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北京地区犬猫弓形虫病血清学调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
比较了酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和乳胶凝集试验对犬猫进行龚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii)抗体检测的结果.在66只犬猫的血清中,ELISA方法检测的阳性率为24.0%,乳胶凝集试验阳性率为21.0%,二者的检测结果差异不显著(P>0.05).后采用ELISA方法对北京地区家养的159只犬和128只猫进行了弓形虫IGg抗体的检测,共有21只犬(13.21%)和18只猫(14.06%)检测结果为阳性.1岁以下犬(3.70%)、猫(4.35%)低于1至3岁犬(11.29%)和猫(6.98%)的感染率.3~6岁犬猫的感染率分别是27.27%和16.22%,6岁以上犬(30.0%)、猫(32.0%)的感染率最高.不同性别之间感染无明显差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   

A focus of B. canis infection was identified in Moreno, Argentina, among the stray dog population by serologic methods and confirmed in a second survey which included cultural isolations. A counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique using a specific rough Brucella surface antigen was applied to the serodiagnosis of canine brucellosis. This method was found to be as effective as the mercaptoethanol tube agglutination test and the gel diffusion test in detecting B. canis antibodies in natural and experimentally infected animals. The results are discussed in terms of the diagnostic significance of the three tests employed.  相似文献   

A sero-epidemiological survey of human and equine H3 influenza A virus infections in dogs and cats using the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and neuraminidase inhibition (NI) tests was conducted. Serum samples were collected from 582 dogs and 237 cats in Japan during the periods 2002-2008 and 1997-2008, respectively. Although no HI antibodies against equine H3 virus were detected, 9 (3.8%) from cats and 12 (2.1%) from dogs were HI-positive against human H3 virus. Only one serum each from dogs and cats was NI-positive against N2 virus. These findings suggest that although equine H3 influenza virus infections have not been prevalent in companion animals, human H3N2 influenza A virus infections have occurred in dogs and cats in recent years in Japan.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis is a pathogenic protozoan which infects humans and a wide range of animal hosts, including cats and dogs(1). However, the status of animals in New Zealand with respect to Giardia infection has not received much attention, so we undertook a preliminary study of cats and dogs in Palmerston North and Hamilton to determine the prevalence of infection, as indicated by the presence of cysts in faeces.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate West Nile virus (WNV) infection rates, assess environmental variables that correlated with seropositivity in dogs and cats, and assess whether pets should be considered as possible sentinels for WNV and therefore of potential human exposure. DESIGN: Cross-sectional serosurvey. ANIMALS: 442 dogs and 138 cats. PROCEDURE: Serum samples were screened for seropositivity against WNV by use of the plaque reduction neutralization test. RESULTS: 116 (26%) dogs and 13 (9%) cats yielded positive results. The odds of seropositivity against WNV for outdoor-only family dogs were almost 19 times as great as those for indoor-only family dogs and almost twice as great for stray dogs as for family dogs. Family dogs not receiving heartworm medication were 2.5 times as likely to yield positive results for antibodies against WNV as family dogs receiving heartworm medication. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Seropositivity was greater for outdoor family dogs than for indoor family dogs. Further investigation of the potential use of stray dogs as sentinel indicators for WNV infection and the potential risk of human exposure is warranted.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV) infection has been suggested to cause spontaneous neurological disease in cats referred to as staggering disease. However the evaluation of BDV infection in neurologically asymptomatic cats remained unclear. In the present study, BDV infected, asymptomatic cats in Tokyo were surveyed both by the presence of plasma antibodies against BDV-p24 and -p40 and by RNA detection in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Seven of 32 domestic cats (21.9%) were serologically or genetically judged to be BDV-infected. Six cats were positive for anti-BDV antibody and two cats were positive for BDV RNA. Within the 2 RNA-positive cats, only one was positive for anti-BDV antibodies. Furthermore, the findings of anti-BDV-p40 and anti-BDV-p24 antibody-positive cats did not completely overlap. These results suggest that there are neurologically asymptomatic domestic cats infected with BDV present in the Tokyo area.  相似文献   

Two hundred and forty-five dogs were examined serologically for the presence of antibodies against different serovars of Leptospira interrogans. The dogs belonged to five different groups: group 1 was composed of clinically healthy pet dogs referred for a regular veterinary check-up visit or for vaccination; group 2 was composed of stray dogs; and groups 3, 4 and 5 were composed of dogs maintained in three different kennels which had varying standards of hygiene. Seventy-two out of the 245 dogs examined were seropositive for leptospirosis. In group 1, there were 3-4 per cent seropositive dogs; in group 2, 30.3 per cent; in group 3, 13.8 per cent; in group 4, 38.6 per cent; and in group 5, 49.2 per cent. This study demonstrates that leptospiral infection is common in dogs housed in kennels, despite most of them being vaccinated, and that crowding of animals into unsanitary quarters is associated with a high prevalence of infection. The most common infecting serovars found were bratislava and grippotyphosa, confirming recent observations that demonstrate a significant change in the epidemiology of canine leptospirosis.  相似文献   

The discovery of the spiral bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its causative role in gastric disease in humans has brought a dramatic change to gastroenterology. Although spiral bacteria have been known for more than a century to infect the stomachs of dogs and cats, recent research has been conducted mainly in the wake of interest in H. pylori. H. pylori has not been found in dogs and only very rarely in cats and zoonotic risk is minimal. A variety of other Helicobacter spp. can infect the stomach of pets; however, their pathogenic role is far from clear, and they have a small but real zoonotic potential. The prevalence of gastric Helicobacter spp. in dogs and cats is high, irrespective of clinical signs, and as in human medicine, mode of transmission is unclear. The relationship of Helicobacter spp. to gastric inflammation in cats and dogs is unresolved, with inflammation, glandular degeneration, and lymphoid follicle hyperplasia accompanying infection in some but not all subjects. Circulating anti-Helicobacter immunoglobulin G antibodies have been detected in 80% of dogs with naturally acquired infection and most dogs and cats with experimental infection. The gastric secretory axis is similar in infected and uninfected cats and dogs and no relationship of infection to gastrointestinal ulcers has been found. Differences in the pathogenicity of Helicobacter spp. are apparent, because infection with H pylori is associated with a more severe gastritis than infection with other Helicobacter spp. in both cats and dogs. Rapid urease test, histopathology, and touch cytology are all highly accurate invasive diagnostic tests for gastric Helicobacter-like organisms in dogs and cats, whereas culture and polymerase chain reaction are the only means to identify them to the species level. Urea breath and blood tests or serology can be used to diagnose Helicobacter spp. noninvasively in dogs and cats. Most therapeutic studies in pets have not shown long-term eradication of Helicobacter spp. Whether this is due to reinfection or recrudescence has not been established.  相似文献   

Rectal swabs from healthy cats and dogs, and from dogs and cats with clinical diarrhoea were collected approximately every third month from May 2000 to June 2001 from six small-animal practices throughout Norway. A questionnaire was filled in for each animal. Of the 301 healthy cats sampled, 54 (18%) were positive for Campylobacter, compared to 5 out of 31 (16%) cats with diarrhoea. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 11 (3%), C. upsaliensis from 42 (13%) and C. coli from 2 (0.6%) of the cats sampled. Isolates from four cats (1%) could not be specified. Of the 529 healthy dogs, 124 (23%) were positive for Campylobacter, compared to 18 of 66 (27%) dogs with diarrhoea. C. jejuni was isolated from 20 (3%) and C. upsaliensis from 117 (20%) of the dogs sampled. Isolates from five dogs (0.8%) could not be specified. Eighteen out of the 20 investigated C. upsaliensis samples were resistant to streptomycin. The clinically healthy animals were included in the analysis to identify factors associated with Campylobacter prevalence. The cat model had low classification ability. The dog-data model indicated increased odds of infection with Campylobacter for dogs ≤1 year, and in dogs sampled during the spring. No difference was observed between the prevalence of Campylobacter infections in cats and dogs with diarrhoea and healthy animals.  相似文献   

Cats are very important hosts in the epidemiological cycle of Toxoplasma gondii, a zoonotic protozoan parasite that can infect humans and many other animal species worldwide. We report a serological survey of antibodies to T. gondii in domestic cats from northeastern Portugal, by means of the modified agglutination test. Three cats had titres of 20 (3.9%), 18 had titres of 40 (23.7%) and 55 animals had titres of > or =800 (72.4%). Results of three seropositive kittens with less than 4 months were not considered for determining the seroprevalence of infection, which was found to be 35.8% (73/204). Differences in the seroprevalence levels were not statistically significant between males (35.6%) and females (36.0%) or pure non-European (26.7%) and European or mixed-breed cats (39.6%). Animals aged 36-71 months and 72-180 months had the highest seroprevalences of infection, i.e. 51.7% and 51.2%, respectively, which significantly differ from the values observed in cats with 2-11 months (14.6%) and 12-35 months (26.3%). Infection levels were also significantly different between cats that lived totally indoors (7.7%) and those that had access to outdoors (45.4%), as well as between cats living alone (13.8%) and those that had contact with other cats (39.4%). Seroprevalence values in cats fed only commercial canned or dried food (22.9%) and animals whose diet included raw or undercooked viscera and/or meat (53.5%) were also significantly different. Furthermore, considering only 108 cats, differences of seropositivity to T. gondii were significant between feline immunodeficiency virus infected and non-infected animals, but this was not observed for feline leukaemia virus. Age, habitat and diet were identified as risk factors for the feline T. gondii infection by logistic regression analysis. Some control measures are suggested based on these findings.  相似文献   



Madam;–The results of field trials of a live parainfluenza virus type3(PI3)vaccine suggested that(PI3)might not be the only virus involved in the initiation of outbreaks of pneumonia in lambs in New Zealand,(5 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar])The outbreaks that were not associated with infection with(PI3)could not be linked to infection with the other ovine respiratory viruses then known to be present in New Zealand (ovine adenovirus type 6 and the ovine variant of bovine adenovirus type 7)((1 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]),(4 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]),(5 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar])suggesting that other unrecognised viruses might be involved. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of pneumonia in human infants and in cattle.(8 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar])This virus has recently been isolated from a yearling ewe with mild rhinitis(6 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar])and there is serological evidence of infection in adult sheep.(3 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]),(6 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar])However, there are no reports implicating this virus in outbreaks of pneumonia in lambs, although experimental infection of lambs with a bovine isolate of RSV resulted in reduced pulmonary bacterial clearance leading to secondary pneumonic pasteurellosis.(2 Adair, B.M., McFerran, J.B. and McKillop, E.R. 1982. A sixth species of ovine adenovirus isolated from lambs in New Zealand. Arch. Virol., 74: 269269. [Crossref] [Google Scholar])  相似文献   

为了解富源县猪伪狂犬病病毒野毒株的感染情况,采用阻断ELISA方法,从富源县10个规模化养猪场和5个散养户中随机采取863份猪血样,进行猪伪狂犬病gE抗体的检测。结果显示:15个猪场总的猪伪狂犬病gE抗体阳性率是2.2%;富源县墨红镇散养户的猪场抗体阳性率最高达到11.76%,10~30 d仔猪的抗体阳性率最高为3.40%,规模化饲养的猪伪狂犬病gE抗体阳性率比散养户要低。从检测结果来看,富源县总的猪伪狂犬病gE抗体阳性率比较低,但是部分猪场的生物安全防护有漏洞,对本病的防控要提高警惕,在饲养管理、环境卫生和防护方面应加强。  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats of Japan   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
A seroepidemiologic survey for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection was conducted in Japan. Between June and December 1987, individual sera (n = 3,323) were submitted by veterinary practitioners from many parts of the country. Specimens were from 1,739 cats with clinical signs suggestive of FIV infection and from 1,584 healthy-appearing cats seen by the same practitioners. The overall FIV infection rate among cats in Japan was 960/3,323 cats (28.9%). The infection rate was more than 3 times higher in the clinically ill cats, compared with that in the healthy cats of the same cohort (43.9 vs 12.4%). Male cats were 1.5 times as likely to be infected as were females. Almost all FIV-infected cats were domestic cats (as opposed to purebred cats). Complete clinical history was available for 700 of 960 FIV-infected cats. Of these 700 FIV-infected cats, 626 (89.4%) were clinically ill, and the remainder did not have clinical signs of disease. The mean age at the time of FIV diagnosis for the 700 cats was 5.2 years, with younger mean age for males (4.9 years) than for females (5.8 years). Most of the infected cats (94.7%) were either allowed to run outdoors or had lived outdoors before being brought into homes. The mortality for FIV-infected cats during the 6 months after diagnosis was 14.7%, and the mean age at the time of death was 5.7 years. Concurrent FeLV infection was seen in 12.4% of the FIV-infected cats, but this was not much different from the historical incidence of FeLV infection in similar groups of cats not infected with FIV.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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