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The objective of this study is to assess the influence of acute exercise, training and intensified training on the plasma amino acid profile.In a 32-week longitudinal study using 10 Standardbred horses, training was divided into four phases, including a phase of intensified training for five horses. At the end of each phase, a standardized exercise test, SET, was performed. Plasma amino acid concentrations before and after each SET were measured.Training significantly reduced mean plasma aspartic acid concentration, whereas exercise significantly increased the plasma concentrations of alanine, taurine, methionine, leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine and reduced the plasma concentrations of glycine, ornithine, glutamine, citrulline and serine. Normally and intensified trained horses differed not significantly. It is concluded that amino acids should not be regarded as limiting training performance in Standardbreds except for aspartic acid which is the most likely candidate for supplementation.  相似文献   

We examined the walking parameters of milking cows in relation to hoof trimming. The hooves of eight Holstein cows were trimmed. Two days before and after the hoof trimming, walking behavior, limb angles, back posture and vertical movement of the back while walking were measured. Walking rate (1.27 vs 0.87 m/s; P = 0.003), step length (1.46 vs 1.33 m; P = 0.009) and stepping rate (0.78 vs 0.65 steps/s; P = 0.046) were found to increase significantly after hoof trimming. Limb angles at the start and end of the support phase changed significantly after hoof trimming, thus indicating an improvement in the ‘on tiptoe’ appearance. The parameters relating to backline indicated that the marked arched shape of the back diminished after hoof trimming. Before hoof trimming, the positions of the withers varied widely and irregularly while walking; however, it changed after hoof trimming as the sinusoid curve and the range of vertical movement of withers decreased significantly. Overall, it has been quantitatively indicated that walking characteristics are improved after hoof trimming. The parameters used in the present study are expected to be useful for monitoring the walking characteristics of cows.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Most lameness in horses relates to foot problems and may be associated with changes in hoof shape, but there is a lack of information on the influence of normal exercise on hoof shape. Objectives: To investigate the effect of training on proximal hoof circumference in young Thoroughbred racehorses being prepared for racing. Methods: Thirty‐seven young Thoroughbred racehorses were included in this study. Front hoof circumference immediately below the coronary band was measured weekly with a measuring tape in all horses present at the stable. Most horses accomplished a minimum of 2 training periods at the stable separated by periods of rest on a paddock. One sample t tests were used to evaluate if the mean change per week differed from zero. To estimate the repeatability coefficient, the left proximal hoof circumference of 25 horses was measured 3 times in a random order on one day. Results: Most horses showed a similar pattern of change. The proximal hoof circumference decreased during the training periods (P<0.0001) and increased when the horse was rested (P<0.0001). The decrease of the circumference during the first training period was ?0.66 mm/week on the left and ?0.64 mm/week on the right. During the second training period, this was ?0.58 mm/week on the left and ?0.57 mm/week on the right. During the rest period, the circumference increased by 1.03 mm/week on the left and 1.12 mm/week on the right. The repeatability coefficient for the left circumference was 1.8 mm. Conclusions: Horses showed a decrease in circumference during race training that reversed when they were rested. Potential relevance: Measurement of front hoof circumference is a simple method to assess change in hoof shape. It provides an opportunity to investigate the relationships between specific training, hoof shape and soundness.  相似文献   

Horses with weak hoof horn, which becomes misshapen and crumbles around the lower parts of the hoof walls, pose problems for treatment in practice. The effects of dietary supplementation with a high level of the B-group vitamin biotin (which has proved successful in the treatment of the similar condition in pigs) were investigated in more than 40 cases. Varying degrees of improvement in the hardness, integrity and conformation of the hoof horn were observed in all cases. The signs and progress seen in three typical cases are described. It is concluded that dietary supplementation with 10 to 30 mg biotin/day (depending on bodyweight) for not less than six to nine months is a useful treatment to support other remedial measures in such cases.  相似文献   

Changes in equine metabolic characteristics due to exercise fatigue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight horses exercised to fatigue were used to characterize the resulting changes in blood pH, in blood lactate, free fatty acid, bicarbonate, and ammonia concentrations, and in muscle glycogen concentrations. The exercise test was conducted at a speed of 4.5 m/s on a motorized equine treadmill set at a 9% grade. At fatigue, all variables differed significantly (P less than 0.05) from base-line values. Heart rate averaged 191.1 +/- 6.5 beats/min at fatigue, and the plasma lactate concentrations increased from 7.8 +/- 0.95 mg/dl to 94.3 +/- 19.2 mg/dl. Ammonia concentrations increased from 66.7 +/- 6.9 mumol/L before exercise to 136.9 +/- 18.6 mumol/L at fatigue. Bicarbonate concentrations decreased from 31.3 +/- 0.4 mM to 21.1 +/- 1.8 mM, and pH decreased from 7.37 +/- 0.01 to 7.28 +/- 0.04. Free fatty acid concentrations were higher at fatigue and increased throughout the recovery period. Exercise resulted in a 25% decrease of muscle glycogen concentration in gluteus medius specimens.  相似文献   

Farrier's Formula feed supplement was added to the diet of 18 horses with two types of hoof horn defects. The first group of horses showed sand cracks and crumbling horn around the nail holes; the second group suffered frequent bruising and had flat feet with collapsed heels. Hoof clippings from both groups were studied in the transmission and scanning electron microscopes. All the horses showed a progressive improvement in the gross and microscopic structure of the hoof horn, starting six weeks after the supplementation began. Once good quality hoof horn had grown there was no relapse during the two year period of the study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of exercise on plasma tryptophan (TRP) and free serotonin (f5-HT), whole blood-5-HT (WB-5-HT) and f5-HT/WB-5-HT ratio in Italian Saddle horses. Six clinically healthy Italian Saddle horses were subjected to a 450 meters obstacles course. Blood samples were collected from each horse by jugular venipuncture using vacutainer tubes with K3-EDTA at rest, immediately after exercise, and after 30 min. TRP, f5-HT and WB-5-HT were analyzed by HPLC. Immediately after exercise, statistically significant increases of f5-HT (p<0.001) and WB-5-HT (p<0.001) were observed. After 30 min, f5-HT and WB-5-HT decreased compared to immediately after exercise, but were still significantly higher than rest values (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). A significant linear regression between f5-HT and WB-5-HT was observed during experimental conditions. f5-HT and WB-5-HT modifications after exercise suggest an important role of peripheral serotoninergic markers in response to physical activity. The possible source of extra serotonin detected after show jumping should be clarified by further investigation.  相似文献   

The quality of the overall response to exercise in the horse is very similar to that seen in man and laboratory animals; differences are mainly quantitative and persist when relative body weight is taken into account. The apparently greater flow capacity of the equine muscle bed during maximal whole-body exercise implicates the extent of central circulatory adaptations as the limiting factor in performance but implies a role for increase in arteriolar capacitance/muscle capillarity as an appropriate response to intense endurance training. The blood oxygen-carrying capacity of the horse is often quoted as the major component of the animal's superior aerobic work capacity, although the measured maximal a-vO2 for the horse is only 2 to 3 ml greater than that found in elite athletes. In fact, comparison of published performance data for man and the horse reveals that improved a-vO2 accounts for 23 per cent of the difference, and increased Qc accounts for the remaining 77 per cent of the superior oxygen consumption in the horse. The extent to which the horse can increase Qc and muscle blood flow appears to represent its major adaptations for maximal aerobic performance. It is frequently observed that there have been far greater improvements in human athletic performance than in that of the race-horse, and this difference is usually attributed to the application of scientific training methods to the athlete. It has also been suggested that the horse may have reached the limit of its adaptive ability. The horse has a maximal oxygen pulse of at least 0.6 ml per kg per beat compared with 0.35 for man, a 90 per cent whole body oxygen extraction, and an 80 to 90 per cent higher muscle blood flow, with an overall capability of increasing Vo2 max by 35 times. These represent levels that would appear to be difficult to improve upon. However, insufficient research has been performed to firmly state true maxima for the horse, and current research does not reveal to what extent the horse is capable of responding to even conventional training methods. The relative improvement that such research could reveal would provide some objective guidance to the extent to which further improvement could be anticipated. A consistent finding in the majority of studies reviewed is the tendency for results to show a lack of statistical significance, which is particularly frustrating for a researcher when the trends are consistent with the initial hypotheses. This tendency arises because of small group sizes and inherent variability in the test population.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

During impact, equine hooves undergo viscoelastic deformations which may result in potentially harmful strains. Previous hoof strain studies using strain gauges have been inconclusive due to arbitrary gauge placement. Photoelastic stress analysis (PSA) is a full-field technique which visually displays strains over entire loaded surfaces. This in vitro study identifies normal hoof strain patterns using PSA. Custom-made photoelastic plastic sheets were applied to the hoof surface. The hooves were axially loaded (225 kg) under level and varus/valgus conditions. Strain patterns were video-recorded through a polariscope. Strains were concentrated between middle and distal thirds of the hoof wall regardless of the loading conditions. This strain distribution appears to result from the differential expansion of the hoof wall under load. Increasing load resulted in higher strains and asymmetric loading resulted in an ipsilateral increase in strain magnitudes without altering strain locations. This study shows that PSA is a reliable method with which to evaluate hoof strains in vitro and is sensitive enough to reflect subtle load-related strain alterations.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the haemodynamic response to exercise in Standardbred trotters with red cell hypervolaemia (RCHV), 12 trotters with RCHV were compared with 9 normovolaemic (NV) trotters. Haemodynamic data were recorded during exercise at 4 different speeds on a treadmill. Oxygen uptake was determined with an open bias flow system. Pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), systemic artery pressure (SAP), heart rate, packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma lactate and haemoglobin ([Hb]) concentrations were measured. Arteriovenous O2 content difference, cardiac output, stroke volume, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and total systemic resistance (TSR) were calculated. Oxygen uptake, arteriovenous O2 content difference, heart rate, cardiac output, stroke volume, TSR and lactate did not differ between groups. The RCHV horses had significantly higher both mean diastolic and systolic PAP compared to NV horses and this difference increased with higher workload. Further, a higher SAP, PVR, PCV and [Hb] were found in RCHV horses during the course of exercise. Eleven of the RCHV horses, but none of the NV, showed exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage on endoscopic examination. The increase in red cell volume, resulting in a high PCV and high total blood volume, is suggested to be an important contributor to both the increased blood pressures in pulmonary and systemic circulation during exercise and to the development of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in RCHV horses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Radial strain in normal hooves has been found to vary with strain gauge location, limb posture and sample limb but reported magnitudes were considered to be low. More accurate measurement of radial strain may enhance the understanding of hoof function. Objectives: To explore in vitro radial hoof strain in relation other kinetic and kinematic variables that may be related. Methods: Five normal forelimbs were removed at the proximal articular surface of the third metacarpal bone (McIII). The limbs were loaded using a modified Instron test machine. Six calibrated infrared cameras captured movement from markers on the hoof and bone fixed markers on the second and first phalanxes and McIII, whilst radial hoof strain was measured using a calibrated instrumented plug. Change in strain, joint angle and load were found at simulated walking postures and bivariate correlations were used to compare the relationships between them. Results: Radial strain was moderately correlated with proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) rotation (r =?0.519). Large reductions in radial strain were found in loading and midstance with 10° of heel lift postures. Conclusions and potential relevance: PIPJ rotation has previously been linked to the magnitude of deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) loads and it is therefore suspected that these loads may have the greatest influence on radial strain magnitudes. Further investigation of radial strain is needed to describe the patterns fully during the stance phase in vivo.  相似文献   

Detecting changes in bone during growth, training, rest from competition (spelling), and disease in horses requires imaging techniques that have a high level of accuracy and precision. Currently, most imaging techniques used in horses do not possess such characteristics and are more suitable for detecting end-stage disease than subtle changes. Some are incapable of detecting changes in bone size. Non-planar techniques should be used for estimating or determining bone strength. This review outlines available imaging techniques and shows why cross-sectional procedures are required to accurately estimate bone strength. If these can be validated and improved for use in the standing horse, serial examination can be used to show the magnitude of changes in bone strength that occur during training or varying management regimens. Such knowledge can then be used to improve training and spelling regimens for equine athletes, hopefully resulting in a reduction in racing or athletic injury.  相似文献   

Detecting changes in bone during growth, training, rest from competition (spelling), and disease in horses requires imaging techniques that have a high level of accuracy and precision. Currently, most imaging techniques used in horses do not possess such characteristics and are more suitable for detecting endstage disease than subtle changes. Some are incapable of detecting changes in bone size. Non-planar techniques should be used for estimating or determining bone strength. This review outlines available imaging techniques and shows why cross-sectional procedures are required to accurately estimate bone strength. If these can be validated and improved for use in the standing horse, serial examination can be used to show the magnitude of changes in bone strength that occur during training or varying management regimens. Such knowledge can then be used to improve training and spelling regimens for equine athletes, hopefully resulting in a reduction in racing or athletic injury.  相似文献   

Horses that had been trimmed and shod by apprentice farriers were sourced from the Royal School of Military Engineering, Melton Mowbray (37 horses) and from the Household Cavalry, Knightsbridge (54 horses). The lateral and medial hoof wall angles of both forelimbs were measured using a Ruidoso hoof gauge by the same operator. The difference between the lateral and medial hoof wall angles for each horse was calculated and the results were compared between right-handed and left-handed farriers using the Mann-Whitney U test (P<0.05). There was a significant difference in the mediolateral hoof balance obtained between right-handed and left-handed farriers for each forelimb (P<0.001). Right-handed farriers were shown to create an imbalance in 47 per cent of left forelimbs and 46 per cent of right forelimbs assessed, while left-handed farriers created an imbalance in 41 per cent of left forelimbs and 71 per cent of right forelimbs. The tendency was for right-handed farriers to over-trim the medial (inner) aspect of the left forelimb and the lateral (outer) aspect of the right forelimb; the reverse was demonstrated for left-handed farriers. Performing a risk ratio confirmed these findings.  相似文献   

本文以氨基酸态氮含量为指标,选取影响菌株B10发酵牛血能力的接种量、发酵温度、发酵时间3个因素进行二次回归正交组合设计试验,利用响应面法对其发酵条件进行优化研究,利用MATLAB7.0软件对发酵后牛血氨基酸态氮含量的二次多项数学模型解逆矩阵分析。结果表明:在发酵时间为53h、温度为40℃、接种量为3%的条件下,发酵后牛血氨基酸含量最高,最大预测值为45.75mg/100g,实测值为45.15mg/100g,两者基本相符。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether solar load distribution pattern on a solid nondeformable ground surface is the product of contact erosion and is the mirror image of load distribution on a deformable surface in horses. ANIMALS: 30 clinically normal horses. PROCEDURES: Solar load distribution was compared among 25 clinically normal horses during quasistatic loading on a solid nondeformable surface and on a highly deformable surface. Changes in solar load distribution patterns were evaluated in 5 previously pasture-maintained horses housed on a flat nondeformable surface. Changes in solar load distribution created by traditional trimming and shoeing were recorded. RESULTS: Unshod untrimmed horses had a 4-point (12/25, 48%) or a 3-point (13/25, 52%) wall load distribution pattern on a flat solid surface. Load distribution on a deformable ground surface was principally solar and located transversely across the central region of the foot. Ground surface contact areas on solid (24.2 +/- 8.62 cm2) and deformable (69.4 +/- 22.55 cm2) surfaces were significantly different. Maintaining unshod horses on a flat nondeformable surface resulted in a loss of the 3- and 4-point loading pattern and an increase in ground surface contact area (17.9 +/- 2.77 to 39.9 +/- 12.77 cm2). Trimming increased ground surface contact area (24.2 +/- 8.60 to 45.7 +/- 14.89 cm2). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In horses, the solar surface is the primary weight-loading surface, and deformability of ground surface may have a role in foot expansion during loading. Increased surface area induced by loading on deformable surfaces, trimming, and shoeing protects the foot.  相似文献   

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