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Cross-fostering has been attempted opportunistically with endangered canids as a means of increasing populations. Due to the usefulness of cross-fostering for conservation, an understanding of factors influencing success rates is essential. Using captive coyotes (Canis latrans) as a model, we assessed the willingness of adult pairs to foster young born to other parents. We assessed the efficacy of fostering pups into existing litters (augmentation) and completely switching litters (replacement). We augmented four litters with two pups of similar age when pups were <7 days old. In addition, we replaced four entire litters when pups were <10 days old. We also augmented litters with pups 3-4 and 6-7 weeks of age. Survival, weight gain, and dominance status of pups were monitored for six weeks and compared to four control litters to determine success. All complete litter replacements were successful with survival rates among replaced pups (89.5%) similar to those of control litters (90%). For augmented litters, pup survival was dependent on the age at which fostering occurred. All pups fostered into 4 litters at <1 week of age survived beyond 6 weeks of age, two of three fostering attempts with 3-4-week-old pups succeeded, while neither of two attempts to foster 6-week-old pups succeeded. Surviving fostered pups appeared to be at no disadvantage. Weight gains were similar for pups in all treatments, and there was no evidence of reduced dominance status among fostered pups as compared to natal pups in the same litters. These results illustrate that genetic relatedness is not essential for successful fostering and does not appear to alter dominance patterns; however the age at which pups are fostered may affect the success of fostering attempts.  相似文献   

农业景观害虫控制生境管理及植物配置方法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
集约化农业生产过程中,化学农药所带来的大量环境问题日益引起关注。为减少农药的投入及其所产生的环境负效应,生物防治害虫的方法在国内外得到了更多的关注与发展。生境管理是一种有利于天敌群落发展,而不利于害虫种群增长的保护性生物防治方法,其实质是通过为自然天敌提供诸如花蜜、替代猎物或寄主、躲避不利干扰的庇护所等资源,将农业景观中天敌的害虫控制服务和功能最大化,或者通过构建不适宜害虫取食和繁殖的环境条件起到抑制或阻碍害虫发展的作用。本文在参阅国内外文献的基础上,阐述了生境管理控制害虫的机理,并总结国外生物防治的实践经验以及近些年国内外的相关研究,概括提出田间尺度上害虫生物防治的非作物生境及作物生境的建设和植物配置方法,为通过生境管理提升农业景观中害虫生物防治生态系统服务提供参考。  相似文献   

Experiments that investigate the pattern of degradation of pest control substances in soil are often undertaken to estimate the persistence of compounds in the environment. Mathematical models are typically fit to decay data to facilitate the interpretation of the results and make predictions concerning the environmental fate of xenobiotics in soil. Four mathematical models were fit to 61 data sets to compare their performance in conforming to empirical patterns of degradation of pest control substances in soil. The use of composite residual plots allowed comparisons of the performance of the different models over many data sets. While an exponential model, estimated using nonlinear regression, fit many data sets very well, a shift-log, biexponential, and Monod equation appears superior in many cases, and systematic deviations from data sets are often less evident with the latter models. A knowledge of the patterns of bias typically exhibited by each model across many data sets may be useful for selecting models with reduced bias when fitting individual data sets.  相似文献   

稻田病虫害生态防控模式及其在西南地区的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由于受气候、种植制度、栽培方式、生态环境和品种多样化等因素的综合影响,水稻病虫害危害程度加重,防控压力增大;同时,由于当前我国农村劳动力的匮乏以及文化水平的限制,病虫害防治过分依赖化学药剂,造成环境污染,威胁食品安全。基于此,通过对传统优秀农业植保技术的挖掘、提高以及现代科学技术的发展、应用,一些以农业、物理和生物防治为关键技术的生态综合防控模式正被广泛应用并进行示范推广,逐渐显现出病虫害防治和减少农药施用的优势。本文总结并梳理了当前西南稻作区主要的稻田病虫害生态防控模式及其应用成效,结果发现:杂糯间作的品种多样性防控模式可有效控制稻瘟病,但增加了劳动量;稻鸭共作的生物多样性防控模式可有效控制纹枯病、稻飞虱、叶蝉、福寿螺和杂草,但对技术水平和市场条件要求较高。此外,对昆虫性信息素、生物农药、植物性驱虫剂和天敌保护利用技术等生物防控技术的优缺点进行了总结和分析。  相似文献   

20,25-Diazacholesterol is being evaluated as a contraceptive for the nonlethal control of avian and mammalian wildlife pests. The identification of an analyte in blood which was highly correlated with absorbed dose and efficacy is valuable for determining effective formulations and dosing variables. Such an analyte or biomarker is also valuable for determining the percentage of pest populations that consume an effective dose of the active ingredient in the field. HPLC analyses of blood collected from dosed animals failed to detect 20,25-diazacholesterol but indicated that levels of free cholesterol and related compounds were affected by 20,25-diazacholesterol absorption. The greatest percent change in chromatographic peak area associated with 20,25-diazacholesterol administration was observed for desmosterol, a cholesterol precursor. 20,25-Diazacholesterol appeared to block the conversion of desmosterol to cholesterol, resulting in an elevated concentration of the precursor. The elevation of blood desmosterol levels is being used as an indicator of 20,25-diazacholesterol absorption and to facilitate the development of a 20,25-diazacholesterol-based contraceptive for pest wildlife.  相似文献   



This paper aims to study the ecological effects of rice-duck integrated farming on soil fertility and weed and pest control.

Materials and methods

A field experiment was carried out in the suburb of Shanghai in 2014, which included a rice-duck integrated treatment and non-duck treatment (CK) under organic management. Each treatment was in triplicate, and the experiment included six plots in total, with each plot 667 m2 in area.

Results and discussion

(1) The number of weeds in the plots with the duck treatment was significantly lower than that with CK (p?<?0.01). (2) The incidence of stem borers (Chilo suppressalis) with the duck treatment was significantly lower than that with CK (p?<?0.05). The incidences of rice leaf rollers (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis), rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani), and planthoppers with the duck treatment were extremely significantly lower than those with CK (p?<?0.01). (3) The contents of NH4 +-N, alkali-hydrolyzable N, available P, and available K in the soils with the duck treatment were higher than those with CK, and the activities of urease, phosphatase, sucrase, and catalase in the soils with the duck treatment were also much higher than those with CK. The grain yield with the duck treatment was 1.9 times that with CK. (4) The number of soil nematodes with the duck treatment was significantly higher than that with CK in the late rice growing stage (p?<?0.01).


Raising ducks in the paddy fields not only showed a potential of controlling weed hazards and reducing rice pests and diseases but also raised soil fertility, improved soil biodiversity, and increased grain yield effectively. Implementing the rice-duck integrated farming could highly reduce the amount of pesticides and herbicides and was beneficial to develop the organic rice farming in the suburbs of Shanghai, Southeast China.

The primary goal of a sampling plan for natural toxins, i.e., mycotoxins and seafood toxins, is to obtain a sample that accurately represents the concentrations of individual components of a given lot. Factors affecting the ability of the sampling plan to accomplish this goal include: (1) nature of the analyte of interest; (2) distribution of the analyte throughout the lot, (3) physical characteristics of the product, (4) accessibility of the product to random representative sampling, (5) sampling procedure, and (6) size of sample. Sampling plans are composed of 3 distinct components: (a) sampling, (b) sample preparation, and (c) analysis. Normally, sampling contributes the largest relative error while analysis comprises the least. Automatic, continuous stream samplers provide the most representative samples for commodities such as nuts, cottonseed, and cereal grains. Good sample preparation equipment is currently available for these commodities; the use of this equipment to obtain a representative test sample is discussed.  相似文献   

基于WebGIS的农作物病虫害预警系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为适应农作物病虫资料信息化、网络化、规范化的要求,及各级植保技术人员日常工作的需要,应用开源免费的设计软件PHP+Apache+MapServer+MySQL,构建一套基于WebGIS的病虫数据库及自动预警系统(WPDAWS)。该系统采用开放式的设计模式,为各级用户(省、市、县)提供一个强大的数据管理平台。通过树型动态菜单和在线数据表设计系统,用户可根据需要自行按规范化标准建立和管理自己的病虫数据库(表);应用WebGIS,系统可对大尺度、宏观的虫情数据进行分析和判断;系统可对用户的田间原始数据进行自动处理,对各种病虫进行短期预警;系统集成了数理统计分析模块,协助用户建立中长期预测模型。系统操作简单方便,应用性强,适用面广,对于加强农作物病虫害信息网络化管理和宏观科学决策具很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

不同防治策略对果园害虫天敌群落的影响试验结果表明,与果农常规防治策略(主要使用化学合成农药防治害虫)试区相比,机油乳剂防治策略(主要使用机油乳剂防治害虫)试区柑橘害虫天敌群落丰富度较高,且随该防治策略的继续实施而进一步逐年提高,天敌群落均匀度指数较稳定,而天敌群落多样性指数则无明显变化。  相似文献   

基于内容的小麦害虫图像检索系统研究与实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以小麦害虫图像为研究对象,研究并开发了基于内容的害虫图像检索系统。重点研究了基于内容的图像检索中的图像特征提取、图像相似性度量和用户相关反馈技术。提出一种重叠四分块颜色矩和一种基于BP神经网络的图像相似性度量方法,并引入灰色相关反馈算法实现了基于语义的图像检索。应用排序评价方法、查准率与查全率对系统的检索性能进行测试,结果表明,系统具有一定的实用性,为快速准确地诊断、识别农作物害虫和害虫图像资源共享提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

基于软X射线成像的储粮害虫米象生长阶段检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了准确检测单粒小麦内部是否感染米象(Sitophilus oryzae),利用软X射线成像检测技术对感染不同生长阶段米象的小麦颗粒进行成像,试图通过图像分析来确定小麦内部米象的幼虫、蛹和成虫等不同生长阶段,并利用随机重复抽样建模来评价结果可靠性。通过对被感染米象虫卵不同天数小麦的图像分析发现,图像灰度分布直方图随感染天数变化明显,低灰度值区域(灰度值为10~102)的灰度区域像素点随感染天数增加而减少,中灰度(灰度值为103~162)和高灰度区域(灰度值为163~232)则随感染天数增加而增多。使用包括图像灰度分布和纹理特征等47个特征值,利用线性判别分析(Linear Discriminant Analysis,LDA)与二次判别分析(Quadratic Discriminant Analysis,QDA)建立判别模型,并通过多次随机重复抽样(1 000次)对模型预测效果进行评估分析。结果表明:在95% 置信区间下,在感染与未感染小麦的分类判别中,LDA的判别准确率都在76%以上,除幼虫外生长阶段判别正确率达到95%以上;而QDA的平均判别准确率较低且判别误差也相对较高。因此,该研究使用随机重复抽样方法LDA模型判别小麦是否受到米象感染和区分不同生长阶段是准确可靠的。  相似文献   

We examined the behavior of bobcats and coyotes in a fragmented urban area northwest of Los Angeles, California, from July 1998 to October 1999. Activity patterns of bobcats and coyotes were crepuscular with no apparent shift to nocturnality, but activity was somewhat lower during daylight hours than in an unfragmented reference area, implying some avoidance of humans. Home ranges were not significantly larger in fragmented than in unfragmented habitat, probably because unproductive development within a home range may have been balanced by availability of human-related food, such as fruit, garbage, and pets. Female bobcat home ranges were generally within a single fragment, while male bobcats and coyotes of both sexes included more than one fragment. Both species tended to cross over roads rather than use culverts. Culverts were more likely to be used earlier in the night, during heavier traffic, and if they contained less water. Bobcats and coyotes used corridors as habitat and, less often, for travel. Both species also crossed development to move between fragments, but seemed to prefer corridors when available. Our results indicate that bobcats and coyotes persisting in an urban environment adjust behaviorally to habitat fragmentation and human activities, in part through temporal and spatial avoidance. Both species appeared willing to cross well-travelled roads despite the availability of culverts; consequently, vehicular collision is an important cause of mortality (50%) and needs attention.  相似文献   

棉花虫害诊断系统的设计与Web实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了推广棉花虫害诊断知识,满足更多棉农对领域专家诊断的需求,该文利用Java和Web技术,并以SQL Server2000为数据库开发工具,设计了一套网络化的棉花虫害诊断系统,实现了借助互联网对棉花虫害进行远程诊断的目标。该系统引入了模糊推理与案例相结合的方法,对棉花虫害的诊断及原有知识获取方法进行改进,提高了棉花虫害诊断的准确度和效率,弥补了单纯运用案例检索方法诊断的不足;系统不仅提供了知识浏览、案例查询、专家咨询等功能,可为棉农提供快速、方便、准确的智能查询服务,而且可通过专家咨询功能,向棉农提供在线远程会诊服务。  相似文献   

In managing non-native species, surveillance programmes aim to minimise the opportunity for invasions to develop from initial introductions through early detection. However, this is dependent on surveillance methods being able to detect species at low levels of abundance to avoid false-negative recordings through imperfect detection. We investigated through field experimentation the ability to detect Pseudorasbora parva, a highly invasive pest fish in Europe, in relation to their known density and sampling method. Secure pond mesocosms of area 100 m2 contained P. parva densities from 0.02 to 5.0 m−2; each density was in triplicate. These were searched using point sampling electric fishing and deployment of fish traps (non-baited and baited). No fish were captured at densities <0.5 m−2 using any method and this was considered their detection threshold. Point sample electric fishing was the least effective detection method, producing high proportions of false-negative data even at high fish densities. Baited traps were the most effective detection method. Probability of detection of P. parva was 1.0 for baited traps at all densities >0.5 m−2, whereas for electric fishing it only exceeded 0.95 at 5.0 m−2 using high searching effort. These data reveal that small pest fishes such as P. parva may be prone to imperfect detection when at low densities and this is consistent with a number of other invasive species. This indicates the importance of designing surveillance programmes using methods of known statistical power to optimise conservation resource expenditure and enhance management outcomes.  相似文献   

Kokako (Callaeas cinerea wilsoni) population recovery on the North Island of New Zealand depends primarily on control of key introduced mammal pests, especially ship rats (Rattus rattus) and brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Recovery can still occur if pest control is pulsed (x years ‘on’; y years ‘off’) because kokako sub-adults and adults are generally long-lived, although chick production is high only during ‘on’ years. Pulsing effort means that conservation resources can be extended to other sites or problems during ‘off’ years; that toxin input at any one site is reduced; and that project staff do not burn out by repeatedly working at a site. Mathematical modelling supports empirical evidence that pests need not be controlled every year in order to maintain or greatly increase kokako populations. It predicts that the total number of years during which there is pest control is the main factor determining population size. Three years of pest control in each 10 should be sufficient to at least maintain a population with 20 females when mean parameters apply, but pulsed control should still be effective with very pessimistic parameters. In the safest strategies, control should occur in minimum pulses of 2-3 years to avoid single poor years when few breeding attempts are made. Very small populations should first be increased to at least 20 females by translocation or continuous pest control. This will greatly reduce the probability of chance extinction, and increase the efficiency of subsequent pest control. The model will apply best to closed kokako populations below carrying capacity, in which pests are controlled over the entire block. Empirical data on the effects of habitat carrying capacity on kokako dispersal, and on the importance of stoats as predators of adult females are required to further strengthen the model.  相似文献   

Intake of flavanols, a subgroup of dietary polyphenols present in many fruits and vegetables, may be associated with health benefits, particularly with reducing the risk of coronary diseases. Cocoa and chocolate products are rich in flavanol monomers, oligomers, and polymers (procyanidins). This study used normal phase HPLC to detect, identify, and quantify epicatechin, catechin, total monomers, procyanidin oligomers and polymers in 14 commercially available chocolate bars. In addition, methylxanthines (theobromine and caffeine) were also quantified. Nonfat cocoa solids (NFCS) were determined both gravimetrically and by calculation from theobromine contents. The flavanol levels of 12 commonly consumed brands of dark chocolate have been quantified and correlated with % theobromine and % NFCS. Epicatechin comprised the largest fraction of total chocolate flavonoids, with the remainder being catechin and procyanidins. Calculated NFCS did not reflect epicatechin (R(2) = 0.41) or total flavanol contents (R(2) = 0.49). Epicatechin (R(2) = 0.96) was a reliable marker of total flavanols, catechin (R(2) = 0.67) to a lesser extent. All dark chocolate tested contained higher levels of total flavanols (93.5-651.1 mg of epicatechin equiv/100 g of product) than a milk or a white "chocolate" (40.6 and 0.0 mg of epicatechin equiv/100 g, respectively). The amount and integrity of procyanidins often suffer in the manufacturing of chocolate, chiefly due to oxidation and alkalinization. In this study, the labeled cocoa content of the chocolate did not always reflect analyzed levels of flavonoids. Increasingly, high % NFCS is being used commercially to reflect chocolate quality. If the flavanol content of chocolate is accepted to be a key determinant of health benefits, then continued monitoring of flavanol levels in commercially available chocolate products may be essential for consumer assurance.  相似文献   


NutraSweet sludge, a by‐product of the production of the noncarbohydrate sweetener aspartame, is often used as a N fertilizer for crops. However, its performance with respect to inorganic N fertilizers is not well understood. This work was conducted to compare NutraSweet sludge to ammonium sulfate and urea as an N fertilizer for wheat and corn. Samples from two soils were mixed with one of the three N sources to achieve rates of 0, 25, 50, 100, or 150 mg N kg‐1. The treated soil was placed in pots, which were used to grow corn or wheat for 45 days in the greenhouse. Above‐ground dry matter yields of com and wheat increased as N rate increased from 0 to 50 or 100 mg N kg‐1. Above 100 mg N kg‐1, dry matter yields decreased. In general, at a given N rate, NutraSweet sludge produced dry matter yields that were equal to or higher than those obtained with ammonium sulfate or urea. The results suggest that NutraSweet sludge could be managed as an ammoniacal N fertilizer when applied to crops.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of measures of mineralized sulfur (S), soil sulfate‐sulfur (SO4‐S), concentration of S in plant tissue, and the N: S ratio in plant tissue as predictors of the need for S in a fertilizer program for corn (Zea mays L.). Data to evaluate the use of plant analysis for S as a predictor were obtained from ten sites where various rates of N and S were applied to corn. Regression analysis was used to relate the S concentration in the ear leaf tissue as well as the N: S ratio in the same tissue to relative yield when the rate of applied N was held constant at a rate of 168 kg/ha. These measures of S in plant tissue were not significantly related to relative yield at sites where there was no response to fertilizer S as well as sites where added S increased yield.

Data from the same sites were used to assess the ability of soil tests to predict the need for fertilizer S. A measurement of extractable SO4‐S in the surface soil (0–15 cm) was not reliable for predicting the need for S for corn grown on soils with a silt loam texture.

Static incubation techniques were used to evaluate the amount of S mineralized from soil collected from seven sites. The amount of SO4‐S measured after four and twelve weeks of incubation was curvilinearly related (p <.05) to yield increase from a S fertilizer. Net mineralized S was less than 2.1 and 3.7 ppm SO4‐S after four and twelve weeks of incubation, respectively, for soils taken from sites where response to fertilizer S was obtained. Data collected in this study indicate that a measure of mineralized S could improve the ability to predict S needs for corn production on soils with a silt loam texture and a low organic matter content.  相似文献   

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