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慈溪市桥头镇城镇森林建设规划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从桥头镇镇域、集镇区、街区3个层面分析其绿化存在的主要问题,根据生态效益优先并兼顾经济和社会效益的规划思路提出城镇森林规划理念、建设模式及实施措施,建议构建"一核两片四轴八带多点"的城镇森林生态系统,以期促进城镇社会经济的可持续发展。    相似文献   

文章论述了千岛湖城镇森林资源现状及特点,提出了千岛湖城镇森林生态经营理念与措施。    相似文献   

俄罗斯城市森林采风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
踏着四月的春光,我们走进俄罗斯,来到向往已久的十月革命的故乡。从莫斯科到圣彼得堡,从喧嚣的闹市到寂静的校园,20天紧张而愉快的培训生活,使我们不仅亲身感受到中俄两国人民的深厚友谊,而且领略了俄罗斯城市森林迷人的风采,至今难以忘怀。    相似文献   

18世纪初,俄国沙皇彼得大帝将源于西方的法国规则式园林设计手法,移植到了俄罗斯,产生了别具俄罗斯风情的城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭院。透过艺术家的作品,我们看到一幅幅城市森林的迷人景象,凉亭小桥、园林雕像混为一体,森林与人和谐共处,互为映衬,相得益彰,堪称城市森林规划中的精品。    相似文献   

常绿针叶树是北方地区城市森林的重要树种。在沈阳城市森林中,常绿针叶树约占公共绿地树木总量的20%。在严寒的冬季,北方城市中大部分树木落叶、休眠,惟有常绿针叶树保持着植物的生机,体现了城市的活力。然而,冬末和早春的生理干旱常常导致常绿针叶树松针失绿、枯黄甚至整株死亡,严重影响了城市绿化的景观效果。加强常绿针叶树生长季节和秋末的水、肥等管理,保持常绿针叶树旺盛的生长势,是减轻生理干旱影响的重要措施。    相似文献   

蓬勃发展的北京森林旅游业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林旅游是在林区内依托森林风景资源,以旅游为主要目的多种形式的野外活动;她是生活在现代社会中的人们对山野林趣的寻觅,对孕育人类文明大自然的回归,对森林优美生态环境的享受;具较强的自然性、真实性、科普性和参与性,并且具有猎奇、求知、放松、健身、陶冶情操和激发艺术创造灵感的多种功能。近年,随着首都旅游事业的发展和人们生态意识的提高,森林旅游成为人们越来越强烈的愿望和追求。森林公园是专门为森林旅游而人为保护和开发的公共园地,以大面积森林为基础,生物资源丰富,自然与人文景观相对集中,具有一定规模并可为人们提供旅游服务的生态郊野公园。    相似文献   

城市森林的文化内涵与社会影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市森林的研究对象是城市,是以改善城市生态和人居环境为中心,研究森林在城市空间结构与布局及其同影响城市发展的生态因子与社会因素之间相互关系的一门科学。本文仅从城市森林定义中,探讨其深厚的文化内涵及社会影响。    相似文献   

植物群落调查是植物资源开发利用的基础,文章运用植被社会学和计算重要值的方法,通过对九峰等九个地域的森林植被进行调查分析,结果表明,武汉市目前森林植被较为丰富,主要分为9个植物群落,以常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主;同时选出部分种类,为引种驯化提供借鉴。    相似文献   

森林是人类的摇篮,是文明的发祥地。森林文化是人类文化的重要组成部分。弘扬森林文化可以丰富人类保护自然、向往自然和回归自然的认识,有效的促进生态环境和社会经济的可特续发展。大连以其特殊的历史背景和自然环境构成了今天具有包容性、外向性的朝气蓬勃的森林文化。    相似文献   

宝鸡,是陕西西部重要的工业城市和生态屏障。作为炎帝故里和周秦文化发祥地,据《周礼·地官志》载:"任圃以树事,贡草木……",意即从西周始,民以税赋形式缴纳苗木,作植树造林之用。    相似文献   

城市森林火灾成因及预防扑救技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着经济发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们更愿意在森林中或靠近森林的地方居住。但伴随而来的是居民用火对森林造成威胁,与此同时,森林火灾也对居民住宅带来隐患。住宅在森林中的出现导致森林火灾的危险性增高,住宅、木棚、院落、车库及其他建筑物分布靠近森林,也给森林火灾的预防和扑救敲响警钟,近年来"家火上山,山火进城"的情况屡有发生,需加强有关研究。    相似文献   

This study explores for the first time the attitudes and motivation associated with forest certification among forest industry companies in northwestern Russia. Interviews were carried out in the form of a structured questionnaire including 35 forest industry companies operating in northwestern Russia. Although development of certification in individual companies was initiated by general market demand, representatives of certified companies also emphasized the importance of internal corporate policy. Certified and noncertified groups of respondents identified market demand as a main driving force influencing development of forest certification. Ensuring the legality of wood origin, company's image and competitiveness of wood products were recognized as the most important benefits associated with forest certification. Absence of mandatory requirements from authorities and customers appeared to be the largest obstacle among both groups of respondents. Representatives of noncertified companies pointed out economic inaccessibility and low level of preparedness of management as of high importance, which is mainly associated with absence of quality management system. The results of the study indicated a general positive attitude on forest certification; it was noticed that respondents have gaps in understanding the principles and limited awareness with regards to forest certification, especially among noncertified forest industry companies.  相似文献   


The article examines how both the territorial and non-territorial boundaries affect the transnational forest governance. Although being a globalised and transnational feature, present forest governance is shaped, enabled and restricted by various kinds of boundaries. The transnational forest governance is approached as a process which operates through both borderless network-spaces and bounded regional spaces. The article scrutinises empirically how the transnational forest governance has entered the Russian woodlands. The operations of multinational forestry companies, campaigns of transnational ENGOs and systems of forest certification have connected some parts of Russia with novel transnational network-spaces of forest governance. The main argument is, however, that regional spaces and boundaries influence and afford the processes of transnational forest governance in numerous ways.  相似文献   

The Russian forest is the last big wood basket of the international timber market and the conservation of the Russian forest is critical to protect global environment. There is a strong need to analyze present situation of forest policy and forest industry in Russia. The basic direction of forest policy reform of Russia is decentralization and introduction of market principles. However, the lack of specialists in forest policy in the regions and the conflict between central and regional governments has accelerated the confusion of forest policy. Forest management organizations cannot spare enough money for forest management because of the financial crisis of Russian government. Forest industry has also deteriorated. Although privatization of the forest industry was completed, it did not improve the management of enterprises and they could not survive the economic crisis. Output of the forest industry has decreased and most enterprises came close to bankruptcy. Under these circumstances, the former regional amalgamation of forest industry, which has accumulated hard currency earned by timber export, re-took control of the industry and tried to increase timber exports even more. However, logging enterprises, facing economic crises, cannot observe forest regulations and forest management organization cannot control these violations. A recovery of forest industry may accelerate the degradation of forest resources in Russia.  相似文献   

The subject of risk management is attracting more and more attention around the world. The risk of forest fire disasters should be faced and dealt with for forest fires cannot be avoided. Treating forest fire disasters as a risk management issue promotes important measures and methods for fire fighters to prevent, reduce and control the risks of forest fires. In this paper, the risk concept and risk connotation as well as the management risks for forest fire suppression are discussed clearly. Issues such as risk judgments, risk analysis, risk control and the assessment of risk, including their contents and corresponding methods are clarified. Translated from Forest Resources Management, 2006, 2: 24–27 [译自: 林业资源맜理]  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship of forest fires and sunspots in Heilongjiang Province in the past 40 years(1950—1989).The results indicated that each of the forest fire in-dexes such as forest fire rate(Y1),times of forest fire(Y2),average forest fire area for one time Y4(equals the Y5/Y2)and total forest fire area(Y5)has a negatlve correlation with mean annual relative sunspots of the same year;total times of forest fire inside and outside of forest stands(Y3)bus a positive correlation with sunspots The 5 indexes stated above has a similar re-lation to last year’s mean annual relative sunspots.  相似文献   

Dendrochronological dating of fire scars was used to determine the history of forest fires, and the effects of the fires and of slash‐and‐burn cultivation on forest structure were studied in eastern Finland. A total of 67 fire years were dated over an area of 26 km2. Forest fires increased towards the end of the 17th century and again towards the end of the 18th century, but decreased markedly in the middle of the 19th century. The mean fire interval was shorter near the historically known slash‐and‐burn cultivation areas than elsewhere. A forest survey map from 1913 was used to reconstruct the forest structure after the cessation of slash‐and‐burn cultivation and forest fires. This map showed that most of the younger forests were situated near old slash‐and‐burn cultivation areas, while the older forests were situated farther away from these. The proportion of deciduous trees decreased with increasing distance from slash‐and‐burn cultivation areas.  相似文献   


Several uncertainties are associated with the future development in Russia. The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of some of them on the forest sectors in Russia and the European Union. In particular, we examine the impacts of increasing prices set on atmospheric CO2 emissions and the changing investment climate in Russia on the use of forests in the EU and Russia as well as on the export of forest products from Russia to the EU. In the analysis, we use a numerical forest sector model, EUFASOM. The results suggest that a more intensive utilisation of the vast forest resources in Russia call for rapid improvements in the investment climate. Otherwise, the growth of pulp and paper production in Russia would mainly be directed at satisfying the domestic demand. It is hard to penetrate the EU markets which are suffering from excess capacity and a slow demand growth. Russia's importance as a supplier of energy wood to the EU is likely to increase, unless for instance export tariffs or tighter climate policies in Russia hinder such a development. The results demonstrate large differences in the harvesting and use of wood in the EU and Russia across the alternative future scenarios.  相似文献   

The role of forest fires in the soil dynamics and global carbon cycle has not been comprehensively studied in tropical forests as the effects of fire on tropical forest soils can be extremely variable. This study was aimed to understand how repeated fires affect physical and chemical properties of soil in a tropical dry deciduous forest and alter soil fertility and health. The study was carried out in the dry deciduous forest of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve. Soil samples were collected from unburned (B0) to six-time burned (B6) plots. Samples were collected from each plot from three different depths viz. 0–10 (Top), 10–20 (Middle), and 20–30 cm (Bottom) and analyzed for soil physical and chemical properties. Soil pH, EC, WHC decreased with increasing fire frequencies while bulk density increased. Organic Carbon, Total N, and available P decreased with increasing fire frequencies whereas extractable K initially increased but decreased with the very high frequency of fires. NO3?N slightly decreased with high fire frequencies but NH4?N decreased significantly with increasing fire frequency. These results provide a new insight regarding the influence of repeated fires on soil that will be valuable to understand the effect of fire on the recovery of soils and nutrient dynamics.  相似文献   

北方森林作为气候变化最敏感的陆地生态系统之一,近些年来随着林区气候变暖,林火发生的数量和过火面积都呈显著的增加趋势,因此研究北方森林林火发生驱动因子及其变化趋势对维护其生态系统的稳定具有重要意义。文中主要从北方森林林火发生的主要控制因子和未来气候变暖条件下林火发生的预测方法及变化趋势进行综述。研究结果表明,林火的驱动因子既包括在大尺度上气候的作用,也包含植被、地形、可燃物和人类活动等局部尺度的影响。近几年来对气候变暖下林火状况趋势预测更倾向综合考虑气候和局部控制因子的作用。对我国而言,需要在更大的区域尺度上开展林火发生预测的研究。研究认为,北方森林林火变化趋势及预测研究的关键问题在于如何在不同空间尺度上确立林火发生的关键控制因子以及完善现有的林火预测方法。  相似文献   

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