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地处甘肃省中部的陇西县是国槐的适生地,至今尚保留宋代国槐古树2株,树龄约900余年,根深叶茂、生长健壮。但在2002年春夏之交,城区12年生的大国槐行道树出现大量枯梢、枯枝、萌芽滞后,甚至死亡的现象,实属罕见。对此作者及时进行了相关的调查研究。    相似文献   

以萘乙酸(NAA)和ABT1号生根粉作为生根剂,进行油樟扦插繁殖试验。结果表明,500 mg/L萘乙酸(NAA)成活率最高,其成活率达到95.42%;100 mg/L的ABT1号生根粉扦插成活率最高,为96.92%。因此,在油樟嫩枝扦插时,建议采用ABT1号生根粉浓度为100 mg/L,萘乙酸(NAA)浓度为500 mg/L。    相似文献   

北京长安街沿线公主坟至大北窑桥段分布不同年龄的行道树国槐2 857株,最近10年,国槐长势开始出现衰退现象。尤其是1999年国庆50周年长安街沿线人行便道进行硬化改造后,这一现象更加明显。    相似文献   

兰州市主要绿化树种滞尘效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对兰州市6种常见的绿化树种的滞尘能力进行了测定分析,结果表明,不同树种的滞尘能力存在很大的差异,排序为:红叶李 > 毛白杨 > 大叶黄杨 > 臭椿 > 国槐 > 垂柳,可为兰州市的大气污染生态治理提供依据。    相似文献   

通过对北京城区3种类型居住区树木数量结构、径级结构和立木层次结构的分析发现:毛白杨、国槐、泡桐、侧柏、臭椿、白蜡等6个树种是居住区中的主要树种,其累计数量占到了居住区树木总株的48.5%,相对覆盖度累计达到0.651;居住区树木平均胸径23.88 cm,平均株高11.74 m,树木水平胸径等级结构分布相对合理,而在垂直高度空间小乔木植株比例过大;从3类不同类型居住区的比较来看,专属单位附属居住区的绿化效果较好,其树木平均胸径和平均株高水平都要明显高于胡同居住区和普通居住区。    相似文献   

采用随机样方法调查了晋中市榆次区3种绿化植物的健康状况。结果表明:20%的国槐生长差,6.7%生长一般,71.1%基本健康,2.2%生长健康;12.9%油松生长一般,79.2%基本健康,7.7%生长健康;17.8%毛白杨生长差,9.5%生长一般,72.6%基本健康。这说明3种绿化树木生长状况基本健康。    相似文献   

许昌市创建国家森林城市之路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自2001年开展创建国家园林城市活动以来,许昌市委、市政府对市建城区24条新建道路,35条改建道路,35处新建公园、游园,11处扩建、改造绿地,5处新建园林广场,175个单位庭院,55处居住小区,6个出入市口,5条百里环绕市区的河流沿岸等进行了高标准绿化。结合北方城市的特点,突出栽植速生杨、国槐、法桐、刺槐等为主的乡土树种,形成了以高大乔木为背景的城市森林景观。    相似文献   

采用抽样调查的方法,对济南市的6个主要公园黄河森林公园、千佛山公园、环城公园、大明湖公园、五龙潭公园、趵突泉公园的树木进行调查。通过树种数、树种丰富度、树种多样性、树种均匀度4个指标对济南市各公园的树种组成结构进行分析,同时通过上述6个公园的树木总数、树木种类和胸径分布关系对公园树木结构特征进行分析。结果表明,大明湖公园的树种数最多,趵突泉公园的树种丰富度最大,千佛山公园的树种丰富程度最高,黄河森林公园树种最均匀。国槐(Sophora japonica)出现比例最高,占全部树木的10.69%。前20位树种总数占全部树木的75.06%,树木的数量构成具有明显的聚集性,出现少数树种主导整个群落的现象。从树木株数随胸径的分布看,同天然林存在差异,表现为近似的抛物线状。从不同胸径等级树种数分布上看,小径级的树种数多,大径级的树种数少,反映出济南市城市公园树种丰富度不断增加的趋势。    相似文献   

调查了神府东胜矿区23个绿地42种8464株树木,并对其绿化结构作了分析。结果表明:(1)神东矿区单位附属绿地42种树木中落叶阔叶乔木树种20种,常绿针叶树6种,花灌木16种,树种以新疆杨、垂柳、国槐、圆柏和玫瑰、紫丁香为主,种类和株数最多的样地是上湾煤矿;(2)神东矿区绿地以小树为主,树高小于10m的树占67.92%,胸径小于10cm的占52.86%;(3)绿化覆盖率和密度均较低,平均值分别为16.54m2、9.09株/100m2,绿化覆盖率最高的样地是大柳塔煤矿居住区,上湾小学绿地密度最大,为36.27株/100m2,神东公司等单位的生活小区绿地密度普遍不高(4)树种整体生长良好,平均健康等级为0.82,神东公司等单位的生活小区绿地树木生长较机关单位绿地差;(5)单位面积绿地绿量较小,平均值只有10.91m2/m2,且机关单位绿量较职工生活区大,其中上湾小学最大,为206.84m2/m2。    相似文献   

广州部分城区绿地系统结构分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以广州市区的绿地系统为研究对象,在不同城区选取公园、广场、道路等不同绿地类型,对各样点的不同植物进行盖度、胸径、高度、间距、重要值、物种多样性指数、群落相似系数等数量参数的调查,从生态学和统计学的角度进行分析;发现广州市区的绿地生态系统群落结构还较简单,群落植物种类相对单一,分布也不够合理;在此基础上,对存在的问题提出改进的方法和措施,为广州的城市生态系统优化提供参考。    相似文献   

日本樱花高空压条繁殖技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以3号生根粉和萘乙酸2种植物激素为生根剂,对日本樱花高空压条枝进行处理,2种生根剂各设50、100、150、200、300、600kg/L6种浓度,共12个处理,并以清水(CK)作为对照。经统计分析和Duncan新复极差比较,结果表明:3号生根粉和萘乙酸处理都有利于樱花根长和根数量的生长;以200kg/L3号生根粉其根长生长最好,平均根长达到103.81cm;以200kg/L萘乙酸处理,其生根数量最多,平均根数达到86.2根。  相似文献   

Single-node leafy cuttings from 8- and 15-month-old seedlings of the large Bornean Dipterocarp Shorea macrophylla (Illipe nut) rooted easily under continuous mist, both with and without the application of auxins. Callus production was greatest in the untreated cuttings. Rate of rooting was enhaced by 1200 ppm and 3600 ppm IBA, but the overall level of rooting after 61 days was unaffected by auxin treatment. In a second experiment, 3600 ppm IBA was found to be more effective than 3600 ppm NAA and mixtures of 1800 ppm NAA + 1800 ppm IBA. Mortality of cuttings was greatest with IBA especially at 10800 ppm. Cuttings from the second node below the apex rooted best, with rooting ability of those from nodes 3, 4 and 5 being progressively worse, and mortalities rising with distance from the apex. Cuttings from the uppermost node, which included the developing apex, had the lowest rooting ability. When continuous misting was replaced with misting for alternate hours, rooting was still good, but the absence of misting overnight resulted in much increased cutting mortality and, subsequently, in decreased rooting. It is suggested that Shorea macrophylla could be domesticated for fruit or timber production by the propagation of superior clones.  相似文献   

新型植物生长调节剂在核桃室外枝接中的应用研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本试验研究了6种不同配方的新型植物生长调节剂浸泡接穗后,在含10%助剂A 的封蜡中密封接穗顶端对核桃室外枝接成活的影响,试验结果表明:选用100ppmNAA+0. 3ppm 助剂 B+助剂 C 和8ppmNAA+0. 5ppmBA+2ppmGA+助剂 C 两种新型植物生长调节剂浸泡接穗后封蜡,于3月31日至4月13日左右嫁接,其接穗萌芽半分别达100%和97. 7%,成活率86. 7%和80%。  相似文献   

中间锦鸡儿硬枝扦插试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中间锦鸡儿为材料进行了硬枝扦插试验,在珍珠岩和粗沙2种不同的基质上进行扦插,分别采用不同浓度的吲哚丁酸(IBA)、奈乙酸(NAA)、ABT1#、ABT2#生根粉进行处理。试验表明:粗沙硬枝扦插较为理想,平均生根率较珍珠岩提高14.1%;不同激素种类对中间锦鸡儿硬枝插穗生根情况影响极显著,珍珠岩基质上扦插,以ABT1#100 ppm和200 ppm生根效果最佳;粗沙基质上扦插,处理浓度以IBA 1000 ppm、ABT1#500 ppm、ABT2#500 ppm对中间锦鸡儿硬枝扦插生根效果最佳。  相似文献   

本文阐述了NAA诱导乙烯产生和乙烯利促进插穗生根效果的研究结果。在NAA浓度为10~500ppm范围内处理毛白杨嫩枝插穗,明显促进乙烯释放。在10~100ppmNAA处理中,乙烯释放量随浓度加大而增加,到500ppmNAA则略有下降。NAA处理结束后到乙烯释放之间,有一停滞期,约2~4h。试验证明,将插穗切成小块,增加伤口数量,不能明显引起乙烯释放量增加。乙烯可促进硬枝茎插穗上的潜伏根原基萌发,加速不定根的产生。  相似文献   

Cuttage propagation of Aesculus indica was tested by treatments with different concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm), indolebutyric acid (IBA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm) and naphthlcetic acid (NAA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm) in dry formulation in the Forest Nursery, Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K, Shalimar. The cuttings treated with IBA @ 4000 ppm and IBA @ 2000 ppm had a sprouting rate of 75% and 50%, respectively, which was significantly higher than that of control and other treatments. The highest rooting rate (50%) was recorded in the cuttings with the application of IBA @ 4000 ppm. The cuttings treated with IBA @ 2000 ppm had 25% rooting rate. All other treatments along with control (talc powder) failed to induce rooting. It was concluded that IBA @ 4000 ppm was a better-applied concentration for vegetative propagation of A. indica under Kashmir conditions.  相似文献   

几种生根剂对金银忍冬嫩枝扦插育苗作用的试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用IBA、NAA、ABT1、IBA+NAA四种生根剂,分别以不同浓度,不同浸泡时间处理金银忍冬嫩枝插穗进行扦插育苗试验,结果表明:用IBA 1000×10^-6、处理2s、生根率最高为69.4%;用NAA 1000×10^-6、处理时间2s、生根率最高为90%;用ABT1 200×10^-6、处理时间2h、生根率最高为80.2%;用NAA 100×10^-6+IBA 50×10^6、处理2h、生根率90%或NAA 50×10^-6+IBA 100×10^-6、处理12h、生根率90%,用清水处理2h,生根率70.4%,表明用外源激素处理能够提高金银忍冬嫩枝扦插的生根率,增加不定根数量。从上面的方差分析结果综合生根率和生根性状的各项指标,如果选择一种激素,选择NAA 100×10^-6+IBA50×10^-6、处理2h、生根率90%,效果最为理想。  相似文献   

Aging of the donor tree decreased adventitious root formation in shoot cuttings of Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teak). Exogenous application of auxins, i.e., α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) has a significant positive effect on the percentage of rooting. The maximum percent rooting was obtained with 4,000 ppm IBA as compared to other treatment. Significant increase in root number was recorded in shoot cuttings treated with 4,000 ppm NAA. The overall rooting response was better in the treatment with IBA rather than with NAA. Further periodic samples (0, 10, 20, and 30 days) were taken to assess the total soluble sugar, starch, protein, and peroxidase (PER) activity in the rooting zone of shoot cuttings of teak during adventitious root formation. Application NAA and IBA to shoot cuttings resulted in an increase in the level of total soluble sugar, starch, protein, and PER-activity in the rooting zone. The stored carbohydrates were utilized during adventitious root formation. Hence, total soluble sugar and starch contents of cuttings, irrespective of age of donor plants, decreased with the passage of time in cuttings planted for rooting. Significant fluctuations were observed in the protein content of cuttings during the time of root induction. There was an increase in the protein content with the passage of time from the day of planting up to its 20th day, followed by a sharp decline in the protein content of cuttings at the 30th day of planting, irrespective of the age of donor plants or the treatment of cuttings with auxins. Irrespective of donor plant age, PER-activity in the cuttings increased from the day of their planting for rooting up to the 20th day, and then declined at its 30th day of planting. It was interesting to note that PER-activity remained higher at all stages in the cuttings of 2-month-old seedlings which rooted profusely as compared to the cuttings of 15- and 30-year-old donor plants those rooted poorly. This study suggested that the exogenously applied NAA and IBA at different concentration seems to activate sugar metabolism for release of energy, protein and PER-activity which are necessary for cellular division and differentiation during adventitious root primordium initiation or development in the rooting zone of shoot cuttings.  相似文献   

Cuttage propagation of Aesculus indica was tested by treatments with different concentrations of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm), indolebutyric acid (IBA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm) and naphthlcetic acid (NAA) @ 2000, 4000 (ppm) in dry formulation in the Forest Nursery, Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K, Shalimar. The cuttings treated with IBA @ 4000 ppm and IBA @ 2000 ppm had a sprouting rate of 75% and 50%, respectively, which was significantly higher than that of control and other treatments. The highest rooting rate (50%) was recorded in the cuttings with the application of IBA @ 4000 ppm. The cuttings treated with IBA @ 2000 ppm had 25% rooting rate. All other treatments along with control (talc powder) failed to induce rooting. It was concluded that IBA @ 4000 ppm was a better-applied concentration for vegetative propagation of A. indica under Kashmir conditions. Biography: Mumtaz Majeed (1980– ), male, post graduate in Faculty of Forestry, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology, Shalimar, Srinagar - 191 121, J&K, India.  相似文献   

以连香树(Cercidiphyllum japonicum)当年生枝条为材料,研究了不同植物生长调节剂、不同IBA浓度及其处理时间对插穗生根的影响。结果表明:连香树属于皮部生根型,只有极少数为愈伤组织生根。植物生长调节剂处理是提高嫩枝插穗生根能力的一个必要措施,其中IBA对连香树插条生根效果最好,NAA次之,IAA最差。采用IBA 100 mg.L-1+NAA 100mg.L-1混合处理嫩枝插条效果最好,生根率达到81.67%,且幼苗长势良好。IBA 500 mg.L-1快蘸处理8 s,生根率达到71.67%;IBA 200 mg.L-1浸泡6 h,生根率为77.78%。综合各项生根指标,采用IBA 100 mg.L-1+NAA 100 mg.L-1浸泡嫩枝插条4 h,最适宜连香树插条生根。  相似文献   

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