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三尖杉枝叶粉末防治花生根结线虫病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽及大田小区试验,研究了三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei枝叶干粉末对花生根结线虫病的防治效果.盆栽试验结果表明,每盆(2kg土)施用三尖杉枝叶干粉末10、15及20 g三种处理,与对照组相比,初侵染相应推迟4、6、10天,并能减少侵染量,降低根结增长率,显著减轻花生根结线虫病病情.大田小区试验结果与盆栽试验结果相似,每小区(5m2)沟施三尖杉枝叶干粉末120、80、50 g,处理后34及53天的2次平均防治效果分别为89%、82%及50%,施药对照10%益舒宝颗粒剂25g处理(相当于45kg/hm2)为74%.综合使用剂量及花生生长情况,建议沟施150kg/hm2三尖杉枝叶干粉为宜.  相似文献   

 1959-1989年,通过对花生根结线虫生活史及温、湿度的研究证明:该线虫在山东省烟台地区每年发生三代,以卵或幼虫在土壤内越冬。幼虫侵入根组织田间土壤最低温度为12.5℃,发育完成一个世代所需天数的长短,随土壤温湿度的变化而异,在一定温度范围内,完成一代所需时间随温度的提高而缩短。5月中旬至6月下旬,土温于16.33-25.64℃。土壤含水量于6.94-12.58%为该线虫的侵染盛期。  相似文献   

胡新胜 《植物检疫》1997,11(1):62-63
花生根结线虫死活与荚果含水量相关性及调运检疫对策胡新胜(河北省昌黎县农林局植保站066600)花生根结线虫Meloidogynearenaria是危害花生的重要线虫病害,轻者减产20%~30%,重者减产50%以上,且防治难(成本高、效果差)、根除更难...  相似文献   

花生种质资源对花生根结线虫病的抗性鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 1987~1991年,搜集国内外花生种质资源共4189份,经过自然病田及人工病圃等抗性鉴定研究,从中筛选出高抗资源2份,中抗资源3份,耐病资源5份及特异株90株,为抗病育种提供了优异抗源材料,并为抗性机制及遗传规律研究提供了初步基础。  相似文献   

成都平原水旱轮作田常见根结线虫调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查四川省成都平原地区水旱轮作田根结线虫发生情况及种类分布,为水旱轮作田根结线虫的防治提供依据。对成都平原15个县(市、区)28个乡(镇)共159块水旱轮作田的土样进行根结线虫普遍率调查,利用线虫ITS通用引物和8对根结线虫特异性引物对其中检出率高的地区重新采集的土样进行根结线虫种类分子鉴定。结果表明,成都平原水旱轮作田根结线虫平均检出率为40.25%。重新采集的土样共鉴定出5种根结线虫:拟禾谷根结线虫Meloidogyne graminicola、花生根结线虫M. arenaria、南方根结线虫M. incognita、北方根结线虫M. hapla和爪哇根结线虫M. javanica,各线虫的检出率分别为40.91%、34.09%、13.64%、13.64%和2.27%,其中29.55%的样品由2种以上根结线虫混合侵染。拟禾谷根结线虫和花生根结线虫为该地区优势种群。  相似文献   

何琼  吴海燕  王振华 《植物保护》2016,42(4):184-188
于2008年秋季和2009年春季对‘毛粉’和‘金丰盛世’2个番茄品种采用网袋法收集根系,酸性品红-次氯酸钠法染色,体视显微镜下检测,记录根内各龄期根结线虫数量和形成的根结数。结果表明,单位鲜根重线虫数量在2008年温度低时,随番茄生长有下降趋势,2009年春季温度升高时则上升,2个供试品种单位鲜根重线虫数无显著差异(P0.05);2008年秋季J2到J3,J3到J4的发育时间均长于2009年,根部形成根结的数量变化趋势相同;当土壤平均温度为15℃时,根结线虫在番茄根内完成第1个世代需32d,25℃时为24d。  相似文献   

2010年,美国在一次植物寄生线虫调查中发现,佛罗里达州马丁县的一个切花苗圃中的6株小花锦葵(Malva parviflora)上发现有根结虫瘿,这是植物受根结线虫侵染的典型症状。从田间小花锦葵植株根部采  相似文献   

 简阳根结线虫Meloidogyne jianyangensis n.sp.采自四川简阳县柑桔园的柑桔根上。雌虫的会阴花纹近圆形,线纹平滑、纤细,背腹线纹通常连贯。以尾尖处向两侧有脊状放射形条纹,条纹数目不定、在阴肛区的背侧有半圈脊状条纹。在放射状的条纹间,线纹有时不连贯,有如许多小刻点。尾觉器距离很近。雄虫头冠高,唇盘和中唇融合,无侧唇。口针长19.1-26.0(21.8μm)。口针基球和杆部界限明显。背食道腺开口距口针基部2.5-3.5(3.0μm)。侧带处有4条侧线,两边两条间有横纹,中间两条侧线间无横纹。二龄幼虫长387.6-483.3(423.2)μm。头冠高,唇盘和中唇融合成哑铃状。口针长13.0-16.8(15.1)μm。背食道腺开口距口针基部2.1-3.7(2.5)μm。尾部渐细,尾尖钝圆。简阳根结线虫雌虫的主要酯酶带Rf=0.41、0.45和0.48。  相似文献   

几种药剂防治花生根结线虫田间试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3种供试药剂防治花生根结线虫病田间试验结果表明:2.5亿个孢子/克厚孢轮枝菌微粒剂(线虫必克)、15%毒死蜱颗粒剂、10%毒死蜱颗粒剂对花生根结线虫病均表现出优良的防治效果,和对照药剂5%涕灭威颗粒剂防效相当,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

为评价新型杀线虫剂三氟吡啶胺防治南方根结线虫的效果,设置了该药剂与作为对照的3种常见杀线虫剂灌根或拌土穴施处理,比较各处理防治西瓜田南方根结线虫的效果。在防控南方根结线虫导致的死棵方面,对照药剂氟吡菌酰胺、阿维菌素、噻唑膦处理区西瓜死棵率为14.70%~44.85%,清水对照区为46.97%,而三氟吡啶胺处理区死棵率仅5.61%;在根结防效方面,三氟吡啶胺处理为70.43%,显著优于药剂对照;在虫口防效方面,三氟吡啶胺处理为66.72%,为各处理中最高。建议将三氟吡啶胺推广应用于南方根结线虫的田间防治。  相似文献   

为快速、准确、稳定的鉴定南方、花生和爪哇根结线虫,利用已报道的南方和爪哇根结线虫的两对特异性引物,结合本研究设计的花生根结线虫特异性引物,通过优化PCR反应体系,建立了3种根结线虫的PCR检测方法。结果表明,该方法能够特异性扩增以上3种根结线虫,特征片段长度分别为399、335和670 bp,灵敏度达到单条2龄幼虫的水平。研究结果将为以上3种根结线虫的快速鉴定提供技术支持。  相似文献   


Brassicaceae plants have the potential as part of an integrated approach to replace fumigant nematicides, providing the biofumigation response following their incorporation is not offset by reproduction of plant-parasitic nematodes on their roots. Forty-three Brassicaceae cultivars were screened in a pot trial for their ability to reduce reproduction of three root-knot nematode isolates from north Queensland, Australia: M. arenaria (NQ1), M. javanica (NQ2) and M. arenaria race 2 (NQ5/7). No cultivar was found to consistently reduce nematode reproduction relative to forage sorghum, the current industry standard, although a commercial fodder radish (Raphanus sativus) and a white mustard (Sinapis alba) line were consistently as resistant to the formation of galls as forage sorghum. A second pot trial screened five commercially available Brassicaceae cultivars, selected for their biofumigation potential, for resistance to two nematode species, M. javanica (NQ2) and M. arenaria (NQ5/7). The fodder radish cv. Weedcheck, was found to be as resistant as forage sorghum to nematode reproduction. A multivariate cluster analysis using the resistance measurements, gall index, nematode number per g of root and multiplication for two nematode species (NQ2 and NQ5/7) confirmed the similarity in resistance between the radish cultivar and forage sorghum. A field trial confirmed the resistance of the fodder radish cv. Weedcheck, with a similar reduction in the number of Meloidogyne spp. juveniles recovered from the roots 8 weeks after planting. The use of fodder radish cultivars as biofumigation crops to manage root-knot nematodes in tropical vegetable production systems deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Penetration, development and emigration of M. arenaria in the roots of three Myrobalan plum (Prunus cerasifera) clones genetically characterized for their resistance to root-knot nematodes (RKN) were studied during the 10 (penetration) and 15 (emigration) days following the date of inoculation (D) of 2500 juveniles (J2s) per plant into the soil. Miniaturized tests were conducted on the two resistant clones P.2175 (Ma1 gene) and P.1079 (Ma2 gene) and the susceptible clone P.2032 (recessive for both genes), obtained from micropropagated plantlets and grown in mini-containers under controlled conditions at 25°C in a growth chamber. For penetration and development studies, nematodes in the roots were recovered by the acid fuchsin-lactophenol staining technique. Equivalent numbers of J2s were recovered in all the clones at D+1 and D+2. Subsequently, the numbers increased rapidly in P.2032 and were significantly different from those in P.1079 and P.2175 that remained at a low level. No swollen larvae were observed in the resistant clones. In P.2032, the first swollen larvae were observed at D+4, the first females were observed at D+12, whereas the first females with attached egg sacs and the first new-generation J2s were obtained between D+21 and D+28. Our data suggest that the resistance phenomenon does not act on the very early nematode penetration but acts later by preventing feeding-site induction and development into the third-stage. For emigration studies, plants in which J2s had been allowed to penetrate for two days (from D to D+2) were washed free of soil, repotted and then, after various periods of growth, soil-free roots were placed under a mistifier to evaluate the numbers of emigrating individuals. Emigration of J2s from the roots occured mainly from D+2 to D+4 in all the genotypes and was very limited from D+4 to D+10. There was no significant differences in the number of emigrated juveniles between the resistant and susceptible clones, indicating that emigration cannot explain the difference in the numbers of nematodes recovered in the roots.  相似文献   

阿维菌素和硫线磷对南方根结线虫的毒力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用阿维菌素和硫线磷处理南方根结线虫离体卵与幼虫,测试其对线虫卵和卵块孵化以及对2龄幼虫的致死作用、活动能力、侵入能力的影响。结果表明阿维菌素和硫线磷均对线虫卵和卵块的孵化表现很强的抑制作用,阿维菌素5 μg/mL处理24 h对卵孵化抑制率高达82.57%,而硫线磷40 μg/mL处理24 h对卵孵化抑制率为73.05%;阿维菌素和硫线磷处理48 h对2龄幼虫的LD50分别为7.346 1、13.345 6 μg/mL;在阿维菌素2 μg/mL和硫线磷3 μg/mL处理中,2龄幼虫在沙柱中的平均移动距离仅为0.04 cm和0.05 cm,而对照处理的线虫平均移动距离为1.04 cm;在阿维菌素2 μg/mL和硫线磷50 μg/mL处理2龄幼虫48 h后,对番茄根部的侵入率为0.12%和0.45%,而空白对照处理线虫的侵入率达21.85%。  相似文献   

Plant hosts can be engineered to disrupt the development of sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes or proper functioning of the feeding sites the nematodes induce. The use of constitutive promoters to express dsRNAs or nematode inhibitor proteins may be unreliable because of possible silencing or yield penalty from continuous expression in a plant host. This ill-effect can be avoided if a root-specific, nematode-responsive promoter (NRP) is used to drive the target nematode-inhibitory message. This study used the In Plant Activation (INPACT) system to express a barstar-controlled barnase in galls of Meloidogyne javanica and assessed how the engineered tobacco lines affected the growth and development of the nematodes. Of the 11 combinations of four NRPs and the CaMV 35S promoter assessed, the AtCel1 and TobRB7 combinations activated specific expression of split β-glucuronidase (GUS) and barnase genes in and around giant cells. The same NRP combination directed expression of the barnase gene in tobacco roots also constitutively expressing the barstar gene (SPBB transgenic lines). On roots of six T1 SPBB lines, there was up to 94% reduction in the number of galls with significantly smaller adult females compared to those on wild-type plants. Some of the females on lines SPBB4-1 and SPBB-4-2, for example, were not associated with galls. The results indicated the engineered plants disrupted M. javanica development and demonstrate the potential for controlled and localized expression of peptides, such as those that could block specific effectors, to disrupt initiation, formation, establishment, or proper functioning of feeding cells induced by damaging sedentary nematodes.  相似文献   

输华马铃薯上哥伦比亚根结线虫风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
依据国际植物检疫措施标准(ISPM)规定的有害生物风险分析程序(PRAS),利用多指标综合评估方法,通过对哥伦比亚根结线虫(Meloidogyne chitwoodi)的生物学特性、地理分布、寄主、经济意义和危害性等方面进行分析,结合我国进口马铃薯种薯和马铃薯种植情况,确定了其在中国具有传入、定殖和扩散的可能性,对各指标值进行赋值运算,获得总指标值R为2.25,符合高风险的检疫性有害生物标准,因此建议将其列入输华马铃薯检疫性有害生物名单,实施风险管理。本文提出了风险管理措施方案。  相似文献   

 A root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hispanica Hirschmann, was first described and illustrated from roots of papaya in Danzhou, Hainan province in China. The perineal pattern of female was characterized by oval shaped to rectangular with a low dorsal arch; dorsal striae varied from fine and wavy to coarse; lateral lines forked with fringe-like striae between lines and phasmidial ducts distinctly appeared. Male had high and rounded head region with labial disc and medial lips fused to form elongate lip structures. Second-stage juve-nile had distinct body annules and stylet with rounded, posteriorly sloping knobs, and the tail terminus was slender with indistinct hyaline. This Chinese new record of M. hispanica had a unique esterase phenotype (S2-M1) which was different from that of other Meloidogyne species.  相似文献   

象耳豆根结线虫的PCR鉴定和检测方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
 象耳豆根结线虫是一种在中国具有潜在经济重要性的农作物病原物。为提供有助于控制象耳豆根结线虫传播扩散的方法,研制了该线虫的快速PCR鉴定和检测法。该方法PCR引物的扩增目标为rDNA-IGS2区域,其设计依据象耳豆根结线虫与南方、爪哇、花生和北方根结线虫在该区域核酸序列的差异。通过对6种近似根结线虫的不同地理群体及自然土壤线虫群体的测试,验证了设计的PCR引物针对象耳豆根结线虫的特异性和可靠性。本方法具有快速灵敏的特点,可用于象耳豆根结线虫单条线虫的直接鉴定以及混合土壤线虫群体中象耳豆根结线虫的检测。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fluensulfone, a new nematicide of the fluoroalkenyl group, has proved to be very effective in controlling root‐knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp., by soil application. The systemic activity of this compound against M. incognita on peppers via soil drenching and foliar spray was evaluated. RESULTS: Root application of fluensulfone via soil drenching showed slight and no nematode control activity when applied 4 and 10 days, respectively, after inoculation. A single foliar spray of peppers with a fluensulfone solution at 3.0 g L?1 prior to inoculation reduced the galling index by 80% and the number of nematode eggs by 73–82% of controls. The reduction in these parameters by fluensulfone was much higher than that obtained with oxamyl or fenamiphos at the same concentration. This activity was also observed when the plants were sprayed 21 days before inoculation. A series of experiments suggested that foliar spray with fluensulfone prior to inoculation reduces nematode invasion. However, foliar spray after inoculation did not inhibit nematode development inside roots. CONCLUSION: Fluensulfone showed relatively high nematode control activity when sprayed on the foliage before inoculation. Fluensulfone may be used as a foliar application, in addition to soil application, for root‐knot nematode control. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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