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采用空间代替时间等方法,研究红砂岩侵蚀区不同治理模式下植物多样性变化,为红砂岩侵蚀区植被恢复先锋植物筛选及治理提供科学依据。结果表明,试验区高等植物125种,生活型以草本植物为主,共62种,同时提出了乔木层、灌木层和草本层的优势物种;裸地自然恢复和湿地松纯林模式物种多样性最高,其次为针阔混交林模式,马尾松纯林模式最低。裸地自然恢复模式乔木层多样性较低,灌木层和草本层多样性较高,马尾松纯林模式不同层次物种多样性均最低。 相似文献
生活污水灌溉对杨树林下植物多样性及生物量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用不同灌溉量(每周0、300 m3· hm-2、600 m3· hm-2、900 m3· hm-2、1200 m3· hm-2、1500 m3· hm-2)的生活污水对杨树林地进行灌溉试验,分析了生活污水灌溉杨树林地对其林下植物多样性及其生物量的影响。结果表明,随着灌溉量的增加,林下植物总物种数、多样性指数、生态优势度指数、均匀度指数增加,在每周灌溉600 m3· hm-2时达到最大值,然后随着灌溉量的增加而降低。林下植物的地下生物量也随着灌溉量的增加而增加,但在每周灌溉1200 m3· hm-2时达到最大值后开始降低。 相似文献
为探索适宜干旱河谷区的植被恢复,以岷江上游干旱河谷区为研究对象,设置了鱼鳞坑整地和水平阶整地两种整地类型,并对每种整地类型进行了不同的覆盖处理及施肥类型,研究不同植被恢复措施对植被多样性特征的影响。研究表明,水平阶整地总体上较鱼鳞坑整地更有利于植物物种数的增加;不同恢复措施群落物种多样性指数存在不同程度的差异,与对照相比,不同恢复措施总体上降低了灌木物种多样性,提高了草本物种多样性,这可能与恢复时间较短及生活型不同有关;由于恢复时间较短,不同植被恢复措施的植物群落均处于不稳定性状态。总体而言,水平阶整地优于鱼鳞坑整地,石块优于地膜和遮阳网,配方肥优于有机肥,水平阶+石块+配方肥植被恢复措施更有利于多样性和群落稳定性的提升,是该区域较优的恢复方式。 相似文献
不同经营模式对天然次生林林下物种多样性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以样方调查数据为基础,利用丰富度指数、Simp-son指数、Shannon-wiener指数和Pielou指数等对丹清河林场传统经营、近自然经营和未经营等三种经营模式下的针、阔天然次生林进行了多样性分析。结果表明:(1)同一林分,不同经营模式,林下物种组成不同,植物优势物种有很大变化;(2)灌木层Pielou均匀度指数在近自然经营模式高于其它两种经营模式,草本层Pielou均匀度指数在天然针叶林未经营模式最大,而在天然阔叶林随干扰程度提高而降低;(3)天然针叶林灌木层丰富度指数和多样性指数随着干扰水平提高而增大,草本层的丰富度指数和Shannon-wiener指数以近自然经营最高;(4)天然阔叶林灌木层和草本层丰富度指数和多样性指数随着干扰水平提高而降低。 相似文献
以承德市木兰围场油松人工林为研究对象,研究不同间伐强度油松人工林下植物的多样性。结果表明:中度间伐时其均匀度指数、Simpson多样性指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高;间伐强度40%~50%、保留密度900~1 000株 hm~(-2)的油松人工林林下植物多样性最为丰富,有利于森林生态系统的维护和保持。 相似文献
以山西省三交林场火烧迹地为研究对象,采用群落调查方法,分析了在自然更新下的不同植被恢复类型(油松人工林、灌木林、草本丛)下物种的组成及生物多样性。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,重度火烧后,草本丛的优势种重要值变化不明显,但喜阴耐旱的植物重要值显著升高;而灌木林主要以阳生耐旱草本植物占主要优势;油松人工林林分群落结构变化只是在灌木层和草本层中一些物种的更替。(2)重度火烧后所有植物的Simpson多样性指数均大于对照样地,油松人工林在重度火烧后多样性明显升高,油松人工林草本丛灌木林地。说明重度火烧2a后,不同类型植被恢复仍有一定的变化。 相似文献
为研究不同林下种植扰动模式对云南松人工林植被多样性的影响,在云南松人工林下,设置无干扰、30%扰动、50%扰动、100%扰动4种模式种植森林蔬菜大参,研究不同种植扰动模式对生物多样性的影响。结果显示:扰动增加了物种数量和生物多样性,无干扰模式(对照)调查到植物最少(22科37种),不同强度扰动后物种数均增加,以30%扰动模式最多(37科66种),物种数提高了78.38%,物种多样性的由高到低的规律为30%扰动>100%扰动>50%扰动>无干扰;总体上,云南松林下植物物种多样性指数为30%扰动模式最优,50%扰动模式次之,100%扰动模式物种多样性相对较低;物种生活型以高位芽植物和地面芽植物为主。研究结果表明:在云南松林下种植大参时以30%扰动模式较好。研究为解决当前林下种植单一追求经济效益而过度开垦林下土地,引起的生物多样性减少等生态问题作参考。 相似文献
研究了间伐强度对兴安落叶松林林下植物多样性和生物量的影响,为确定兴安落叶松林分的最佳采伐强度提供理论依据。以兴安落叶松林为研究对象,设置4种间伐强度(10%、20%、30%、40%)和对照的试验固定样地,对间伐5 a后各样地林下灌草多样性和生物量进行调查分析。结果表明:1)抚育间伐可以明显提高林下植物种类、Menhinick丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数,各层均以40%间伐强度最大,而生态优势度指数则呈递减趋势(P <0.05);2)适当加大间伐强度对林分林下植被层和枯落物层生物量具有促进作用,均以间伐强度30%为优(P <0.05);3)综上所述,在30%~40%的间伐强度下,兴安落叶松林林下植被多样性和生物量最高,林分质量最佳。 相似文献
以太行山片麻岩山区天然植被退化形成的荒草坡、基岩裸露的灌草坡及人工爆破整地形成的隔坡梯田台面和覆土梯田坡面4种立地类型为研究对象,通过植生袋、鱼鳞坑、营养钵、撒播等造林技术,在4种立地类型上进行乔灌草人工植被恢复技术试验示范,研究了不同立地类型的物种多样性变化。物种多样性调查结果表明:在灌木层中,荆条是天然退化山地的绝对优势种,多花胡枝子和荆条是人工整地梯田坡面的优势种,其他物种主要有酸枣、臭椿,灌木层生态优势度指数、物种多样性指数及均匀度指数由大到小顺序均为梯田坡面、梯田台面、荒草坡、灌草坡;草本层主要物种有中华隐子草、狗尾草、早熟禾、碱蓬、地梢瓜等,物种多样性指数由大到小依次为梯田台面、灌草坡、荒草坡、梯田坡面,而均匀度指数略有不同,其由大到小依次为梯田台面、荒草坡、灌草坡、梯田坡面,物种丰富度指数由大到小依次为灌草坡、梯田坡面、梯田台面、荒草坡,草本层物种丰富度明显高于灌木层,鲜有低矮乔木。不同造林技术试验结果表明:简易植生袋坡面恢复技术措施在基岩裸露的陡坡上实施1a后,萌发生长的紫花地丁和二月兰的保存率低,恢复状况差,植生袋破损严重,坡面稳定性差,难以实现恢复效果;灌草坡鱼鳞坑造林技术实施1a后,金叶榆、侧柏、黄栌、榆叶梅和樱花的存活率分别为99%、99%、85%、67%和48%,其中金叶榆、侧柏和黄栌的生长状况明显优于榆叶梅和樱花;荒草坡面撒播植被恢复技术实施1a后,紫苜蓿存活状况较好,紫花地丁和二月兰存活状况差,二月兰几乎无一存活;梯田坡面营养钵造林技术实施1a后,沙地柏成活率不足5%;梯田台面客土经济林营造技术实施结果表明:山桃、山杏、苹果、核桃都可以在片麻岩梯田台面上较好生长,经过合理的培育管理,能够取得可观的经济效益。 相似文献
杉木人工林及其采伐迹地林下植被物种多样性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对中国科学院会同森林生态实验站实验林场的杉木人工林及其采伐迹地撂荒而形成的林下植被群落进行了物种多样性分析和比较。结果表明,人工林与撂荒地相比,物种组成上有明显差异,但人工林林下物种多样性与撂荒地相比,差异不明显。杉木人工林和撂荒地的灌木、草本、藤本3层物种丰富度分别为56、38、41和79、40、38;Simpson多样性指数分别为0.935、0.931、0.828和0.944、0.948、0.830;均匀度指数分别为0.228、0.247、0.218和0.216、0.254、0.222。物种多样性差异不明显的主要原因是风倒木和干死木导致人工林乔木层郁闭度减小,增加了林下的光照,从而改变了林下的小生境。 相似文献
Zhongming Wen Xiaohui He Feng Jiao Tim R. McVicar Lingtao Li Tom G. Van Niel 《Frontiers of Forestry in China》2008,3(2):148-157
Vegetation suitability mapping is important for the selection of species for implementing the re-vegetation program in the
coarse sandy hill catchment areas of the Loess Plateau, China. We introduce a Boolean model, which uses a thin plate smoothing
spline interpolation method to model the distribution of precipitation and temperature and analyze the suitability of 38 species
using GIS techniques considering the requirement of these species for environmental conditions. Then we overlay a single suitability
map of these 38 species to obtain a species frequency map for a specific site. In our study, we mean with ‘high frequency’
a high suitability of a site for revegetation. The results show that we can model the spatial changes of vegetation suitability
with a combination of topographic analyses based on DEM and GIS functions. We also demonstrate these spatial changes on the
screen using Visual Basic language and GIS functions, which will help decision makers to have a clear view of species and
site suitability changes over large areas. Although more powerful models, such as GLM and GAM, were not used due to data limitation,
our methods can still provide some relevant insights for similar studies.
Translated from Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007, 5(1): 19–26 [译自: 水土保持科学] 相似文献
塞罕坝主要森林类型林下植被多样性研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以塞罕坝地区主要森林类型为研究对象,运用α多样性指数和β多样性指数对其林下灌木层和草本层生物多样性进行研究。结果表明,各林分类型草本层丰富度指数均大于灌木层丰富度指数。在多样性方面,灌木层的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最大的林分分别为樟子松林、山杨林,最小的是华北落叶松;草本层Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最大的林分分别为华北落叶松林、白桦林,最小的为山杨林。在均匀度上,灌木层Jsw和Jsi均匀度指数最大的林分均为樟子松,华北落叶松林最小。草本层均匀度指数Jsw最大为樟子松林,Jsi最大的为华北落叶松林,白桦和山杨都相对较小。对β多样性的研究则表明各林分类型之间灌木层和草本层的相异系数都较大,不同林分之间共有种较少。 相似文献
Xiang Li Jian-zhi Niu Jiao Li Bao-yuan Xie Yi-ni Han Jing-ping Tan Ying-hu Zhang 《林业研究》2012,23(3):419-424
We studied the impact of forest vegetation on soil erosion,surface runoff, and sediment generation by using field simulated rainfall apparatus. We measured runoff and sediment generation of five 4.5 × 2.1m runoff plots (a bare soil as a control; two Pinus tabulaeformis forestplots and two Platycladus orientalis forest with row spacing of 1 m × 1m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m, respectively) in Beijing Jiu Feng National ForestPark under three rainfall intensities (0.42, 0.83, 1.26 mm per minute).Forest vegetation significantly reduced soil erosion and sediment yield.Mean total runoff volume in the four tree stand plots was 93% of that inthe control plot, demonstrating the limited effectiveness of forest vegetation in runoff control. With increasing rainfall intensity, runoff reductionin forest plots declined from 28.32% to 2.1%. Similar trends in runoff coefficient and the relationship between runoff volume and rainfall duration was observed. Mean total sediment yield and mean sediment yield reduction rate under different treatments was 55.05% and 43.17% of those in the bare soil control plot, respectively. Rainfall intensity playedan important role in runoff and sediment generation processes, and had agreater impact on runoff than on soil erosion and sediment generation.When considering several factors in runoff and sediment transport processes, the P. tabulae form plot with row spacing at 1 × 1 m had a greater effect on soil and water conservation than did other forested plots. 相似文献
Over-exploitation and rural growth have severely damaged native vegetations of Aravalli hills in Rajasthan, India. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different restoration practices (i.e., rainwater harvesting (RWH) and planting of tree seedlings) on improve- ment in soil water and nutrients and growth and biomass of herbaceous vegetation. Contour trench (CT), Gradonie (G), Box trench (BT), V-ditch (VD) and a control were imposed on 75 plots (each of 700 m 2 ) in natural slope gradient defined as <10%, 10% 20% and >20% slopes in 2005. Each plot had three micro-sites of 1-m 2 at up (USP), middle (MSP) and lower (LSP) part of the plot for observation in 2008. The existed gradient (due to soil texture and topographic features) of soil pH, EC, SOC, NH 4 - N, NO 3 -N and PO 4 -P in June 2005 between >20% to <10% slopes were decreased in 2008 after applying RWH techniques. Such improvement in soil status promoted vegetation growth and biomass in higher slope gra- dients. Soil water, species diversity and herbage biomass increased from USP to LSP, and RWH techniques had positive role in improving SOC, nutrients, vegetation population, evenness and growth at MSP. Despite of lowest SWC, regular rain and greater soil water usage enhanced green and dry herbage biomasses in 10% 20% and >20% slopes, compared with <10% slope. The highest diversity in CT treatment was related to herbage biomass, which was enhanced further by highest concentrations of SOC and PO 4 -P. Further, CT treatment was found to be the best treat- ment in minimizing biomass variance in different slopes. Conclusively, soil texture and topographic features controlled soil water and nutrients availability. Rainwater harvesting techniques increased soil water storage and nutrient retention and also enhanced vegetation status and biomass by minimizing the effects of hillslopes. Thus depending upon the site conditions, suitable RWH technique could be adopted to increase herb- age biomass while rehabilitating the degraded hills. 相似文献