是山区农民增收的重要来源,2012年9月止,盈江县山羊存栏27003只,肉产量153吨。长期以来寄生虫病制约着养羊业的发展,特别是球虫病往往被忽视,而球虫病是山羊常见的一种寄生虫病,山羊球虫病的病原体为艾美尔科艾美尔属的原虫,主要感染1~3月龄羊羔,成年羊也感染但症状不明显。山羊球虫病的主要特征表现为粪不成形或拉稀,食欲下降,生长发育不良,严重时高度贫血,衰竭而死亡。  相似文献   

<正>随着黑龙江省大力发展畜牧业,延寿县养鸡业发展迅速,饲养量日益增大,鸡球虫病流行趋势也日渐呈现出来,一年四季均有发生,给本地区的养鸡业造成了巨大的经济损失。为了更好的防制延寿县地区鸡球虫病,有必要对本地区规模化养鸡场及养鸡专业户鸡球虫感染情况进行流行病学调查,确定其发病规律,为延寿县鸡球虫病的防治提供科学依据。1基本情况2012年,黑龙江省延寿县被确定为哈尔滨市区域经济发展肉鸡产业龙头县,促使了延寿县  相似文献   

<正>为全面了解龙里县山羊寄生虫的感染情况,针对性制定防治措施,有效控制寄生虫病的危害,2011—2013年,根据《黔南民族地区规模养羊寄生虫病调查与防治技术研究》项目要求,我们对龙里县14个乡镇78户规模养羊场户进行寄生虫流行病学调查,采用完全解剖法等方法解剖山羊51只,收集22种虫体标本4 692条,初步掌握了感染山羊寄生虫种类及情况。现将调查情况报道如下,以期为  相似文献   

山羊球虫病是由艾美耳球虫属的多种球虫寄生于肠道所引起的以下痢、便血为主要特征的山羊原虫病。该病全年均可发生,但以温暖潮湿的季节多发。1986年,如东县畜牧兽医站和南通县(现改为通州市)畜牧兽医站在江苏农学院林孟初教授的主持下,共同合作对本地区山羊的球虫病进行了系统的调查与研究,结果检测为1月龄羔羊的检出率只有42.1%,2~6月龄山羊检出率高达85.7%~100%,6月龄以上山羊的检出率为84.4%;同时山羊球虫也是引起羊羔腹泻的重要病原之一。据报道,各年龄段的山羊都可感染球虫病,而羔羊的感染率、发病率、发病程度和危害程度远高于成年山羊。  相似文献   

羊球虫病是一种慢性或者急性肠炎型疾病,任何品种的绵羊和山羊都能够感染发病,其中羔羊非常容易感染,且症状严重,而成年羊通常作为带虫者。该病在规模化养羊场中经常发生,病羊主要表现出腹泻、生长发育缓慢以及贫血等,同时其毛(绒)、肉品质下降,感染严重时甚至发生死亡。该病分布在全世界范围内,严重损害养羊经济效益,并对养羊业的健康发展产生不良影响。  相似文献   

Decoquinate was evaluated as a coccidiostat in domestic goats. Fifty goats less than 4 months of age were assigned to 5 groups (pens) of 10 goats each and were treated for 87 days with 0 (control), 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, or 4.0 mg of decoquinate in feed/kg of body weight. Goats were inoculated orally weight. Goats were inoculated orally with 30,000 oocysts, mainly Eimeria christenseni (74%) and E ninakohlyakimovae (20%) on day 19. Nontreated goats developed profuse watery diarrhea and tenesmus and gained weight poorly; 2 died. Treated goats did not develop clinical coccidiosis and gained significantly more weight (P less than 0.05), regardless of the dose used. Treated goats also had significantly fewer (P less than 0.05) oocysts in feces than did nontreated controls. Oocyst numbers were inversely related to dose; a more rapid decrease in oocyst numbers occurred as the dose was increased. At the doses used, decoquinate was safe in goats and was an effective drug for the prevention of clinical coccidiosis.  相似文献   

Fifty, 2–3 month old dairy goats were each vaccinated orally with 10000 sporocysts of Sarcocystis capracanis and 25 age-matched goats served as uninoculated controls. Groups of vaccinated and control goats were challenged with lethal doses of S. capracanis at 95, 113, 205, and 274 days post-vaccination. Vaccinated goats developed subclinical sarcocystosis. Twenty-three vaccinated goats and 1 control goat died of intestinal coccidiosis and bacterial pneumonia, 15–118 days after vaccination. Myositis and degenerating sarcocysts were seen in muscles of goats necropsied at 90–186 days postvaccination. Very few, or no sarcocysts were seen in goats necropsied at 272 and 332 days post-vaccination. Vaccinated goats survived a lethal challenge inoculation indicating persistent protective immunity.  相似文献   

Ponazuril (toltrazuril sulfone) is a triazine antiprotozoal agent that targets apicomplexan organisms. Ponazuril may have clinical application in the treatment of clinical coccidiosis due to Eimeria species in goats, along with other protozoal infections. To evaluate the absorption, distribution and elimination characteristics of ponazuril in goats, a sensitive, validated high‐pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy method for ponazuril in caprine plasma was developed. After a single oral dose of ponazuril at 10 mg/kg, plasma samples from seven weanling goats were collected and assayed. Plasma concentrations of ponazuril in the goats peaked at 36 ± 13 h post drug administration at a concentration of 9 ± 2 μg/mL. Concentrations declined to an average of 4.2 ± 0.8 μg/mL after 168 h with an average elimination half‐life of 129 ± 72 h post drug administration. This study shows that ponazuril is relatively well absorbed after a single oral dose in goats. Efficacy trials are underway to determine clinical efficacy of ponazuril in the treatment of clinical coccidiosis in goats at 10 mg/kg dosage.  相似文献   

The protozoan diseases, coccidiosis and cryptosporidiosis, are important enteric diseases of sheep and goats, resulting in diarrhea, inefficient weight gains, and occasionally death. Coccidiosis is a widespread, serious economic disease affecting animals who are preweaned, recently weaned, or in unsanitary, stressful, or crowded conditions, as well as after entering feedlots. The Eimeria species in sheep and goats are relatively host specific. Control is accomplished through sanitation and by incorporating one of the modern coccidiostats, such as lasalocid or decoquinate, in feed or salt to ensure an intake of approximately 1 mg of drug per kg of body weight per day for at least 30 consecutive days. Prevention and control of coccidiosis results in significantly greater weight gains and production, whereas disease with or without treatment is likely to result in inefficient production and economic loss to the producer. Cryptosporidiosis, caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, is primarily a disease of lambs and kids less than 30 days of age and is usually a milder disease than coccidiosis. Infective oocysts are passed in feces and are transmitted by oral ingestion. Oocysts readily infect a variety of animals, including humans. Cryptosporidiosis is a prevalent disease in neonatal ruminants and in humans. Effective treatments are not available, but because the disease is usually mild and self-limited, supportive care, primarily hydration, is important. Control is strict sanitation and quarantine of sick animals. Disinfection of contaminated housing with ammonia or formalin will kill the oocysts. The cyst-forming coccidia diseases, toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis, utilize two hosts in their life cycles: sheep or goats and carnivores. Abortions and reproductive failures are major manifestations of disease. Control is through elimination of carnivore feces from the premises through management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate signalment, history, clinical and pathologic findings, and seasonal weather patterns in association with fatal gastrointestinal parasitism in goats. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 152 goats that were > 1 day of age. PROCEDURES: Characteristics including age and counts of coccidia oocysts and trichostrongyle ova (eggs) per gram of feces (EPG) in goats that died because of gastrointestinal parasitism and goats that died because of other causes were compared. Weather data and annual incidence of caprine fatal gastrointestinal parasitism were investigated. RESULTS: Death was attributed to gastrointestinal parasitism in 31 of 152 (20%) goats (median age, 5 months; range, 1 month to 7 years); deaths were attributed to coccidiosis (n = 7 goats; median age, 4 months; median EPG, 2,225), trichostrongylosis (6 goats; median age, 1.25 years; median EPG, 3,700), or dual infection (18 goats; median age, 6.7 months; median EPG, 8,088 coccidia and 5,475 trichostrongyles). Sudden onset of weakness or death was a common historical finding; diarrhea was evident in 15 goats. Common postmortem findings in these goats included cachexia, tissue pallor, poorly formed feces, and mesenteric lymphadenomegaly. Wet weather in spring and summer was associated with increased annual incidence of fatal gastrointestinal parasitism in goats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Gastrointestinal parasitism is an important cause of death in goats. Clinical signs may not develop until just prior to death, and diagnosis is achieved via parasitologic evaluation of feces and necropsy. Seasonal weather patterns should be considered on an annual basis when designing parasite control programs for goats.  相似文献   

寄生虫病对山羊的健康影响较大,对内蒙古鄂托克旗7个苏木进行了粪便寄生虫卵检测,同时对患有腹泻的阿尔巴斯白绒山羊和健康阿尔巴斯白绒山羊进行血液生化指标检测和分析。结果显示,该地区阿尔巴斯白绒山羊所患寄生虫病主要是球虫病和线虫病。腹泻的阿尔巴斯白绒山羊血清中TG、ALT、AST、ALP显著(P<0.05)高于健康阿尔巴斯白绒山羊,TC和CK指标极显著(P<0.01)高于健康阿尔巴斯白绒山羊;而TP、ALB和GLU-God均低于健康阿尔巴斯白绒山羊(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为掌握福建省鸡球虫病的发病状况及影响因素,2009年12月至2010年11月,采用粪便漂浮法和卵囊培养法对本省的球虫病情况进行调查,并在实验室对送检的1 500份粪便样品进行了分析.结果发现当地鸡体内有6种球虫,分别是柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenlla)、巨型艾美耳球虫(E.maxima)、堆形艾美耳球虫(E...  相似文献   

邵阳市山羊寄生虫感染及其防治情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查邵阳市山阳寄生虫感染情况。方法随机抽样,每只山羊直肠掏粪,采用饱和食盐水漂浮法和沉淀法进行虫卵检查;对近2年内体温上升的部分山羊,采耳静脉血进行原虫检查;对近2年内死亡和屠宰的部分山羊采用寄生虫完全剖检法收集全部虫体按常规方法处理,逐条进行鉴定。结果随机抽取的246只山羊中。各种寄生虫虫卵感染率为44.31%。所检查的发热山羊中均有不同程度的血液原虫感染。剖检山羊,发现了16种体内外寄生虫感染。结论邵阳市山羊寄生虫感染较严重,存在多种寄生虫感染,且有混合感染现象。  相似文献   

Diversity and seasonal occurrence of coccidia in a communally reared mixed flock of sheep and goats at Mafikeng, North West Province, South Africa, was determined between March 2008 and February 2009. Faecal specimens were collected directly from the rectum of the animals and the number of oocysts per gram of faeces (opg) determined. The mean monthly opg for goats was significantly higher than that for sheep. Higher oocyst counts were observed during the hot, rainy season than during the cold, dry season. The highest mean values for both the sheep (862.5 opg) and goats (1200 opg) were recorded during March. Six species (Eimeria crandallis, E. bakuensis, E. weybridgensis, E. ahsata, E. intricata, and E. ovinoidalis) were recovered from sheep, with E. crandallis and E. bakuensis occurring most frequently. The last 2 species, together with E. ahsata, are considered among the most pathogenic species in sheep. In goats, 7 species (E. arloingi, E. jolchijevi, E. caprina, E. alijevi, E. caprovina, E. christenseni and E. hirci) were recovered, with E. arloingi and E. jolchijevi occurring most frequently. Up to 5 Eimeria species were recovered from individual specimens in goats while up to 4 were recovered in sheep. No cross-infections between goats and sheep were recorded and no clinical coccidiosis was noted during the study. It is increasingly becoming evident that the pathogenic E. arloingi is one of the most commonly occurring Eimeria species in goats in South Africa.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in a flock consisting of 110 goats. Nine species of coccidia were found: Eimeria christenseni, E. arloingi, E. jolchijev, E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. alijevi, E. apsheronica, E. caprina, E. caprovina and E. hirci. Eighty-one percent of adults and 100% of kids were infected. Number of oocysts per gram of feces in kids ranged form 1200 to 202000. Clinical symptoms in about 50% of kids were observed. Toltrazuril (Baycox, Bayer), 20 mg/kg of body weight was highly efficacious in therapy of goat coccidiosis.  相似文献   

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