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From January to July 1989 eight egg surveys were carried out in the southeastern North Sea. The first three surveys were designed to estimate the egg production of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and cod (Gadus morhua). The other five surveys were aimed at the eggs of sole (Solea solea) and horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) Of a selection of the samples collected in 1989 all fish eggs were identified to species. This paper presents data on the distribution, timing and intensity of spawning of the flatfish species plaice, flounder (Platichthys flesus), dab (Limanda limanda), long rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides), sole, solenette (Buglossidium luteum), turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and scaldfish (Arnoglossus laterna).Egg mortality was studied in plaice and sole and compared to previous estimates. Plaice egg mortality in 1988 and 1989 was higher than in 1987, coinciding with higher ambient temperatures. Egg production in sole was recorded earlier in the year in 1988 to 1990 than in 1984, and at lower ambient temperatures. Sole egg mortality rates were shown to be lower in 1988 to 1990 than in 1984.  相似文献   

Flatfish selection by scavenging herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls was studied onboard a commercial beamtrawler in the southern North Sea, June2 -August 1993. Dab (median total length 18 cm), plaice (23 cm), sole (22 cm) and solenette (10 cm) dominated the flatfish discard fraction of the catch. The overall consumption amounted to 30.5% of the discarded flatfish. Flatfish were selected on the basis of fish width rather than length or species, with very low consumption rates (percentage consumed of number offered) of flatfish >8 cm width. All discarded solenette, 98% of all sole and 92% of all dab were of suitable size for these gulls, whereas only 12% of all discarded plaice were small enough to be consumed. Consumption rates of discarded flatfish of ‘suitable size’ for herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls (<8 cm width) ranged from 25.9% (plaice) to 40.5% (dab). Success indices and selected size classes of flatfish in scavenging herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls feeding on flatfish were similar, but the first were more efficient than the latter and lost fewer flatfish as a consequence of kleptoparasitism. In contrast to earlier suggestions (based on dietary studies in colonies), there was no evidence that herring gulls were outcompeted by lesser black-backed gulls when feeding on discarded fish.  相似文献   

In several locations in the Flores Sea region the community structure and the biomass distribution of seagrasses were studied along transects perpendicular to the shoreline. The share of each species within a sample plot was estimated, divided in above- and below-ground biomass. Statistics regarding substrate coverage, shoot density and leaf-area index were sampled. A standard relation was calculated between seagrass dry weight, ash-free dry weight and organic carbon content.The biotic data were related to environmental factors: DOC and nutrients in the water, salinity, tidal amplitude, sediment composition. A relation was estimated between bottom coverage of seagrasses and standing stock. Further calculations of biomass-production ratios allow a quick and rough estimate of seagrass productivity. Maximum above-ground biomass values (500–700 g AFDW·m−2) together with qualitative data indicate resource (= space) partitioning among the component seagrasses within a community, and suggest a carrying capacity of the reefflat habitat for seagrass density and biomass.A tentative model was constructed, starting from a constant, non-distributed multispecies vegetation in the lower intertidal and subtidal zone on sand and coral rubble, and moving into several suboptimal situations. The upper shore carries an impoverished, constrained vegetation (irregular tides, desiccation, harvesting). Sediment reworking by animals and physical displacement of sand disturbs the vegetation and favours pioneer species. Muddy habitats bordering mangroves carry monospecific stands showing extremely high biomass (e.g. below-ground Enhalus acoroides 3500 g AFDW·m−2). Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides are the most constant species in all habitats mentioned.Macrofauna biomass within the seagrass beds fluctuated widely (maximum values 50–70 g AFDW·m−2 in mixed seagrass vegetations) and only a weak relation between benthic macrofauna biomass and seagrass community structure and biomass was found.  相似文献   

Analyses of the 1985 to 1989 juvenile flatfish survey data from the Grand Bank off the east coast of Newfoundland has delimited two major areas of juvenile American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, concentrations: one on the northern slope and one on the southern edge of the bank. A major concentration of juvenile yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea, was distributed in the area of the Southeast Shoal on the southern Grand Bank. Juveniles of both species shared their distribution with their adult population and there was some overlap by juveniles of both species on the southern Grand Bank. These areas of concentrations are hypothesized to be oceanic nursery sites for both Grand Bank species.The northern plaice nursery area is fished heavily by the Canadian otter-trawler fleet because the majority of the adult population is located in this area. The southern nursery area for plaice is fished heavily by many otter-trawl fleets of other nations since it is located outside of Canada's 200-mile fishing boundary. The southern nursery area for juvenile yellowtail flounder straddles the 200-mile boundary and, consequently, is fished heavily by Canadian (inside) and non-Canadian (outside) fleets. The implications of these dual fisheries on the southern Grand Bank is discussed in terms of discarding of under-sized fish by the Canadian fleet inside the 200-mile boundary and the directed effort on juveniles outside the boundary.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is important as a stop-over and wintering area for several species of waders, foraging for shorter or longer times on its tidal flats. The size of the food stocks these birds encounter varies from place to place and from year to year. We studied characteristics of the variability in time of such prey stocks, using long-term data series of annual estimates of biomass of macrobenthic animals collected on tidal flats in various parts of the Dutch and German Wadden Sea. Year-to-year fluctuations were stronger in nearly all individual benhos species than in total macrozoobenthic biomass. The various species differed significantly in their year-to-year variability. Everywhere the tellinid bivalve Macoma balthica was relatively stable, whereas species such as the cockle Cerastoderma edule and the polychaetes Lanice conchilega, Nephtys hombergii and Anaitides mucosa fluctuated heavily and rapidly in all parts of the Wadden Sea where they were found. Within species, fluctuations in biomass of individual age or size classes were stronger than those in total biomass of the species.Several species showed minimal biomass values in the same years over vast areas. This synchronization of scarcity was caused particularly by similar responses to winter character, which was each year similar over the entire Wadden Sea. Such similar responses included low over-winter survival during severe winters and recruitment failure after exceptionally mild winters. Immediately after severe winters, such cold-sensitivee species as C. edule, L. conchilega and N. hombegii were scarce all over the Waden Sea, thus liimiting the possibilities for birds to switch to other parts of the Wadden Sea to find their preferred prey in sufficient quantitu. Simultaneous recruitment failure in several important bivalve species (C. edule, Mytilus edulis, and Mya arenaria limited the possibility for specialized bivalve consumers to switch to alternative prey types in certain years.  相似文献   

For several reasons, waders in the Wadden Sea face a large seasonal and annual variation in their food supply. Observations on a tidal flat in the Dutch Wadden Sea have shown that:
  • 1.- (1) The average energy density of ten invertebrate prey species varies between 21 and 23 kJ·g−1 AFDW. In Scrobicularia plana and Mya arenaria, but not in Macoma balthica, the energy density is 10% lower in winter than in summer.
  • 2.- (2) Depending on the species, body weights of prey of similar size are 30 to 60% lower in winter than in summer.
  • 3.- (3) The year-to-year fluctuation in standing-crop biomass is larger in some species than in others, the difference depending mainly on the frequency of successful recruitment. The overall biomass of the macrobenthos in winter is half of that in summer, but the timing of the peak biomass differs per species.
  • 4.- (4) The burying depth varies per species: Cerastoderma edule live just beneath the surface, while M. balthica, S. plana, M. arenaria, Arenicola marina and Nereis diversicolor bury more deeply and the majority of these prey live out of reach of the bird's bill. In all six species, burying depth increases with size. There is no seasonal variation in depth of C. edule and M. arenaria, but the four other species live at most shallow depth in early summer and most deeply in midwinter. Burying depths in winter vary from year to year, but are unrelated to temperature. Neither has temperature any effect on depth within months. For knot Calidris canutus feeding on M. balthica, the fluctuation in the accessible fraction was the main source of variation in the biomass of prey that is actually harvestable, i.e. the biomass of prey of suitable size that is accessible.Accordingly, the paper reviews the available data on the temporal variations in accessibility, detectability, ingestibility, digestibility and profitability of prey for waders. Only a small part of the prey is harvestable since many accessible prey are ignored because of their low profitability, while many profitable prey are inaccessible. The profitability of prey depends on their size and weight but also on their depth in the mud, since handling time increases with burying depth. A simple biomechanical rule explains why the handling time of small prey increases with bill length and why large, long-billed waders ignore a disproportionately larger part of the small prey. The fraction detectable for visually feeding waders is usually very low, especially when the temperature of the substrate is below 3–6°C. Waders vary their prey choice over the year in response to the changes in the availability and profitability of their different prey species. The food supply harvestable by waders is much lower in winter than in summer. For waders wintering in the Wadden Sea, the food supply may be characterized as unpredictable and usually meagre. Waders wintering in NW Europe are concentrated in coastal sites where the average surface temperature is above 3°C. This probably cannot be explained by a greater burying depth, and only partly by a lower body condition, of prey in colder areas. Yet the harvestable fraction is lower in colder sites, especially for sight-feeding waders, as invertebrates are less active at low temperatures. However, the lower energetic cost of living and reduced chances of the prey being covered by ice may also contribute to the waders' preference for warmer sites.

Large epibenthos (>1 cm.) was dredged in the German Wadden Sea and in adjacent offshore areas at 10 to 30 m depth in Helgoland Bight. There were apparent differences in species composition and relative abundances between the 2 regions. The hypothesis of increasing species richness in offshore direction and of increased individual numbers inshore was tested. Neither proposition was found to be generally true.Regional species number was higher offshore (85) than inshore (73). However, a direct comparison of 11 + 11 localities and of 66 + 66 dredge hauls revealed no significant differences. Ratios of species richness for localities versus regions and for hauls versus localities differed significantly, indicating a higher regional heterogeneity offshore and a higher habitat heterogeneity inshore. Thus, causes for an overall similar diversity were found on different spatial dimensions.Few species were encountered on bottoms subject to the riverine waters of Elbe and Weser. Many decapod crustaceans attained stronger populations inshore, while ophiuroids completely dominated the epibenthos offshore and caused higher individual numbers there. Historical sources suggest that the epibenthos was richer in the past than it is now.  相似文献   

Density and growth of an Amphiura filiformis population living at a station in the Oyster Ground (southern North Sea) were monitored during 2 successive years (1982–1984). During this period, the density of adult animals (disk size > 4 mm) was constant and they numerically dominated the 1 mm sieve fraction of the samples. The size distribution of these adults was nearly constant and year classes were not discernable among these larger individuals. Annual recruitment was observed, but growth and survival rates of juveniles were low. During their first year, the disk size of recruits increased from 0.3 to 1.2 mm, and to 2.2 mm in their second year. Approximately 10% of the recruits of the 1982 year class survived the first 8 months. Of the recruits of the 1983 year class only 3% survived after 9 months. Consequently, the contribution by juveniles to the annual production of body tissue was small during the observation period.Adult somatic growth could not be assessed due to the apparent lack of disk growth. Regenerating arms, however, were very common among the larger individuals. Only 4% of the individuals in a sample had intact arms, whereas 55% of the animals (or 20% of all arms) had one or more ‘recent’ distal regenerations distinguishable by their smaller diameter. These regenerations presumably account for a large part of the annual growth and somatic production.Stomach content analysis of demersal fish in this area suggests that Amphiura arms form an important part of the diet of the dab, Limanda limanda. Annual consumption of Amphiura arms by dab was estimated to be 0.84 g wet weight-m−2, which is equivalent to 420 arms or 6% of the arm population. Considering the large number of adult animals in the population and regeneration capabilities of the species, the grazing by dab will have only little if any effect on the population.  相似文献   

Data on the by-catch of Scyphomedusae from pelagic trawls was collected during the routine ICES International 0-group Gadoid Surveys of the North Sea, in June and July of the years 1971–1986 (except 1984). These data are used to describe the distributions, abundances and biomasses of three common North Sea Scyphomedusae: Aurelia aurita (L.), Cyanea capillata (L.) and C. lamarckii (Péron & Lesuer). Information is also presented on inter-annual variability, size (umbrella diameter) frequencies and, for the Cyanea species, umbrella diameter: wet weight relationships. The general role and ecological significance of Scyphomedusae is discussed and, given the well known ‘shelter’ relationships between Scyphomedusae and certain 0-group fish, whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), in particular. The data were examined for evidence of such relationships.Aurelia aurita, although fairly widespread in the northern North Sea was virtually absent from the central North Sea but very abundant in coastal waters. This species was particularly abundant off the Scottish east coast and especially in the Moray Firth.Cyanea lamerckii was most abundant in the southern and eastern North Sea. More widespread than Aurelia, this species was also most abundant in coastal regions, particularly off the Danish west coast.Cyanea capillata, with a more northern distribution was also more widely distributed and abundant offshore. This species was most abundant in the area between the Orkney/Shetland Isles and the Norwegian Deep and in shelf waters of the north west approaches to the North Sea. As with C. lamarckii it was also, in some years, abundant off the Scottish east coast and west of Denmark.The abundance and the size frequency of the jellyfish show considerable inter-annual variability, and variability between regions of the North Sea. It is considered that hydrographic variability and differences in food supply to both medusae and to their sessile benthic polyps, are the major causes of the observed differences between years and areas.The impact of Scyphomedusae on fishing and recreational activities is discussed.  相似文献   

In August–October 1988–1992 we studied the distribution and abundance of knots Calidris canutus around Griend in the western Wadden Sea, and the extent to which these can be explained by benthic prey availability and presence of avian predators. Numbers in the nonbreeding season showed monthly averages of 10 000 to 25 000 birds. Over 100 000 knots were recorded on three occassions. Knots feed in large flocks, individual birds usually experiencing 4 000 to 15 000 flock-mates. The Siberian-breeding/west-African wintering canutus subspecies passed through in late July and early August. Otherwise the Greenlandic/Canadian breeding islandica subspecies was present. Over the period 1964–1992 there were no clear trends in the number of knots, but canutus-knots were particularly abundant in July–August 1991, whereas in 1992 both subspecies were absent.Macoma balthica was the preferred prey of both subspecies. Hydrobia ulvae, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule were eaten when Macoma was absent close to the surface of the sediment. As Macoma buried deeper from July onwards, canutus faced better average feeding conditions than islandica later in the year. The spatial distributon of knots feeding on the intertidal flats around Griend was best explained by the harvestable biomass of the prevalent prey species in a particular year and season, i.e. Macoma (main prey when their harvestable biomass densities were greater than ca 0.8 g AFDM per m2) and Cerastoderma, and by the avoidance of situations where they run the risk of attack by bird-eating birds. Flocks of knots covered most of the intertidal flats in the Western Dutch Wadden Sea in a couple of tidal cycles. This is about 800 km2, much larger than the equivalent area used by knots on their wintering grounds in Mauritania (10–15 km2), a difference that is correlated with prey spectrum, prey availability and predictability.  相似文献   

Observations on chaetodontid fishes were made by applying a visual census technique at 13 coral reef locations in the Flores Sea region in October and November 1984. These observations were made along 50 m transect lines, parallel to the shore or the reef edge at depths between 3 to 12 m. Twenty-three species of Chaetodontidae were observed, representing three genera: Chaetodon (20 species), Heniochus (2 species) and Forcipiger (1 species).Chaetodon kleini, C. trifasciatus, C. melannotus and C. baronessa proved to be the most abundant species, and among them C. kleini and C. trifasciatus were the most widely distributed ones. Chaetodon semeion and C. mertensi were the rarest species. The greatest number of individuals (77) was counted at station 4.268 near Tanjung Burung, Sumbawa, while the greatest number of species (14) was observed at station 4.257, north of Komodo. The lowest number of individuals (17) was counted at station 4.175 near P. Bahuluang, Salayer, while station 4.251 near Teluk Slawi, Komodo, was inhabited by the smallest numbver of species (2).Numerical classification by using the Bray Curtis dissimilarity index resulted in three groups of entities. The first group was characterized by predomination of C. kleini and the second by predomination of C. melannotus. The third one was a loose group not characterized by any predominant species. The analyses indicated that the similarities of the chaetodontid communities between locations are not related to the distance between them, but rather to habitat conditions. For example predomination of C. melannotus is strongly related to the predomination of soft coral.Compared to other areas of Indonesia, e.g. Bali, Seribu Islands, Batam, Sunda Strait, and Ambon Bay, the Flores Sea reefs have a more abundant and more diverse chaetodontid fauna.  相似文献   

The changes in growth of plaice and sole between 1957 and 1988, as estimated from samples of the commercial fishery and pre-recruit surveys, were analysed in order to study possible density dependent effects. Indices of potentially competitive biomasses of plaice and sole, based on Lloyd's index of mean crowding, were estimated from the average spatial distribution of various age groups during the summer growing period and from the population age structure as estimated by virtual population analysis.Growth of all age groups of sole increased in the 1960s and was stable in the 1970s and 1980s. In plaice only age groups 1 to 3 showed a similar increase in the 1960s, whereas the growth of 1-year-old plaice tended to decrease in the 1980s. Growth did not show a negative correlation with mean crowding, except in age group 1 of plaice and in age group 3+ of sole. It is concluded that these negative correlations do not provide unequivocal evidence for density dependent growth in plaice and sole, since they could equally well be caused by parallel but unrelated trends in time of one or more other factors. The simultaneous increase in growth in the 1960s of age groups of sole and plaice in the southern North Sea, and the absence of such an increase in age groups in the central North Sea, suggests that food availability must have increased in the Southern North Sea. This inference is supported by several macrobenthos studies. Whether the reduced growth of 1-group plaice in the 1980s, when recruitment was well above the average level, is caused by density dependent growth or to a reduced food availability remains an open question.  相似文献   

The flatfishes of the Newfoundland-Labrador region are a very significant component of Canadian fishery resources and comprise four major species. They are: witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), and yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea). The fisheries for these species are made up of 11 separate management units, all under quota control with a total allowable catch in 1989 equalling 184 500 t for all stocks combined.Witch flounder is a relatively deep-water species, predominant at depths of 184 to 366 m and prefers temperatures in the range of 2.0°C to 6.0°C. It reaches its northern limits at Hamilton Bank, near southern Labrador, but is otherwise found throughout the southern range of the study area. American plaice is a more shallow-water species, preferring colder water. It is most abundant in depths of 90 to 250 m and bottom temperatures of −0.5°C to 2.5°C. While it is found throughout the whole study area, it is found in higher concentration on the tops of hard banks—particularly Hamilton Bank, the Grand Bank and St. Pierre Bank. The Greenland halibut is the deepest of the flatfishes, preferring depths of 500 to 1000 m and greater at temperatures of 0.0°C to 4.0°C. It is most abundant in areas north of the Grand Bank along the continental slope and deep channels running between the fishing banks. Yellowtail flounder, on the other hand, is the shallowest of the four species, preferring depths of 37 to 82 m where temperatures are in the range of 3.0°C to 5.0°C. The main area of significant abundance is on the southeastern Grand Bank known as the Southeast Shoal, although it is caught in a very small area of St. Pierre Bank.All species exhibit reductions in the age range of the respective populations since the beginning of commercial exploitation. As well, there have been increases in the growth rates and reductions in the age at maturity, with a few exceptions. These changes have generally been coincident with reduced population sizes although it was not possible to correlate analytically.  相似文献   

A ten year study of the population dynamics of the flatfish dab Limanda limanda, sole Solea solea and flounder Platichthys flesus was undertaken within Bridgwater bay in the Bristol Channel, England. Fish abundance was estimated from the rate of capture on power station intake filter screens at Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station. The Bay was used as an 0-group nursery by all three species while flounder were alone in regularly using the area as adults. Using the coefficient of variation (CV) in annual catch as a measure of population stability these three flatfish were found to have some of the most stable populations within a fish community of 21 common species. When these species were classified according to their use of space as benthic, proximo-benthic or pelagic it was found that the benthic fish had the lowest CV values. It is argued that this stability is linked to their use of space. A notable feature was the differing seasonal occupancy of the Bay by the benthic fish which would act to reduce potential inter-specific competition. This suggests that spatial competition could only be intra-specific or against invertebrates. A search was made for biotic or physical factors correlated with year class abundance in the flatfish. The only significant correlation found was for sole, the abundance of which increased with increasing water temperature.  相似文献   

Large numbers of waders migrating northward in spring use the Sivash, a large system of shallow, brackish and hypersaline lagoons in the Black Sea and Azov Sea region (Ukraine). The bottoms of these lagoons are often uncovered by the wind. Hence, for waders the time and space available for feeding depend on wind conditions. In hypersaline lagoons the benthic and pelagic fauna was very poor, consisting mainly of chironomid larvae (0.19 g AFDM·m−2) and brine shrimps Artemia salina, respectively. Brine shrimp abundance was correlated with salinity, wind force, wind direction and water depth. Dunlin Calidris alpina and curlew sandpiper Calidris ferruginea were the only species feeding on brine shrimp. As brine shrimp densities are higher in deeper water, smaller waders such as broad-billed sandpipers Limicola falcinellus are too short-legged to reach exploitable densities of brine shrimp. In brackish lagoons the benthic and pelagic fauna was rich, consisting of polychaetes, bivalves, gastropods, chironomid larvae, isopods and amphipods (8.9 to 30.5 g AFDM·m−2), but there were no brine shrimps. Prey biomass increased with the distance from the coast, being highest on the site that was most frequently inundated. Dunlin, broad-billed sandpiper and grey plover Pluvialis squatarola were the most abundant birds in the brackish lagoon. Due to the effects of wind-tides only a small area was usually available as a feeding site. Gammarus insensibilis was the alternative prey resource in the water layer, and their density varied with wind direction in the same way as brine shrimp. Curlew sandpipers and dunlins in the hypersaline lagoons and broad-billed sandpipers in the brackish lagoons often changed feeding sites, probably following the variation in prey availability. Only because of the large size and variety of lagoons are waders in the Sivash always able to find good feeding sites.  相似文献   

In the course of 1990, stocks of mussels (Mytilus edulis) declined to unprecedentedly low levels in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Hardly a wild mussel bed was left on the tidal flats as a consequence of three years (1988, 1989, and 1990) with failing recruitment and intensive fishing for seed mussels. During these three years, recruitment of cockles (Cerastoderma edule) also failed, whereas fishing was continued. Bird species taking these bivalves as staple food, the oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) and the eider (Somateria mollissima), experienced food shortage. Significant numbers of eiders left the Dutch Wadden Sea area or died, whereas oystercatchers remained abundant trhoughout the winter in most of the Dutch Wadden Sea.Alternative prey species of oystercatchers experienced unsually high mortality rates in the appropriate size classes. This was so in all other common species of bivalves, viz. first-year and older cockles, adult Macoma balthica, and juvenile Mya arenaria. This led to minimal stocks of food for oystercatchers in the late winter of 1991. In March 1991, cockles were depleted and the combined stocks Mya and Macoma would soon have run out of food supply to the overwintering oystercatcher population. Apparently, oystercatchers are able to reduce the stocks of their various bivalve prey species to very low levels.  相似文献   

中国花生核心种质的建立及与ICRISAT花生微核心种质的比较   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
以中国花生种质资源数据库中记录的6 390份花生资源为材料, 以其基本数据、特征数据和评价数据为信息, 采用分层分组聚类以及随机取样与必选资源相结合的方法, 构建了由576份资源组成的花生核心种质, 占基础收集品的9.01%。除出仁率外, 核心种质与基础收集品种间的其他14个性状平均值和多样性指数差异均不明显, 表明本研究建立的核心种质是有效的。与ICRISAT花生微核心种质的比较, 中国花生资源在龙生型和珍珠豆型方面具有优势, 叶片长、叶片宽、种子长、种子宽的遗传多样性丰富; 而ICRISAT花生资源在多粒型和普通型方面具有优势, 且植株高度和总分枝数的遗传多样性比中国花生资源丰富。  相似文献   

The early demersal phase of those species of flatfish with inshore nursery areas are usually accessible with relatively modest demands on gear and logistics. However, the design of the sampling programme, adjustment for gear efficiency, and statistical analysis of the resulting catch data, raise a number of questions which have not hitherto been addressed comprehensively.This paper presents a systematic analysis of all the published data known to us of demersal 0-group flatfish in nursery grounds adjacent to the North Sea and British coastal waters, together with some hitherto unpublished data. The analysis showed that in most cases catches from repeated tows of a beam trawl can be averaged, after appropriate correction for gear efficiency, to give representative estimates of fish density for a succession of sampling dates.From the time series of density estimates thus obtained a selection of the period from maximum density until the early part of the following year proved to give a consistent window for the estimation of mortality rates by use of regression methods. A total of 57 data sets was analysed (45 plaice, 11 dab and 1 turbot). Of these 48 gave essentially linear log/time trends, of which 7 showed some degree of curvature, (4 concave upwards and 3 concave downwards). In one further case the trend remained essentially horizontal (flat-topped) until near the end of the sampling window and then declined sharply. The remaining 8 trends were so erratic as to preclude any further conclusions to be drawn. There was no obvious regularity in the occurrence of either the concave or flat-topped patterns by location or in time.Estimates of density and mortality rate are presented, together with estimates of standard errors of these estimates. The interpretation of these estimates in relation to the design and frequency of the sampling procedure is discussed, with special reference to the different topographies of the areas surveyed.  相似文献   

Oystercatchers, Haematopus ostralegus, were tested for size selection in two prey species, cockles (Cerastoderma edule) and mussels (Mytilus edulis), under semi-natural, but strictly experimental, conditions that allowed recovery of all shells of prey items eaten.Within any patch of cockles offered, size was not an important selection criterion for the birds. The mean length of cockles consumed always differed less than 1 mm (the measuring accuracy) from the mean length of the cockles presented.When given a choice between patches of different prey quality, the birds tended to select patches according to their relative dominance status, with the most dominant bird feeding mainly in the patch where the prey items had the largest flesh contents. Less dominant birds were forced out of the preferred patch and obtained most of theif food from a patch of presumedly lower quality. One of these birds adapted its prey-handling method and its bill shape for efficient feeding in such a low quality pathc, and it continued feeding in that patch, even after the dominant conspecifics had been removed.In experiments with mussels as prey, the test bird did not select primarily on the basis of size but tended to eat those mussels that were easiest to open.It is concluded that size selection in oystercatchers that eat either cockles or mussels ends with the choice of a certain foraging patch. Within a patch of cockles of one year-class, which is the field condition for the majority of oystercatchers in the Wadden Sea, no selection for size occurs, because this would take too much extra searching time to be profitable.  相似文献   

‘Enrei’ is the second leading variety of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in Japan. Its cultivation area is mainly restricted to the Hokuriku region. In order to expand the adaptability of ‘Enrei’, we developed two near-isogenic lines (NILs) of ‘Enrei’ for the dominant alleles controlling late flowering at the maturity loci, E2 and E3, by backcrossing with marker-assisted selection. The resultant NILs and the original variety were evaluated for flowering, maturity, seed productivity and other agronomic traits in five different locations. Expectedly, NILs with E2 or E3 alleles flowered later than the original variety in most locations. These NILs produced comparatively larger plants in all locations. Seed yields were improved by E2 and E3 in the southern location or in late-sowing conditions, whereas the NIL for E2 exhibited almost the same or lower productivity in the northern locations due to higher degrees of lodging. Seed quality-related traits, such as 100-seed weight and protein content, were not significantly different between the original variety and its NILs. These results suggest that the modification of genotypes at maturity loci provides new varieties that are adaptive to environments of different latitudes while retaining almost the same seed quality as that of the original.  相似文献   

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